Ariana's Little Sister

By Disney_baby

163K 4.1K 1.7K

Skyler Grande, 14 years old living her not so normal life in Boca with her unhappily married parents. And yes... More

You're Leaving?
Goodbye's and Hello's
Meeting the Boys
Prank Gone Wrong
I can hear you?
I believe in you
Home sweet Home
Hate, and lots of it
Kareoke night
First Day of a New Beginning
A lunchtime from Hell
Just a Big Mess
The Truth Comes Out Now
That Phone Call
Good News
Telling Zoe
Big News
Goodbye Boca
Night Out
She's Back
Notes and New Friends
6 days alone?
The Show
The New Old Girl
Important Author's Note
Visits and Tutoring
Author's Note
Song Writing
What Are We?
Falling Down
Early Goodbye
Anonymous Messages
The Runway
The Interview
Surpises in New York
Time Jump
Rehearsal Dinner
The Big Day
Thank you and Announcement
Important A/N!
Hey Again :)
I'm Back and It's Out!

Parties and Familiar Faces

2.8K 74 77
By Disney_baby

A/N: comment throughout if you want :)

"Hey where do you think your going without letting me walk you home?" Charlie asked from behind me as I made my way out of the student exit.

Its been nearly a week since that night at the kareoke club, I really need to learn the name of that place, and things have been going fine. Rory and I have gotten really close all of a sudden. Its the same with Charlie, but in a different way.

Ariana will be home later on today considering its Friday. She got held back, once again. It irritates me slightly. "I was thinking, I better run before that lunatic catches up with me and walks me home." I joked.

"You love me really." He chuckled. We began walking home as usual. "Isn't your sister going to be back tonight?" He asked. "Hopefully." I sighed. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly confused. "She's keeps getting delayed and its just getting annoying I guess." I shrugged.

"I'm sure she'll be back tonight." He said reassuringly. "I'm not so sure." I fake laughed. "Hey I haven't seen Casey in a long time. Where is she?" I asked, changing the subject. "She moved away. Well that's what I heard." He answered. "Well that's one less thing to worry about." I smiled.

"Yeah, well here's your stop." He said as we stood in front of my house. "Your coming inside. I don't care if you disagree." I ordered jokingly. "That sounded very pedophillic. I apologise." I laughed as I unlocked my front door, dropping my bag by the stairs. He came inside and closed the door behind him, dropping his bag in the same place.

"Want something to eat?" I asked as I grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and tossed him one. "Oh my god we could make cookies!" I said before he could answer. "Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes why? do you have something against cookies?" I asked pretending to be ofended. "Okay then." He gave in. "Okay we shall need, flour, butter and other baking shit!" I exclaimed as I went to the cupboard.

I grabbed flour, butter, eggs, chocolate chips and sugar. I brought them over to the island and ordered Charlie to get a bowl. "Where do I get one of those?" He asked. "The press down there." I pointed. He placed a big red bowl on the island and I smiled. "Good boy." I patted his head.

"Hey I ain't no dog." He held up his hand. "Could have fooled me." I smirked. "Rude." He scoffed opening the bag of flour and taking a handful. "Don't you dare!" I warned, knowing his intentions.

"Don't I dare what?" He asked, playing dumb and stepping closer. "I swear to god Charlie." I stepped back. Before I could say another word, I was met with the white powder. "This means war." I whispered, trying to intimidate him. I grabbed a big handful of flower and threw it straight at his face. He chased me around the kitchen with the bag of flour.

I took hold of his free hand and stared into his eyes. Once he was distracted I was able to grab the bag and empty the contents over him. "Skyler Paige Grande, prepare to die." He said threateningly and a giggle escaped my lips. "You look so ridiculous!" I laughed hysterically. "So do you!" He laughed. "But your still dead." He said seriously and chased me once again.

I ran outside and took hold of the hose. "One step closer Lenehan, and you get a little shower." I threatened. He cheekily took exactly one step closer and laughed. I pressed the small lever and water began to spray out of the hose. He ended up soaked, fortunately it washed the flour off. "I didn't think you were serious." He said shocked.

I burst out laughing. "Aw I'm sorry." I apologised after I calmed myself down, kind of. "It's okay." He said walking closer to me. I was so caught in his piercing blue eyes I didn't realise he had taken the hose from me until he began spraying me with it.

"Charlie Joe Lenehan how dare you." I shivered. "Now we're even." He dropped the hose. "Truce?" I put out my hand. "Truce " he nodded and shook my hand. We went back inside and dried off before cleaning up the kitchen and actually making the cookies.

"Charlie did your mother ever teach you to sweep a floor?" I asked as I saw him trying to sweep the flour off the floor and failing so miserably. "She did not actually." He laughed. "You take the cookies out of the oven and I'll sweep the floor." I said taking the brush from him.

He did as I said and my phone began ringing so I ran to the living room to get my phone. I picked up the phone and saw it was Ariana calling me. "Hey." I greeted. "Hi. Sky I won't be back for another day, I've been delayed again." She spoke. "Of course you were." I mumbled. "What do you mean by that?" She asked, obviously she heard my comment. "Skyler I can't control my career. Sorry I'm so busy." She said sounding very pissed off.

"Whatever." I hung up the phone. I know it wasn't her fault but I was just agitated. I walked back to the kitchen to see Charlie on his phone. He looked up and smiled. "Everything okay?" He asked.

"Ariana won't be home till tomorrow." I avoided the question. "I'm sorry." He apologised as he hugged me. "Its not your fault. I guess I knew what I was getting into when I moved here." I hugged him back. The doorbell rang and I broke the hug to answer the door.

"Hey." Rory greeted me. "Well hello there." I smiled. "And to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked politely. "I came to see if you wanted to do something." He smiled. I invited him inside and he walked into the living room. "Charlie, Rory is here!" I called out to him.

"Oh I didn't know I was interrupting something." Rory wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up." I laughed. Charlie came into the living room and sat down with us. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked them both. "How about we..." Rory trailed on. "Break into the school." He joked. "Bad idea, I've gotten into a lot of trouble for that." I laughed.

"I didn't know our Skyler here was a rebel." He smirked. "I wouldn't say I was a rebel." I shook my head. "Oh yeah, what sort of things have you gotten in trouble for?" Charlie asked, now getting intrigued. "Umm." I paused. "I have gotten arrested for vandalising my school." I answered quietly. "Oh my god Skyler was a bad girl!" Rory exclaimed girlishly.

"I wasn't that bad." I lied. "Although I have thrown some insane parties." I stated. "How so?" Charlie asked.

Charlie's P.O.V

I never knew Skyler was such a bad girl. "Although I have thrown some insane parties." She stated. "How so?" I asked starting to get interested. She doesn't come across as that type. Maybe she just changed a lot. That doesn't change my feelings for her though.

I screwed up really badly. I messed up completely by telling that interviewer those lies. I don't know why I did it but i honestly didn't mean to. Skyler means a lot to me and I'm so glad she forgave me when I didn't even deserve to be forgiven.

The one problem was, my rumour seemed to have brought Sky and Rory closer together. I'm not saying they shouldn't hang out or anything but it just makes me sort of jealous. I know I have no shot with her which honestly kills me. I kissed her, but then I said it was a mistake which it really wasn't. I wanted it, I wanted her but when I said that, the hurt grew on her face.

I'm full of regret for what I've done recently but like I said Skyler has forgiven me. I guess I have to let it go. "Like this one time I threw a party when my parents went to visit Frankie. Someone was literally swinging from our chandelier, ironic huh?" She laughed. The way she said it with a smile on her face was heartwarming. Obviously she has a lot of memories.

"But anyway, the chandelier smashed on the ground. And I was left to clean it up but then people were skateboarding down the stairs and oh my gosh. It was so much fun." She finished with a twinkle in her eye.

"Have you guys ever been bad?" She smirked. I shook my head, which was true. I was never the rebelous type. "Well one time I assaulted a cop." Rory lied. "Oh I did that too." Skyler responded, obviously she didn't realise he was joking. "I was joking." Rory spoke.

"Oh me too." She laughed awkwardly. "You tell anyone that I was ever like that and I will end you." She tried threatening but it was just so cute.

"Okay we got sidetracked. What shall we do?" She asked. "We could go to the park." Rory suggested. "Nah that's boring." She disagreed. "We could meet up with Leo again." I suggested. "Oh my god yeah." She replied enthusiastically.

So I called Leo and we all met up in the park. "Lee!" Skyler exclaimed once she saw him. He gave her a quick hug before sitting down on the park bench with us. "So how have you all been?" He asked. There were a chorus of goods. "How have you been?" Skyler asked Leo. "I've been good." He nodded.

We talked for ages until Rory and Leo had to go. "Text me later you guys!" Skyler called to them as they left. "Will do!" Leondre called back. Rory just gave her a thumbs up and carried on walking.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Skyler who was staring at the sky. "Are you not afraid of the dark?" She asked, sounding serious but I could tell she was joking. "Your right its past your bedtime." I replied. "Okay props for that one." She responded to my comeback.

"What time is it?" She added. "Eleven." I answered. "Shit I'm late." She stood up. "Late for what?" I questioned. "I have to Skype one of my best friends, I'll see you tomorrow." She hugged me then walked away quickly.
Well that seemed a little odd.


"How's the girlfriend?" Darren asked in a teasing manner. "What girlfriend?" I asked as I lay on the couch. "Skylerrrr." He dragged on. "Charlie has a girlfriend!" My little sister Brooke screamed. "No Charlie doesn't." I corrected.

"Charlie has a what?" My mum rushed into the living room. "Charlie doesn't have anything." I said referring to myself as the third person. "See what you started." I turned to Darren and chuckled. "Her name's Skyler." Darren announced.

"She's just a friend." I groaned. "Hey are you going to Dillon's party tomorrow night?" Darren asked me. "I don't know." I shrugged. "You should bring Skyler." He teased. "You should bring Caitlyn." I responded.

"Dude, of course I'm bringing her." He laughed. "Oh shut up." I huffed and stood up. I was about to go upstairs to my room when my mum called me back. "Yes?" I asked as I stepped back into the room. "You should invite Skyler around for dinner some time." She suggested. I rolled my eyes and left the room.

When I got to my room I turned on music and sat at my desk. I turned on my laptop and went onto Twitter. I decided to go onto Skyler's page like the stalker I am.

I saw so much hate its unreal. Tweets like:

Bambino_861: @skyler_xo You're actually such a slut its funny. Back off of Charlie and slit your wrists

I couldn't believe that one of my fans would say something like that. I then saw some really nice tweets.

Boca_bambino: @skyler_xo You're so pretty oh my god!! Like goals...Please get together with Charlie you would be adorable..I totally ship Skylie

I saw that Skyler favourites the tweet and replied to it saying.

Skyler_xo: @Boca_bambino thank you and we're just friends sorry to disappoint you

I felt kind of disappointed at the fact she called us just friends. I guess I ruined any chances I had with her when I made up that rumour. Its obvious Rory and her had something going on. I stayed on Twitter for what seemed like forever. I checked the time and saw it was nearly 2a.m.

I grabbed my shoes as I just got an idea. I slid them onto my feet and grabbed a jacket. I walked down the stairs quietly, making sure to not wake anyone who was asleep.

Skyler's P.O.V

"How's things back in Boca?" I asked Matthew as we were Skyping. "Like I say every night, without you causing trouble, its very boring." He replied and I let a soft chuckle escape my lips. "Seriously? Nothing going on?" I asked. "Apart from the fact that I miss you, Zoe misses you and everyone misses you. No." He shook his head. "You only said, everyone because you ran out of people that cared about me." I looked down with a laugh.

"Hey stop talking like that." He ordered. "You're still clean aren't you?" He asked, concern lacing his voice. "Yes I am." I answered truthfully. "Has Kaitlyn backed off Zoe yet?" I changed the subject. "Yes actually, she moved onto her next victim." He nodded.

I stayed on Skype to him for another while until he had to go. I climbed into bed and drifted off.


I was awoken by the sound of a single tap on my window. Another tap occurred and I sat up. I went to my window to investigate what was happening. I opened the window to see Charlie on the ground. He was throwing small pebbles on my window.

"Charlie what are you doing here! You'll wake the neighbours!" I whisper yelled. I had to speak loudly because I was on the second floor. "Just get dressed and come downstairs. I have somewhere you might want to see." He ordered with a charming smile.

He didn't even need to persuade me, there was something about his orders that intrigued me. I changed into a pair of black leggings, a Greenday shirt and a black hoodie. I slipped on my black converse and ran down the stairs. I grabbed my keys and walked outside.

"Charlie what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, with a slight smile. "What time is it?" I added. "First of all its a surprise, and second of all 3 a.m." he replied. He began walking down the street but turned around after a few steps. "Well aren't you coming?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and giggled, catching up with him.

"Where are we even going?" I repeated many times. "Like I said, it is a surprise." He replied.

"Why are you bringing me somewhere at 3a.m.?" I asked. "Stop asking questions." He groaned.

We continued walking until we reached a familiar building. It was the kareoke club but the sign wasn't lit up. "What are we doing here?" I questioned. "One sec." He fumbled in his pocket before presenting some keys.

He unlocked the main entrance and motioned for me to step inside. I walked in and Charlie turned on the lights. It looked much different empty. "Okay can you please explain why we are here." I began to grow impatient.

"I wanted you to sing for me here that night we went out with Sophia, Callum and Rory but you were too scared. This way there are no people here, so I can here you sing." He explained sweetly.

"Why do you want to hear me sing that bad?" I asked in confusion. "Because you have an amazing voice." He replied. "I'll sing on one condition." I stated. "What would that be?" He asked.

"You sing with me." I smiled. He walked onto the stage and pulled me up along with him. "What song shall it be?" He asked as he sat down on the piano piano bench. I sat down beside him and racked my brain to find a song.

"By any chance, do you know the rap to aeroplanes?" I asked. "I do as a matter of fact." He replied. I began to play the melody to the song.

Can we pretend that aeroplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now.

He began rapping his part and I couldn't help but smile throughout the song. It was a great feeling.

When we finished the song he spoke up. "That was amazing! We should sing together more often." He smiled. "Now since we sang together...your turn to sing on your own." He smirked. "No." I shook my head.

"Please. You'll be the bestest ever." He pleaded childishly. "Another time." I denied. "Why?" He whined. "Because I said so." I smirked.

He pouted in response and a giggle escaped my lips. His pout was very cute. He ended up staring into my eyes and I caught myself staring back into his crystal blue orbits.

"Did I ever tell you, you have amazing eyes?" I blurted out, then felt my face flush of embarrassment.

"No but thank you." He laughed. "You have gorgeous eyes too." He added. I felt my face heat up again.

"Um...thanks." I looked down. He lifted up my chin with his finger and our faces were less than inches apart. We were interrupted by his phone ringing and I felt myself jump slightly at the sudden noise.

We moved away from each other and he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. Who would be calling him at 3:30 a.m.?

"Hello?" He spoked into the phone. I only heard his side of the conversation. "At the club why?"

There was a long pause before his facial expression dropped. "Are you being serious?" He asked. "Yeah I'll be right there." He hung up.

"Everything okay?" I asked. "Umm...its my grandad, he's gone." He said with no emotion. "Charlie oh my gosh." I instantly pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry." I said sadly as we stayed in that position.

I know how hard it was for me when I lost my grandad, I felt so bad for him. We stayed in that position for a few minutes, I could tell he didn't want to talk about it. "You better get home." I pulled away. He nodded slightly and I tried my best to give him a smile.

"Do you want me to walk with you?" I asked. "Its okay. I just want to be alone for a while." He spoke softly.

I nodded and soon we went our separate ways. I couldn't keep him off of my mind. I soon reached home and unlocked the door. Stepping inside I turned on the lights. I threw my keys on the island in the kitchen. I let out a loud sigh and held my head in my hands. I heard footsteps come from the stairs and instantly started to panic.

Shit shit shit there's someone in the house. I grabbed the first thing I saw, which was the fire extinguisher, and made my way to the staircase.

I saw a figure and instantly drenched then in the white foam. "Hey! Hey! Skyler what the fuck?!" Ariana's voice screamed. I stopped the extinguisher and looked at her in disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here! I thought you were a fucking murderer!" I exclaimed.

"I got home about half an hour ago. I was able to leave earlier. I thought you were in bed so I went straight to my room but I heard noises from down here and then this happened." She motioned to the foam everywhere. "Welcome home?" I giggled.

I begun to laugh at the state she was in and soon we were both in hysterics. "I would hug you but your all foamy." I laughed. "Aww come here my baby sister." She pulled me into a hug and I tried to escape her grip. "Its too late, your already covered in foam." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes and hugged her back. "I missed you so much." She stated as we went to the kitchen. I grabbed a towel and tossed it to her. "I missed you too." I confessed.

"And because I was delayed so much I have no work tomorrow whatsoever! So I can spend the whole day with you." She announced, drying herself off. "And what if I have plans?" I asked cheekily. "Do you?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't know yet. I'm a very busy person." I messed.

"Well I can always cancel my day off and go to work..." She trailed off. "That won't be necessary." I dried myself. "So what do you want to do then?" She asked. "Oooh we can go shopping." She suggested without even waiting for my answer.

I mantally groaned at the thought of going shopping but she was so excited, I didn't want to let her down.

"Sounds great." I fake smiled. "What were you doing out at 4am. anyway?" She questioned. "I was out with Charlie. Look I'll explain tomorrow, I really have no energy for this." I stated. "Okay night. Love you." She hugged me. "Love you too." I hugged back.

I walked up the stairs and climbed into bed without even changing into pyjamas. I was too exhausted to bother.


"Skyler." I heard a voice whisper. "Mmm?" I hummed. "Sky it's 10 am. Wake up." She shook me. "Go away." I groaned and swatted her away.

I heard her giggle and she stood up. "Come on get up." She laughed. I open end my eyes and stretched. "Kay get dressed and we'll leave in about twenty minutes." Ariana then left the room and I stood up.

I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of light blue denim shorts and a black ATL shirt. I then slipped on my knee high converted boots and laced them up.

I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Well don't you look cute." Ari smiled. I missed the way she would always say that every morning.

"Why thank you." I opened the frigde door and grabbed a bottle of water and some strawberries. "By the way you have your first therapy session on Monday." She informed me as I sat across from her at the island.

"Okay." I nodded. "So how come you were out at 4am?" She asked. My phone began ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket. "Sorry gotta take this." I answered the phone and went to the living room.

"Hello?" I asked. "Sky..umm hey." Charlie greeted awkwardly. "Hi." I replied. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be back in England for a while." He spoke.

"Oh." Was all I could speak. "Yeah. I have to leave in an hour or so. I have to go back because the funeral is going to be in England and I need to spend time with family after what's happened." He said softly.

"Do you know how long you'll be gone for?" I asked disappointed. "Two weeks at the least." He answered.

"Well I'm gonna miss you." I confessed. "I'm gonna miss you too. I'll see you straight away when I get back okay?" He asked. "Okay. Well stay safe. Bye."

"Bye Sky." He hung up. I placed my phone back into my back pocket and let out a loud sigh. "Everything okay?" Ariana entered the room.

"Just fine." I lied and plastered on a fake smile. "Anyway..." She dragged on.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow. "Your birthday is this Saturday so I was wondering what you wanted to do for it?" She finished as she grabbed her car keys.

"I don't care." I shrugged as I made my way to the front door. We hopped into her car and she started the engine. "Surely there is something you wanna do." She stated.

"Not really. Its not important." I replied. "Well Frankie is coming to L.A. for your birthday as you know so do you want to go out for dinner or something?" She suggested. "Yeah, whatever." I shrugged again.

"Something bothering you?" She asked with concern. "Charlie's grandfather passed away last night." I answered. "Oh my gosh that's terrible." She responded.

"He has to go back to England today and he won't be back for at least two weeks." I spoke sadly. "Aw cheer up sweety. Its okay." Ariana said reassuringly. "So what's new with you." I fake smiled.

She told me everything about her concerts and getting to meet loads of her fans. When we reached the mall she still wasn't finished talking and to be completely honest I zoned out.

All I could think about was Charlie. He was on my mind all the time and I couldn't help it. We entered the mall and Ariana instantly dragged me into Forever21.

She picked up a pink and orange floral dress and held it up. "I am not wearing that." I laughed. "Aww why not?" She frowned. "I hate dresses." I laughed. "Okay, what if I find a dress that is your style. Would you wear it then?" She asked hopefully.

"If I could wear a beanie and doc martins then maybe, I would consider wearing a dress." I giggled.

"Deal." She smiled. She instantly started scanning the rails in hopes to find a dress the was 'my style'. She picked up a few different dresses and I disagreed to all of them.

"Okay this is our last option." She held up one last dress. It was a white dress with black small flowers printed on it. The skirt part of the dress was slightly puffy but not huge. It wasn't too long but it wasn't too short either. To be honest I loved it.

"And we have a winner." I smiled. We got the dress and a pair of maroon docs and a black sparkly beanie.

After we left the shop we went to many others then the food court. We had a good few bags but not loads. Ariana had gotten a lot of crop tops for herself. I didn't really need to get more tops or jeans. All I really needed were shoes which I got two more pairs of.

"I'm exhausted." Ariana let out an exasperated breath and fell into the chair. "What time is it?" I asked curiously. "It is..." She pulled out her phone. "2:30." She added.

"Woah. We've been shopping for a lot longer than I thought." I said shocked. "Yeah okay so the last thing we need to get you are pairs of heels." She smirked. "Nooo way." I laughed. "Not happening." I added.

"You are nothing like me when I was your age." She chuckled. "No I'm not so please don't make me." I frowned. "Oh fine only because you're so adorable." She gave in.

"Wanna go see a movie or something?" She asked. "Yeah sure." I smiled.


"Ariana is this okay?" I called out from the top of the stairs. After the movie, Ariana forced me to try on the outfit when we got home.

She ran up the stairs and gazed at me. "You look gorgeous." She smiled. "I feel stupid." I looked down. "Shut up you look flawless." She complimented. "So are you gonna wear that for your birthday?" She asked with hopeful, gleaming eyes. "Will it make you happy?" I laughed.

"Ecstatic." She cheekily smiled. "Then fine." I faked a sigh. "Yay!" She squeled and clapped her hands. "Okay stop its only because I can wear these amazing boots." I looked down at the shoes I was wearing. "Okay go change so you don't ruin your dress." She ordered.

I did as she said and then skipped down the stairs into the living room. "So what shall we do for the rest of the day?" I asked as I noticed it was 4:38. "How about we post a cover of us singing together on Twitter!" She exclaimed.

"Not gonna happen." I said, bursting her bubble. "So you'll sing with your Grade 5 but not me?" She asked, pretending to be hurt.

"How do you know about Grade 5?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I know everything." She giggled evily. "No but seriously you guys are really good. You have serious potential." She said seriously. "How have you heard us?" I asked, clearly confused.

"You're performance from that talent show is all over YouTube." She answered. "Its what!" I exclaimed. "Don't worry it's really good. Its getting so many views." She nodded. "Really?" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah. Here let me check." She turned to the laptop that was sitting on her legs.

She clicked int YouTube and typed in the search bar. "It has, 140,000 hits." Her eyes widened.

"Oh my fucking god!" I screeched. "One sec I have to call Vanessa." I said as a smile formed on my face.

After a few rings she finally picked up. "Vanessa you'll never guess what."

I told her about how many hits we had gotten and she was so happy. "Hey are you going to that party tonight?" She asked. "Wasn't planning on it." I answered. "Come on it'll be fun and we can go together." She pleaded.

"Let me ask Ariana first." I said. "Hey Ari can I go to a party tonight with Vanessa?" I asked hopefully. "Umm where is it?" She turned to me. "I don't know, Vanessa knows." I shrugged. "Kay. Do you need a ride?" She asked. "Yeah please." I smiled.

"Do you wanna come over to my house and Ari can drop us?" I asked Vanessa through the phone. "Yeah I'll be over in a few." She hung up.

"Ari, Vanessa will be here in a few minutes just to let you know." I called out as I was making my way upstairs. "Okay!" She called back.

I scanned my closet but found nothing I wanted to wear. "Skyler! Vanessa's here!" I heard a voice call out after a few minutes of me searching my closet. "Send her up!" I shouted back.

A few seconds later my door swung open. "Hello." She jumped onto my bed. "I have nothing to wear." I complained. "Here I brought clothes." She dove into her bag. She pulled out a American flag print shirt and a blue short skirt. "I don't want to wear a skirt." I whined. "You can't go to the party of the year in jeans and a shirt." She disagreed.

"Why not?" I crossed my arms. "Stop being difficult." She ordered. "Here." She handed me a black, sequin top and the blue skirt. "You know i hate you right?" I say with no expression. "Love you too." She says sarcastically whilst pushing me into the bathroom.

I change into the outfit and looked at myself in the mirror. I mentally groaned at the fact I looked nothing like myself. I stepped out of the bathroom to see Vanessa in a sparkly, white, flowing dress. She looked flawless. "You look stunning." I complimented.

"Aw thank you. You look hot." She replied. "I look like another version of you." I crossed my arms again. "Same difference.
" she said taking a bag of makeup out of her bigger bag.

"Now sit down, let me do your makeup." She smiled. I did as she said and she started applying different substances to me face.

After a while she twirled me in front of the mirror and I gazed at my appearance. "Okay now I look absolutely, nothing like myself." I sighed.

"Last but not least, shoes." Vanessa smirked. "Converse?" I asked hopefully. "Nope." She smiled. She pulled out a pair of black heels and handed them to me.

"Dream on." I nodded. "Please." She begged repeatedly. Eventually I gave in and put on the pair of heels.


"Thanks for the ride." I thanked Ariana as we got out of the car. "No problem I'll collect you guys later." She smiled. She then drove away and we approached the house. "Where are Nate, Alan and Chris? I thought they were meeting us out front?" I asked confusedly.

"They were meant to." Vanessa looked around. Soon enough the three boys arrived. "So do you guys know how to act at a party?" Vanessa asked. "Of course we do. Its just a party." I shrugged.

We entered the house and there were dancing teens everywhere. After a few minutes of being inside I felt really warm. Vanessa and I stepped outside and stood by the porch bench. "Okay don't look now but Tyler Sanders is checking you out." She whispered.

"Okay he likes the cliché highschool girl stereotype. Girly, cute, fake barbie and sweet type." She informed me as he approached us.

"Hey, its Skyler right?" He asked smoothly. "That's me." I smiled. "I'm Tyler." He introduced. "Well it looks like I'm third wheeling here and were all too old for tricycles here. I'll see you guys later." Vanessa winked at left us.

"Wanna get a drink?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. I turned around and stepped but instantly fell on my face due to my heels.

I heard Tyler laugh and I felt my face turn crimson. "You okay?" He asked as he helped me off the ground. "I'm sorry. This isn't me. I'm not girly, I don't wear this and I can't walk in high heels." I laughed. "So you're not like other girls are you?" He tilted his head.

"Nope. Sorry to disappoint you." I apologise as I step out of my heels, leaving me in my lace tights. "No, don't be. I think its cool." He smiled, revealing his sparkly white teeth.

"Really?" I asked, a little to eagerly. He nodded and we sat down on the porch bench. We talked for ages, he was actually a lot less stuck up as I initially thought. He isn't the stereotypical highschool jock.

"So I guess I have never really been girly because my best friend growing up was a guy." I replied to the question he had asked. "I see. So you were always one of the guys?" He continued.

"Pretty much."

"And what about you? What's you're story?" I added. "I'm not that interesting." He shrugged. "Oh come on I don't believe that for a second. So are you a mathlete? Jock? Popular guy? Mysterious guy?" I asked.

"How about you guess." He smiled. "Well I'm gonna go with mysterious due to you wanting me to guess. And popular considering my friend knew who you were."

"Wow you could be a detective." He joked. "Detective Grande, at your service." I winked. "I thought Charlie was coming to the party." He laughed. "You're friends with Charlie?" I asked, surprised. "Yeah, have been for a long time." He nodded.

"How about we go dance?" He suggested as he stood up. He offered me a hand up and I took it. We headed inside and to where the music was coming from.

We danced to a few upbeat songs and had one slow dance. "You know you're a really good dancer." I complimented as we went back outside.

"So are you!" He exclaimed. "Skylerrrrrrr." Someone called out and soon I saw Chris heading towards me. "What's wrong!" I asked panicked. "I can't find Nathan." He whined. "Will you help me?" He asked with big, puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine." I gave in. "Catch up later?" I turned to Tyler. "Yeah." He nodded. "See ya Tyler." I said as Chris dragged me away. "Call me Ty!" He called back.

Chris and I looked around but there was no sign of him. Soon there was a group of 'jocks' walking towards us. "Aww Chris here alone?" A tall guy with black hair teased. "No I'm here with my friends." He replied, obviously not caring. "What friends? I don't see any?" He retorted.

Hellooooo down here! I know I'm short but not invisible.

"He's here with me." I stepped closer, looking up at him. "Like I believe the popular new girl hangs around with this dweeb." He scoffs. "Hey! He's a better guy than you'll ever be. He did nothing to you so back off okay?" I stood up to him.

"You know you're hot when you're fiesty." He smirked. I looked at him in disgust and shook my head. "Get a life." I rolled my eyes. I grabbed onto Chris's arm and dragged him away. "Hey that was cool of you. Thanks." He smiled. "Anytime, so let's find Nathan."

We eventually found him and I set off to find Tyler again. I spotted him over by a table with the same guy who was dissing Chris. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Caitlyn!" I exclaimed. "I saw you and I had to come over." She smiled. "You look gorgeous." I compliments as I saw her wearing a little black dress.

"So do you." She smiled. "I was forced to wear this." I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest. "Well you look cute." She complimented. "I'm assuming you know about Charlie and Darren's grandad." She lost her smile.

I nodded in response and looked to the ground. "Hey its okay, don't let it bring you down. They'll be back soon." She reassuringly placed her hand on my arm.

"I know." I looked up and plastered a fake smile across my face. I glanced to my left to see a face I never expected to see again. Ashton. "Oh my god hide me!" I exclaimed to Caitlyn. "Woah what?" She asked confusedly.

"Okay the guy there with the brown hair and tanned skin." I began. She looked around and spotted him. "Oh he's cute." She gazed. "No! Not cute! He's my ex and a terrible terrible person!" I whisper yelled.

"Oh okay well then let's go outside." She grabbed my hand and led me out of the building full of sweaty, drunk teens.

"Thank you." I hugged her in thanks. "What happened between you guys anyway?" She asked.

"Okay a while before I moved here I was seeing Ashton. He was so nice when we started dating but then he was aggressive and rude an- oh shit he's coming over here." I turned away from him in hopes he wouldn't see me.

"Little Skyler Grande." His voice announced. I cringed at the sound of his voice. I turned to face him slowly, feeling a little fear inside me.

"Long time no see." He smiled widely. "Not long enough." I fake laughed as I looked up at his tall figure. "Aw I've missed your jokes." He wrapped me into a tight hug but I didn't hug back.

"Well I haven't missed you." I fake smiled. "Hey don't be like that." He still didn't release men "okay Ash let go." I ordered. "Fine."

I could feel the smirk on his face. "How about we go get something to eat." He harshly grabbed my wrist. "Ashton let me go." I ordered.

"Let her go!" Caitlyn exclaimed. "Hey what's going on here." Tyler appeared along with that other guy that was making fun of Chris.

"Nothing." Ashton smiled. "Ashton leave me alone." I said sternly. "Hey get off of her." Ty took a step closer to him. "Or else what." Ashton smirked.

Without another word Tyler had placed a punch right on Ashton's face and he instantly released me. They were beating the hell out of each other but nobody was doing anything.

My first instinct was to run over and try to separate the two. I managed to pull Ty back. There was some blood trickling down his face.

"What the hell you guys!" I exclaimed. "I think you should go." The guy who made fun of Chris, told Ashton.

Ashton then abruptly left. This whole situation left me speechless. "Are you okay?" Tyler asked me. "Are you okay?" I replied. "Yeah I'm fine." He answered. "No you're not, you're bleeding." I took hold of his hand and led him into the house and up the stairs.

We pushed back couples making out on the staircase. I opened the bathroom door and pulled him in with me, shutting the door behind me. "Don't worry I'm not trying to seduce you. I'm cleaning up your cuts." I laughed at his unsure expression.

I instructed him to sit down on the edge of the bath as I rummaged in the cabinet for something to clean him up. I found some wipes and cotton wool and dabbed them on his face.

"You didn't have to do that you know." I spoke softly. "I did." He disagreed. "Hold still." I said as he winced in pain. "And no you didn't." I argued. "He could've hurt you. How do you two know each other anyway?" He asked.

"He's my ex boyfriend. He moved away and that was the only way I could break up with him. He was very very aggressive and I never got the courage to end it with him." I said as I continued to clean him up. "I had no clue he moved here." I added.

"Well I do not like him one bit now." He nodded. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment. "All done." I broke the silence awkwardly. "Thank you." He stood up.

"Its going to look really wrong when we come out of this bathroom together." I laughed. I reached for the door handle and pulled the door open. I felt people's stares on us as we walked down the stairs together.

Once we reached the end of the staircase I found Caitlyn. "Where did you guys go?!" She exclaimed. "I was cleaning his face."

"Em I got a call from Darren and they've landed, just to let you know." She spoke awkwardly. "He said Charlie wants you you call him as soon as you can." She added.

"Oh my god I'll call him now." I smiled awkwardly and began to walk to the patio. I took out my phone and dialed the number. After a few seconds of ringing he picked up. "Sky! I miss you already." He spoke sweetly. "I miss you too."

Author's note: hey guys! I just want to apologise for not updating but I hope this long chapter makes up for it. And I wanted to thank those of you who have stuck with this stroy and votes and commented sweet things.

So guys who do you ship eh? Charlie and Skyler: Skylie
Rory and Skyler: Skory
Tyler and Skyler: Syler

Let me know what you guys think

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