Beyond The Stars (Hayes Grier...

By idk_hayes

36.1K 2K 233

When Ally Wilson discovers that her new neighbours are the Griers, she starts to fall for Hayes. Is their lov... More

Chaper 1| Intro chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
End of part one
Chapter 1| Part Two Intro
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 31

535 36 4
By idk_hayes

(A/N: the video is really long but really cute so enjoy. It's not my edit!)

Ally's POV

"Damn this food is life" Hayes says as he takes a huge bite of his taco. I laugh at him and wipe off sauce under his mouth with my thumb. He smiles and winks.

We arrived to this restaurant after getting ready at our hotel. We're all sitting at a huge table, together like a family.

Lauren and I set up a group chat with us, Nicki and Alice.

Me: Hey guys! So are you able to come to the mall tomorrow?

Alice: Ya we can!:) what time?

Lauren: After the Magcon event, so.. 4pm?

Nicki: Great! Can't wait to see you guys!💋 x

I smile and lock my phone. Hayes is sitting across from me and Lauren is sitting beside me. Hayes and Cody are talking about football and stuff so I turn to Lauren.

"I was thinking that maybe we should invite Meghan?" I whisper to Lauren. She looks at me with wide eyes because for some reason she doesn't like her. "Ally no" she winces.

"But she's gonna be all by herself tomorrow" I reply. "So? I know I sound like a bitch right now but she seems to be bad news" Lauren replies. I nod but I still feel really bad.

Hayes POV

Once we head back to the hotel, I notice that Meghan keeps smirking at me. I keep rolling my eyes back at her. I need to tell someone about her. I need to keep Ally safe.

"Does anyone want to go to the café to get some hot chocolate?" Ally asks.

"Me!" Cody and Meghan shout.

I decide to stay here so I can talk to Lauren. Once they close the door I walk over to her.

"Lauren, I need to tell you something" I say sternly. She hesitates and looks confused.

"Um, sure what's wrong?" She asks.

I tell her everything about Meghan ever since she got here. Lauren listens very carefully and looks a bit worried.

"I've never really liked her" she blurts. "But I never expected this".

"Now I have to make sure that she doesn't come to the mall with us tomorrow" Lauren says.

"She can't go tomorrow!" I reply quickly. "I'll convince Ally tonight not to invite her" she reassures me.

"Thank you" I sigh. She smiles back and goes on her phone. I like Lauren. Obviously just as a friend. Or a best friend or maybe a sister. She's so funny and sassy but in a good way. She's always looking out for others before herself. Plus, Ally could trust her with her life so I do too.

I jump on my bed and go through my Instagram feed. I post a picture of Ally and I. The picture from earlier today at the beach where I'm giving her a piggy back ride. We are both caught off guard which makes the picture even more special.

I start hearing giggles getting louder and louder in the hallway. Soon Ally, Cody and.. Meghan.. walk in.

"Hey babes" Ally says to me and Lauren. "Hey gorgeous" I reply and pull her down for a kiss.

"Ugh" I hear Meghan groan.

"Do you want a fucking slap?" I say sternly.

I look up at Ally to see that she looks, almost scared of me. I look back at Meghan as she looks at me horridly.

"I was joking" I blurt out and give a little laugh. "Okay" Ally says and walks to the bathroom.

I know you're probably wondering why I get so tense when Meghan says or groans at Ally and I. The answer is I don't want Ally to get hurt by her. She's too precious to me.

Ally walks back out of the bathroom and I begin to play with my thumbs.

"Hey Ally come over here" Lauren says and Ally walks over. She's trying to convince her not to invite Meghan to the mall.

After a few minutes Ally walks back over to our bed and gives a weak smile. I look over at Lauren and she nods signalising she convinced Ally to not bring Meghan. Yaasss bich yaaass.

Ally hops into bed and turns opposite to me. Normally she cuddles up to me but this time she's completely ignoring me.

I try to ignore it and drift off to sleep.



I hop up from my bed and look around. It's pitch dark so I can't see anything. I then realise than Ally isn't in bed.

"Ally" I whisper. But no answer.

I hear soft footsteps and the room door opening and closing.

I run softly to the door, not making noise and open it. I hear sobs and I realise it's Ally.

The lights in the hall turn on because they're automatic and they reveal that Ally is sitting against the wall with her head in her knees crying.

"Babe" I whisper. "What's wrong".

She looks up at me with puffy eyes and her mouth starts to quiver.

"I don't feel safe anymore Hayes. Ever since the 'Aidan accident' I've been hopping every time someone comes from behind me. I keep getting nightmares and I got another tonight" she cries.

"Babe come here, it's okay" I say rubbing her back.

"You should have told me you were feeling unsafe. Don't worry, I won't let you out of my sight. No one can hurt you" I add.

She looks up at me and smiles weakly and digs her head back into my shoulder.

"So what was the crash noise?" I ask.

"Oh, ya.. I kinda dropped my glass of water. I'll clean it in the morning" she says laughing.

I laugh too and stand up. I hold we hand tightly and help her up. We both go back into bed and cuddle up to each other.

"I love you" she whispers.

I smile to myself but she can't see because it's too dark and reply "I love you too".

A/N: Chapters are really boring atm.. But don't worry, lots of action to come! 💗💗

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