Three ex-husbands and a marri...

By Rose51765

85.2K 2.7K 196

I'm starting to think that I am cursed. Let me tell you, if this is not cursed, I'm not sure what is? Husban... More

Avoid the death plot
The female lead arrives
Hu Xuan
Death plot
Temple visit
Marriage proposal
Coming of age
Husband selection
Third day
Speed dating
Hu Xuan
First wedding
Missing person
Character settings
Memory loss
He cries
After the story ended
Saving Man Chiu
He acted
A new character
Breaking the engagement
Retreival mission
Moonlight jade
Coming back home
Visiting the family
Missing Him
Xue Zhanglun
His patience
Bai Xiao Wei
White Spirit Pearl
Man Chiu's curiosity
Bai Mingling
Temple visit again
Marriage proposal again
Coming back to her
Another marriage proposal
Attack on the empire
Second Wedding Day
Wedding night
Crazy bastard
Man Chiu's end
Female lead - Wei Wei
Unwanted visitors
Gambling den
A village
Xiao Shi
White Dragon
Divine Lotus Goddess
Back home again
Pleading the case
Settling in
Celestial banquet
Churning Circle
Sha Sha's fiance
Story recap - Bai Mingling Arc
Demoness Bai Mingling
Demon realm
Regent Bai's heart
Recap - Muon Rui An Arc
Switching masks
Demon King
Humans in the demon realm
The Prince's request
Hiding the truth
One truth
Battle's end
Temple visit again
Budding attraction
Old Friend
Mingling's revelation

Peaceful days

3.3K 107 7
By Rose51765

The first year passed peacefully and unsurprisingly I adapted very quickly. I embraced my family with gratefulness and a sincere heart. How could I not love them? They treat me with sincerity and honestly all I can see from these supposed 'villains' are eyes filled with warmth and contentment.

Within the past year, I have become addicted to their pampering and love. So much so that my cold, modern and selfish temperament have melted like snow under the scorching heat.

My new father, the Great Regent of the Southern Provinces is an imposing and intimidating man to outsiders but at home, he is my only big teddy bear. Even though I am a nineteen year old woman stuck in a fourteen year old body, I still enjoy dishing out coquettish acts in front of such an a loving and adoring father.

"Husband, do not spoil Little Six too much, we must refrain and teach her proper manners. The girl will be coming of age in a few years, and if prospective suitors find out that she is spoilt to death by her father, who would dare marry her?" ask my new mother with an indulgent and teasing smile.

"My dear wife, this daughter is too precious to me. I must spoil her to the high heavens so that those future people are warned. They mustn't dare reach to our Little Six unless they can treat her like pearls and jewels. Otherwise the wrath of the Bai family will be on their heads. If you had given me another daughter, I could have spilt the love...but alas, all these useless boys and only one daughter....maybe?..." teased Father with a smug look on his face and a twinkle in his eyes.

Mother blushed and gently smacked Father on his arm. Unwilling to stop the tease, Father caught her soft slender hands and clasped it within his pair of big strong palms. Caressing it gently he bought her hand up to his lips and gave it a light meaningful kiss.

My brothers all discretely looked away with reddened faces while I watched the public display of affection with great interest. Who said ancient people aren't romantic? Who said ancient men cannot be faithful?

Aren't these two lovebirds solid proof that happy marriages can exist in this world? I smiled, I want this love that they have for each other. After twenty years of marriage and six children, the husband and wife are clearly still very much in love.

Unable to control the warm feelings bubbling in my heart, I blurted out these words without embarrassment.

"Father, I want to marry a man just like you!" I said with a wide smile, my heart filled to the brim with the harmony of this family and my words sincere from the depths of my heart.

Father laughed, a strong booming laugh that is deep and manly. It is warm and sturdy and gives you a sense that the man is a solid rock, someone who could shelter me from any storm.

"Only if you are as charming and kind as your mother, but unfortunately, in this world, only your mother deserves a man like me!" he exclaimed as he looked at Mother with pride.

"Cheap words, my dear husband. With my daughter's beauty and talent, there will be many families who could only hope to reach to her. My wish is to have a son-in-law. I do not like the idea of her leaving us and serving the in-laws," said Mother.

"Alas, you blame me for spoiling her and yet your thoughts are aligned with mine. Today it is settled, we shall find an outstanding man who will be willing to marry into our house. Only then can we guarantee that Little Six do not suffer obnoxious in-laws," said Father.

I smiled happily and looked around to see my brothers nodding heads while Mother fanned herself elegantly. She looked at me with deep thoughtful eyes before gently smiling and nodding to the man of the house. My heart grows softer each day I am here.

Back in my real world, I had parents who left me with my grandparents so they can work in the city. My grandparents are the type of people who value money more than their life, so I never felt that they truly cared for me. They provided for my bare essentials but that was the extent. When parents were late in sending money, the pair of grandparents did not hesitate to whine and complain in front of a child.

When I got accepted into university, they were proud but also worried about having to give me a cut of the money my parents sent back monthly. They convinced me to study at the local and cheaper university to save on tuition and boarding fees.

Of course I understood the pressures of finances but having a good education was going to be my ticket out of poverty. No way could I go along with their plan, because I knew in my heart that they didn't seriously want me to study but find a rich husband to marry so they can stop worrying about me.

The first time in my life I disobeyed my grandparents was the day I ran away from home and settled in a share room accomodation near the country's top university. From that day onwards we were estranged, I worked several part time jobs to pay my way through the first three years of university.

Then I got sick from exhaustion so the school forced me to take a week off work and study to recuperate. Who knew that I would get so addicted to the stupid novel that I probably died in the real world and transmigrated here?

In this world, I have everything. Looks, wealth and an extremely loving and doting family. It is enough to lessen the sadness I feel sometimes when I think about the people I have left behind in the real world.

Would my parents and grandparents be sad once they know that I'm gone?

A warm baritone voice interrupted my thoughts and my lips unconsciously lifted higher.

"Flowers in full blossom,
  Leaves in exuberance;
  Rowing through the shadow,
  Fishing beside the pond,
  A gentle breeze,
  A floating cloud—
  What a lovely Shangri-la
   on a scorching summer day!"

"Brother, your poem is beautiful! Does it mean the painting is finished? Please can I see it?"

I exclaimed and immediately left my position and rushed over to admire Second Brother's handiwork.

Our family had spent the morning outside in the garden together. Father and Mother are slowly walking laps around the garden like entwined lovebirds as they conversed.

I have been modelling for second brother, Bai Han, while my Eldest Brother and Third Brother sparred together. Fourth and Fifth Brothers are playing Go quietly on the side while eavesdropping on our parent's conversation.

Like I said, this is a very harmonious family, impossible in real life and sharply contrasted with how the author portrayed them. Everyone in the Bai family possesses such beautiful genetics and calm temperaments. It was a shame that the original Bai Mingling's character was so bad that she really dragged the whole family down with her.

"Little Six, do you like the painting?" asked Second Brother with a charming smile.

I looked stunned at the painting, wow, just wow!

He painted me very well. Even though I am used to seeing the seriously gorgeous reflection in the copper mirror every morning, I have to say that Second Brother has elevated my aura in this painting.

Simply put, I'm just stunning as the little girl standing among the field of blooming white lotus flowers. The stylish light pink organza dress and white bow fluttered in the wind. My hair is styled in half buns, surrounded by two small bands of intricate and petite gold flowers.

The artist's skill lies in the details of my face. My brother had captured the perfectly symmetrical features, large eyes, tall nose bridge and pouty red lips framed inside a delicate heart shaped face. He even drew in the tear drop mole below my right eye. The girl in the painting looked contented and happy, a twinkle of light reflected from the corner of her eyes as she stared directly at the viewer.

"If this painting gets out, we are bound to have suitors lining up from our front door all the way to the imperial city!" exclaimed Fourth Brother.

"My son, you are very talented but we must keep this painting inside the residence and not let outsiders see your sister through this. Her beauty will cause trouble and we may not get the son-in-law that we want," said Father with an indulgent expression but serious tone.

Second Brother nodded and Mother eyed him with a serious expression.

"Father, don't worry, I won't agree to marry anyone who won't become this family's son-in-law!" I said assuredly.

"Little Six is understanding and parents just want the best for you," said Mother.

"I understand, Mother, don't worry," I reassured her.

Don't worry Mother, I will not entangle with Hu Xuan and court death with the female lead.

"Reporting to the Regent, the Old Master has requested you come to see him," said a man servant.

"My dear, the sun is now high in the sky and it will become unbearably hot. Why don't you go inside to escape the heat? Little Six as well, go inside otherwise the sun will damage your young skin," said Father before he turned around and walked towards the Grandparent's residence.

When Father returned afterwards to see Mother, I was accompanying her for tea. Well, we were embroidering as Mother lectured me about womanly duties. It was fascinating to listen to her, really, even in this fictional world, the woman's identity, self worth and life is tied to her husband's.

My family is powerful so it is best that we don't marry into powerful families as to not alarm the imperial family. It is better for us to keep to ourselves, marry for love and live happy and peaceful lives. Basically, I agreed with everything Mother taught, except the one about self worth. As an independent modern woman, I know that my identity is not tied to a man's.

Noticing my Father's serious expression, Mother shot him a questioning look.

"Third Brother's family is moving here," said Father simply.

"Didn't they spilt the family assets already?" asked Mother.

Third Uncle is Bai Xiao Wei's father. In the novel this man is a complete basket case and the cause of many of the female lead's early life traumas.

Thinking back, isn't he the reason why Bai Mingling met Hu Xuan, which set her down the path of self destruction?

"Third Brother is now the prodigal son, returning back into the Bai family fold after squandering all his inheritance," said Father with a heavy sigh.

Mother frowned at the premonition in her heart. This family is bad news and she worries that the children raised in such a family will be a bad influence on her own, especially the reputation of her beloved daughter.

"Husband, I worry for Little Six....with parents like that, the children may not be raised well. When they come, we must take care, lest they affect..." said Mother hesitantly.

Father nodded in understanding and looked at me with deep eyes. I smiled sweetly, hoping to give them reassurance but my heart is trembling as the peaceful days we currently have will stop when the plot starts.

(Please 'like' this chapter to support the author 😀)

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