Heart Stabber - Vmin

By Loraslk

17K 1.2K 555

Two inmates, one cell room. What happens when Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin become room mates in prison? How di... More

Epilogue 1.
Epilogue 2.
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505 39 15
By Loraslk

- News update -

Male who's being trialed for sexual assault against a young girl is to be heard in court again today.

The suspect is closely linked to the young girl with high speculations pointing to the defendant as the criminal of this case.

Before leaving the courtroom yesterday, the defendant's lawyer spoke with us, stating that the defendant, "Hasn't done anything wrong. He's a loving male who was just trying to look after the sweet young girl. He wouldn't even touch a baby with bad intentions. I'm dedicated to this case. The defendant will be found innocent."

The results will be released once the jury has made their decision; however the jury may take weeks to reach their conclusion.

We'll continue to update you as the new information is played out.

Jimins POV

5 Weeks ago.

"Duri, you need to rest." I whined while seeing my brother's daughter sitting on the couch, staring at the TV with big brown doe eyes.

She looked outside the window beside her, gazing at the stars among the darkness before looking back at me.

"Just a bit longer please. I promise my parents won't mind." Duri muttered with a pout forming on her small pink lips.

"They won't mind because I won't tell them. Otherwise they would very much mind." I snickered while sitting down on the couch beside her.

She giggled.

"Well no more TV then." I said while grabbing the remote and flicking it off before she could even complain.

"No!" She squealed while shuffling over to me on the couch.

I looked at her, resting my back against the couch.

"I want to watch TV." She sulked.

I smiled softly, "You can stay up a bit longer but no TV, we can do something else." I stated.

"Like what?" She asked me, her small legs kicking about as they hung over the edge of the couch.

She sat in a cute pink denim pinafore with a brown and white bunny printed shirt and matching leggings. She was yet to put on her pyjamas for sleeping.

I grinned as I raised my hand to place it on her tummy.

She squealed and shrieked as I started tickling all over her belly.

Her arms and legs were thrown in the air as her soft adorable laughter left her lips.

A smile grew on my face seeing her hands and legs start to kick and pull away at my hand and arm.

"Stop!" She squealed.

I laughed while pulling my arm away as she dramatically sighed and caught her breath from laughing hard.

Then she rested her head against my arm that fell down by my side.

"You are annoying." Duri muttered.

"Then why do you always ask to come see your favourite uncle?" I teased.

"I only have one uncle!" She exclaimed while laughing.

The smile on my lips didn't vanish.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her mouth open as she yawned.

Her small eyes closed for a second before opening.

I stood up and then turned to her, bending over to pick her up in my arms.

I held her in a front way's piggy back while walking out of the living room.

Her small head rested against my chest.

"If I had other uncle's, you'd still be my favourite." She whispered.

I smiled before cockily answering, "I know."

I heard her laugh as I continued to head down the hallway with her in a tight embrace.

My eyes opened when I heard a metal clanging noise.

"Ugh, shut the fuck up you mother fucking assholes!" I heard Taehyung aggressively shout .

His voice was deeper than usual, almost coming across somewhat scary due to his vocabulary.

My head tilted towards the sound where I saw a few prison guards and police officers, whacking a metal pole against the cell bars.

"Get up Park Jimin. You are to be taken to court." A prison guard stated.

I sighed as I got out of bed while rubbing my eyes.

"Can't you have more decency next time and shake him instead of fucking waking me up too?" I heard Taehyung complain.

I looked up at the male who was looking at the guards and police officers from the top bunk.

He lay on his stomach, resting on his elbows as he kept one eye shut because he was tired.

His dark hair was a complete mess on the top of his head.

My heart couldn't help but race to the sight of the male in bed.

But why?

Was it because I cuddled with him before dreaming about hugging my niece?

Or because of another reason?

Taehyung looked at me before gesturing his head at the cell bars, signalling that I should leave.

I looked away from Taehyung while feeling sparks in my stomach, possibly from nerves of how today will go before I walked over to the cell metal bars.

I stuck my hands through a hole where officers handcuffed me, before opening the door.

I was yanked out by a police officer and then escorted out of the prison and driven all the way to court.

I sat there for hours, waiting for everyone to arrive.

And I continued to sit in my place while overhearing the lawyers arguing.

"There is absolutely no other DNA found on Duri from after the accident other than from her own parents who dress her. There cannot be another suspect who could have sexually assaulted the plaintiff other then the defendant" Duri's lawyer stated.

"Objection, the real suspect used something like gloves to sexually assault the victim because there was no DNA left." My lawyer snapped while standing up.

"Was there any gloves found at the crime scene?" The other lawyer asked while looking at my lawyer.

"No. But it's possible the evidence was removed from the crime scene." My lawyer stated.

"DNA currently points too the defendant sexually assaulting the plaintiff because rather then a 'what if' situation and a possibility there was gloves used in Duri's assault, DNA evidence backs the defendant as the crime committer to this case." Duri's lawyer spoke.

I shook my head as my lips quivered with disgust as I continued sitting, locked into a table by my handcuffs.

Anger boiled inside of me once again.

Only my heart feels as though it's being stabbed. Every time I gaze over at Duri, she's being hidden from me in her dad's arms. How badly I just want to hug her and tell her how much I love her. How badly I want to be free and not in this position. How badly I want to pull out the knife that's stabbing my heart...

Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns? Feel free to comment and vote. Keeps me going!

Also add this book to your library if you haven't already.

Till next chapter, keep warm, stay safe and stay healthy... Byeeeeee!

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