Eternal Love

By Dazzlingsweetie_1334

8.5K 1.9K 651

The love story of our Avneil💖 Still, some people believe in Reincarnation (Rebirth). Will it be interesting... More

Two Souls Meet
Tormenting her.
knowing about her/him
Truth Reveals
Sharing about each
Is she leaving???
Princess entry
Loss of words
Avni's alliance
Unexpected turn
Character sketch
Princess Avni's behaviour and Avni's suspicion
New Friendship
Avni vs Neil
Neil and Ria learns the truth
Avni's decision
Avneil and Juhi
will juhi's plan get succeed???
Princess Avni's Realisation
Will Neil and Ali beleive them???
Back to her world
Returning to kingdom
Her Attitude
Main Culprit

Khanna's Visit

167 58 17
By Dazzlingsweetie_1334

Hii Guys!!!


                   Because of Avni's ruling method and power, the Mehta kingdom starts to develop and she empowers the nearby kingdom. Her fame reaches every kingdom. At the same time, in the Khanna's kingdom, Asha convinced King Surendra and announced Neil and Juhi's marriage without acceptance of Neil. Neil was blank and doesn't know what to do now. He was not himself since Avni left him. Avni gets to know about Neil and Juhi's marriage. On one fine day, King Deva and King Surendra met in the temple coincidentally which was common in both the kingdom.

Surendra: It's good to meet you after a long time. How are you?

Deva: Iam good. After Avni gets in the responsibility, I was free from this work.

Surendra: she was ruling a kingdom so powerful. Her dominating power to rule the kingdom is great. I am impressed by her work. I never know, the silent Avni I have seen has hidden this talented Avni. She not only showed her talent but also made the girls show their talent. If she goes like this then she will capture my kingdom too. She has that much talent. Thanks to God, she didn't marry. Otherwise, her talent would be hidden. I should admire you too for giving her the chance because you gave her when you have a son.

Deva: Thanks for appreciating Avni.
And about Aman, he says that he wants to be the warrior of Avni and his sister will rule this kingdom. By the way, I heard about Neil and Juhi's marriage.

Surendra: Yes. It was fixed for next month.

Deva: Great. Can you all come to my kingdom as a guest for a week? I am grateful for you and your help. And I want to show my tenderness to you. If you and your family accepts to come then I will arrange everything. It's my long-time wish. Please don't say no.

Surendra: Who will neglect you? I promise I and my family will come. We will be with you the next week.

Deva: Thank you.

Surendra: It will be some relaxing time for me too. Recently I was so disturbed and collapsed by something. I want some peace.

Deva: I don't know what is disturbing you. But I wish you will get peace as well as an answer by being with us.

Surendra: Ok. Now we will move.

Deva: ok.

          King Surendra and Deva enter their respective kingdom.

Surendra: King Deva, requests every one of us to come to his kingdom. And I promised him. We are all going there and be there for a week. Everyone gets to pack their dress for a week.

Deva: I promised them I will give them good hospitality. King Deva is coming next week. Make sure everything is good, Avni. Please for my sake. They have done so much for us, you know that.

Avni: Dad, I know. Don't worry I will do everything perfectly for a king.

Deva: Not only them, but their whole family is also visiting for a week. So arrange for them too.

Avni: What?

            On the other side, everyone in the khanna family gives a different kinds of emotions hearing it.

Meena: Are you saying the truth, King?

Asha: Why does he want to lie in this? Can't you close your mouth for a while? Why you...

DD: Same goes to you, Queen. Don't say anything about my mom.

Asha: You, how dare you speak with me like this?

Neil: Why you are showing your anger towards him? Shut up.

Asha: You

Surendra: Oh God. Again, you started. I am saying you the happy news but stop it.

Asha: King, when we have the marriage next month, how can we travel there. 

Nandhini: It's my son's marriage. When I am okay with the travel, what is your problem?

Surendra: See, I promise them. So everyone gets packed up.

Meena: Finally, I am going to see Avni. 

Asha: Haven't you seen her before in this kingdom?

Meena: I have, but not face to face. She has always covered her face with a veil. She never showed her face. Even when she is shot by the arrow Ria is never allowed to get inside the room after her operation as Avni didn't cover her face, so we should not see her by her condition. Even when she left, she went by covering her face with the veil. Now I got a chance. Iam curious to see her face.

Nandhini: Even I am.

                 On the other side, Avni went to her room and Ria followed her when she saw her moving into the room fastly.

Ria: Princess, what happened?

Avni: My plan was collapsing.

Ria: what do you mean?

Avni: Khanna's family is coming next week for a visit and staying here for a week.

Ria: That means soldier Ali too will come, right?

            Avni glares at her. Ria changes the topic.

Ria: So what, princess?

Avni: How can you ask this just like that? No one in the khanna family sees me. If they come here they will get the chance to see my face. I don't care about them. What I care about is prince Neil.

Ria: How it will affect Prince Neil by showing your face to him?

Avni: One day, prince Neil asked me to show my face. I said to him once I will show my face only after the marriage. If I show my face before the marriage then I will not marry him. I said for fun. But he took that seriously and said he will not see my face until our marriage and also said that I should not show my face.

Ria: So, he may think that if you show your face then he will think that you have moved on in your life.

Avni: Yes. I don't want to make him think like that.

                On the other side, Neil and Ali were in the room discussing the same topic.

Ali: Now, you got a chance to speak with her.

Neil: More than that, I am eager to watch how she will hide from me.

                   Their talks were all heard by Juhi. Neil saw that but he cared it less. They all packed for their journey and gets in the caravan. Juhi played a trick and gets into Neil's caravan. Neil saw her.

Juhi: You are so eager to see Avni, right. That will not happen until I was here with you. When Avni sees that we both are travelling in the same caravan, how her heart will be broken. It's so fun to see, na.

Neil: Whatever, you say. She will understand me. She is not the person who will get disturbed by seeing this.

Juhi: Oh really. I know you are eager to watch how Avni will hide from you. I am too eager to watch that.

               Neil turns his face and takes a book to read. Juhi smiles evilly. After 3 days, the khanna family reached the Mehta kingdom. They were all astonished to see the Mehta kingdom's development. They reached the palace and Deva and Rohini welcomed them. They enter the palace and sat in the meeting room. Mitali and Sena come there and greets them. Mitali and DD both see each other and like in the first place. They turn their glimpse. 

Surendra: Where are Queen Avni and your son? I can't see both of them here.

Sena: King, they waits for you all till now. Suddenly, they got a message from the battlefield, so they went to see there as it was important to go there now.

Surendra: Then okay. We can see them afterwards.

              Deva and Rohini come there.

Rohini: King, we prepared meals for you all. Please join us.

Nandhini: But still Queen Avni and Aman didn't reach the palace, right.

Deva: They may take time to come here, Queen. Now, we will have meals.

Asha: Okay, brother. Let's have a meal, come.

            They all went to eat the meal. Neil smiles thinking about Avni's reason to avoid him. Juhi thinks about Avni's behaviour. After their meal, they went to the rooms to take some rest. In the evening time, Avni and Aman reach the palace and enters the meeting room to meet the khanna family after ensuring that Neil was not in the room from Ria. They greets them and asked sorry for not being there to welcome them.

Surendra: It's not a matter. I admire you both for your ruling power. Your army's power and the improvement of your kingdom, it's commendable.

Avni and Aman: Thank you, king.

Meena: I should tell you Avni, you are looking gorgeous. It's not a crime for you to hide your face when you were there with us.

Asha: Yes, she will be. After all, she is my brother's daughter.

Avni: Thank you, Queen.

Nandhini: How are you, Avni?

Avni: Iam fine, queen. What about you all?

DD: We all are fine. Here, Neil bro has come.
                Avni's breath has stopped hearing Neil's name. He was standing behind her. She doesn't know what to do now. Aman turns and greeted him. Neil greeted him back. Neil sees her. Aman sees her and asked her to turn to see Neil. When Avni was thinking about what to do, Ria comes there as her saviour.

Ria: Queen Avni, princess Mitali is calling you. It is something urgent.

Avni: I will come now. King, I will meet you all after speaking with her. 

                Avni turns and went sideways. So Neil couldn't able to see her. Juhi sees this as ambiguous and Neil smiles. When Avni comes out of the room, she thanked Ria.

Avni: Thank God, you called me out. By the way, why did you use Mitali's name? He would have found out that it was your plan of yours. But I like it when you called me queen.

Ria: Princess, I called you queen because everyone was there.

Avni: I know. Come let's go to our room. I can't stand here anymore.

Ria: Princess, she called you truly.

Avni: Is Mitali called me?

Ria: Yes.

Avni: Then I will go and check.

              Avni went to Mitali's room and saw her. Mitali stood before her.

Avni: What is the matter?

Mitali: Actually, you know Dad was seeing a groom for both of us.

Avni: I know that. And I also said that I am not interested now.

Mitali: But, I am interested.

Avni: Then tell the dad and select any groom from the portraits he has chosen.

Mitali: If that is so, why am I calling you to speak? Can't I speak with him that I like to marry?

Avni: What do you mean?

Mitali: To be sincere, I like prince DD. I wish to marry him.

Avni: What?

Aman: What?

                They both turns and saw Aman was standing behind them. He comes and stood before him.

Aman: what did you say?

Mitali: how come you are here?

Aman: When Ria said you are calling sis, I thought to come here, to protect sis. But here, you are speaking nonsense to her.

Mitali: Iam not. I...

Aman: Stop it. No one from you, should not marry a person from the khanna family. Even I thought of ways to cancel Avni sis marriage. But I stopped thinking that Avni sis likes him. But she itself cancelled it.

Mitali: Why?

Aman: Prince Neil treats her as his maid and tortured her until she leaves there. And prince Vidyuth tries to misbehave with her. What if prince DD was on that list?

Avni: Aman, prince Neil doesn't treat me like that now.

Aman: But he did before right. He may change after seeing your character. Before that he was arrogant to you, don't forget that.

Avni:  whatever. Ok, but prince DD will be a good partner for Mitali.

Aman: Sis

Avni: You see him for a week. If you thought he will be okay for her, then you itself speak to Dad. Okay?

Aman: By the way, why did you choose Avni sis to say this leaving mom?

Mitali: At first I told her. That...

Aman: Dont try to hide. Say it.

Mitali: She told me that Queen Meena was close to her. So if she recommends me to her then she will say okay without any queries.

Aman: I thought, there will be mom behind it.

Avni: Leave it, Aman.

Aman: Sis, I believe you. I just worry about my sister's life. If you think DD was okay for her, then you speak with dad. I won't object to it.

Mitali: Thank you, bro.

Aman: what did you say?

Avni: she said, bro. Am I right?

Mitali: No sis.

Avni: What?

Aman: Sis, if we stand there for more than a minute, she will give us heartbreak for each minute. So, we will move from here.

                Aman and Avni moved from there. In the room, Avni thinks about everything. Ria sees her.

Ria: What you are thinking, princess?

Avni: I think from my behaviour prince Neil may think that he still has a chance to mingle up with me. And if I hide from prince Neil like this, then Juhi starts to think of some evil plan to destroy anyone of us.

Ria: Is prince Juhi known about your veil matter?

Avni: She knows. Just now I heard when she speaking with Asha aunty. I should be aware of them. I think I have to do something.

Ria: What you are going to do?

                 The next day, everyone was in the meeting hall and speaks with each other. DD and Mitali glimpse at some time without others' knowledge. Juhi sees Avni was not there. She sees King Deva who was speaking with King Surendra. Neil was happy that Avni was not here.

Juhi: King Deva, Where are Queen Avni and Prince Aman? I can't see them here?

               When he was about to reply, they hears one of the soldier's voices.

Soldier: A true gem of a girl. And yet to be queen in every sense of the kingdom. Pillar of Queen. Queen Avni and Prince Aman are on the way to the meeting hall.

            Everyone listens to his speech. Deva sees Juhi.

Deva: They are coming.

           Juhi slightly smiles by sees him and sees the entrance. Everyone was seeing the entrance including Neil who was shocked to hear Avni was on the way to the hall. On the other side, Ali moved away from the hall and walks into the corridor. When he was walking, Ria holds his hand and pulled him inside the room. When he was about to take a sword, Ria shows her face and said that it was her and not to be afraid of him. He placed the sword back. When he turns to go, Ria stops him.

Ria: Soldier

Ali: Nothing is there for us to speak. Leave my way, madam.

Ria: Soldier, I am sorry.

Ali: Sorry? Is that enough?

Ria: Didnt you got my letter?

Ali: I got that but I didn't read, I tore that.

Ria: Why did you tear?

Ali: Because I don't want to see you hereafter. As you said, it was good for us to separate ways.

Ria: Soldier

                  Before she could speak Ali went from there. Ria's face palms her head and thinks about what to do. In the meeting hall, the door opens and Avni enters the room and Aman followed her. The way she walks toward them no one will believe she is the same person who was with them. She sat in her chair before them and sees everyone including Neil. Neil sees her. Both see each other write motions. Avni controls it and turns her head.

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With Love

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