His last thought

By Vickys021

598 27 0

A love story I got the idea of from my horrible love life, enjoy. More

01| 194
02| Scans
03| I get it
04| Avery
05| Fairview
06| A gift
08| Please don't tell
09| Four bags
10| Hurry
11| I'm serious.
12| The bonfire
13| Corey?
14| Adam
15| listen.
16| rick
17| surgery
18| I know
19| shave
20| not today
21| the truth
22| Leave
23| small parties
24| Im ready
25| towards the edge
26| falling.
27| Last Words

07| The random kid

14 1 0
By Vickys021

The next morning, I wake up early and start getting ready. I change into dark blue jean shorts and a dark green halter.

"Are you ready for today?" My Mom asks as I walk downstairs.

"Yeah, I have to go down to Ashley's, so I'm leaving early." I grab my keys and walk out. First I stop at Calebs and ring the doorbell.

"Hey, let's go." Caleb says and basically runs out the door.

"Why in such a rush?" I ask him.

"My mom is driving me insane."

"What is she doing?"

"First day of school shit like I'm in first grade or something." He says and gets in the passenger seat.

I get in the driver's seat and start the car. "She cares. She's trying to preserve the memories now."

"Don't say that again."

"I don't plan on it." I say smiling. "Two days of school, then you have your first official ditch day."

"If you say it like that."

I pull into Ashley's driveway, and she comes running out to the car.

"Caleb, right?" She asks and pokes her head through the passenger window.


"This is my seat."

"Sit in the back." I yell at her.

"Whatever." She says and sits behind me. "This boy is who you ditched me for?"

"Shut the hell up, I swear I'll kick you out of this car Ash." I say and pull out of her driveway.

"So, Caleb." Ashley starts. "How did you meet Morgan?"

"I moved in down the street from her." Caleb says and stares out his window.

"Did he buy Nolan's old house?" Ashley asks.


"Nolan and Morgan used to be a thing, right? Then he moved to Connecticut like a month ago."

"Do you have a filter? And me and Nolan never dated, and yes, he bought that house."

"I was just explaining. He's new here anyway." She says. The ride was quiet the rest of the way to school.

"I'll see you later." Caleb says and starts walking away.

"Wait by the door, I'll be right there." I tell him and he walks away. "Why are you acting like a bitch?" I ask Ashley.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, he's not some random kid I found on the streets."

"But why are you getting so buddy-buddy? He's not even cute."

"So? He's my friend, so lay off." I say and walk away from her and to Caleb.

"Is everything good?" He asks.

"Yeah, Ash can be an asshole sometimes. Don't let her get to you." I tell him as we both walk inside.

"Morgan!" Someone yells and then I'm practically tackled in a hug.

"Hi Amber, I haven't seen you all summer." I tell her. "This is Caleb." I say and point to him. "My new neighbor, new here."

"Hey." They both say awkwardly, the bell rings and Amber walks away.

"I wouldn't guessed that you were this anti-social." I say to Caleb. "Schedule?"

He hands me his paper and we start comparing classes.

"Three out of six isn't that bad." He says. 

"Yeah, and lunch." I say smiling. "Your homeroom is down the hall to your left, second to the right." I walk down the other way to my class. When I walk in, I see a bunch of people hugging and talking.

"Average first day." Another girl, Bree, says and walks up to me. I've had her in a few classes the past few years, but we weren't really 'friends'.

"Yeah, you'd think they haven't seen each other in three years."

"It's ridiculous." She says and pauses. "Who was that boy you walked in with?"

"Just my neighbor." I say and sit down at an empty seat.

Later that day, I walk down to the cafeteria and sit down by my friends.

"This Friday, I'm having a bonfire at mine." Corey tells me.

"Can I bring a plus one?" I ask.


"Caleb!" I yell and call him over as he walks into the room.

"Caleb." Corey says and calls him over again. "So, you're Morgans new neighbor?"


"When did you move?" Ava asks.

"Like, a little over a week week ago."

"But didn't meet Morgan until last Friday?"

"What is this? twenty questions?" I ask.

"Why are you being so protective? You two just met?" Ashley asks.

"Why are you interrogating him?"

"Guys, let's just stop." Corey says and everyone shuts up. "Do you want to come over to the bonfire I'm having Friday Caleb?"


The bell rings and I start walking out with Caleb.

"Are you sure you're going to be up to spend all night awake at Corey's after Wednesday?" I ask Caleb.

"I'll be fine. If not, then so be it."

"Okay." I say and walk over to my car. "But you know, Coreys going to look you up and find the thing you posted at the hospital."


"How much do you want to bet that our moms are together having a glass of wine and talking about us?"

"They probably are." Caleb says and I start driving away.

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