Disney House of Villain's Red...

By turtleangel10

29.6K 666 190

When the Disney Villains are sent into a different world and given a chance to prove there is good in them wi... More

The First Villain
Alona's Home
New Rooms
Transformation central
Octopus and Dragon
Girl's Day Out
The Truth Is Finally Revealed
Our Love
What's Gonna Happen Next
Now Published

It's Not Me It's You

1.2K 28 9
By turtleangel10

Since Alona wasn't tired and didn't go back to sleep she decided to go see if she can find Pain and Panic to play with. She found the room Gaston turned into a pub where Alona is never allowed to go in without a villain. The five female villains all went in and sat down with the others. She saw Hades was busy talking with Facilier and Hook so she went over to Gaston and sat on his lap. Gaston was sitting with Jafar, Frollo, and Hans. Frollo was a tutor to her and Hans was the very last to show up, he liked Alona right away since he never had any younger siblings before and he's now far away from his twelve brothers.

The four men continued their talk while Gaston held Alona in his muscular arms since they were use to Alona wanting comfort in the middle of the night.

"Prince Hans!" Anastasia and Drizella ran over.

"My stupid sister and I need your opinion of something." Drizella said. "Out of the two of us, who do you think is the most beautiful?"

"Me?" Anastasia posed.

"Or me?" Drizella got closer to Han's face.

"Ladies." Hans said clearly uncomfortable. "How's a man to choose between two such... extraordinary... creatures?"

"With your eyes closed." Frollo spoke up making the two sisters gasp.

"You're quite the ladies man Hans." Gaston said. "I bet no girl has ever turned you down."

"Not exactly." Hans admitted.


Across the sea in the Southern Isles
The Westergaurds lived in exile
Our fall from grace was a long way down
So to make my mark, I would need a crown

I was thirteenth in line, so I had no shot
But a princess bride? Now there's a thought
I had one chance, I knew I couldn't fail
So I set my sights on Arendelle

Their queen-to-be was meh and cold
But her younger sister was cute, sold!
We met, we clicked, we sang and danced
Then I thought, "Hey Hans, now here's your chance."

I popped the question, and she said yes!
But now here's the part where it becomes a mess:
Our wedding date was set, but then my bride takes off
When she comes back, she says "Meet Kristoff"

She changed her mind, although God knows why
And I thought, "There goes my alibi!"
Who dumps a prince? Sure, I'm insincere
But for some random guy who talks to reindeer?

Drizella and Anastasia
Can't you hear my heart, please
She can't see what we see

It wasn't meant to be

Drizella and Anastasia
After all you've been through
She doesn't deserve you
One thing that I know is true

It's not me, it's you

I mean, did she think she was going to do better than a prince?

Lady Tremaine
It's a sign of poor breeding when some chooses a peasant over someone with grace and poise.

I had a quiet little village in the south of France
I could make girls melt with a passing glance
I had trophies on the wall from the wars I won
And the widows afterwards? Heh, that was fun.

Everything was perfect in my perfect life
But there was something missing, and that was a wife
She'd cook, she'd clean, she'd be with the kids all day
Then she'd call me perfect and do anything I say

There was only one choice for my wife-to-be
She was gorgeous, and everyone in town agreed
The only girl who didn't throw herself at me
What would you call that?


I said, "Belle, good news, you're going to be my bride
It's your lucky day, but there's one downside.
The entire town thinks your weird and strange
But I've got it, all you have to do is change

Everything about yourself and the town won't talk
'Cause right now, your friends are a candle and a clock!"
She turned me down 'cause she disagreed
She threw me out and said she'd rather read

Drizella and Anastasia
Can't you hear my heart, please
She can't see what we see

It wasn't meant to be

Drizella and Anastasia
After all you've been through
She doesn't deserve you
One thing that I know is true

It's not me, it's you

She sounds like a monster.

Heh, the monster's who she left me for! And you don't fall in love with monsters, you kill them!


So I got every villager with a torch and pitchfork to save her!


Which makes me a hero! I'm still the most admired man in the village! No, in all of France!


The people in our world certainly do have a strange way of showing their appreciation for their... true heroes.

Yes. I've always thought it best when I've had the choice
Never thought I'd be sent to a child with a beautiful voice

Now we all are here with all our power,

We all have a place and this time things won't turn sour

As villains of wealth



Are we not all fine specimens?


They think that love is blind and it can't be bought

Yes, but that's a lesson, and it can be taught

Now we all have a girl we don't need a wife
Now all of us are living a happy life

The choice was simple choose the child and watch her thrive

We did now we're the happiest villains alive

Once upon a time, a familiar story
A desperate king needed fame and glory
Had to be the hero for the world to see
He fooled everyone, but he didn't fool me
No one ever asked how he got that crown
or woman by his side as he pushed her down
He would have to pay for his behavior
A baby gift with a little... flavor


You see Alona same with your abusers

They weren't your family, they were sick users.

Drizella and Anastasia
Can't you hear my heart, please
They couldn't see what we see

After all you've been through
They don't deserve you
One thing that I know is true


I think I understand now

Let's get the story straight
They were a poison
They flooded through my veins
They left me brokenThey tried to make me think
That the blame was all on me
With the pain you put me through
And now I know thatIt's not me, it's you, it's not me, it's you
Always has been you
All the lies and stupid things
You say and do, it's youIt's not me, it's you
All the lies and pain you put me through
I know that it's not me, it's you, you, you
It's not me, it's you,


The difference between you and me
is now I'm living happily
I can't say I'm sorry
It just wasn't meant to be
After all we've been through
We can see a new view
One thing we know now is true
It's not me
It's not me
It's not me
It's not me
How can it be me if the problem's...

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