Everything is completely dark, nothing but dark, but, a menace, cruel, and horrifying growl was to be heard...and then, whatever it was growling, it suddenly spoke with a low scary tone...
???: Waaaaake up...
And suddenly, two pair of of symbiotic alien white eyes slowly appeared out from the darkness, starring as then, a huge mouth appeared as well, and showing its sharp teeth, smiling with such ego and sadistic and then to zoom up close quick....and as whatever that was zoomed in...we then take a look at a POV, where we see someone's eyes barely opening, whoever's eyes just open now, realize that he is in a room, a room nothing but written papers on the wall, candles, surrounding the person, and yet...he looks up front, and to find a man with gray hair stood up, blind folded with a black mask and smiling at him...
Gojo: Morning sleepy head.
(YN): ...H-Huuhh...H-Huh??! Wh-Who...Are you!? Wait! Wh-Where am I!?!
The teenager, (YN), tried moving, and as he did, he realizes he was sat down, tied up, both arms with heavy chains on his wrist, and feet as well...
(YN): Wh-What the?!
Gojo: Really surprising we had to use these cursed chains to tie you up for the first time, they really come in handy.
(YN): ...What am I doing here..??! What is this place.??!
Gojo: You see my friend....you're cursed.
(YN): C-Cursed???
Gojo: Mhm, and I gotta say, you're one tough cursed, it's been a while since I've met a cursed user like you.
(YN): Cursed user?!?? I..don't know what you're talking about...!
Gojo: Hmmm, you really don't remember??
(YN): Remember??? Remember what???!
Gojo: You know, last night.
(YN): L-Last...night???
(YN) tried to get in his brain and remember what happen last night....and so he did...he remember last night, he lived alone in his apartment, no parents at all, no family members at all, all he knows is that he lived an apartment, where he had everything to live up, he didn't know how, but that's all he knows...and in that night,he did remember going out too, catch some air...until a couple of thugs appeared and approach to him, trying to jump on him and rob him, and it scares him, not cause of the robbing and jumping....it scares him, to see them breathing for the last time, knowing what was gonna happen next if they try to push his button...and they did....suddenly, a huge black slime monster, with such ferocious, vicious and horrifying white blank eyes, sharp teeth and long slimy tongue appeared from him, as if he transform into that monster...and to kill the thugs with no hesitation at all....and not just that...he also remembers seeing something else that wasn't his hallucination, he saw weird creepy spirits around him, and some of them trying to attack him as well, even the thugs he killed turn out to be cursed spirits as well...he then manage to kill them all like nothing, and yet to eat them as well...until HE showed up, Gojo, Gojo Satoru was his name, and to find (YN) in his monster form that he's in, he rushes at Gojo and tried attacking him, but Gojo vanished with such speed and to then suddenly manage to knock (YN) unconscious and transforming back to himself afterwards...
(YN): O-Ohh...yeah...now I remember...you were the one...who knocked me out..??
Gojo: Yup, I gotta say...you don't seem that much of a danger when it comes of being a cursed user.
(YN): ....
Gojo: ...As of matter of fact, I can tell it in your face, you've been through hell in your life, haven't you?
(YN) looks down with an upsetting and miserable look...
(YN): ...I was born and grew up with a awful sickness, my parents didn't knew how to cure it, not even the doctors couldn't cure it, there was. I cure with this disease...only one thing my parents could do, is to travel and find a cure for me....but...it never happen...they got into a fatal car accident during the road on a storm...I lost them on that day I've waited...I was alone, hurt, in pain...and had such a hard time controlling whatever this...fucking thing is inside of me...! I can't control it...it goes crazy...and even I tried killing myself to end this nightmare...I somehow keep coming back alive and the wounds that I try killing musket suddenly vanish, like there's nothing...I don't know...what to do..anymore...
Gojo stood quiet, and understood (YN), he can tell from his face he has been through a lot over his years, pain, suffering, and alone...and the fact he can also tell the hatred he has with that monster he transform...so, he comes up with an idea...
Gojo: You know, there is one thing I can do for you.
(YN): ...??wh-whats that..??
Gojo: ...You'll be joining and starting a new school later on.
(YN): ...E-Eh??
Gojo: Yup, Tokyo Jujutsu High, that way, me and some others can-
(YN): I don't want to go...
Gojo: ...
(YN): ...I don't...want to hurt anyone and anymore...I rather be alone...here...locked up in these chains...forever..
Gojo: ...You're gonna get pretty lonely that way.
(YN): ...
Gojo: But my advice to you...is you need to learn how to control and take over that power you have in you, it'll be the only way, and joining that school will be the key.
(YN) stood quiet...and to have second thoughts on what Gojo said about this school he'll join and manage to manage to control that monster it goes crazy in his body....so (YN) deeply sighs...
(YN): ...oh what the hell...guess I got no choice then.
Gojo: Heh, is that a yesss??
(YN): ....yes.
Gojo: Great! Now then...*snaps fingers*
As he snapped his fingers, the chains he was tied up suddenly vanished and to release (YN)...
(YN): Wh-What?? How-
Gojo: Hehe, let's just say I'm built different.
(YN): ...Oookayyy.
Gojo: Mhm, now then...let's get going, once we arrive, I'll get you a room so you can rest up for your tomorrow's first day.
(YN): ...Okay.
And so, Gojo takes (YN) with him, as the two then arrive to Jujutsu High minutes later...Gojo took (YN) to a room just for him to sleep and rest up for his first day tomorrow...(YN) lays on his bed, and to then is worried and scared about what's gonna happen...so all he can do...is shut his eyes...and get some rest for tomorrow morning....
The next morning, the sun was shining, and (YN) to wake up from his rest, and yet to forgot he's in Jujutsu school...he stood up from his bed, and then to see something on the counter table, folded clothes and black shoes...and it had a sticky note, it said
"Just for you, hope you like them! :D"
-Satoru Gojo, the handsome good looking teacher.
(YN): . . . Don't know if I can take him serious or not.
And so, (YN) puts on his new pair of clothes, a black hoodie, black cargo pants, and some black shoes on, after, he walks up to a mirror, looks at himself, and takes a deep breathe....
(YN): ...Okay, you got this...try to calm yourself, and just be you. Hopefully...it doesn't go terrible.
And so, he exits his dorm room, and then to head over to the meet up Gojo told him to go to meet his classmates...
Meanwhile, at the entrance of jujutsu school,we then see couple of students from Jujutsu, 1st years and 2nd years...and some to be still sleepy...
Yuji: *yawns* Morning guys...
Panda: Good Morning Itadori!
Toge: Tuna.
Megumi: Seems like you didn't get some sleep.
Yuji: Not really...had a hard time sleeping after our training yesterday.
Maki: Oh it wasn't that bad, you just aren't trying hard enough.
Panda: Maki, give him some slack, he ain't the only one that is tired.
Toge: Salmon.
Nobara: Besides, Gojo was the one to wake up at this time...wonder what he wants.
Then, Gojo appeared from a building and to approach to his students...
Gojo: Good morning my student, hope you all rested well, cause today is the special day!
Yuji: Gojo, what's this about???
Nobara: Yeah, waking up early better be a good reason, I was having some beauty sleep still until you had to wake us up early as hell.
Gojo: Absolutely, because today is the day you guys will meet your new transfer classmate!
Megumi: A transfer student??
Yuji: A new classmate???
Nobara: Here???
Panda: Woah, another transfer student??? Heh, you know, it really takes me back when we first met a specific transfer student, didn't go so well at first but turns out it went all good at the end.
Toge: Kelp *nods*
Maki: Hm, feels like the old days...hopefully this transfer student isn't much as a introvert like HE was when we first met him back then.
Panda: Oh Maki, never thought you still remember him, I knew you and him were meant to be.
Maki: Huh?!? What the hell are you talking about Panda??!
Panda: Hehe, oooh nothing.
Gojo: Okay guys, there he is!!
They all turn and to see the transfer student, (YN) walking upstairs and to arrive flat floor, he stopped for a moment and to see the other students looking at him....he deeply sighs and to walk up towards them...
Panda: Hmmm, he looks quiet.
Toge: Bonito Flakes
Maki: *sighs* Even looks like a wet towel to me...I'll just ignore him.
Panda: Maki!
Megumi: Let's just hope he manages to interact with us.
Yuji: Oh don't worry, I'll make sure we'll all get along together , besides, seems like a chill dude.
As for Nobara, she looks at (YN) walking towards them, she crosses her arms...
Nobara Mind: Not the entrance I expected, but he doesn't seem much of someone who likes to interact...probably ignore him too...
But as soon he gets closer to the others, things just turn out REALLY different when he got close to them...