Pokemon N (Natural Harmonia G...

By xwitchi

5.3K 96 18

Sheltered in a private pokemon adoption rehab. You and your father raised helpless pokemon. A few years later... More

Chapter 1: Introduction (Background Information)
Chapter 2: A day in Driftveil
Chapter 3: A salty ride
Chapter 4: Dark encounter
Chapter 5: Fiancé? (W!)
Chapter 6: Ambush
Chapter 7: Castle of memories (W!)
Chapter 8: A night in Icirrus
Chapter 10: Retrospect & Confessions (W!)
Chapter 11: A gift from father (W!)
Chapter 12: Bye!

Chapter 9 : Café date?

365 8 1
By xwitchi

*Guess what?. . . not my artwork, though, N looks good with flowers*

(Y/N): Your Name, (H/C): Hair Color, (F/C): Favorite Color, (E/C): Eye color, (P/S): Preferred shading, (F/F): Favorite type of food.


12-7-21, (enjoy the fluff, lovelies!)

Page Stats: 6.3 Pages, 2,200 Words, 11,800+ Characters&spaces typed.

You were lightly shuffling in your sleep, you woke up partially when something limited you from turning. The soft breathing that turned into quiet snores filled the small room. You blushed, your brain was now suddenly awake.

You fluttered your eyes to the slight of N, who sleeping in front of you. You were tucked in his lose embrace and last night's memories flood your head. Your heart became fuzzy to all the flustering events of last night and your mind slightly swirled from the heat on your cheeks.

You noticed how N's mouth was slightly gapped, his peaceful unconscious features were adoring in so many compelling ways. His hair was partially brushed back but some still lingered on his face and between his head and pillow. You quietly awed and cringed when you shamed yourself for watching him, knowing it was weird but not minding at all.

You slowly traced your fingers on the outline of his cheek. His smooth, soft skin felt heavenly against your gentle brush of fingers. You slowly, quietly scooted closer to the sleeping, handsome man. You lightly whispered in his ear, teasing your temptations but not minding since he was asleep.

"You should see how adorable you look asleep." You smiled as you gently breathed on his neck.

His hands tighten around your body, firmly holding you again. You gasped and your heartbeat became faster, your breaths became shaky as the tighter embrace scared you.

You were afraid he had awakened N, even worse, if he heard you. You started to calm when he still seemed sound asleep. You gently smiled and kissed his nose, cuddling closer to N. A smile was reluctantly formed on N's lips.

"Your morning voice is sexy." N, half-awake, flirted.

Your heart thumped faster. You slightly pulled away, enough to see N's eyes sleepily open.

"Y-You're a-awake?!" You studdered out quickly, spooked by the sudden consciousness of N. Your face was burning red as they heated to the embarrassment.

"The entire time,-" He smiled more as he spoke. "-I slightly woke when you shifted in my arms."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You apologized.

"So, you think I'm adorable when sleepin'?" N teased you as he smirked.

"Uh-" You paused, trying to decide if you should deny the obvious or admit shy truth. "Fine! maybe I do think that, hmph!"

You slightly pouted as you admitted the truth N called out.

"You're adorable," N complemented and rubbed strands of your (H/C) hair between his fingers. "Honestly, I should have faked sleep some more, I was enjoying the affection and warm breaths you gave me." N taunted playfully and watched as your face just fluster to his cruel teases. He dropped your hair and pulled your warmer-than-usual body close to him. He loved to see you riled up to his playful acts of affection.

He kissed your nose and you smiled softly. How could you pout when you could be spending your precious, sleepy morning in bed with your favorite human.

"You missed, try again." You whispered and watched as N's lightly blushed feature became more vibrant.

"Sorry," N barely spoke as he pressed his lips against yours, his hands gently slid in place of holding your face. You seeped into the kiss. Waves at the ocean's break, pulling one another in just to be pulled out again by that person.

You smiled brightly, you were enjoying yourself more and more the longer you were with him. He helped you love yourself, enjoy yourself, he was so beneficial to your self-esteem.

You and N held each other, enjoying the sweet, loving moment you shared for a few minutes. N mouthed something to you, too quiet for your ears to pick up. He slowly, hesitatingly unwrapped himself from you and gently released the packed heat into the cold atmosphere when he removed the blanket.

"Soon, we'll have to check out," N told you as he slipped out of bed, you could tell he wasn't ready to end your moment. The bed gently rose as weight was lifted off, creaking slightly. He walked to your side and picked up your hand. He kissed your knuckles softly and pulled you out of bed.

"Here," he handed you some bigger-looking change of clothes. "There mine from the castle, they're too small for me."

You smiled and took the clean pair of clothes. You resentfully got up from bed, the cold air nipped the warmth from your body, making you shiver briefly. N was brushing his teeth in the sink that by the counters and you went to change in the small bathroom.

(Pick your outfit style) In the folded, stacked clothes. You slipped on a (baggy-ish black shirt with a gentle umber colored flannel; or a loose [2nd: F/C] sweatshirt.) You also found ([any color] ripped jeans; or non-ripped jeans; or soft sweat pants).

Soon, after messing with your hair a bit, styling it. You opened the door and N was brushing his hair as he watched himself in the mirror. He was dressed in (preferred style; edgy or soft or both). You had to admit, he pulled it off well. He looked at you and smiled, not that he could help it, you looked stunning.

Soon, after being prepared, you and N met the lady at the desk and returned the key. As you walked to leave, she said something.

"I hope you two enjoyed your stay, you make a wonderful couple!" She complimented the both of you, which made N laugh and you blush, but you smiled at the assumption.

The close-to-coming winter welcomed you by brushing your nose with the frigid, rough wind. You and N were now making your way through connecting routes. You were now heading to Mistralton City.

You entered route seven. It was rather deserted but that was preferred. You and N strolled slowly through the beautiful nature. Many mid-evolved pokemon were locals and you and N even stuck around to observe. A winter deerling trotted to you and N resting in the warming sun, a white Sawsbuck could be seen in the distance. The curious creature sniffed at N's outreached hand and made some sort of purring of approval.

"Hello," N said to the deerling. You had almost forgotten he could communicate with the pokemon. It squeaked in delight and danced around him. He sure did have a lot of energy for the oncoming cold.

You and N were hanging out and chatting in the grass. You two would take turns, one talking and the other listening while admiring the other. It was afternoon by the time you and N continued your route to Mistralton City. The trees lively rustled from wind and you could even hear a faint whistle in your ears when the wind rushed past you. Tallgrass slightly scrapped against one another and you saw floating ramps above the tallgrass.

You and N walked under the skinny, wooden ramps and strolled through the tall grass. When you got to a clearing, you smiled at N. His nose was red from the chilly air.

Soon, the start of route seven's entrance came into view. The automatic doors whined when they'd make way. The inside was slightly crowded and warm. But, the chilly outside welcomed you again when you entered Mistralton City.

The first thing that you and N decided to do was to eat. There was a small cafe near the pokemon center, which wasn't really that crowded, maybe because it was around mid-day. You and N entered the small mint-color-themed cafe. A waitress soon sat you two at a window with rather small menus.

There were some small white tulips in a glass vase and the table was a glossed wood. For such a small cafe, they had a beautiful aesthetic. There was a flower bed in a window box outside the window and the same tulips lived there. They ranged from soft pinks to bright oranges.

The waitress came back. her hair was ink black and tied back into a lengthy ponytail. She stood on the tallish side and she wore a white shirt with a mint-color logo in the middle, representing the cafe. Her pants were black, faded jeans.

"What can I get for you today?" The waitress asked, looking directly at N. She had a bright smile plastered on her face.

N ordered water with a small salad. The waitress, not as excited, looked at you, you ordered (Prefered beverage) and (Prefered small meal). The lady took note and drifted off back to work.

"I think she likes you," You smiled and laughed lightly while looking at N.

"Meh, I don't find her that attractive. However, you look rather cute in my clothes." N smirked. You smiled and blushed lightly.

Soon, your orders had arrived. You spent a lot of your time glancing out the window and eating. The food was quite decent but when it came time to actually pay, you and N argued.

"I hope you enjoyed," the waitress left a small bill on the edge of the table and took yours' and N's plates.

N's hand reached for the bill before you quickly grabbed it.

"(Y/N)- give it back," N warned, smiling in a bit of frustration.

"You paid for the clothes, it's only right if I pay now," you placed the bill in front of you and took the pen.

"(Y/N), hand it here," N stood up and walked to your side of the table. He reached for the bill.

You took the bill and held it away from you and N.

"Come on, don't be difficult," N smiled and sat at the new empty space you exposed.

"Nope!" You smiled and still kept the bill in your reach. That was, until.

"(Y/N) darling, please?" N pleaded but you shook your head.

N leaned into you. His lips pressed on yours as he kissed you. He reached for the bill and took it from your hands before he broke your kiss.

"Rude," you said rather salty. N signed the bill with a huge smirk and left a few cash bills.

"Don't be mad at me," N grabbed your hand and pulled you up to him. You smiled into his shirt and stepped away. How could you be mad at the dummy? He simply wouldn't allow it.

N held your hand as the two of you walked out. You were glad no one else was seated in the room with you and N. It would have been rather embarrassing to see the two of you fight over a bill.

You and N roamed the streets, it was becoming dusk. The sky was a twilight blue but faded into a light blue and orange near where the tree tips met the sky. As you walked, hand in hand, a pretty motel appeared in sight.

N walked up to the office and you lingered close behind him. A skinny man with dark brown hair sat behind the wooden desk. N ordered a single room for both of you.

The room was bigger than the hotel's and the walls were a light green. You sat at the end of the bed to check it's comfortability. To your surprise, the bed felt comfortable. You had prepared quickly for bed, taking a shower and cleaning up. N was sitting straight up, reading a small book.

N smiled at your presence and you climbed in bed.

"Took you long enough," he placed the book down.

You smiled and he pulled you into an embrace. His arms gently lace your body and you lean into him.

"Thank you for being here with me, (Y/N)," N kissed your forehead. You were going to reply before he spoke again.

"You didn't give up on me," His nose nuzzled against your hair. his walls started to break before you, just a little bit.

"Wouldn't change a thing," You hugged him tightly and quickly pecked him, snuggled in his arms. You could feel his features tense from a smile but his breathing slowed, he was trying not to cry. You drifted asleep in your soon-to-be lover's arms, nothing in the world felt wrong right now, in this very moment. His arms held you and kept you safe. Nothing ruined your moment, you slept soundly together.

Hopefully, you and N are ready for the persistence of Team Plasma. They won't give up as they would get their king back. Ghetsis had another future in mind for N than to be with you. He would not let anyone get in the way of that.

Author's note: Sorry for the late upload, I got booked up with life and this week has been rather packed. Sorry if this chapter seems rushed, it kind of was. I hope you like chapter 9, :3

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