Reaction and Matchmaking Atte...

By Lootandcake

508K 22.5K 15.8K

The gods put their hands where they shouldn't be and thanks to a deal with Cale that cost the gods dearly- mo... More

Making Plans and meeting their Counterparts, Cale in Cookie Heaven
Plaza Terror Incident with Kim Rok Soo in Mischief Mode
Toonka's character development (ch 134) and other Alberu gets a lesson
Humble Elves (Ch 171) and Valentino drops Spoiler Bombs
Arm' Battle Brigade (148/149) and Reasons why Cale can't be left alone
Raon's Revenge (ch 85/86)
Ron getting poisoned (Ch 89/90)and Clopeh unleashed
'Fireworks' (Ch 173/174) with a hint of dragon?
Caleism at Work (175-177) and Rock Sekka in Despair
'Confiscating' Stuff (Ch 178-180) and Archie in Trash Mode
Gyerre Chaos (Ch 181-183)
Gyerre Chaos Round Two (Ch 184-186)
Underground City (Ch 97-99) with a Hint of Vegetables
City of Life (Ch 100-103) and Good Girl Mary
The Beginning of the End, Church of Sun God Edition (Ch 213/214)
Battle of Castle Leona Round One (215-217)
Battle of Castle Leona Round Two (218/219)
Battle of Castle Leona Round Three (220/221)
Battle of Castle Leona Conclusion (222/223)
Grand Noble Meeting (209-212) and a Satisfying Smackdown, Noble Edition
Whale Rescue plus Acquiring the Potty Mouthed Thief (Ch 51-53)
How to Info Bomb and the Start of the War (Ch 192)
Preparations (193/ 194) and the Declaration of War
Northeastern Nobles unite (Ch 194/195), War is coming
The Battle of the Henituse Castle (196/197) Round One
The Battle of the Henituse Castle (198/199) Round Two
The Battle of Henituse Castle (199/200) Conclusion
Interlude: How to create a Faithful Follower starring Clopeh Sekka (200/201)
Naval Battle Round One (202)
Naval Battle Round Two (203/204)
Naval Battle Round Three (204-206)
Naval Battle Conclusion (206/207)
How to Snatch a Dragon: Beginner's Edition (18-20) Part One
How to Snatch a Dragon: Beginner's Edition (18-20) Part Two
Money, money, money (Ch 109/110)
Hide-and-Seek (Ch 318-319): You Can't Fool Me, Your Highness
Hide-and-Seek Round Two (320)
Hide-and-Seek Round Three (321-323)
Caught You (323/324)
A Guide on How to Make Choi Han Laugh (Maniacally) Part One (324-327)
A Guide on How to Make Choi Han Laugh (Maniacally) Part Two (324-327)
Rosalyn's Guide on How to Renovate (featuring Choi Han and Lock) Side Story 5
Holy Twins Meet a Lich With a Cat Knight Bonus (Ch 327-329)
Hannah, Jack, and Mary (Ch 330/331)
Let There Be Light (332/333)
The White Star (333-335)
A Dragon's Wrath (336-338)
The End of an Era (338-340)
Mercenary Guild Meet Arm and Fake (Real) Arm (273/274)
Eruhaben's Attempted Scam (356-361)
Directory Shenanigans (1) (356-361)
Directory Shenanigans (2) (356-361)
Wind Island Trial (350-352)
Path of No Return Part 1 (76-78)
Path of No Return Part 2 (76-78)
How to Deal With Prisoners (277/278)
Whipper Worries (278-280)
A Cowardly King and Toonka's Time to Shine (280/281)
The Battle of Maple Castle: The Beginning (282/283)

Cale and Toonka plus some Whale Information (56-58) with a Hint of New People

8.6K 426 323
By Lootandcake

Cale didn't spare the approaching figure any thought, if he wants something he'll talk first. The red-head selected a glass of water- for now enough food for him- and waited till his double made his move.

Kim Rok Soo stared at the nonchalant Cale. He had been thinking for a while now and after witnessing some of Cale's shenanigans, he's certain that things will get complicated soon. One question had been bothering him and he wants to know if maybe Cale has an answer.

"Say, Cale?"


"Do you have an idea as to why I'm here in the form of Cale instead of my own? I am Kim Rok Soo and seeing myself with red hair is a bit foreign.", the older of the two can't understand why was summoned here in the form of Cale Henituse.

After being summoned, it put him in a bad mood for having to see the red-hair of his old body. He got used to see the muscular and scarred body of Kim Rok Soo. The black hair was at the beginning both a joy and a sad reminder.

Yet the melancholic feeling left him when he realized that his reincarnated mom isn't red-haired anymore either. She shares the same features as him, only her eyes are pure brown instead of his own red-brown ones.

He left all that behind, yet why is he here is his old and useless form?

Cale gave Kim Rok Soo a few seconds to catch himself and show that cooky and graceful smile, a smile that would normally have never fitted his old body. Meanwhile, Cale selected some small snacks for the kids. They have bottomless stomachs and loudly voice their complains when it isn't filled.

They ate something a while ago and should be hungry soon. He'll give them something so they won't complain to him.

Only after he started raising kids- and other individuals- did he realize how expensive children are.

Well, if they are ever short on money, surely some bad guys don't want their valuables anymore.

"Cale?", a noble sounding voice, different to his own drawled, leisure one, stopped his thought process. A hand appeared in his vision. Just before it could touch his cheek, Cale turned to Kim Rok Soo and answered with what thinks happened.

"I don't have a clear information, but I think the answer is far simpler than whatever you are thinking about."

Kim Rok Soo had been desperately trying to find the answer and came up with some horrible and weird scenarios. Cale continued, not minding or seeing the suddenly relaxed face of Rok Soo.

"When we were summoned here by the gods, we all arrived at different timings. For example, I was the first of my group to spawn here and then Side A arrived, leaving me alone for a while until Side B started appearing.", Cale took a sip of the cold water to wet his dry throat.

"Imagine this scenario. You, in the appearance of Kim Rok Soo appear next to an enraged and confused Choi Han of Side A, who doesn't know your story or why another korean is associated with this realm. How would he react? And what would his reaction trigger with all the other participants of Side A? The panic and confusion would leave them without reason and interrogations would start. Can you confidently say that you would react calmy and manage to re-direct the conversations until we have arrived? Not that you would have known that we are coming as well." Cale could go on and on with reasons why it made more sense to force Kim Rok Soo to appear as Cale instead of his preferable appearance.

The older man, in spirit not body right now, nodded. He didn't think about that. It still annoys him greatly, but he understands why it may have been bad for him to appear in his actual body.

" did they do it? They shouldn't have the power to just change our outer appearance as they please? Summoning should have already taken a great amount of power from them.", Rok Soo voiced his next point.

Cale had a hypothesis for that as well. Not just a hypothesis, the dragons validated his guesses a while ago when he asked them to analyze something. He didn't want to ask either of the gods who descended- uninvited- upon their table.

"We got summoned in just our soul form. They took us all from the exact same moment in our world and will place us back at maybe a millisecond later. This way, the worlds won't get damaged. What you see here are their souls, which is why I think violence is also forbidden. None of us are able to damage souls with our attacks", Cale left out the selected few that may be able to cause harm on a soul level, "and fighting would show our status as souls as no attack would truly hit. That's what I hypothesis at least. Maybe attacks would hit as a soul was fighting against a soul, but I doubt it as the attacks are made to cause harm to the body which we are lacking right now."

Rok Soo stared rather inelegantly at Cale. The other red-head had been thinking about all of these problems while most were panicking or just going with the flow. They blindly trusted the words of the gods, while Cale went a step further and thought about not just why but how they got here.

He probably also already made plans on how to get back home without the need of divine energy if the gods annoy him too much.


"This doesn't explain why I am Cale if we are summoned as souls? If you have accepted yourself as Cale Henituse and your soul reflects this, why does mine not?", Kim Rok Soo is certain that he gave up his past identity of Cale Henituse. He hates being Cale. Neither does he identify as Cale.

So, why is he Cale?

Cale's next words confused him.

"But you aren't?", the other red-head nonchalantly spoke.

"What do you mean?" Kim Rok Soo is just so confused at this point and Cale's non-answers weren't helping. Cale sighed. He stared at all the snacks in his hands and decided to explain everything as fast as possible as his arms were already getting heavy from the added weight.

"Are you sure you are in the form of Cale Henituse?", this left the reluctant red-head in deep thoughts. What did Cale mean with those words? He is sure he's masquerading as Cale Henituse. Right?

He then remembers that something had always felt wrong. Be it his height or just more mundane things like grabbing stuff. He always wrote it off as it being his old body, but what else could it be?


His astonished eyes met calm ones of the same color.

He suddenly started laughing, scaring some random snack seekers along the way.

"Hahaha, why didn't I think of that?", he lived so many years as Cale Henituse and learned about the world, yet spending just a few in another and he forgot all about magic.

He isn't Cale and the gods also didn't change his soul to fit the image. All they did was cast an illusion over his actual form, Kim Rok Soo, to make him appear as Cale. No one has thought about casting magic spells as the gods gave a warning at the beginning.

However, this was meant only for offensive spells.

The mobility problems he had were thanks to the fact that Kim Rok Soo is taller and had longer limbs than Cale, a fact he knew and tried to remember when doing this, yet his proportions didn't change at all. He missed objects because he thought his limbs were shorter but weren't, the illusion was just covering them up.

It felt like a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.

He isn't Cale Henituse but Kim Rok Soo.

Rok Soo then addressed another point.

"Do you think we can remove the illusion?", he received a deadpan look from Cale, which spoke volumes.

Cale started walking towards the dragon table, where Raon was also located. He didn't have to look back to know that Rok Soo was following him.

Arriving at his destination, Cale exchanged a gaze with Eruhaben who realized what Cale wanted from him after seeing the suddenly shy Kim Rok Soo behind him. Cale left them alone and shared the snacks with Raon.

No words were exchanged between the other two men. They don't know each other and don't see a point in fake social niceties. Eruhaben raised his hand and wave of invisible mana traveled towards Kim Rok Soo.

It felt like a strong breeze had hit him.

Shocked gasps filled the room and the now-finally-black-head smiled. He can see the familiar and comforting scars covering his skin.

Kim Rok Soo smiled, something that sent shivers down Cale's spine as he wasn't used to his old body making these kind of expressions, and walked back to the staring Henituse family after he gave his thanks to the older dragon.

Most of Side A didn't know what transpired. All they saw was Cale Henituse walking to the dragons and suddenly looking nothing like the charismatic red-head they saw at the beginning.

Before anyone could question what just happened, the screen once again made its appearance and started the next sequence.

Cale sat back down at the Whale table- he's craving a fish dish right now- after he recognized the next sequence. Holding back a sigh, the red-head stared at the screen.


He then let out a sigh.

– Why is that punk swimming over here? Wait, why is that punk even here? I do not understand.

Many cooed at Raon's cuteness. Most of Side B ignored the fact that Raon runs around calling people 'punks' as they are all aware of who the little dragon's guardian is and what kind of words he uses.

Side A just finds him vicious.

Cale could hear the Black Dragon's anxious voice. There was nobody on the island that Cale and the Black Dragon landed on. However, there was someone in the whirlpool in front of the island.

"Why would someone be in the whirlpool? Does he mean outside the whirlpool or next to the whirlpool?"

", I think after witnessing so much chaos already it's not that surprising that someone decided traveling via whirlpool is a valid option."

It was such a turbulent whirlpool that it was impossible to see the person inside while up in the air.

"He must really be a lunatic."

Clopeh stopped his writings.


But...he was never inside a whirlpool? Should he try it? More importantly, who is stealing his position?!

It was a dark night, as the moon had just finished its cycle. Cale started to think after seeing Toonka, who had jumped into the whirlpool on such a night. Cale wanted to know just what that crazy bastard was thinking.


Most of Side B with many of Side A agreeing, found Cale's evaluation to be valid.

At that moment, Toonka jumped out of the whirlpool and rushed over to the island.

"I knew it! I knew it!"

Toonka kept his gaze on Cale as he approached closer.

"I knew you weren't just an average person. I knew I smelled a strong person nearby. Are you a mage? How did you fly across the sky?"

Toonka's eyes started to shake after saying the word mage. His plan was to fight Cale if he said that he was a mage, and kill Cale if he was weak. Toonka was someone who thought that mages were a poison to the world. He continued to quickly walk toward Cale.

Harol stared at the Toonka on screen. He recognizes the face and actions, This is the Toonka he once knew as well, before he lost his self and killed enemies and allies alike.

So, this is when he changed. When Toonka took a different path than the Mad Tyrant.

"Are you ignoring me because you are a fancy pants mage? Hmm?"

Toonka could see Cale letting out a sigh. Cale looked toward him before casually answering.

The mages in the room frowned in annoyance.

Rosalyn had to hold back a grimace. The Toonka from their side is mad, bloodthirsty and cruel. She can see the differences between Toonka and Toonka, it was like day and night. Looking at her counterpart or anyone from Side B who could be a possible mage Rosalyn can see that they are on amiable terms with not only the Whipper Kingdom but Toonka as well.

It's both interesting, yet somehow sounds impossible.

Others were curious about what Cale will say next. Will he insult Toonka? Or will he act scared?

"I am thinking."

Cale was thinking about how to deal with this stupid fool.



The reactions varied. Some couldn't believe what Cale did, while others wanted to congratulate him.

'Do I put him in place or put him to use?'


The audacity Cale displays on a daily basis will always be shocking to Side A.

Toonka stared at him with a grumpy face. Meanwhile, his counterpart was laughing his ass off.

That was what Cale was thinking about. Cale observed Toonka, who seemed to want to rush over and attack him.

"What are you thinking about that you are ignoring me?"

Cale finished thinking the moment Toonka said those final words. He then immediately acted.

'Let's do both.'


"I don't understand?"

"What is the young master planning?"


Alberu just stared at the screen, his face morphed into a mixture between exasperation, 'why-am-I-even-here?' and a hint of 'not-my-problem'.

Obviously, obviously, Cale chose violence.

His dongsaeng always acts like he hates fights and conflicts, but if he has the chance Cale will be the first one to start the fight.



Toonka, who was not prepared, got blown away and landed in the water. A whirlpool was surrounding Toonka's body.


Side A just stared. What else could they do? Here they watch the parallel, who appears to be a bit smarter than their version, getting thrown around like a discarded doll.

Yeah, they'll just watch.

"What is going on?!"

Toonka, who had a high magic resistance, found it difficult to deal with this wind. The endlessly swirling wind and water from the sea sucked Toonka in like a swamp.

Cale created whirlpools in both of his hands as he approached Toonka.

Splash. Splash.

The sound of Cale stepping into the water could be heard.

He then looked down at Toonka, who was sucked into the sea by the sudden attack. No matter how tall someone was, there would always be a chance to look down at them.



Both Toonka had been once the same person, now they differ like day and night.

Toonka reacted like a wild animal. He bared his teeth and growled deeply with a threatening edge. Anger was clearly visible in his confused eyes. The Mage Slayer didn't know what to think. This physically weak individual treats his counterpart like a child. How dare he?

At the same time, watching their interactions feels strange to Toonka. He's not used to seeing people approaching him without fear. Like he was ticking time bomb that isn't worth anything.

He's stupid, he knows this. Yet watching someone interacting with him like is an equal, like he matters as a person- not Mage Slayer, bastard, Commander or even idiot- is strange. It won't change anything for him he tells himself, however, a small traitorous part inside him disagrees.

Toonka meanwhile took joy in watching Cale's and his first meeting. It was fun! They should do it again.

"Mages cannot have ancient powers."

Toonka could feel the wind around him disappear as he looked up at Cale.

"Bob, a warrior like you should understand what I mean, right?"

Alberu didn't like the fact that he and Toonka share an alias.

Why of all names did they -and Cale- decide on Bob?

A power that was passed down from a human who created that power.
Toonka had heard about ancient powers, but this was his first time seeing one in action. He remained silent for a while before finally starting to speak.

"...Then you are not a mage?"

Toonka asked another question after hearing Cale's stern, yet very clear response.

"Then how do you know about the non-mage faction?"

Toonka found this noble in front of him to be weirder the more he ran into him.

Cale raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the Toonka on screen.

As stupid as always. Can't be helped, Cale guesses.

Toonka without his personality won't be Toonka after all.

Archie found Cale's changing facial expression impressive and weird. Impressive because many emotions glide over his face, an accomplishment really. Weird because seeing the usually stoic bastard suddenly developing emotions is just scary.

'Yes. He's a weird one.'

This noble did not care that he was not using formal language with him. He was also someone who worked hard to save others when he was ill. This was also the weirdo who had a scent of a strong person around him, even though he himself was not strong.

A few glares were thrown at the still laughing Toonka.

How dare he call the hero a weirdo?!

Some individuals, for now they shall remain , planned a fast exit for the sometimes mentally challenged Whipper Commander.

Someone who continued to reveal unique powers every time he saw him. He was also someone who tried to save him.

"Why does this seem like it will become a trend?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, just imagine. The Whipper Commander is not someone that takes interest in seemingly weak people. How would someone like him find the young master interesting? It's just a feeling, but maybe the young master just shows him a new power the first few times they meet until a friendship develops?"

"That sounds stupid."

This was Toonka's first time seeing such a person.
However, Cale's continued words shocked Toonka once more.

Cale did not answer Toonka's question. Instead, he asked a question of his own.

Expecting eyes and ears are focused on the screen. What will Cale reveal?

"Do you have any thoughts about destroying the Magic Tower?"
"What? What did you say?"

Many inside the room reacted similar, a thought that would normally annoy them but right now they are too shocked.


"Did I mishear?"

Rosalyn wanted to shout as well. In the last second, she had her mouth open and was ready to scream bloody murder, did she remember a conversation she had with her counterpart where the destruction of the tower was already revealed.

Her counterpart is even smiling at the screen, like she finds the happenings amusing instead of devastating as the young master is talking about destroying her dream.

She can't remember the exact words her counterpart told her. Too much is happening and they get some kind of world changing information every ten minutes, remembering everything is absurd.

She will continue watching.

The background mages still in hysterics went ignored.

Toonka's eyes opened widely in shock. His expression seemed to be asking how Cale knew about it.

Destroying the Magic Tower. That was one of the goals of the non-mage faction from the beginning. Cale continued to speak.

"If you plan to do so, please do not destroy it too much."

Toonka subconsciously let out his thoughts.

"...Crazy bastard, what are you talking about?"
"Ah, but please kick out all of the mages."



Alberu tried to hang unto his last shred of dignity by not bursting out laughing like Bud, Archie and even Choi Han already did.

Most of the room stared in utter confusion at Cale's antics.

Toonka could finally make a determination about Cale after hearing what Cale had to say. Cale started to smile while looking at Toonka.

The non-mages who win the Civil War lead the Whipper Kingdom to grow before it quickly breaks down. Although natural instincts took down the rationality known as magic, an existence without rationality would be no better than an animal.

Cale's plan was to take control of the benefits that those animals will end up missing.


Harol wanted to act offended, he is offended, but knows that in the end what Cale did saved not only them but the whole world.

His counterpart didn't share his expression of both amusement and annoyance, he was staring with a blank face at the screen.

They missed so many things in their quest of destruction and vengeance. What is one more? Harol already accepted not only his death but the destruction of the last of his people.

What use is watching another world, showing him how incredible and beautiful something could have been, only to be slapped in the face by their reality where the other side is not even a dream anymore?

Every time he sees Toonka smiling and laughing with his counterpart, an obvious mutual camaraderie between them, he feels something breaking inside of him.

"I plan to purchase that Magic Tower. What do you think?"

Toonka started to smile as he looked up at Cale.

"What a crazy bastard."

Toonka had made up his mind about Cale.

Cale responded to Toonka's words by pointing at Toonka and starting to speak.

"Are you and your crew not also crazy for trying to flip everything over?"

"Did he confused Commander Toonka with himself?"



"I- You aren't wrong."

Toonka's smile ended up turning into laughter.


It was so loud that it echoed around the islands. Toonka finally stopped laughing after a while and started to shake his head as he responded to Cale.

"No. Not at all."

Toonka's gaze was cold as he stopped laughing and glared at Cale.

"We are not crazy at all."

Some would beg to differ.

Others would nod along.

While even a selected few would question whether anyone is sane at this point. Maybe they all are just a varying degree of crazy?

There a different levels, of course.

Clopeh-Crazy would mean batshit insane with hero worship mixed into their already scrambled mind.

Toonka-Crazy means 'Why-use-my-brain-if-I-can-just-smash-things?'.

Cale-Crazy has a variety of levels. We have the 'I-rather-sleep-on-the-floor-cause-it's-cold', not to mention the 'I-want-peace-but-you-annoy-me-so-I-shall-blow-you-up' and his greatest contribution the 'You-know-what?-I-will-make-you-miserable-because-you-won't-let-me-slack'.


Cale knew that Toonka would respond like that. Toonka was certain that the non-mages were the right choice for the future of the Whipper Kingdom. He was going to prove it with results.

"Of course. I am the same."

Toonka slowly observed Cale, who was saying that he was also not crazy. After observing Cale for a while, he finally started to speak.

"Personally come to buy it."


People of Side A watched how easily Cale negotiated with the counterpart of the Mad Tyrant.

But what does he want with the tower?

Toonka did not say that he could not destroy the Magic Tower or that he had no plans on destroying it.

"That was always the plan."

Cale did not think that Toonka's subordinates would say anything about Toonka making the decision on his own for Cale to come to purchase the Magic Tower.

The Whipper Kingdom was the greatest source of magic devices in the Western Continent. That meant that it wouldn't be wrong to say that the kingdom's money came from the mages and the magic devices.

Money would be the biggest issue once the non-mage faction won the civil war. Furthermore, they desired to get rid of any and all traces of magic in the Whipper Kingdom.

Some mages, ex-Whipper citizens, clenched their fists. After arriving in this room, they hid themselves as fast as possible after seeing Toonka is all of his horrifying glory.

Witnessing a second Toonka appearing caused some to faint in fear.

They are just traveling vagabonds at this point. Once proud magicians and now they beg for food and money, just to survive. They didn't dare to enter another kingdom and practice their magic in fear of Toonka gaining more power and hunting them down.

They have watched silently, how a different Toonka played his part.

They watched the Roan Kingdom displaying their strengths and some even recognized their counterparts in the Mage Brigade of the Roan Kingdom.

Maybe, they can practice magic again if they join the Roan Kingdom? The strength the counterpart country displayed was just enchanting and the might and ability their own counterparts showed made them incredible envious.

They want that too.

They want a home, a place where they don't have to fear persecution for practicing something a few others used to harm people with, and they want to proudly display their magic.

Alberu didn't know that he didn't even have to try to gain a few new individuals as they already decided to seek him out.

They saw his actions and his understanding plus acceptance to not just races but occupations. He is someone they could work with and maybe, maybe, like their counterparts swear their loyalty to.

Cale was aiming for that moment.

'The crown prince will like it for a different reason though.'

The Magic Tower that Toonka and crew would think had nothing left inside would actually hold the treasure that the non-mages were dying to obtain.

Harol stared at the screen.

What is the transmigrator talking about? Does he mean the stuff inside the chief's room? They ransacked everything already and while some stuff wa useful it wasn't something they needed. Harol and the others sold most of the magic devices as it wasn't of use to them, they couldn't use most of them as they didn't practice magic anyways.

What did they find?

"But how did you know that I was part of the non-mage faction?"


Cale let out another long sigh at Toonka's question. That made Toonka flinch, and Cale did not miss that moment to answer.

"You are someone from the Whipper Kingdom that is currently on the brink of a civil war. You then looked like you would kill me if I said I was a mage. Who wouldn't think of the non-mage faction?"
"...I guess?"


"He's a bit gullible, isn't he?"

"But it's not wrong what the young master said so why gullible?"

" aren't the sharpest tool either."


Cale just turned away from Toonka after hearing his response. Cale was thinking about how Toonka could be so stupid in general yet so sharp and naturally intelligent in battle.

Instead of acting affronted, like his counterpart did, Toonka laughed loudly. It was a loud, boisterous and joyful laugh.

Harol gave a small smile as well.

However, Toonka seemed to have become even more interested, as he approached Cale.

"Why are you coming here?"

Toonka did not stop at Cale's blunt question.

"Seems like you're about to do something fun. I want to watch."

He really had stupidly great instincts. Cale waved his hand.

"Just go over there and play with the whirlpool. I'm busy."


"Why did that sound familiar?"

"Didn't the commander from the other world tell us that the young master commanded him to play with a whirlpool?"

"I thought he was joking! Who is stupid enough to order him around?"


"Don't answer that. I know."


"Are you really a noble?"

Toonka continued to be amazed at Cale. Toonka thought that the noble named Amiru was quite relaxed for a noble, but it was nothing compared to this punk in front of him right now. Talking so informally to a noble would usually lead to a lot of trouble, but Toonka could not help but speak informally to the noble in front of him.

"I am indeed a noble. Just like you are a warrior."

Toonka puffed out his chest with pride.

That's right! He's a true warrior. Not one like those pretentious snobs, he's a warrior that fights for what he believes in. And fight they did.

This is also something Toonka noticed himself- just like Witira did.

The 'I' and 'me' changed to a strong and powerful 'we'.

A 'we' Toonka takes pride in. His own mentality changed after associating with Cale and seeing him work together with others. During the battles against the previous Empire, where Cale arrived to help him, he was shocked the such a selfless human exists.

And the others as well. Be it the Roan Kingdom, the Breck Kingdom and even the Jungle. They all helped and provided him and his people with needed supplies.

They fought together.

Toonka can see what has become of his counterpart who never got the needed lesson in friendship and camaraderie. A mad man devoid of reason and lonely. He's all alone. Just him and his quest that lost its original purpose.

Toonka will fight not just for his friends but with them. Together. As equals and friends, as comrades.

Cale casually responded and looked around. There was a lot that he needed to do today. At the same time, he heard Toonka's voice coming from behind him.


Cale just frowned and pretended to not hear Toonka. He then released his silver shield. The silver wings appeared alongside the shield and lightly fluttered. At that moment, the Black Dragon's voice rang in Cale's head.

– I am very sharp.

Cale's body started to float. The Black Dragon had used its magic right on cue. Cale decided to take care of the other whirlpools first.


Cale called out Toonka's alias. Bob was still Toonka's official name for everyone right now.

"You know all this is a secret, right?"
"Of course. I prefer to keep all the fun things to myself."

Alberu watched in silence.

What else could he do?

He watches how easy Young Master Cale makes friends and allies. The royal is envious of this ability. Even worse is the fact that Cale isn't even aware of his incredible charms.

Just look at his counterpart who got caught as well. No one is safe from Cale Henituse's charms...will he be the next victim?

The smirking Toonka really seemed to be crazy. His physique, hair, and smile all made him look even scarier because it was dark. Cale floated up into the air and started to speak.

"Bwahahahaha!", Toonka laughed in joy.

Both men, on screen and off screen, displayed a terrifying picture.

And why was the man laughing? ...who knows, he doesn't use his brain most of the time anyways. Maybe a fly flew in and triggered something in the empty space that is normally associated with a brain, Archie isn't so sure he wants to know the true reason.

Instead, he stared at Cale who was still at their table, not that the Killer Whale minds. Cale acted like he didn't notice Archie staring while inwardly questioning if he did something wrong.

Was he eating his snack too loudly? Hmmm.

"I will find a ship and crew for you. Don't you need to quickly return home?"
"Oh? Thanks."

Harol stared.

Even after knowing the young master for just a few minutes, a change is already visible. Toonka never once said thanks. He just takes and if he isn't satisfied, he takes some more.

Harol didn't even notice his nails cutting into his flesh. Blood dropped down in bitter and heavy drops. Just like the silent tears streaming down his cheeks.

Cale waved his hand toward the confused Toonka and headed up into the clouds.

"Win. You can do it."

Harol and the few people left of the once strong Anti-Mage Faction stared at the screen. The way Cale just casually showed his believe in their strength was not something they have ever experienced.

People react with either fear or anger.

But never the calm confidence Cale showed on screen. Like their victory is the obvious and right thing. Like what they did isn't futile.

Toonka stared as well. No words came out and he just silently stared with a confused expression on his face.

That was the only way for Cale to benefit from it.

Cale turned toward an island with another whirlpool. At that moment, he could hear Toonka's loud laughter. It was louder than ever before.


'Was that bastard always so full of laughter?'

"Hahaha!", both Toonka on screen and the one in the room were scarily synchronic. It was weird terrifying and not something the people present wanted to experience again.

Cale wondered as he headed to another island. Toonka watched Cale fly away for a while before thinking that the whirlpools were no longer fun, and returning to his residence. However, Cale had no way to know about what Toonka did

Instead, he started to speak to the Black Dragon.

"Do you know when I am the angriest?"
– When?

The Black Dragon could see a relaxed smile on Cale's face.

"When I throw something away for cheap because I think it is trash, yet it ends up being gold. Especially when I really need that gold."


"When are you in the need of money?", Alberu's dry question reached Cale's money sensitive ears. He turned around and gave the royal a smile.

"Always, your highness. This poor, loyal individual-", Cale couldn't get into his performance because the annoyed emperor stopped him with a well-delivered "Don't even try.".

Cale wanted to protest. His back-up, back-up, back-up money savings aren't filled yet. Better safe then sorry and he won't let anyone steal from him again.

One time is already too many times.

The corner of the Black Dragon's lips started to twitch.

– I learned something good.

Eruhaben stared unimpressed at the screen.

"No. There's more."
– More?

Cale leisurely continued.

"It is even worse when I need to pay even more than it's worth to buy that gold back."
– ...That would suck.

Sheritt joined the golden dragon in staring with disproval at the screen.

What is Cale teaching Raon?

Cale responded with a villainous smile and started to take care of what he needed to do. He landed on the next island.

Many individuals blushed at the devious smile Cale showed them. His flaming locks dance in the wind and his shining eyes highlight his beauty even more.

"There is no one here."

Cale put both palms down on the ground once the Black Dragon confirmed that no one was here.


Cale could feel his heart beating wildly.

'The Vitality of the Heart really did strengthen the Sound of the Wind.'

Cale could feel the strength of the wind rushing up from his feet to his palms.

It took less than one second for that to happen.


The winds were roaring in both of Cale's palms. Cale then combined the two whirlwinds into one.


The two whirlwinds combined with a sizzling noise and started to generate heat. However, because they shared the same master, they eventually became one and became a much bigger whirlwind orb. Cale then floated that orb up into the air.


He then slammed down on the orb with the Indestructible Shield. The wind orb shot down into the whirlpool underneath the water.


The wind orb and the wind top inside the whirlpool started to mix together.


Silence filled the room.

Side A could only stare at Cale who casually created a natural disaster like it was no big deal.

Zed Crossman was getting more and more interested in the red-head. He exchanged a gaze with his aide. Maybe, if the transmigrator continues messing with people and making other's business his own, he will stumble upon an even greater problem.

Cale looked away from the whirlpool as he floated back up with the Black Dragon's magic. The top would now last at least six months. Cale would be able to feel it if it disappeared in less than a year, and would determine what to do at that point.

"Let's go to the next island."

The Black Dragon's wings fluttered as he increased his speed. Cale continued to throw wind orbs into the whirlpools before moving to gather up the fateful encounter puddle water.


"Why is a puddle of water so special?"

"...Am I the only one who remembers why he may need it?"


The next day, Cale was at the port early in the morning.


He introduced Toonka to the ship and the crew. Toonka stared at them for a while before starting to speak.

"Come after two months. The world will be different."

The remaining Whipper people present, minus it's nobles and royalty as even the gods didn't see a point in brining them in, wanted to believe what Cale is telling.

He just had a way with his words and clam demeanor that they couldn't help themselves but believe him.

How they envy the other world for having Cale.

Cale who emanates the most important thing, which is hope.

Hope for a better world, hope for a safer world and hope for gaining something they all desperately wish for.

Cale started to think that he must absolutely not go to the Whipper Kingdom in the next two months. He could see the excitement in Toonka's eyes and knew that he was going to run wild.

"...Hurry back home."

Cale slowly moved away from Toonka and looked toward to crew to urge them to leave. Toonka watched Cale and hesitated for a bit before finally deciding to ask.

"Are you weak?"

Cale nodded. Yes, he's weak.

Meanwhile, Archie was rolling his eyes so bad he can almost see his brain, Paseton was trying to focus on the screen but is failing miserably and Witira is just laughing.

Toonka seemed extremely confused after hearing Cale's sharp and clear answer. However, he then stepped onto the ship.

"Make sure you come after two months."
"Yeah, yeah."

Cale casually waved at Toonka and then turned away from the ship. At that moment, Toonka shouted loudly from behind Cale.

"My name is Toonka! Don't forget it!"

"Hahahahaha!", Toonka's laughter was catching and soon some friends and allies joined in.

Cale turned back around. The mid-sized ship was leaving the port with the sun shining down on it brightly while Toonka was waving at him from the deck.

It felt like a scene out of an anime when the main character was leaving. Cale thought he saw something he shouldn't have seen and turned back around without any regrets. Cale continued to hear Toonka shout for Cale to not forget his name, but Cale made sure not to turn back.

"What's an anime?"


Kim Rok Soo saw the questioning gaze of his siblings and started, enthusiastically, explaining the benefits of overpowered main characters that don't follow common sense.

But he was feeling full just thinking about what would happen two months later. He would be able to earn enough money to spend for a lifetime and get a way to build a strong castle as well.

"How dare a son of a count think he can build a castle?"



"Maybe he won't remain the son of a count?"


"I mean, we saw some instances the prince won't allow his backing to just remain the son of a count? He even may soon take up the mantle of count himself or his whole family gets a promotion."

"What? That won't happen."

"Ah, right? I mean just getting promoted to marquis would be incredible, it's laughable to imagine his family becoming a dukedom, right?"


Cale returned to the residence to greet the others. He started to pet the kittens, On and Hong, who had been hiding inside the residence since they got here, as he started to speak.

"You didn't need to come to see me."
"I needed to come to thank you as well as to apologize for scaring you."

Seeing the beautiful form of Witira on the screen shocked a few people. After looking at a visual example of Toonka, suddenly being flashed by the combination of Cale, Witira and Paseton was a bit too much for some.

On and Hong dropped their jaws as they blankly stared at Witira. These kittens, who did not even have much reaction when they saw Paseton, had a completely different reaction to Witira.


Paseton felt wronged.

He isn't that ugly, is he? Maybe, his sister is just too beautiful. That would be something he can accept.

The half-whale turned around and saw Witira and Cale interacting with each other. he feels wronged again. How can he compare with his beautiful sister?

Meanwhile with Cale and Witira.

"Isn't my brother cute on screen?", Witira asked Cale mischievously.

"He is quiet handsome.", Cale won't lie about the beauty of Whale people.

"Then how about me and my brother? Why won't you just take us both. Double the fun, right?", Cale choked on his water and didn't answer the laughing Whale princess.

Witira checked Cale's expression as she cautiously asked.

"Are you feeling okay, young master Cale?"
"Eh, same as usual."

"What is your usual? More along 'I-want-to-sleep' or more like 'let's-blow-this-up'?", Bud asked. It wasn't even meant as a joke but the swordmaster actually wants to know what Cale sees as usual.

No one answered him.

Glenn was just glad that the Molan-Duo was preoccupied otherwise the fate of his friend may have been sealed.

Cale was always at 100 percent thanks to the Vitality of the Heart. It allowed him to feel perfectly fine, even after sleeping for only one or two hours

He then started to speak to Witira, who had suddenly stopped talking, as well as her younger brother Paseton next to her.

"That's enough thanks. If you thank me anymore, it will not feel genuine. Same thing with the apology."

"Got it. Thank you very much."


Witira, completely not like her usual elegant if slightly bloodthirsty self, sheepishly played with her hair.

Cale blankly stared at Witira, who was speaking formally to him, but observed her at the same time. The bloodline of the Whale King. This was different from the chief of any other Beast tribe, because the Whale King was the person who ruled half of the ocean. That made the Whale King no less than the king of a kingdom.

However, Witira was speaking formally and respectfully to Cale. She had not done so to Choi Han in the novel.

Both Witira and Choi Han raised a brow.

Why should she act respectful to Choi Han? She is a royal and he is just a random dude passing by. Help or no help.

Their counterparts are the strange ones, although Witira can understand why she respects Cale so much. Saving her brother deserves all the respect.

'Why is she hiding her identity, even though she revealed the fact that she is part of the Whale tribe?'

However, Cale did not reveal the question on his mind out loud. Cale was trying to hide the fact that he knew quite a bit about the Whale Tribe.

"You just thanked me again. I said no more."

Cale continued to speak to the two siblings who seemed to be straight out of a piece of art.

Witira nudged the slightly blushing Cale. Maybe it was the wrong decision to sit at the Whale table.

Paseton smiled at Cale as well, which caused the already flustered red-head to blush even further.

'Damn those pretty genes and damn the Whales for being so pretty in general.'

"I'm glad you siblings got to meet back up. You can go now."

He had sent Toonka back already and wanted to meet with the Ubarr territory's head before heading back to the Henituse territory. Of course, there was stuff for him to complete back home, but he would at least be able to rest until he went up to the Whipper Kingdom.

It was at that moment.

"Excuse me, young master Cale-nim."

Those watching suddenly saw Choi Han instead of the dignified Witira with the way she addresses Cale.

Meanwhile, Choi Han was pouting next to Alberu because Cale didn't come back.

...he's lonely.

Witira's voice, and the voice of the Whale tribe in general, was as beautiful as the legendary siren, the dangerous beings that lured people to jump into the sea with their beautiful voice.

"My, my. Young master, I didn't know you like our voices this much.", Witira drawled with her enchanting voice and hugged Cale who attempted an escape. Paseton saw what his sister did and joined in from the other side, although his hug was done with a blush.

Cale was now sandwiched between two gorgeous individuals. Huffing in frustration he sat down comfortably.

It' not like he can physically overpower then anyways.

Cale started to get the chills thinking about that legendary existence. He slowly turned his head to look at Witira. He had an odd feeling in his mind as he did so.

"We have a very old enemy. I'm sure you already know because you healed Paseton. It is the mermaids."

'I know. I know very well.'

"However, my brother Paseton was able to figure out how they were able to suddenly get stronger."

Witira and the other Whales form Side A, who prior to the sentence were watching the amusing display of Cale and the others, turned their attention to the screen.

Will the information they desperately need finally be revealed? The reason why Paseton had to die?

'What the hell is she talking about?'

Cale started to frown as Paseton added on.

"The reason the mermaids were chasing after me was because I found the source of their sudden increase in strength."

Astonished shouts filled the room. Many eyes focused on the screen and a heavy atmosphere materialized.

The mixed-blood Whale Paseton who was killed while being chased by the mermaids. There was a reason he was being chased, and the information he had was very important for the war between the mermaids and the Whales.

"I heard that young master is from the Henituse family."

Deruth watched with his remaining family.

He watched all those adventures. Yet...

Why is his family suddenly brought up? He had a bad feeling.

Witira and Paseton did not respond right away and exchanged glances with each other. That action made Cale even iffier. Witira finally turned toward Cale and started to speak.

"The Forest of Darkness. I wish to go there. No, I must go there."

Cale subconsciously answered after hearing something he had never expected to hear.

"Our territory?"

Deruth, Violan and the two children stared with suspicious eyes at the screen. They know Cale didn't notify them about an instance which means that he took care of it himself.

Why do they have the feeling that whatever he did, involved some explosions?

The Forest of Darkness. That was the place that Choi Han had lived for tens of years, as well as one of the Western Continent's five most dangerous and mysterious locations.

Both Choi Han flinched at the mentioning of the forest.

It was also the place that the Henituse family had kept under control for the kingdom for a very long time.

"I beg you. We have prepared a large compensation for you as well. May we please go with you?"

Many humans and other races alike never fully grasped the dangerous war between the aquatic races. It was always distant and not really important.

Seeing a mighty Whale, and they know Whales are incredible strong after witnessing Archie's destruction spree in the Paerun Kingdom, begging for didn't feel right.

The large and small Whales both looked at him with sincerity. On and Hong tapped Cale's knee with their front paws. It was their way of asking Cale to take the Whales with them.

Witira smiled at Cale's cute children.

At the same time, there was a knock on the door before it opened. It was the Wolf child, Maes.

Lock stared at the lively face of his deceased brother. Something that will never happen again in their world.

"Young master-nim, here is your tea and snack."

Two other Wolf children came in with a tray and teapot. Beacrox was outside the door guiding them.

Beacrox didn't mind they questioning look his counterpart threw them.

He's proud of the Wolf children and how far they have come.

– I am much more handsome and beautiful.

Laughter cut through the heavy atmosphere.

Raon didn't understand why everyone was suddenly laughing. He looked around and asked no one in particular why they were laughing.

Even more laughter followed and the small dragon pouted. He grumpily flew over to Choi Han and sat on his lap.

Cale heard the Black Dragon's mumbling before closing his eyes. He felt like he was standing in the middle of a chaotic whirlpool.

"Umm, young master-nim?"

Cale raised his hand at Witira's cautious question, which made Witira stop talking. Once the Wolf children left and the room became quiet once again, Cale slowly opened his eyes back.

He looked very calm with his back to the couch, as he sat there with his messy yet cool looking red hair. However, in comparison, Cale's dark brown pupils looked so deep that you could not see the end.

Eyes focused on the Cale on screen.

"What could he be thinking about?"

"He looks troubled?"

"The young master may be worried."

These and some more came from Side A, Side B had a completely different thought process regarding Cale's empty stare.

"He's thinking about how to exploit them for advantages and money."

"He looks hungry."

"Cale-nim is thinking about saving everyone and showing his heroic self!"

"...he looks like he is not thinking about anything."

Witira and Paseton were looking into Cale's eyes when they heard his calm voice.

"First, explain everything to me."

"We have had many battles, both large and small, with the mermaids over the years. We control the north and the mermaids control the south."

Paseton looked toward Cale. Cale, who was leaning on the couch, motioned to Paseton with his chin to continue with his story. On and Hong peeked at Cale's face before slowly moving away from Cale's knee and heading toward the corner of the room next to the Black Dragon.

"We are fighting to prevent the mermaids from creating a kingdom throughout the entire ocean. However, something changed six months ago."

Everyone paid attention.

Even the Second and Third Prince were alert.

Paseton's eyes started to fall.

"The mermaids started acting weird."


Cale started to think about the novel's information regarding the mermaids.

Only a selected few noticed but Cale sounded like he immediately knew the information he read once in a book and that was a while ago. He remembers it perfectly and instantly.

How terrifying was his memory and intellect?

"They crossed over the implicit border between our two tribes and started to provoke us."

This was something Cale knew about. The mermaids start to provoke the Whales so that they could take control of the ocean. Cale started to feel relieved after hearing information he already knew about. Paseton continued to speak.

"I was able to figure out the reason behind it."

'I'm sure it is because they want to create their kingdom.'

The Whale tribe in volumes 4 and 5 knew about the mermaid's plan, and that was why Choi Han was helping them fight against the mermaids.

The Whales of Side A nodded.

They know about the mermaids and their plan for a while now. It's nothing new and if someone thinks about it, what else could the mermaids want? It's obvious.

The how is more important.

They have some guesses but nothing to prove them or counter them. The mermaids getting stronger isn't the real problem as the Whales know how to fight them, but they must cut off the supply of whatever was powering them up.

It's quality versus quantity. But what if quantity is also gaining quality?

"They are trying to take control of the sea route that connects the Eastern and Western continents."

Cale sat up straight and looked toward Paseton before asking.

"Isn't the sea route something for the humans?"

There were a couple different sea routes that connect the Western and Eastern continents. The humans had found these routes, but they were far and dangerous, preventing an official route from becoming created.

According to the novel, there was an implicit agreement between the lifeforms living in the water and the lifeforms living above water. The sea lifeforms would not touch these sea routes and the land lifeforms would not meddle in the issues of the sea in exchange. That was why Choi Han was troubled on whether to involve himself in the battles between the Whales and the mermaids.
But the mermaids were going to break this agreement?

"It's funny that Choi Han was troubles while our young master just went and did it anyways."

"Can you, for the love of the gods, shut up?"

"Eww, I don't want the love of the gods."


"If Cale gives me some love, I wouldn't say no."

Before Glenn could silence his suicidal friend, a dagger- shiny and sharp seeing as it cut through the whole armrest Bud's right hand was a few seconds ago- startled the two bickering friends.

Ron smiled benignly at them and waved elegantly.

Bud felt his whole life flashing before his eyes.

...did he even write his will?

If he dies, his whole wealth will not go to his money-happy friend nor his other questionable allies.

He wants to create an anti-dog foundation. Those ferocious beast shouldn't underestimated and the world should know about their evil, little souls. People get fooled by their cute appearance. A foolish mistake that will take not only their wealth and time, but even their soul will fall victim to those pretentious things. They'll be nothing more than a willing slave.


That sounds like Cale.

Bud now started questioning everything.

Witira started to speak.

"At first, we thought that the new king of the mermaids was leading the charge to create their kingdom, but the information Paseton brought back was different."


Cale let out a sigh and took a sip of his now lukewarm tea.

'I learned something I shouldn't have learned again.'

Why did Alberu have a sudden sense of crisis?

The problem was that it was an even bigger issue than all of the other information he had learned up until now. It was even bigger than the issue with the crown prince Alberu.


Alberu smiled at the sudden attention he gained. His inner thoughts were anything but benign.

"And there was one more weird thing."
"Hold on."

Cale prevented Witira from continuing by interrupting her.

"Just tell me why the Forest of Darkness is involved."

Cale felt like he would become involved in something big if he heard anything else. He was starting to feel uncomfortable. Cale could see Witira slightly smiling.


The hypocrisy of Cale's thoughts and action was too much for many. They didn't even attempt to talk about it anymore and just went with the flow.

Why did the smile of this beautiful Whale look so scary to Cale?

Witira did the same as her self on screen and smiled a beautiful and shiny smile at Cale.

"Yes. This is regarding that!"

Witira brightly answered while Cale's expression turned darker.

"As we mentioned, the mermaids became stronger about one or two months ago. We were able to figure out the, 'ingredient,' that caused this to happen."

Cale closed his eyes. He slowly opened them back and asked the two Whales.

"That ingredient is in the Forest of Darkness?"
"Correct! You realized it right away!"

Both Deruth were shocked.

Their forest?

What could be there, except some rare and strong monsters, that could give mermaids the power to battle the Whale Tribe?

'What the hell was going on? How could something from land in the Forest of Darkness make a sea lifeform stronger?'

Cale was shocked.

More importantly, how did the mermaids reach the Forest of Darkness? Cale had an iffy feeling about this.

Some slapped their foreheads after they finally realized that point as well. They knew that the mermaids work with the secret organization, but as always, forgot it after a few seconds.

Paseton's eyes were sparkling as he decisively continued.

"I heard them talking about a swamp in the Forest of Darkness. That was why I was chased by them. We need to go to the swamp and figure out what the ingredient is."

The Whales stared at the screen.

A swamp is powering the mermaids? What?

Also, the thought of drinking the dirty swamp water where many stray animals peed in and had a shit as well, is just disgusting.

The mermaids are really willing to do anything to gain power...

Cale did not need to hear anything else.

The Forest of Darkness.
Choi Han's Harris Village.
Cale thought about the ten Wolf children, who were probably outside the door right now, before turning to look at the corner of the room. On and Hong were there with an odd gap between the two of them. The invisible Black Dragon was probably between them.

– Human, what are you looking at?

Some wanted to know what kind of connection Cale made while looking at different things. What did he realize?

'I was thinking about building him a villa.'


"That's too random!"


"Here they were telling him about some kind of overpowered swamp ingredient and thinks about a house?"

"Actually, it was a villa."

"Shut up! That wasn't the point!"

– Is it because you think I am the coolest? Fine, I will give you permission to keep looking at me.

"It's complicated."
"Excuse me?"

The Whale siblings' pupils grew larger. However, Cale did not look at them as he started to think.

'What would be the benefit?'

In order to figure out what the benefits would be, there was something he needed to understand first.

"Humans cannot interfere in the events of the sea."

"He's having fun throwing those pretentious words back at them."

"Seems like it."

"I would too, to be honest."

"'Pretentious' is the biggest word you know, how can you verbally win any argument?"

"You little XXXX."

Witira immediately responded.

"We know that is the case. However, we plan on making sure you are not at a disadvantage in any way from this. Everything will be done by us in secret."

Archie and the other Whales winced.


That went exactly how they planned it.

She then added on to respond to Cale's statement.

"Furthermore, the mermaids broke the agreement first. They would have needed help from the land in order to reach the Forest of Darkness."
"But there is still a huge chance of danger. You know that, right?"

Next came the second thing he needed to know.

"So, what is in it for me?"

Alberu smiled.

There is his money-loving dongsaeng. As if that bastard does anything for free.

...and if he did, Alberu will hunt him down because why is a random stranger getting some benefits he as his hyung doesn't get?!

Cale informed them about the danger first before asking about this. A thick smile formed on Witira's face as she slowly started to speak.
Cale knew what was going to come out of her mouth.
It would be the same condition the Whale King had offered Choi Han in the novel.

"A sea route."

Cale started to smile.

"There is a sea route that the mermaids have prioritized in their takeover. It is one that the humans have not found yet. It is the safest sea route available."

Nobles stared in awe at the scene.

A sea route?

They could get rich if they would be able to utilize it.

Some started fantasizing about owning the sea route while most read everything and knew that Choi Han, which means crown prince Alberu, gained the rights to the route.

Cale asked, even though he already knew.

"Where is it?"

Witira, who did not know Cale knew about it, confidently answered.

"Our ocean."

The Western continent's Northern Sea.

"It is in the Whale tribe's territory."

Cale started to laugh as he asked.

"Isn't the Whale territory the most dangerous? It is the location of the ocean's strongest lifeforms."
"But it is a safe place for you now, young master Cale. You will be given the rights to use that route."

Cale casually asked the confident Witira.

"But I don't need it?"
"...Excuse me?"

Bud and some others laughed at the utter confusion on Witira's face.

Witira also had to smile at Cale's typical answer. Never expect the expected with the young master.

A valuable lesson every ally learned along the way.

Cale had absolutely no need for a sea route like that. It wasn't like they were giving him the sea route. They were just giving him the rights to use it. Cale did not need that sea route in order to live peacefully.


No one said anything.

Live peacefully?

Sure, Cale.



"Let me add one more condition."

Raised brows went even higher and expecting eyes and ears really wanted to know the condition the young master will present.

The sea route will make his family wealthier and stronger. Of course, Basen will have to work even harder as the head of the territory, but that didn't matter to Cale. Cale could see the confusion in Witira's face, and answered the future Whale Queen.

Basen sweatdropped at Cale's instant dismissal of any kind of work.

His hyung is really just...

A small smile made it's way on his usually stoic face, Kim Rok Soo noticed this and smiled gently as well.

"Lend me your strength when I need it."
"Our strength?"
"Yes, strength. Two times."

Witira asked for confirmation, which her counterpart gave.

Such a deal is extremely dangerous and anyone else would have abused that privilege. The soon-to-be queen can't imagine agreeing to anyone else but the young master.

Nothing else mattered to Cale other than keeping this Northeastern territory safe when the Northern knights headed down toward this warm and plentiful part of the continent. The whirlpools in the Ubarr sea and the naval base, why else would Cale have involved himself in all of this?
It was because Cale was preparing for the future based on his knowledge of the novel.

Amiru, Gilbert and Eric stared with wide eyes.

All those things were planned to keep the north safe? Their shining eyes looked at Cale. Clopeh, who has a sixth sense for any new Cale-worshiper, evaluated the possible new recruits.

"We can't interfere with the issues of the land."


Archie and Paseton ignored the judging gazes directed at them. Those watching saw them causing chaos under Cale's orders on land.

Hmmm, the ceiling has a nice color.

Cale looked at Witira's pale expression before casually adding on.

"So, you want me to put myself in danger, but you won't do the same?"
"...We are a peace-seeking tribe."
"I don't think you can say that when you have been fighting with the mermaids for so long."


Now the whole Whale table acts like the judging gazes don't exist.

The Whale tribe was feeling danger from the stronger mermaids. They had never felt such danger before. They probably wanted to completely get rid of that source of danger in order to maintain their peace.

Cale continued to speak to the silent Witira.

"The Forest of Darkness is one of the most dangerous and mysterious areas in the world. It is not somewhere you will have safe travels just because you are strong. Especially for someone like you, who does not know much about the land."

Cale was planning on heading to Harris Village anyways.

Choi Han looked up when his previous home was mentioned.

Why is the transmigrator talking about Harris Village?

"...there is not another secret hidden away, right?", he muttered to himself.

"I will help you."

The Forest of Darkness that Choi Han had lived in for tens of years. Choi Han did not know everything about the Forest of Darkness, even after spending that long in there. He just knew bits and pieces of it.

And the human who knew the most about the Forest of Darkness after Choi Han was, of course, Cale.

"I think I know which swamp it is."

Witira could see Cale smile as he gently answered.

"Doesn't the Whale tribe want a peaceful life as the strongest lifeform in the ocean?"

Cale could see Witira's point of view starting to change. She was slowly changing from a position of request to a position of making a deal.

"You are right, young master Cale."

The Whales that wanted peace. That was only possible because they were strong. The Whale tribe in the novel did anything and everything to fight the mermaids.

"I mean, they did the same here as well. They brought in the young master. That's another danger level."

No one denied the statement.

"I, Witira, as the successor of the Whale chief, accept your conditions."

Witira could see that Cale was still calm after she revealed her identity.

"You were the successor? Great. We can finalize our deal without delay."

He just seemed happy that they could complete the deal right then and there. He reached his hand out as he asked.

"Am I supposed to speak formally to you now?"

"There is no need to do that, young master Cale. I need to hide my identity."
"Only I should know about it?"

Cale shook hands with Witira. That was enough.

The screen turned blank after they finished watching Cale and Witira sealing the deal.

The Whales of Side A also thanked Cale for showing them what the reason for both the increase in the mermaid's power and the reason for Paseton's death.

Just when people were getting ready to take a short nap and relax a bit, a familiar flash of light announced the arrival of the new people.

Kim Rok Soo just stared in astonishment and could only utter one sentence.


Staring back at them was a small group of people. They look older than their copies inside the room. Older and weary. Tired.

Standing before them were the people of the Birth of the Hero world where the war was common knowledge and many countries have fallen.

This was a possible future for Side A if they don't manage to change their fate. 



Soooo, the next big Arc will happen XD

As you should have already realized it, I will react to the Henituse Battle plus the Sea Battle (all chapters without skipping some parts). Buuut, there is a small problem (for you, not me). I won't be able to write for the next one and a half weeks aka the next chapter will appear in somewhere (max) two weeks^^ I'll do my best to present it to you as soon as possible, but no promises when.

I know that I have been a bit absent but too much is happening and I could have written some hasty chapters, I didn't want that tho. So, please be a bit patient. After I start publish the next chapter (after my little break) I'll try to get two chapters a week again for a bit^^ Starting from then I'll have more time to wrote again (/◕ヮ◕)/

What do you think about our new arrivals?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you in the next one^^

Btw, about Toonka from Side A aka TBOAH Toonka. I think one of the reasons why he despaired and became mad was that no one showed him how kindness works. Harol and the others respect him (at the beginning at least) but also fear him. They don't give him orders or comfort him if he needs someone. Cale wasn't afraid of him and talked to him like an equal. He showed him that he mattered as not just a commander but as Toonka.

Side A has wars and deaths, he is confronted with failures and just broke. No one was there to catch him, he's just a monster after all. An insane bastard.

So, I think why both Toonka are so different is the single small difference that Cale gave Toonka a friend, someone he can call and rely on. The man then realized that it's not an 'I' but a 'we'.

Those are my thoughts and that's how I at least am portraying him. I'd love to know your thoughts as well^^

(This chapter is a bit boring, my reactions at least, but with the next great battle, many new emotions will appear^^)

(Last point, I did not have the time to proof read anything aka please expect some mistakes (both grammar and spelling), I'll go over them and also finally the other chapters in one or two weeks. Till then...mistakes.

I just didn't want to leave you guys without a chapter for over three weeks...sorry)

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