Hero and Perfect

By Kingsrabbit

7.2K 432 1.2K

A m/m BL style romance with some explicit 18+chapters. Childhood friends to lovers romance , featuring high... More

Healing. Chapter 1. Pt. 1
Chapter Two
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Away My Love
Afterword/regarding this series

Chapter Sixteen.

152 14 29
By Kingsrabbit

Hero and Perfect had arrived at the Hulin estate in time for a late afternoon lunch.
The introductions had gone reasonably well.

Perfect was relieved to find that his apprehension dissipated quickly.

Hero had kept a steadying hand on the small of his back and Perfect relaxed  somewhat when he found that Hero's grandparents, while reserved, were both gracious and calm.  He had met Hero's grandmother, Madame Xiang, already, and that had definitely helped.

They did not seem cold or stiff.
There was no sense of either of them being awkward  or the conversation feeling forced.

Minjun  Mei Lu and Fei  joining them had helped to ease what small tensions that might have been present.

Madame Xiang appeared to be enjoying their company immensely.

The airy mansion was beautiful and understated. The food was delicious , and with Hero, his family and his dearest  friend present , the conversation after the meal was lively and relaxed.

Perfect soon found  himself laughing and holding forth as he shared details of the wonderful evening spent with Three/4/One.

" Tell! Tell! Oh I want to hear every moment!" Fei leaned over as far as courtesy would allow , smiling  like the fangirl that she was.

They had made a gigantic bonfire and Hero had produced several trays of delicious skewered meat.
There had been some groaning appreciation and all of it had quickly disappeared leaving nothing but a huge platter of bare skewers.

Hero and Shyjian had removed their shirts and sparred lightly on the beach, while Perfection and the band members had watched , wide eyed .
The two powerful young men were well matched.
The tall leader of Three/4/One  proved to be extremely fast - a highly skilled adversary.
Shyjian scarcely appeared to move, and to Perfect's utter amazement - he took Hero down.
He had been lighting quick - his movements compact and very aggressive.

Perfect had blinked. His lips parting slightly in surprise. He heard himself make an odd squeaking sound.

But Shyjian found himself thrown down mere  seconds later.
Hard and fast.
He clearly had trouble finding his breath as Hero grasped his arm, easily pulling him back up to his feet.

They had laughed , high-fived  and  called it a match.

Both large men eyed each other with new respect when they returned to the fire.

The whole thing had taken place so quickly that the observers  hardly  had time to cheer.

Perfect had never before seen anyone who could come close to an equable match with Hero's implacable strength and speed.
He found it grudgingly ok that if it was anyone, at least it had been his sort- of -next - kind - of  favourite man , King Jewang Shyjian - who also happened to be his absolute bias.
The twins and Silk had also sparred - the twins seemed able to effortlessly defy gravity with their kicks and spinning leaps.

But Silk proved to be the definition of his nickname .

He flowed like smooth water. Always just out of reach.
Darting in and stealing both of the twins neck scarves, giving each of them a sound tap on the jaw. Then strolling back to the fire.
"Age and skill before beauty", he had announced with a smug smile.

Beitan had played the piano gorgeously for awhile and then wandered over to challenge Perfect to a game of speed chess. He produced a small hourglass from his pocket ; shaking his head and taking a selfie with Perfection and the chessboard when Perfect won in a matter of moments.

They played several times, moving pieces quickly while the others watched with increasing interest - until Beitan won the fifth round.

The other group members cheered wildly while Perfect took a selfie with Beitan and the chessboard, too.

He and Hero had then listened attentively while the group shared some comic and adventurous road stories - there were many.

It had been a magical evening.

Shyjian , Lung Chan and Hero had made breakfast for everyone bright and early the next morning.

Perfect had been rapturous.  He had entered the kitchen to find Hero smiling and laughing while he and King Shyjian flipped pancakes ever higher. Lung Chan  was catching  them on plates and laughing too.

Hero had spied him and said " Good morning , Perfection Kim- Chanthara", giving him a smile that made him blush.

Lung Chan had immediately turned and  bowed, presenting him with a plate of pancakes.
Perfect took the plate and blushed  even more when he saw K- Shy smiling at him , standing beside his new spouse.
The two handsomest men in the world, standing right before him.

" Would you like coffee? " " We just made a fresh pot."  Both Hero and Shyjian spoke at once.
Perfect had smiled  shyly and nodded.
He sat at the island and ate pancakes feeling surreal while watching  LC and his bias having fun with his love.
He then took his coffee into the dining area, and just sat .
Watching all of them walking about the huge house with bed hair. Ji- Tae and the twins  looking cute , stumbling about , squinting groaning and mumbling. Falling onto chairs and couches. Just obviously having ongoing issues with mornings in general.
Zee being annoyingly cheerful and alert before coffee. Giving Perfect a friendly nod while playing GT racer on the big screen.
Silk looking dangerous. Staring at the coffee pot in stony silence until it finished brewing. Then  pouring an enormous mug and stalking out to the deck to drink it, while glaring at the world. Ji-Tae and Zee both moving out of his way with alacrity.
Beitan singing in the shower. Badly. Loudly. Happily.

The pianist had emerged and visited  quietly with Perfect . Briefly discussing concepts that made Ocean roll his eyes at them as he walked past  with full cheeks. Holding a plate full of blueberry pancakes, drowned in butter and syrup.

After breakfast they had packed up Hero's suv and headed for the mainland.

" Honestly, all of it... Everything ... It was like a dream." Perfect said , gazing at Hero , who smiled back at him warmly.

He grinned happily at Fei, who shook her head at him and laughed , rolling her eyes.  " I'll say it is.
Perfection Kim- Chanthara ! I cannot believe that they performed Winter Sun, It's everything I could have wanted for you, and  - oh- pie! Yes thank you."
Dessert was served .

" The grounds are lovely,' Perfect observed, after the last plates were cleared away.

Chongan set his tea down and looked at Perfect.

" Would you like to see them?  The weather is good."

Madame Xiang stood immediately and offered to take them on a tour of the flower gardens and the statuary maze.

The four ladies and Perfect started out toward the large fountain at the maze entrance , but Perfect lingered behind, diverted by a heady scent of .... Roses.

He adored roses.

He headed down a narrow grassy path through a large vine covered bower .
Following the intoxicating fragrance. Stepping from the bower into a lush cavalcade of climbing roses and nodding cultivated briars bursting with the rich blooms in a stunning array of colours.
Pale pink. Blushing cream. Red tinged gold . Peach . Crimson and deep scarlet.

He stood still and  just relaxed.

Breathing in the sun dappled greenery and the gorgeous flowers. Inhaling the fresh fragrance that permeated the dewy warmth of the corner garden with  soul deep appreciation.

" Hello.'
A quiet voice caused him to turn quickly in surprise.

The voice had come from a frail man wearing a white fedora with a black band. He was sitting in a wheelchair with a
large shawl wrapped around his still wide shoulders and a soft cotton blanket tucked around his long legs.

The man was ghostly  pale and there were distinct shadows beneath his eyes.
But his expression was alert and his eyes were alive with curiosity and kindness as he gazed at Perfection with an interested smile.

'Such grace...It puts these poor flowers to shame...What is your name?"

Perfect bowed and returned the smile.

" I didn't mean to disturb you sir. I apologize for the intrusion. My name is Kim-Chanthara Perfection."

" Ahhh', the senior man exhaled , tilting his head slightly .
' Flawless manners...Does she look determined?"

" Excuse me?" Perfect wasn't sure he had heard him correctly.

" The she- bear with the moustache ; coming down the path behind me. Does she look grim?"
Perfect glanced up and over a little.
Sure enough , there was a determined looking woman of remarkable girth and dark heavy brows , puffing  down the path toward them, holding a small white cup.

He giggled before he could collect himself.
She was near enough he could see that there was indeed, a well defined shadow across the entirety of her top lip.

" Save yourself - who knows if she's eaten?" The old man said loudly.

She was nearly upon them. Too close already for Perfect to escape her notice.
He watched in silence as she huffed right past him. Straight over to the elderly man in the wheelchair who was now slumped over and doing a not altogether unconvincing job of pretending to be asleep.

Now that she was close he could see she was a nurse. She was wearing scrubs , bearing a name tag that read : M. Bearn/ R.N. Pinned over one side of a shelf like bosom.

" Mr.Hulin ,' she said sternly.
He  didn't move.
She leaned closer.
" Mr. Hulin, it's time for your medication."

He opened his eyes and shrank back in his wheelchair , staring at her in ill- feigned horror.
" Don't feed me to your cubs! I'm just an old man! Get back!"

He had been speaking English earlier, but he said this last sentence in Mandarin, which Perfect now understood well enough to make out what he was saying to her.

He shook his head at him, pursing his lips to keep from laughing.

" Mr. Hulin. Your medication. You have to let me-'

" It's  alright. I'm his...nephew. I'll see that he takes it. You can leave it with me." Perfect interrupted gently.

He could see that wily uncle was already tired from his dramatic exertions.

Hearing his words, the old man relaxed . Allowing his neck to loll back against the adjustable head rest attached to the back of his wheelchair. He smiled beatifically and spoke just loudly enough she might hear him.

" I will take it."

She sighed and smiled , not unkindly.

" Fine then. Be sure you drink it all.' She spoke briskly.

' I'll be back in twenty minutes to check. And then, Mr. Hulin, I'll need to bring you back inside."
She set the cup down on the glass topped wrought iron table that was beside the wheelchair  and disappeared back up the path.

" Please...sit so I can hear you. My hearing is poor."

Perfect obligingly sat on one of a pair of stone benches , choosing one nearest the irascible senior.

"Better', Shin Hulin said.
'Now. Let me look at you.'
Perfect noticed a large photo album, open on the table in front of him.

'I have been informed that my grand nephew has found happiness with one that he loves. And that he has pulled down the sun and made it official - tell me, is it true?"

Perfect did not hesitate. He smiled at the old man and spoke clearly.

" It is true uncle . We married two days ago."

The older man had slowly turned his head so he could look closely at Perfect.

Upon hearing his reply , he closed his eyes for a moment.
When he reopened them, Perfect was concerned to see that they were glistening with unshed tears.
However , a huge smile crinkled the corners of them, and for a moment, Perfect caught a glimpse of the arrestingly handsome man that Shin Hulin had once been.

" What a beauty you are ...Come closer child, there is someone I would like you to meet.'

Perfect leaned nearer and turned the photo album so that both of them could see it easily, when he saw that the frail senior was weakly trying to push it closer to him.

The pictures were professional looking.

They were beautifully executed . Possessed of a subtle sensitivity for light shadow and perspective that elevated them to something far beyond a common photograph.

Most were black and white.

They belonged in books, he thought. Staring at them in awestruck appreciation.Or prestigious magazines. Or galleries.

Some were landscapes. Some were of city streets and buildings.
Cafes. A cathedral lit eerily through fog. People seated under awnings in the rain.
Dockyards. Ships.

Most though, were of a slim and rakishly handsome man.

He looked like he might be in his early twenties , with unruly blonde hair and a wry smile.

In the first two photos of him, it appeared as though he had been unaware that his picture was being taken while he worked ignominiously in a large garden... Clipping hedges. Trimming flowers.

He was wearing chinos and a long sleeved cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up, over a tight white t- shirt that showed off his lean, muscular physique.

Then another of him, crouched down petting a small white cat , with his lips pursed as though he was about to kiss its fluffy white head.

There was an arresting photo of him holding out what looked like a bouquet of wildflowers. His expression was vivid. Almost defiant. He looked as though he might be considering tossing them aside and storming off.

Another art quality photo of him sitting at a dark wooden table. His profile half in shadow as he gazed out a window , smoking a cigarette and holding a cup of something hot. The steam rising faintly.

Hero's great uncle spoke to the photos earnestly. His quiet voice vibrant with joyful affection .

' This beautiful young man is our great nephew in-law , ' Perfection.  Kim.  Chanthara.'
He spoke each name succinctly. With a flourish .
'They got married - just as we always dreamed we might... Isn't it wonderful!?' He raised his eyes to gaze at Perfect warmly once again.
' Perfection', such a lovely name.' He murmured.
His eyes lowered back to the pictures.

Perfect's throat felt tight. He took a slow , deep breath.

  Shin Hulin was finishing the introduction.
' Perfection Kim- Chanthara ', he  repeated . He was still gazing down , moving a skeletal hand lovingly over the photographs...

' This  - is Ellis Payton- Jones. My long time companion' .... He raised his eyes to Perfect's  ' The love of my life."

Perfect stood and bowed gracefully to the photographs.

" It is my honour to meet you, Mr. Payton-Jones."

Shin Hulin beamed at him , as he sat down again.

" Dear boy. He would have wanted you to call him ' Uncle'.

The next photograph was the only one on that page of the photo album.
It was slightly larger than the other pictures , and placed precisely in the centre of the page.

It was of a very large man. Rigid and severe . He was seated at an ornate wooden desk.

He was forbidding  indeed, with his big hands laced together before him. Dressed  in what appeared to be  dark traditional clothing that made him look imposing .

He wore a small, square cap, with rolled edges and had long  thin moustaches that fell well past his strong  jaw , one along each side of an impressively long goatee.
His expression was unreadable. The overall presentiment conveyed cold austerity and authority.

' Chongan's father. Lung Wang Hulin.'
He saw Perfect's quick glance.
He looked away for a moment, then spoke matter of factly. Words tinged with long familiar pain.

' Of course he disowned me. I promised to honour his wish . Always... To never again call him ' my father'... I expected no less... After all, I had just told him that I was casting aside all responsibility in order to elope with our gardener."

" Elope!?" Perfect was hanging off his every word.

Shin laughed softly. " Oh, not legally of course.  However much we wanted to... And oh ... We wanted...But no, that was impossible .... Not ever , we thought. But now...The curse -" He smiled oddly and was clearly about to say more , but instead he began to cough.
It seized him viciously . Wracking his thin body and causing him to tense and gasp, wide - eyed from discomfort.

Perfect waited anxiously until he had finished the painful spell.

" Uncle. You need to rest. Here, take your medicine ... would you like some water? There is some here."
Perfect lifted the small cup. , watching intently as he first swallowed the  dark, syrupy contents , then gratefully drank some water from a glass Perfect helped hold for him.

" Mr Hulin , it's time to go back inside." The hirsute and determined M. Bearn, R.N. , had returned.

" Ellis..." Shin whispered. His eyes were closed.

Perfect understood. He carefully closed the album and placed it on the blanket wrapped  lap. Uncles claw like fingers  scrabbled and grasped it weakly.
The elder's eyes opened. He tried to smile but it became a grimace.
'Please...Come...With your ... Him...I want to see you together... You must meet Pandora."

" Pandora?" Perfect echoed.

The nurse began to laugh as she started to push the wheelchair across the flagstone patio toward large sliding glass doors .
Perfect took a few steps along with her . He could see a hospital bed through them. The bed was turned so it would allow a view of the magnificent rose garden.

"You can come meet her tomorrow', she smiled.
' If Mr. Hulin is feeling well enough to have visitors after breakfast, you come meet Pandora'.

Her smile turned to professional concentration as she paused and to Perfect's intense relief, moved the precious photo album. Securing it well with the blanket tucked into the sides so it wouldn't fall ,  before she turned the wheelchair around , to tip it back and carefully pull it up and into the room.

She saw the look on his face and spoke softly and clearly .

" We would never allow him to lose Ellis , sir. Good night."

Perfect wanted to hug her.
Cut all the roses and give them to her.
Or maybe buy her a house.

She was no kind of bear.
She was beautiful.

He saw that Hero's great uncle appeared to be authentically asleep as the sliding glass door closed, and a long mechanical blind slipped across the inside of it effectively sealing it from outside view.

He wanted Hero's arms around him. Wanted to hug him. Kiss him. Tell him that he loved him a thousand times.
He could. He would.

He twisted the precious ring on his finger.

He heard his sister and Fei calling his name as he took a  last deep inhalation of the glorious roses  then ran to catch up with them.
His mind was burning with a hundred questions.

How had a young American with a Hampton - rich  sounding name like " Ellis Payton-Jones" come to be a groundskeeper  for a wealthy family in Taiwan, in what had to have been the late fifties?

Shin was the older brother. He would have been the heir.

For him to have stood before their powerful father and declare that not only was he leaving , but that he was prepared to give up everything in order to keep house with their gardener ... their male gardener...he shivered.

Hatred and ignorant homophobia were still issues in the present... there had been , and was, increasingly powerful pushback and intelligent progress being made every day  - thank all the gods of common sense - But he could only imagine what it had to have been like so many decades ago.

He shivered again.

...He remembered Hero telling him that his grandparents marriage had been an arranged one ... had Hero's grandmother been first promised to Shin?

Shin spoke perfect English. Many of the stunning black and white photographs looked as though they might have been shot in American cities...maybe?

Eccentric uncle had mentioned a curse  - right before he was seized by coughing...it was probably just a figure of speech ... he thought.

' Pandora', was probably a cat.

He had caught up to Madame Xiang.

She was looking at him.

Oh no. Had she asked him a question?

He was being rudely inattentive to his elder hostess.

" Ah. I'm sorry Madame Xia - ah - grandmother." He mumbled.
She had  quietly said that he might call her ' grandmother' if he so wished , when they had first stepped outside to view the grounds, earlier.

She smiled a small smile.

" Its fine. It has been a busy few days for you.  Did you enjoy the rose garden? It is particularly beautiful this time of year."
Perfect felt his face grow warm. He was sure she was politely repeating the question.

" I did. They are very beautiful.' He paused.' I met a man there . Hero's great uncle."

She adjusted her sunglasses.

" Shin. Yes. You spoke to him?"

Perfect glanced at her, but she was walking with her hands clasped behind her back, watching the path before her.

" I did', he said quietly. ' He is very interesting. He asked that Hero and I come visit him while we are here."

" Ah . I see.' She did not look at him. ' I think he would like that. '

She glanced at him. Then back at the path while they continued.

' Would you like to ?" She said softly.

Perfect was quiet for a moment before he replied .

"I would like to. Very much , if it doesn't disturb his rest. He is terminal, isn't he?"

" Yes.' She paused a moment. 'He is."

She  exhaled and touched her cheek , a quick movement with her fingers.
She kept walking.
The measured steps. The way she kept her hands behind her back.  Her distant expression while deeply wrapped in thought.

Perfect saw Hero's stoicism.

' I'm sure he would like the visit . Did he show you his pictures? "

Perfect  nodded and saw that she glanced at him again.

" Yes. He is  - was  - an amazing photographer."

" It's true.'  She said. ' Did he mention Ellis?"

Perfect's heart gave a little skip.
" He did ... yes ...but' ... he took a deep breath, hoping he wasn't crossing a line . He was burning with curiosity.
He wanted to ask so many things.
He was  determined not to be intrusive or rude. But ... she had mentioned Ellis.
He was painfully aware that Hero's dynamic with his grandparents was one of careful courtesy and utmost reserve.

Madame Xiang was looking at him gravely. When he hesitated  she turned her gaze back to the path.

They continued to walk along the beautifully landscaped paths through the cleverly designed hedge maze that contained exquisitely detailed statues of characters and creatures from Taiwanese myths and legends at all of the corners.

He thought of Shin.  Standing alone in front of Hero's great grandfather.
He took a breath.

" I wonder how they met." He said clearly.

She stopped walking.

Further along the path, quite far ahead of them , Mei Lu  Minjun and Fei were laughing loudly.
The summer sun hung low in the clear blue sky.
A colourful butterfly fluttered erratically between them.

Hero's grandmother looked at him for a long moment.
Her expression was one he was well familiar with. It was the Xiang /Chanthara " away" face.
Perfect had learned to read Hero's silences very , very , well.
He wondered if this time he might just be hopeful. Because he had the oddest feeling that she was pleased he had spoken.

Even though they were both obviously aware that he had 99.9% crossed the boundary of what would be respected as polite conversation with his out- loud invitational speculation.

It was , according to proper courtesy, Shin's story to tell.

Except ... Perfect was hard gut certain that they were all tightly wound up in this dynastic conundrum that had resulted in decades of disownment  bitterness and disassociation.

All of them.

Pei- Shan  Xiang took off her sunglasses.
She looked at Perfect .

" They met because of my mother.  I was raised with Ellis Payton- Jones."

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