Season 2 (Year 2)

By School-1994

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Middle School Year Two More

Jessica's First Day
An Old Score to Settle
Teaching George
The Great Money Hunt
The Rise of Dwayne
2 Peas in a Pod
History of Davis
The Friend Who Would Not Leave
The Alliance
The Return of Cr
Name Swap
Believers of Magic
A Rivalry is Formed
Joey Meets His Match
The 3 Musketeer Ladies
Friends No More
Jessica Takes a Stand
Wanted Dead or Alive
The Anime of Dakota
The Dance
Forrest Steps Up
School At War
Fighting For a Friend
Lost In the Shuffle
A Nice Unfriendly Chase
Turning Over a New Rotten Leaf
Burning Heart of Love
The Battle For Casey County
New School Order
Double Crossed
The Spy Life
Dwayne's Revenge
The Ultimatum
Last Students Standing

The Big Breakout

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By School-1994

(The episode begins as we see Joey in his office talking to Brandon and Matt)
Matt: Today is the day of the assault Mr Joey. You remember right?
Joey: I haven't forgotten. I've been waiting a long time for this.
Brandon: We'll stand up for our rights and save our.
Joey: Oh hog wash on that. What really matters that after today no one will ever be able to doubt my hero status ever again.
Matt: Joey!!
Brandon: Are you really doing all of this just so you can be thought of as a hero?
Joey: So what? I'm the one in charge so I don't think you have any position to be making any complaints. Unless you know anyone else who could be capable of going toe to toe with These vile freaks.
Matt: Ok yeah ya know what? He has a point there.
Joey: Of course I do.
(At that moment Pierce walks inside)
Pierce: It's time we head out and go boys.
Joey: Bout time
(He then marches outside while Matt and Brandon shrug and follow him)

(The next scene then cuts to Amber who we see talking to Stephanie, Lacie, Savannah, Gooch)
Amber: Looks like it's about time for us to go.
Lacie: You must be really nervous.
Amber: I wish I could say this is nothing snd that we've been through worst. But I guess that would be a lie wouldn't it?
Gooch: Hey don't sweat it. Everything will be ok.
Amber: I wish I could be as confident as you are.
Savannah: I'm surprised you don't want people to come with you.
Amber: This is going to be really dangerous and I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you guys stayed here where it's safe.
Lacie: Oh Amber always looking out for us.
(We then see Joey walk past them)
Joey: Either come or we'll go without you red.
Amber: Sounds like I gotta get going now.
Stephanie: Knock em all dead Amber. Show them what you're made of.
Amber: While I'm gone I'll be counting on you to watch over this place Stephanie.
Stephanie: You can count on me girl. Always.
Amber: Never a doubt in my mind.
(She then runs into a nearby van which immediately takes off while we see Alex, Josh, and Bolin watching while cheering)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see everyone now in the van with Tim, JJ, Shawn, and Luke)
Matt: Guys I don't mean to be a whiner. But next time we go on a rescue mission like this maybe we could go with a bigger vehicle.
Joey: Oh get real. If you wanna complain you can get out.
Matt: I'm just saying this is kinda crowded.
Amber: Guys that's enough of that.
JJ: She's right. We have bigger problems and the last thing we need is to be bickering with each other.
Brandon: She's right. To pull this off we need everyone's corporation and we need to be getting along to corporate.
Tim: Oh we're not screwing this up because we're going home without them. Even if we have to break this place apart with my own bare hands.
Jj: That a boy Tim.
Shawn: Maybe now is a bad time to be calling attention to this. But how are we going to bring everyone back home without a bigger vehicle.
JJ: Uh well..
Joey: We can cross that bridge whenever we get to it!! How much further do we have till we?
Luke: Hey chill out man I know where we're going. I just escaped from this place and I'll have you know that.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as he lets out a gasp)
Luke: Stop!!
(They then immediately stop the van)
Tim: What is it now? I swear if this is about food I'll smack you so hard that.
Luke: No dude come on. You really think I'd have food on my mind at a time like this?
(His stomach then starts growling)
Amber: Yes.
Luke: Ok fair point. But that's not why I told you to stop.
JJ: Well then why?
Luke: Cause we're here?
(He then points towards a distant building)
JJ: That abandoned building?
Luke: That's those crazy hoodlums hideout.
(We then see Smither walk past it)
Pierce: That's Smither alright so it must be.
Joey: Good then let's get in there and start tearing everyone apart limb from limb.
JJ: Hold up. We can't just walk in there all willie nillie like that. Smither could blow our cover.
Joey: Then what do you suppose we do big guy?
Amber: Strategize of course.
JJ: I think I might have an idea that could get us inside.
Tim: Whatever the plan we're with ya man.

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see Smither standing in front of the hideout)
Smither: It's quiet out here. Feels as if it's too quiet.
(He then starts hearing footsteps)
Smither: But it won't be quiet too much longer will it?
(He then turns around and sees Jj standing behind him)
Smither: Why Jeremiah Johnson.
JJ: Hello. Austin Smither.
(He then immediately punches Smither and tackles him to the ground)
Amber: Jj has him distracted!! Come on everyone.
(Everyone else then comes out of hiding)
Tim: It's go time.
Amber: Remember the plan. We split up and rescue as many people as possible.
Joey: Yeah yeah I remember. You don't have to remind me all the time.
(He then runs ahead of everyone)
Shawn: I tell y'all what he's one very rude boy.
Amber: No kidding.
(They all then run inside after him)
Smither: I see. So that's the idea here isn't it?
(He then laughs evilly)
Smither: This is great cause I was needing some excitement back in my life. Just as soon as I finish up with you I think I'll track them all down personally and.
(Jj however then begins beating him rapidly)
JJ: Whatever you're wanting to do you won't get the chance.

(The next scene then cuts to Jennifer and Sarah who are chained up together)
Jennifer: Come on. I have to be able to do this.
Sarah: Jen as much as I admire your stubborn never giving up attitude. Please just give up.
Jennifer: Sarah Redford!! I'm offended you would even suggest that.
Sarah: Face the facts. These chains aren't coming off of us.
Jennifer: Not with that attitude.
Sarah: I don't know why I'm even bothering arguing with you. You literally never listen to me.
Jennifer: Hey for the record if you don't wanna argue you could have stayed behind with Ashley.
Sarah: Aw Ashley. At least she's safe and far far away from here. Poor girl must be worried sick about us though.
Jennifer: All the more reason we gotta get out of this so we can get back to her.
(She then continues trying to break the chains)
Sarah: Just give it up already Jennifer. There's no way we can.
(At that moment they then see the door beginning to open)
Sarah: Look see? There's Smither already here to put us out of our misery. See it's already too late.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as Luke barges inside)
Luke: Never you fear ladies I am!!
Sarah: Hey that's not Smither.
Jennifer: That's the one annoying fat kid. Uhh what's his name again?
Luke: Luke!! My name is Luke!!
Jennifer: Right of course.
Luke: And what's with this lack of respect I'm seeing here? I'm saving you so the least you could do is.
Jennifer: Ok we're sorry.
Sarah: Just free us already.
Luke: Now that's more like it.
(He then walks over and unties them)
Sarah: Now that's much better.
Luke: You guys don't have to throw me any parades or anything. It's cool I get it.
Jennifer: So Sarah. You still feeling down in the dumps and feeling sorry for yourself?
Sarah: You really wanna know what I'm feeling?
(At that moment Tylerc and Joe then barge inside)
Tylerc: We don't know what all this jabbering is about!! But knock it out or!!
Jennifer: Ahem.
(They then notice that they're free)
Joe: Aw crud.
Jennifer: You were saying girl?
(Sarah then grins smugly as she runs over and knocks Joe out)
Tylerc: Joe no!!
(He then notices Jennifer approaching him)
Jennifer: Bet you're wishing you didn't betray us before now huh?
Tylerc: Hey come on now let's not take things too personally. I'm sure we can still talk about this like nice mature.,
(She then kicks him against the wall)
Jennifer: Oh you've got the wrong idea. We're way past wanting to talk things out.
Sarah: Wicked job girl.
Jennifer: Thank you.
(They then fist bump each other)
Jennifer: Now come on. We got plenty more butts to kick.
(They then run off leaving Luke behind)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Luke: Oh sure. Just run off and leave me in the dust. That's fine why wouldn't ya?
(As he walks outside however he now finds Cj standing outside)
Cj: Well would ya look at that.
Luke: Cj!!
Cj: I heard all the racket coming from here. And who could have imagined I would find you of all people. And let me guess you didn't come alone.
Luke: That sir is very extreme classified information that I'm not about to tell you!!
Cj: Listen at you try to play the tough guy now. It's almost adorable.
Luke: Hey man I'm warning ya. You do not wanna throw down with me. I have all sorts of.
(Cj then groans as he immediately knocks Luke out with one punch)
Cj: Now if you'll excuse me.
(He then pulls out his phone and calls someone)
Cj: We have been breached. Everyone get ready and be prepared for whatever happens next.
(He then hangs up)

(The next scene then cuts to Brandon who we see trying to unlock a giant safe)
Brandon: Just imagine locking you girls up in here. Dwayne must have really not wanted you guys escaping huh?
Bethany: You make it sound like something we should be flattered by.
Jessica: Look enough of the chatting ok?! There's barely any air left in here so how about you just let us out so we can.
Brandon: Ok ok. No need to be so jumpy and hateful.
Jessica: I'm sorry ok?! This is just.
Brandon: Don't sweat it little lady. I should have you good and free right about.
(He then manages to unlock it)
Brandon: Now.
Bethany: Thank goodness.
Jessica: I never want to be in another tight squeeze like that ever again.
Bethany: Ugh I know. I feel like I'm gonna be sore for a week.
Brandon: Well you're at the light of the tunnel now girls. All you've got to do is stick by me and you should be.
(At that moment an alarm begins going off)
Bethany: Ow that's loud!!
Brandon: I think we've been noticed.
Jessica: Oh you really think so?
(At that moment they then see Shoaf charging towards them)
Bethany: Oh no not him.
(Brandon then immediately pulls a stun gun out of his pocket and uses it on Shoaf)
Brandon: No time for the stealthy approach!! Follow me now!!
(The 3 of them then take off running)

(The next scene then cuts back to Shawn who we see freeing Dakota and Alan)
Dakota: Thank you for saving us Shawn friend..
Alan: Better late than never.
Shawn: Look guys I'm sorry I didn't come with you before ok?
Alan: Well you're stepping up and being a man now. So I suppose no harm is done.
Dakota: Now we gotta get outta here right away!! My poor granny can't take another minute of being away from me!! And I need to see her!!
Alan: Ugh unlike some people.
Shawn: Jj and the others are right around here somewhere. So all we have to do is meet up with them and.
(At that moment however Edward and Cody are seen approaching them)
Edward: Halt!! Not another step further!!
Cody: You boys are going nowhere!!
Dakota: Oh no it's the fuzz!!
Shawn: We'd better get out of here while we still can!!
Alan: No. No running for me!! I'm going to find the ring leaders and bring them down once and for all!!
(He then runs off)
Dakota: Alan wait for us!!
(At that moment Edward and Cody step in front of them)
Cody: Ain't that just too bad. We lost one.
Edward: Oh well we've still got plenty left to play with.
Cody: You wanna say the word?
Edward: Let's smash them.
(Cody then tackles Dakota to the ground while Edward picks Shawn up by the shirt)
Edward: This isn't anything personal kid. I just have quite the violent streak in me.
(He then punches him and knocks him out)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jennifer who we see unchaining a chained up Michael)
Jennifer: Hold on just a sec. Just a few more and.
(He then gets free)
Michael: I'm free!! I am free!!
Jennifer: Shhh. Try to keep your voice down.
Michael: Sorry I was just so excited to be free again.
Jennifer: Yeah clearly.
Michael: Maybe things might be looking up for us all.
Jennifer: One way or another we're going to get through this.
Michael: But where's Sarah at? I like figured you two would be together. We split up from each other cause she wanted to track down Smither but I wanted to find Jeremy first.
Michael: Oh no JW still in danger!!
Jennifer: Not for long. I'll find him even if I have to tear this whole place apart.
Michael: Well Jen girl you can count on me to be right here with you till the end of.
(At that moment they then hear laughter)
Michael: Oh no a ghost!!
Jennifer: Get real Michael. That ain't no ghost. It's.
(At that moment Wyatt then leaps down from a rail and drop kicks Michael)
Jennifer: Michael!!
Wyatt: So you think you're going to be a hero by rescuing your cousin huh? I got news for you lady girl. Not gonna happen!!
Jennifer: If you think you can keep me away from my family you're going to have another thing coming.
Wyatt: Ha.
(He then pulls a radio out of his pocket)
Wyatt: Send someone to the Wethington boys cell on the double. We got a girl here who thinks she's going to rescue him.
Jennifer: No!!
(He then turns it off)
Wyatt: What's the matter girl? You mad now??
Jennifer: Oh just you wait till I show you mad.
(She then charges towards him and begins attacking him though he eventually manages to break free and stuns her by hitting her pressure points)
Wyatt: Why am I only capable of being awesome when no one is watching me?
(He then sighs sadly)

(The next scene then cuts to Jeremy and Dustin who we see sneaking around)
Jeremy: Is the coast clear?
Dustin: Yeah dude we're all good.
Jeremy: Good. That must mean we're almost home free.
Dustin: I'm a little worried about Randall dude. I hope he made it out just as well.
Jeremy: I tried to get him to stick with us. But he got a little too.
Dustin: Scared?
Jeremy: Well it's ok no matter. All we have to do is get outside and find help then we can come and.
Dustin: Say dude.
Jeremy: What is it Dustin?
Dustin: You smell that?
Jeremy: Huh?
(He then begins sniffing)
Jeremy: I smell something alright. It smells like.
(They then begin getting drowsy)
Dustin: Knock out gas.
Jeremy: Oh no.. Not now.
(They then faint as we see Carlos was the one who let the gas out)
Carlos: Way easier than fighting head on.
(He then laughs smugly)

(The next scene then cuts to Tim who we see having just freed Shelby, Zach, and Chris)
Chris: Tim man you are a life saver!!
Shelby: Yeah man you really came in clutch today.
Tim: Ok ok I think I get it.
Zach: What's the matter Tim man? You should be in a celebrating mood.
(At that moment Austin then shows up)
Austin: And why should he be? There's nothing to celebrate at this present time is there?
Zach: Oh man we already got trouble.
Chris: Now guys don't panic too much. The important thing is for us to.
Shelby: Every man for himself!!
(He then takes off running)
Zach: Hey ya know what? Following Shelby's example might not be such a bad idea.
Chris: Running away sounds good to me.
(They then run after him)
Austin: How annoying. Now I gotta be the one stuck with catching them.
Tim: Well I'm not running anywhere you freak.
Austin: Oh look at you getting all tough.
Tim: You haven't seen tough yet you little.
Austin: Yeah yeah. You can tell Joey all about it.
Tim: Joey?? What have you done to?
Austin: Same thing I'm about to do to you.
Tim: Whatever. I can knock you senseless with just one.
(Austin then pulls a baseball bat out of a nearby room and knocks Tim out with it)
Austin: Maybe but in the interest of time I'm not in the mood of fighting fair.

(The next scene then cuts to Dwayne and Zack who are watching from a monitor)
Dwayne: Give it to me straight. How bad is it.
Zack: Well all of the captured prisoners have escaped and are now running loose.
Dwayne: And that means?
(They then see Zach manage to knock out both Lakota and Corey while freeing Megan from Corey's clutches, Amber knock out Morgan, and Tiffine knock Robin out)
Zack: Complete and utter chaos.
Dwayne: No this can't be!! No I had everything under control and now I'm!!
Zack: Losing control of everything.
Dwayne: This isn't over yet. We can still salvage this. All we've got to do is.
Zack: No I believe we're done here with you.
Dwayne: What?
Zack: This is clearly a losing battle. And a real man knows when to leave and cut their losses.
Dwayne: You think you're going to just walk out on me like that?
Zack: I was kinda thinking that yeah.
Dwayne: No one walks away from me and.
Zack: Oh yeah. You think you're gonna do something about it?
(Before they can fight however Alan busts through a window)
Alan: Halt!! Villains.
Dwayne: Oh now what?
(Alan then immediately charges over and dropkicks Dwayne against the wall knocking him out)
Zack: Wow. Imagine me betraying him and I didn't even have to get my own hands dirty.
Alan: I wouldn't be getting too comfortable punk cause you're next!!
(He then also charges towards Zack though Zack grabs his leg and slings him away which knocks him out)
Zack: Yeah whatever. Listen boy I don't have time to play games now. I have other businesses I need to attend.
(He then walks away)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jj who we now see inside the hideout talking on the phone)
JJ: Yeah everything went fine. The message has been given out to them so all we have to do is stall for time and make sure no one leaves. I'm coming to you now just hang tight.
(At that moment he then hears someone walking)
JJ: Hold on Matt there's someone who's.
(At that moment Larry then tases JJ and stuns him)
Larry; Get down big man. Now who was it that you're talking about?
(He then grabs Jjs phone and looks at his call list)
Larry: Oh crud things are really about to get bad aren't they?
Matt: Hello? JJ?
Larry: Keep talking boy. Lead me straight towards you.
(He then starts walking away)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Matt still on the phone)
Matt: Hello JJ? Can you hear me? Did something bad happen? JJ?? JJ!!
(At that moment Cj then barges inside)
Cj: Well if it isn't my ol pal Matt Farrell.
Matt: Cj?!
Cj: What's up little buddy? Ya know out of respect for our past friendship I should feel bad about what I'm about to do.
Matt: Do your worst Cj.
Cj: But that's not really the kind of person I am is it?
Matt: But Cj you forget something.
Cj: Oh what's that shrimp?
(Matt then manages to hit his weak spot and knock him out)
Matt: I know your weak spot.
(He then sighs with relief)
Matt: Thank goodness. Man I thought that was gonna go so much worse than it did.
(At that moment Larry then steps inside)
Larry: Oh it can still get really bad.
Matt: Larry?! How did you?
Larry: How I found you isn't what's important. But what is important is.
(He then pulls a gun out of his pocket)
Larry; Do what I say if you want to live through this.

(The next scene then cuts to Tiffine and Amber who are running down the hallway)
Amber: Are you sure that's everyone?
Tiffine: I did a quick search and made sure there was nothing left unturned but I couldn't find a single person who still needs help.
Amber: Good then that means everyone must have been rescued.
Tiffine: Now all we have to do is regroup with everyone right?
Amber: Yeah and if JJ was successful the police should be getting here any minute.
Tiffine: That's a relief. At the end of the day it looks like things are finally getting.
(At that moment Tyler then steps in front of them)
Tyler: Not another step.
Tiffine: Not you.
Tyler: This is the end Tiffine!!
Amber: Tyler Burton I will only ask you once. Stand aside
Tyler: Not a chance. This is my moment. What I've wanted all along. My claim to fame. The man who brings down Tiffine Griffin..... Permanently.
Tiffine: Oh if it's a fight you want you'll be getting it!!
(She then charges towards him and begins attacking though he manages to knock her aside with just one punch)
Tyler: Not today. There's no way out of this. I already have Dustin in my custody so how about I make him watch as.
(At that moment Amber then knocks him out with a punch)
Amber: I said stand aside!!
(She then helps Tiffine back up)
Amber: You ok girl?
(She then takes off running)
Amber: Hey where are you going now??
Tiffine: I gotta help Dustin!!
Amber: So much for us sticking together. Ugh.

(The next scene then cuts back to Zach and the others who are running together)
Zach: We have to try and regroup with everyone.
Chris: But we have no idea where they are do we?
Zach: No. And I'm afraid that'll make it very difficult for us.
Chris: Oh if only we had some kind of clue to go off of.
(At that moment they then see Micky choking a nearby Pierce)
Zach: Huh. I guess that's something.
Chris: What are the odds?
Micky: Don't take this personal ok boy? It's not that I have anything against you. It's just. Oh wait nevermind. You're 7th grade trash and I hate you so do take it personal.
(At that moment however Zach then knocks him out from behind)
Zach: Never fear. I Zach the hero am here.
Chris: Hey don't take all the credit. I deserve some too ya know.
Pierce: Thank you both a huge amount for saving my life.
Zach: You wouldn't happen to know where uhh. The rest of our friends are would you?
Pierce: I saw a group of people running over in that direction.
Shelby: Cool thanks.
(He then takes off running)
Chris: Hey wait Shelby!!
Zach: I tell ya he is a very bad team player.
Chris: Agreed.
(They then run after him)
Pierce: It's fine. You run ahead while I take a few minutes to catch my breath.

(The next scene then cuts back to Jessica and the others)
Jessica: I'm pretty sure we already ran down this hallway before.
Brandon: Really?? You can tell?
Jessica: Uhhh. Yeah.
Brandon: Well then that's awkward and embarrassing.
Jessica: Great we're lost in the middle of a creepy cuisine.
Brandon: Now now let's not panic. We need to stay calm and.
Jessica: Not panic?! We're lost in a place where everyone is waiting to kill us!! How could we not panic?!
Brandon: Hey things could always be worse right?
Bethany: Guys with all due respect. This arguing isn't helping.
Brandon: Just keep following my leadership and everything will.
(At that moment he then faints)
Jessica: You kidding me?
Bethany: Hey dude no offense but this so isn't the time for a nap.
(She then walks over towards him and gasps)
Bethany: Oh no.
Jessica: What is it Bethany?
(She then picks up an arrow)
Bethany: Something tells me this could be.
(At that moment Austin then steps further into view)
Austin: After months of practice you really have to admit my marksman skills are getting better and better.
Bethany: Austin Bryant!!
Jessica: Oh just that idiot.
Austin: That idiot?? Just that idiot?!
Bethany: Oh careful there Jessica. I think you hurt his feelings.
Austin: Haha you two ladies have your little laugh now. But you won't be laughing long whenever I.
(At that moment Jessica then tackles him)
Jessica: Two words ya idiot.
(She then starts beating him)
Bethany: That's right Jessica!! You show him who's boss girl!!
(At that moment we then see someone sneak up behind Bethany and cover their hand over her mouth)
Austin: Alright girl take it easy. You win I surrender.
Jessica: Use this a lesson to never bother me again freak!!
(She then knocks him out)
Jessica: Boy I really wish I could have done that to Dwayne. That would be super satisfying.
(She then turns around as she hears a scream)
Jessica: Bethany?!
Bethany: Let me go!!
(She then notices that Stephen has her restrained)
Bethany: Help!!
Jessica: Bethany!!
Stephen: You're coming with me on the adventure of a life time Blondie.
(She then gets tossed over his shoulder)
Jessica: Hey let her go you freak!!
Stephen: Oh if you want her like really want her then you'd better come get her.
(He then sticks his tongue out at her as he takes off running)
Jessica: If you think you're gonna get by mocking me you're wrong!!
(She then runs after him)

(The next scene then cuts back to Amber who is in another part of the hallway)
Amber: I told her to stick with me and not run off!!! But did she listen?! No of course she didn't!!
(We then see that she's fighting with Cody and Edward)
Amber: She never listens to me!! No one ever does!!
(She then knocks Cody out)
Edward: Whoa Amber red. Girl I think you may need to calm down and maybe.
Edward: Oh mother of dear.
(She then also knocks him out with a punch)
Amber: There there. Ya know I really must say that getting all that frustration out of me felt really soothing.
(At that moment she then hears clapping)
Amber: Great now what?
(She then turns around and sees Larry)
Larry: Bravo performance Ms McGee. Very bravo.
Amber: Larry Patten. Picking on Matt now are we?
Larry: Picking? Oh no I'm doing no such thing. He's my buddy and I'm just taking him on a nice walk. Is that really so bad?
Amber: You disgust me Larry.
Larry: Thank you. I take a lot of pride in it.
Amber: Let him go.
Larry: Oh no wait. Uh sorry.
(He then pulls his gun out and puts it on Matt's head)
Larry: Take even one step closer to me and his head comes off.
(Amber then pulls something out of her pocket)
Amber: Think fast.
(She then quickly tosses it at him and makes him drop the gun then quickly follows it up by tackling him to the ground)
Larry: Hey no fair!! That was a really dirty and sneaky.
(She then knocks him out)
Amber: Don't care.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as Amber dashes over and helps Matt back up)
Matt: Gee thanks Amber. For a bit there I was worried I was about to see my life flash away before my eyes.
Amber: You're ok now Matt.
Matt: They know Amber.
Amber: Know what?
Matt: That the police are on their way here.
Amber: Ok?
Matt: That's why Larry was holding me hostage. That way they could use me as a bargaining chip.
Amber: Well their dumb little plan didn't work out did it?
Matt: But we have a big bad problem Amber.
Amber: Now what?
Matt: I heard that Zack and the others have betrayed Dwayne and are escaping on their own.
Amber: What?!! Oh ain't no way that's gonna fly. Not on my watch anyways.
(She then takes off running)
Matt: Wait where are you going?
Amber: To stop them dead in their tracks.
Matt: Good luck Amber!!

(The next scene then cuts back to Jessica who is still running)
Jessica: That freak sure is a fast runner. But I don't care how fast he is!! If he thinks that I'm going to let him get away with Bethany he is dead wrong!!
(At that moment she then hears a crash against a wall)
Jessica: What was that?!
(She then peaks around the corner and sees Sarah fighting Robert)
Sarah: Where is he?!  I know you're lying to me!!
Robert: Ms Sarah Redford please calm down.
Sarah: Don't tell me to calm down!!
Robert: Please don't make he have to hurt you. I don't want to but I will it it's what I must.
Sarah: I'm the one who's going to be doing the hurting around here.
(They then begin punching each other until Robert manages to knock her out)
Robert: Oh dear Sarah. I had hoped I would never have to do that. I hope you'll be able to find it in your heart to forgive me.
Jessica: Forgive this you maniac!!
(She then leaps towards him and strikes him down with her elbow)
Jessica: No matter how big you think you are you're never to big for me to handle.
(She then hears sinister giggling)
Jessica: Oh now what?
(She then turns around and notices Spencer)
Spencer: The girl without fear. Oh your reputation truly shines through.
Jessica: There's never any end to you dumb freaks is there.
Spencer: A girl like you would be a valuable asset to Smithers organization. Just imagine what horrors we could unleash with you on our side.
Jessica: You're gonna have to keep imagining pal cause I would drop dead before I ever have anything to do with the likes of you.
(She then charges towards him though stops once he pulls his watch out)
Spencer: Oh no? Let's just be seeing about that then.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as he begins waving his watch and hypnotizing her)
Spencer: Alright now miss little... Uh I don't think I actually know your name but it doesn't matter. Once I snap my fingers you will be my perfect pretty little minion and do precisely everything I say.
(Before he can snap however he then gets tackled from behind by Chris)
Chris: Get away from my girl
Spencer: Hey I was in the middle of doing something.
Chris: Yeah well ya know what? I don't care.
Spencer: No she will be mine!! She's my minion!!
(Chris then punches and knocks him out)
Chris: No one steals my Jessica away from me.
(At that moment Zach and Shelby then catch up)
Shelby: Boy man I thought I was quick on my feet.
Zach: When it came to Jessica Chris really put the pedal to the metal.
(At that moment Jessica then snaps back to normal)
Jessica: Huh what happened?
Chris: Nothing babe. All thanks to me.
Jessica: Ugh great it's you.
(He then picks her up and hugs her)
Jessica: Get off me loser.
(She then shoves him away)
Shelby: Whew tough love.
Chris: Not very grateful for someone who possibly saved your life.
Jessica: I don't have time for you ok?!
Zach: Dang Jessica what's the rush?
Jessica: They have Bethany ok?
Shelby: Again? How many times can they possibly?
Zach: So you're on your way to rescue her?
Jessica: Clearly!!
Zach: Then we'd better hurry if we wanna catch up.
Jessica: I don't like any of you guys but whatever. I'm not going to complain about a little help.
Zach: Then let's hurry. Chris got to be the hero for a beautiful girl so now's my turn.
Jessica: Ughhh.
(They then all take off running)

(The next scene then cuts to Forrest who we see standing outside)
Forrest: Where are they?
(At that moment Carlos then walks outside dragging Jeremy)
Carlos: Oh hey Forrest.
Forrest: Speak of the devil.
Carlos: I told ya you could count on me.
Forrest: Yes you have done well Carlos.
(He then grabs Jeremy and throws him over his shoulder)
Forrest: Thanks to you I'm the one who will be getting exactly what he wants today.
(We then see Wyatt and Stephen also outside along with a tied up Bethany)
Stephen: We got a cute bonus for our troubles too.
Forrest: Cute? You boys are far too generous. That thing is as ugly as can be.
Bethany: What is it you want with Jeremy?!
Forrest: Hmm I don't see any reason why I should tell you. Do you?
Bethany: Untie me and I'll give you a good reason you dumb punk.
Stephen: Wow someone has a bad temper doesn't she?
Bethany: I'm warning you!!
(At that moment Zack then also walks outside)
Zack: Alright time to get a move on.
Wyatt: But wait we can't leave without.
Zack: Morgan is already on her way out. She and Cj both are.
Wyatt: Oh nevermind that's a relief.
Carlos: What about Corey?
Zack: I've tried getting in touch with him but no luck.
Carlos: We're not seriously going to leave without him are we?
Zack: We don't have any other choice. If we waste time looking for him the fuzz will catch us for sure.
Forrest: Then let's stop the small talk and get moving.
Zack: Grab the girl and let's get out of here.
Stephen: I'm on it.
Bethany: Don't you.
(Stephen then throws her back over his shoulder)
Bethany: I told you not too!!
Stephen: Hey don't get so mad. Think of it as a nice little walk.
Forrest: Come on already before we have a nice little ride in the back of a cop car!!
(They all then take off running)

(The next scene then cuts back to Jessica and the others who are still running)
Jessica: Come on guys!! We have to be getting close by now right.
Shelby: Uhh everyone.
Jessica: We don't have time for any nonsense right now Shelby.
Shelby: Well fine!! I was just gonna tell you to look outside because I found ms prissy Bethany.
Jessica: What?! Where?!
Shelby: See for yourself.
(He then points out a window where they see Zacks gang running away with Jeremy and Bethany)
Jessica: No Bethany!!
Chris: And Jeremy too by the looks of it.
Shelby: My hated arch enemy!! No!!
Chris: Ok this is bad but it'll be ok. We just have to talk strategy and.
(At that moment Zach then knocks a nearby door open)
Zach: This is no time for talking!! This is a time for action!!
Chris: Zach what are you doing?!
Zach: Being a hero!!
(He then charges towards Zack and the others)
Zach; Hang on tight Bethany!! I'm coming!!
(He then catches up and punches Stephen behind the head)
Stephen: Ow!! What in the?
(He then turns around and sees Zach)
Zach: Once more for the show!!
(He then punches again and this time knocks him out)
Bethany: Zach!! Boy I've never been more happy to see you.
Zach; No time for flirting now Bethany. I have to go rescue my good buddy. But if you're free a couple hours from now you can feel free to drop me a line so that.
(He then gets tased and knocked out by Zack)
Zack: If it's not one thing it's another.
Carlos: Theres more coming up on the horizon too master.
Zack: But of course there are. There's always some kind of inconceivable.
Forrest: Too bad we don't have time to play games.
Zack: Forrest is right. We can forget the girl cause we gotta move.
Wyatt: What about Stephen?
Zack: We've got to leave him behind.
Wyatt: But.
Zack: No time for buts. Just do what I say.
Carlos: Yes master.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as Jessica and the others catch up to Bethany)
Jessica: Phew we made it.
Bethany: Jessica and Chris!!
Jessica: I told ya I wouldn't let them take you away Bethany. Not if they want to go through me.
Bethany: But they're getting away with Jeremy right now!! We gotta hurry and.
Chris: I don't think they'll be getting far Bethany. Check it out.
(He then points towards Shelby who has caught up to Zack's gang then picks both Wyatt and Carlos up and knocks them against each other)
Bethany: Is that really Shelby?
Chris: Say what you want about Shelby but he can come in pretty big clutch sometimes.
Bethany: I guess so huh.
Chris: Jessica my love I'll go back up Shelby while you untie Bethany.
Jessica: Never call me that ok?
(She then takes a deep breath)
Jessica: But fair enough ok.
(He then charges towards Shelby while Jessica begins untying Bethany)

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as we see Forrest and Shelby glaring at each other)
Forrest: It's always the fat idiots who have to be a nuisance isn't it.
Shelby: I'm a nice enough guy so I'll ask you once. Let the boy go.
Forrest: Me you expect me to release my most hated enemy? On the eve of what's about to be my greatest triumph
Shelby: Oh you don't understand he's my hated enemy too. And if anyone's going to destroy him I think it'll be me.
Forrest: Oh you wanna know something? You're dead wrong.
Shelby: No you will do as I say and you will release him. Otherwise things are about to start getting pretty bad for you.
Forrest: Bold words coming from you.
(He then laughs smugly)
Forrest: Tell ya what since you clearly don't have any brains inside ya I'll play this game with ya and destroy you too.
Shelby: Then come and get me!!
(They then charge towards each other and collide with a single punch which knocks Forrest down to his knees)
Shelby: See? I told ya I was a bit out of your league. Well maybe I didn't use those exact words but you get the idea. Oh whatever it doesn't matter if you'll excuse me I'll be taking my arch enemy and you'll be.
(At that moment however Zack then tases him from behind and knocks him down)
Zack: You won't be doing anything. We don't have time for heroes.
(At that moment Chris then catches up)
Chris: Zack!!
Zack: Oh for crying out loud.
Chris: I'll give you just one chance to surrender or I'll be.
(Zack then quickly runs over and tases him too)
Zack: Just shut up already.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards)
Zack: These kids have caused me nothing but headaches for far too long. I'll be glad to be gone and rid of them permanently.
(At that moment however we then see Amber approaching him)
Amber: You're not going anywhere Zack.
Zack: It just never ends does it?
(At that moment they then also hear police sirens)
Amber: It's the end of the road and there's no where left to go. So give up and turn yourself in.
(At that moment however another car then speeds over towards them)
Zack: Oh what's this?
(Morgan then opens a door revealing she and Cj are in it)
Morgan: Hurry and get in here!!
Cj: Yeah what she said!!
Wyatt: Morgan my love!! Oh you came through just like I knew you would.
Carlos: Let's get out of here!!
(They then run into the car)
Amber: Hey no!! Stop!!
(While she's distracted however Zack then takes the opportunity to tase her and knock her down)
Zack: Who's at the end of the line now pig face?
(He then also gets in the car)
Zack: Alright floor it out of here.
Morgan: What about the others.
Zack: There is no others. So let's just.
(We then see Forrest walking towards the car still carrying Jeremy with him)
Forrest: Hold it right there. You guys would dare leave without me would you.
Cj: Get in now Forrest!!
(They then see Jessica and Bethany running towards them)
Bethany: Stop!! You won't get away with Jeremy!!
Jessica: Not again!!
(Forrest then grins smugly as he gets inside the car)
Forrest: Take one last good look at him ladies. I promise this will be the last time you ever see him.
Bethany: No!!
Forrest: Alright Cj let's get out of here now.
Cj: Bout time.
(Forrest then slams the door shut as it begins driving away)
Bethany: Jeremy!!! No!!!
(The episode then ends as they watch them drive into the distance)

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