New Life (Book 2)

By xJadesx

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Book 2 for Second Life After Houston, all Emilie wants is to get her life back on track and catch up on past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger

Chapter 6

393 16 9
By xJadesx

The cool evening breeze whisks past my face, tousling my hair as it goes. The sun is hot, but its heat is more forgiving than anything I had to endure while in Houston. With a deft hand, I push my hair back, only to have it slap against my face again. This is precisely the reason I hate wearing it down. I search my pockets for a hair tie before whipping it into a messy bun. I squint in Lee's direction to see her still walking alongside the flower patches, bending over to sniff them periodically. "Lee, be careful of bees!"

The wind carries my voice to her and returns her reply. "Okay, Mama!"

I enjoy the beautiful views of the Potomac River and the DC skyline for a minute before my eyes land on Sierra. She has her head in my lap as she lay on the sleeping sac we brought just to make her comfortable. She has her eyes glued to her phone, her fingers scrolling and swiping without end.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my fingers starting a slow journey through her hair.

"I'm looking at minivans."

"Minivans? Why?"

"Because we have a family of four and we'll be adding two more with the new year. My car doesn't have that much space and neither does Grace's."

"So, we use mine. I have an SUV that seats seven people." I don't think we need any more space than that.

"And when you're not around?"

"Then we do an exchange. I'll trade you my SUV for your Benz."

"Fuck no! I'm not giving up my Benz."

"You don't even drive it," I complain. It's been parked in the garage since we got back to DC and her brother dropped it off. We either take my SUV or Grace's Honda.

"I don't care. You're a reckless driver and I don't want you wrecking my car like you did yours in Houston."

"I was trying to save your life!"

She looks up from her phone to glare at me and I like peace, so I drop it. "Fine. Choose any SUV of your choice. I'll let Gracie know to do the same."

"Thank you," she breathes. She pulls herself into a sitting position and turns to me. "I'll do it tomorrow. Right now, I want to kiss you."

I smirk and savour her lips as she presses them to mine. She pulls back, her eyes hooded, before she's leaning in to kiss me again. This time I can tell it excited her, but unfortunately, we couldn't do anything about that. I break the kiss gently, giving her one last smooch. "Let's not get carried away."

She frowns. "How long do I have left?"

"Twenty-one weeks and four days. But it may just be like a little over two months."

"Christ! I don't think I'll make it, Em."

I caress her cheek. "You will because you can do anything you want to do."

She smiles and I see her eyes flicker over to Irelee before landing on me. She's been doing that every few seconds and I don't mind because that means I don't have to. The park incident really has us paranoid and we'd all love to not have a repeat. My phone alarm goes off, stealing our attention. Turning it off, I look to Sierra. "Time to go get Gracie."

She nods. "Yup. Help me up, please?"

I stand and help her to her feet before reaching for the sleeping sack. She calls Irelee over and I look up to see her coming with a bunch of flowers in her hands.

"These are for you," she says handing Sierra some pink Brogan Villas. "Because your favourite colour is pink."

Sierra grins. "Awwww, thank you."

I gag. "Ugh, such a girl."

"Ain't my fault you're a whole ass dude."

I shrug. "Damn right. You won't catch me dead in a dress."

"Oh?" she turns to me with a smirk and her hands slip behind me to grope my ass. "I can get you to do anything I want if I ask nice enough."

My heart thumps. "That is not fair. You're using your charm against me."

She pulls me into her and kisses the side of my mouth. "That is the point, love."

"Heh hmm." Irelee clears her throat, stealing our attention. She stretches some orange Brogan Villas towards me. "Because orange is your favourite colour,"

I take them with a smile, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Thank you, baby. Are those for Mommy?" She nods at the white flowers I pointed at.

"Mommy's favourite colour is green though, baby."

She frowns, dashing a begrudging look towards the flower patch. "There aren't any green ones. She likes white too."

"She does," Sierra confirms and I nod.

I hold a hand out and she takes it. Sierra takes the other and I begin the path towards the car. "You can give those to Mommy when we pick her up from the hospital."

The late evening rush hour traffic was horrible. Worse than Houston's bumper-to-bumper traffics. At one point we were at a complete standstill for about five minutes, now, we're back at it again. Drumming against the steering wheel, my eyes watch the clock. We have only fifteen minutes before Grace's shift ends, but this traffic is not at all moving.

I sigh and turn my attention to Sierra. She's humming quietly to Billie Eilish while scrolling Twitter on her phone. She doesn't look uncomfortable still, I ask, placing my palm flat against her stomach. "How are you feeling?"
She smiles at my touch and her eyes find me. Putting her phone away, she responds. "Today is one of my better days."

The traffic loosens, and we can cover two blocks before halting again. We are so close yet so far. "Oh, come on. What's the holdup?"

Just as I ask, I see it. An accident a few yards from us. A terrible pile-up, really. My heart sinks because I know Grace is there and if she's on the scene, then she's not going to be ready when her shift ends. So, we're probably going to miss our flight back to Houston.

Switching on my indicator, I pull the car off the road into a nearby parking lot. "What are we doing?" Sierra wonders, looking around. Spotting the crash, she reaches for the door handle, opening it. "Grace,"

"Sit down," I told her with a stern voice, my eyes seeking the younger brunette and finding her. She was by the side of a stretcher holding a big plastic balloon thing as they rolled a dead looking patient towards the ambulance.


"Sit. She's working and we're not going to distract her. You shouldn't even be on your feet." I pull my eyes away from the ambulance to look at her, seeing the worried look on her face. I sigh, taking a gentler approach. Holding her hand, I coax her forward. "Sit down, baby, please. We're going to get her, okay?"

She nods and reluctantly gets back into the car. After she put her seatbelt on, I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot again. The traffic is moving slowly, but it is moving, so I am thankful. We get there in another twenty minutes and I park out front. I pull out my phone and call Grace, half expecting to get her voicemail. When she picked up, I was stunned.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I know I said I'll be done at six but–"

"There was an accident, I know. We saw you." She sighs, relieved. "Take your time, love, and finish what you need to. We're out front when you're done."

"Thank you."

"See you soon."

"Reschedule our flights?" Sierra asks and I nod. There was no way we were going to make it to the airport by seven thirty, as close as it was.

"Yes, please. See if you can get a later one and let me know how much they are robbing me."

"Well," she taps away at her phone screen. "Our current flight was non-refundable and that cost us what? Five grand. This one is also non-refundable, one connecting flight and only the first one is first-class-"

"How much are they robbing me?"



"-thousand, five hundred and thirty-six dollars."

My jaws slacked, my attention snapping to her immediately. "Fuck that! We are not going to Houston tonight." 

She just smiles. I pout. "This is a scam," I complain. "I feel bamboozled but fine. Go ahead and book it."

She nods. After a moment she sighs and opens the car door, stepping into the pavement. "I need to stretch my legs. I'll be back."

"Where are you going?"

"To meet Grace. Wanna come?"

I glance at Irelee in the backseat and she's playing on her tablet, lost in YouTube. "Lee?" she looks up at me. "We're going to meet Mommy, you want to grab those flowers?"

Irelee perks up, dashing down her iPad to fetch the flowers. She unbuckles herself and hops out of the Car to join us. Sierra holds her hand and we walk into the lobby. The lobby is full of droopy-looking people and coughing children. The air conditioner carries the scent of sickness and disinfectant to my nose. A loud voice announces something above the buzz of the room but I don't hear it as I direct the two blondes by my side away from the sick. Not to discriminate, but Sierra is pregnant and most fragile right now. I can't take any chances. We are getting strange looks but I ignore them, heading towards the front desk. The receptionist looks up at us with a tired expression, waiting on our complaint. "Can you let EMT Del Laurentis know her wives are here, please? Thank you."

She sighs, picking up the phone and pressing it to her ears. Before she dials anything, she removes it and places it on the receiver again. Turning back to her files she said. "She's coming down the aisle behind you."

I turn around and there she is, coming down the hall with another doctor next to her, a redhead wearing navy blue scrubs. She has her shoulder bag slung over her shoulder and her phone in hand. She's wearing jeans and a black shirt instead of her uniform, and her damp hair is left down to dry in the wind, a product of her very recent shower. Irelee skips towards her as the other doctor breaks away to find the exit after a rushed goodbye that Grace only nods to.

"Mommy!" Lee jumps at her.

Grace smiles, her arms open to receive the incoming hug. I notice how tightly she's holding Irelee and cringe. Something is wrong. I can feel that she's not okay. "Hi, Baby." She breathes, her voice fragile with emotions. "I missed you so much today!"

Irelee pushes the flowers forward. "I brought these for you. There weren't any green ones and white is your next favourite colour."

"Oh wow! Thank you so much. I'll put these in water as soon as I get the chance," She kisses Irelee's cheek again before releasing her.

Irelee beams and steps back. Grace moves forward leading us towards the exit. She reaches for Sierra, pulling her into a sideway hug and giving her a quick kiss as we went. "Hi baby, how are you doing?"

"Today is one of my better days. Are you okay?"

"Fine," she says and I know it's bullshit. Sierra knows it too and sends me a look that's asking me to step in and take over.

The moment we are away from the crowds I pull Grace aside. Her attention shifts to me and she bites her quivering lip. I didn't even have to say anything for her to start crying. I pull her into a hug and she buries her face in my shoulder. "How bad was it?" I ask, kissing the top of her head.

"Horrible. Why is this still so hard?" She whispers pulling back. Even in the dark, I can see the panic in her eyes, the pain. I can feel it radiating off her. "I'm a paramedic and I've been doing this every day for the last four years, so blood shouldn't bother me. I've seen blood, lots of it. I'm a woman, I bleed. I've killed people—" she chokes and I can see her throat tightening with all her emotions. "I-in EMT training we learn how many pints of blood are in the human body, but it doesn't really hit you until you see it. You know?" She laughs lightly, her head shaking as the tears streaming down her face. "It was funny really. S-she was so small like Irelee was when she was a baby. This tiny little thing yet there was a lot of blood! It just kept coming and I tried to stop it but it wouldn't stop!" Her laugh fades and she looks at her hands as if she can still see all the blood she is referring to. "I tried, baby. I tried—"

Occasionally, there are days like today that are much worse than the average. Sure, people die every day and it's always sad, but days like today are different. More draining and though they aren't frequent, they are still hard for her to get through. I take her bag, sit it on the ground and wrap my arms tight around her. "I'm in shock, aren't I?"

"Yes, but it's okay. I've got you, just breathe."

"I tried."

"I know. You tried your best and that counts, okay?" She nods. "You're okay."

Her fingers twist into the back of my jacket as she holds me. My hand caresses her back in soothing motions as I begin to sing a song in my first language. It was one of Leia's favourites and I would always sing it for her when she had a hard time sleeping after a nightmare. I've never sung it to anyone since but I don't mind extending it to Grace, one of the women I love, who really needs tenderness right now.

I don't know how long we stayed like that before we pull away and I grab her bag from the ground. My arm stays around her shoulder as we head for the car. Sierra is in the back, her seat reclined, curled up into a comfortable position. I slip behind the wheel and Grace rides shotgun with me.

"Sleeping beauty has gone to bed," She snickers.

I glance at her and see her sitting cross-legged with her shoes off. Her head rests against the window, her eyes closed. She looks beaten and about done with the day. "You can take a nap if you want. I'll wake you once we get to the airport."

Her eyes flutter open and she turns to me, reaching for my hand. Keeping one hand on the wheel, I lock my fingers with hers. She squeezes my hand before her grip loosens and she resorts to tracing circles in my palm. "Thank you for doing this. This weekend away is something I really need right now. I feel like I haven't been spending much time with you guys."

"Hey, don't feel guilty. You're out there saving lives every day. Sierra and I know that. Irelee knows that and she's proud of you. We're all proud of you, so don't feel guilty, love." I kiss the back of her hand and she blushes.

"I hate how you make me feel so fuzzy."

"It's my job to always make you feel fuzzy."

"Your job is to catch bad guys. Speaking of that, you're going back to work on Monday. How do you feel about that?"

I sigh. I've been trying not to think about it because I really didn't know how I feel. A part of me just wants to go back to old Emilie, scientist Emilie, who worked in a safe, protected space and didn't really have to hurt anyone, directly. And then there's the other side who just wants to be in the field, swinging guns, driving getaway cars and taking all the terrorists down. It sounds fun, it really does, but my PTSD doesn't allow me to just do that and live like nothing happens.

She squeezes my hand, bringing me back to reality. "Do you want me to talk to Harvey about letting you stay in the lab for now?"

"I don't know what I want," I tell her honestly. "It could be one of those things that I just have to feel out before I know." It's weird because all my life I've always known what I wanted to do. Since I was twelve, I wanted to be a scientist, and I wanted to be the best. My goal was to be a bioengineer. When my sister died, I wish there was a way to save her, to bring her back. She was young, she would've been a few months older than Sierra. She had a lot of life before her and I still feel like somehow, it's my fault that she never got to experience it. I wanted to ensure that other people got the chance that she didn't. "Now that I've accomplished my goal," I glance at her and she's still listening. "Nothing else is appealing."

"I get it." Her finger runs circles in my palm, making me shiver. "And I know you'll find your way because you always do. You have one of the brightest minds I know. Super smart, badass and you excel at everything you do. It's annoying really. One person shouldn't be so naturally good at everything." I scuff and she laughs lightly. "It's okay to do a little soul-searching and figure yourself out again. People evolve. Our priorities change, and our personalities change. And you," she pokes the centre of my chest. "Have some big personalities in there. So, it's only natural if you want to do something that fits both. That's not a bad thing or something to feel guilty about because it just means you're growing and you're evolving into the best version of yourself."

"So, you think I should become a model?"

"Aahhh!" she frowns. "I don't know about that. You'd steal the show from Kendall Jenner and all the ladies would want to snatch you up. I might have to burn this place down."

I grin, glancing at her. "I thought I was the jealous one."

She scoffs. "I deserve a medal for how calm and collected I am when we're out and people are hitting on you."

"People rarely hit on me."

"People hit on you the most. Have you seen the way they look at you? You should hear the things they think about."


She laughs and rests her head against my shoulder. "Emilie,"


"Will you marry me?"

My breath hitches and I can feel my face heating up as I stare at the bumper of the car in front of us. We are at a red light so I take the time to look at her. She doesn't look at me but I know she's nervously waiting for my answer. "Yes," I tell her, kissing the top of her head. "Soon. When you ask properly."

I catch her smile and feel her fingers tighten around my hand. "I love you," I say, kissing the top of her head again. Her shampoo is refreshing and it fogs my brain.

She tilts her head up to me and I peck her lips. "I love you." She whispers back and I am happy.

Flying first class with a six-year-old and a pregnant girlfriend was the best decision I've ever made. Sierra had enough room to stretch her legs occasionally, and the others had enough space to sleep. I stayed awake watching them, making sure they were all okay. Making sure Sierra got up to walk around every hour, Irelee got to pee and Grace, well, she was comfortable and supported. She sat next to me and I held her hand the entire time while she took a nap.

When we landed in Houston, we took a rental to our hotel and called it a night. I wake up to the sound of Sierra in the bathroom. She hasn't thrown up in a few days and I really thought it was over. I groan, rolling out of bed and dragging myself towards the bathroom. Going straight over, I sit next to her on the floor, my back against the wall and her hair in my hand. The tiredness in my body prevents my eyes from staying open and I lean my head back against the wall as I slowly drift back to sleep.

"As much as I appreciate it," I hear, making me open an eye to peek at her. "You don't have to be here every time."

"I want to be. You shouldn't suffer alone."

"You don't need to punish yourself. Baby, I'm okay, really and you need sleep. You're tired."

"I'll sleep when you're done."

"I'm done." She flushes the toilet and stands, making her hair slip from my hand. I open my eyes, seeing her by the sink using mouthwash. "Get up. Come go to bed." I groan, allowing my eyes to close again. Get up, now!"

"I can't move," I mumble. 

"There's a spider on the flo--" 

I flew up, looking around for it, my heart pumping. Sierra's laugh made me look at her. "I thought you couldn't move. Come on,"

I glare at her, but still, I allow her to lead me back to bed. Grace slept in the middle last night because she needed a little extra affection and we decided to keep that same arrangement. I slept on Grace's side, near the window while Sierra slept on the side closest to the bathroom because she pees a lot. Spooning Grace, I close my eyes and surrender to the darkness. When I wake up again, I am in bed alone, cradled by ruffled sheets. I push them away to stalk to the bathroom, getting ready for my day ahead.

I meet everyone in the living area of our suite. Sierra is on the couch with the tv remote, eating something from a bowl while Grace is sitting on another couch doing some early reading with Irelee.

"Good morning," I tell them Kissing Sierra on the lips. She tastes sweet and fresh. Like fruit. My favourite. Blueberries. I kiss her again stealing the one she just pop into her mouth. "Hmmm! Good morning baby."

She glares at me before throwing a berry at my face. "Morning." I catch it with a grin and kiss her cheek again.

I walk over to Grace, coaxing her coffee mug from her hand while my lips seduce her. She hums against my lips, holding the mug tight. I slip my tongue into her mouth and from that moment on she lost and the coffee is mine. Pulling away with a smirk, I press the mug to my lips and take a sip. It was absolutely horrible! I gag! Who drinks black coffee without sugar? It's bad enough there's no cream. Disgusting!

She laughs at my distasteful expression and takes the mug back. "I tried to stop you."

"Ugck! That's atrocious."

She laughs again. "It repels you which is good. Go get your own coffee. I already brewed it and it's waiting for you."

I smile with gratitude and kiss her again. "Thank you, baby."

On my way over to the coffee maker, I stop to attack Irelee with kisses. She tries to squirm and run away, seeking refuge behind Grace and then Sierra. I catch her every time and by the end of it I am panting and she is choking with laughter.

"Mom! Tell her to go make her coffee and leave me alone!" Irelee complains with a giggle, eyeing me behind the couch where she's trying to put distance between us.

Sierra looks up at me with amusement in her eyes. "Leave the child alone before she pees herself."

I oblige, approaching the coffee machine. Pouring my coffee and sweetening it, I turn back to my women. "So, Lovies, I know this weekend is all about just getting away and relaxing and forgetting about the stresses of our lives, but I don't think I'll be able to relax until we figure these things out. First things first, our car issues. Your cars are too small. So, Gracie, I'm buying you both a new car. Pick something that has enough space for three car seats in the back. Preferably not a minivan."

She gives me a quizzical look as I sat down next to Sierra. My hand finds her slight bump, and she smiles. "What's wrong with a minivan?"

"She doesn't like them," Sierra tells her, placing her hand on top of mine.

"I don't hate them." I clarify. "They're just big and hard to parallel park. Sierra has trouble parallel parking, so I'm concerned about her." She raises a brow at me, knowing there's more to it. I frown. "Fine. I don't like them. Whatever. "

"Well, lucky for you, I'm good at parallel parking and I've found a three-row cross-over that I like. It's barely bigger than your Lexus, so if she can park your Lexus, she can park this."

"A cross-over, I can work with. Lemme see it?"

"Sure." She grabs her phone and after a minute we were staring at a 2021 Kia Telluride. It looks very sleek which I like.

With a nod and a sip of my coffee, I gave in. "Yes, I like that one. Sierra, have you picked anything yet?"

"I have now. I want that too. In that same burgundy colour. It's pretty."

"Alright, then our car issues are settled."

"Wait, do I have to sell my Honda? I really love that car." I shake my head. "Awesome!"

"Now for our other issues. Housing."

"We have a housing problem?" Sierra asks, confusion written on her face.

"Not yet but since we're on the topic of upgrades, we might as well get a new house. I've been thinking about it and we're out of space. I mean, we can turn the remaining guest room into a nursery but that would leave us without a guest room and I don't like that. Plus, I think going up and down from the 7th floor with three kids all the time will be hectic."

Grace groan. "House hunting is a bitch."

Sierra sigh. "Well, if we're doing that, we should start looking now. We only have three months, and it took us a year to find the apartment we have now."

"I know. So, I'm not selling it just in case and, it's also really sentimental."

"Awww!" Sierra stares at me with hearty eyes.

"I'm thinking of moving out of the city and closer to family. Alcova Heights sounds nice." I told them.

Grace's head snaps to me. "Emilie, that won't work. Both our jobs are here in DC. That part of Arlington is just too far."

"I agree," Sierra says. "If you want to move out of the city, we should try closer to the Clarendon/ Rosslyn area. It's close to Isabelle in Lyon Park and not too far from Georgetown or downtown DC."

I sip my coffee, considering it. "I'll get in touch with the realtor on Monday and let them know."

"What's our budget? We're spending a lot of money here." Grace worried. "Buying a newer bigger house near DC is guaranteed to be expensive plus new cars for all of us and the apartment in Georgetown. And don't forget Sierra and I are still paying for the apartments here in Houston. Can we do it all without digging ourselves into debt?"

Sierra massages her thigh. "It's okay. We're fine financially. Right, Em? Still 40 mil?"

I nod. "I do need you both to give up these apartments by the end of summer though. We can't keep paying for them indefinitely and I doubt we'll be back in Houston for a while. For the new house, I'm thinking 3mil to 3.5mil."

"Expensive." Grace frowns.

"We can handle it, Baby. Comfortably."

"I want a backyard this time," Sierra says. "The kids can go out and play plus it would be so nice to have a pool to just dive into."

She dropped herself down on the couch as if she was imagining, throwing herself into a pool. I chuckle at her, turning to Grace. "Anything specific you want in our new house?"

She thinks. "A jacuzzi and a mud room and no carpet."

"Cheers to that." I raise my mug remembering the hell I went through to get vomit out of the carpets. Disgusting.

A knock on the door steals our attention. Grace jumps up with a smile on her face and ran over to open it. "Hi... Thank you so much... have a nice day." I hear her saying.

She comes back pushing a cart. I raise a brow at her. "What's this?"

"I ordered your breakfast." She lifts the cover revealing a plate of waffles shaped like hearts with a drizzle of chocolate syrup all over them. The syrup spells out 'I Love You'. There are some blueberries and green grapes on the side along with a few strips of bacon.

My heart clenches as I stare at her. "You ordered me breakfast? Thank you."

She smiles widely and bumps my shoulder. "You always take care of us so it's the least we could do."

"Thank you," I tell them making a heart sign with my hands.

"Hmmm, you're welcome baby." Sierra checks her watch. "We have been scheduled for our massage in twenty minutes."

"Swedish massage too. Sierra's favourite." I tell them, taking a bite of my food. It's so good.

Sierra squeals with excitement. "Yes!" she hops off the sofa and makes for our room. Irelee follows behind her. "I'm going to pee and get dressed.

Grace and I smile at her before our eyes find each other's. "Feeling better?" I ask.

She nods and I can feel the sincerity behind it. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into me, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

She blushes and leans into my embrace. Complete melted butter right here. I lift her chin and kiss her lips softly, hearing her sigh into the kiss. When I pull away, she smiles, her green eyes going dark with her desire. "Stop, you're doing things to me right now."

I smirk and pop a blueberry into my mouth. "Things like what?"

She shrugs, resting back against the couch. Her hand finds the plane of her stomach and slips into her shorts. I hold her gaze, seeing her lips part somewhat for her to breathe as she touches herself. I put my fork down to give her my undivided attention; I could tell she has a finger inside just by that look on her face. God, I love that face. "Share," I tell her.

She removes her hand and the wetness on her fingers glistens in the light. I watch her lick them dry before I'm pulling her into a hungry kiss, enjoying her unique flavour. My hand finds its way down her shorts, and she welcomes me by spreading her legs even wider. I take advantage of her invitation, slipping two fingers inside her. Our lips stay glued as I pleasure her, building her up slowly and teasing her at the same time.

When we finally breakaway, it's to get air, and then I'm attacking her neck. Her gasps are soft but every now and again a louder moan will fall from her lips. Her hand finds the back of my head and she tangles her fingers with my hair, holding me to her. Keeping a steady pace, I pump my fingers into her and feel her clenching around me in no time. She's trying to be quiet, but the closer she is to her orgasms, the less she can control herself. I love to see her struggling and knowing that I can drive her crazy with just two fingers. I kiss my way to her breast, taking her nipple into my mouth. She moans loudly, her hips rotating against my hand.

I guide her onto me until she is straddling me with her knees on either side of my hips. With one hand grabbing her ass and the other deep inside her, I seize her lips again. I meet her gaze when we pull apart. "Grind on me."

She obeys, grinding her hips to the rhythm of my strokes. I spank her ass and she gasps but she only goes harder. I bite my lip and watch her go. She is so sexy and pretty and she is mine and I love her. I am about to take her lips again when I hear footsteps behind us. Grace slips off my lap back into the couch as if nothing happened and I lean forward to get a grape, frowning. "And that's why we moisturise."

Grace snickers beside me. "Yup, lotion is important."

"Mommy, you're not ready!" Irelee complains.

Grace and I exchange one last look before she gets up and allows Irelee to lead her away. I turn back to my food but my eyes catch Sierra smirking at me. "We interrupted something, didn't we?"

I frown again and stand to go wash my hands. "She was so close." I gesture with my thumb and index finger.

"Awe, I'm sorry." She says with a sarcastic smirk.

"No, you're not."

She grins. "I'm not. How dare you two have fun without me. I want to watch."

"Fine. Later we'll put on the grand show." I wash my hand, finish my food, and drag on something comfortable to wear.

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