By MoonlightKlay

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[‼️‼️ If you are NOT a DNF fan, it is actually ALRIGHT to read this because it does not focus entirely on rom... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Coming Soon
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 94

313 27 27
By MoonlightKlay

"Ring! A total of 14 players had passed mission 1! Mission 2 will be triggered soon!"

The sounds of crows and wings flapping around the sky echoed through their ears. In front of multiple eyes. There was a black castle that looked extremely majestic and big. There were multiple huge windows and the dark oak door was seen in front of them. They were standing in multiple crushed rocks while the area had dead trees and tall dark green grass.

The place was perfect for a horror movie. There were a total of 14 players here currently and no one came again. These were the only players that survived Mission 1. George, Dream, Anna, and Kaiden were on of them. 10 of these people were unknown. The people seemed to be from other counties.

George, Anna, Kaiden and Dream were the only ones who came from America.

There was a group of three people. Two girls and a boy. They seemed to be friends from India. There was also a group of Russian players that was just two boys. There was an old man who was around his early sixties. An individual who looked like a youth from Japan. There were two individuals who side by side. A girl and a boy. There was also one man who looked like he was from Europe.

Suddenly the door in front of them had opened. Dream was the first one to enter with George behind him then the others. There was a huge chandelier on top of the high ceiling of the black castle and was swaying with the wind. The windows had red light releasing from the outside since the sky was colored blood outside the black castle.

The old man was last and the door suddenly had closed behind him shut. In that exact moment, when a huge bang of a door was heard. An announcement ringed in their ears,  "Ring! Mission 2 of the game has officially been triggered!" It was that sound of the woman's robotic voice again.

And then there was a child voice. It was full of disappointment. "Only thirteen players..? I thought that the Emperor of all Devils will do so much better than that! Emperor, I think it is time to lower their population! I am so excited for what you are trying to plan next!" She then started to speak excitingly.

Just by hearing the creepy words of the joyful childish voice. No one got goosebumps as they only stared at the surroundings coldly.

These players were the strongest of the system of Eliminate in Earth. The Emperor then started to laugh. "Of course child. For them to be able to live this castle. They must find me during the night! A few random human will get chosen every night. They must fine the devilish emperor who is me! Before I eat them all. Hahaha!" The devil was just speaking his evil thoughts.

After those last few words. "Rules of the game shall now be explained—

One. It is the players objective to find the devilish emperor before all of them get eaten.

Two. Violence is allowed.

Three. Every night. Random players will be sent out of their bedrooms. It is their job to find the monsters and not get eaten alive. This boss of the game is the key to completing the last mission. Other players would not know who will get sent out as bedrooms as soundproof so only the players who are forced to leave the bedroom will not get seen.

Four. The Emperor's objective is to not let a single human live in his castle. The evil emperor is mad because you shameless humans has entered his territory.

Five. During the day, players may kill the monster when they found it. The monster will only hunt down to kill during the night. It may attack if players first attack during the day. You see, it is because this Emperor is stealthy and does not like to get spotted so easily.

Six. When the sun goes down. All players are required to get in their bedrooms. In the middle of the night, chosen players will get a notification to get sent out of their bedrooms leaving the players that are not assigned to cluelessly rest.

Seven. Death in the Game means death in Earth"

The castle then became silent. However the silence only lasted for a few seconds before the sound of light footsteps were heard. It was Anna who raised her hand lightly with a calm expression. "There is no need for us to Introduce ourselves. Our only objective is to kill the monster that pops up during night to hunt. We can find the monster if we know where it lives." She said and everyone nodded.

The baby faced youth from Japan spoke with a stoic voice. "I agree. That is why we must cooperate to find this monster. Everyone must work hard to survive while fighting against this Emperor. It's currently the sixth main door game. Meaning it is no joke." He said, "I am Reiko." He introduced himself in English however his accent sounded like he was really from Japan.

One of the Russian boys spoke, "Then we start searching. For now, we are still safe. Let's start exploring the castle so when it is our time to leave the room. We will know our ways." He said in a low tone. Everyone nodded and went to their separate ways. The others didn't mind Anna's words and introduced themselves anyways.

George could see Kaiden waving at him goodbye and he only stared at the area coldly. He was with Dream who walked quietly beside him. George walked up the stairs quietly as he stared at the luxurious looking walls and paintings. He could see the paintings of the last Emperors.

【 The Devilish Emperor—1289-1334 】

Dream stopped in front of the painting with George. This Emperor was the only Devil compared to the other Emperors. He died at the age of 44 in 1334 when he was born in the year 1289. The date of birth was not seen but it was not important. His painting was the cleanest compared to the other ones. "That monster we're supposed to kill is supposed to be dead." Dream mumbled.

George hummed quietly as he then started to look around before whispering. "There's two possibilities. The numbers have a different meaning. Or, this Emperor is already dead. So we are fighting a soul and a ghost inside the Castle." Until now, none of them had seen the Emperor for the last few moments but they could hear his voice.

Dream started to mutter, "He's strong." It was obvious. The emperor did nothing had the title Devilish Emperor for nothing. George decided to note this important information before the two started to explore the area once again. He stopped walking and looked at the ceiling when he heard the announcement.

"Ring! First night is starting! Enter your assigned rooms now!"

Suddenly, George could see white arrows on the floor. Dream looked down also and could see the arrows that was headed to the opposite direction where George was going. George was staring at the arrows to the right. "It seems like we have to follow the arrows that was meant for our owns." Dream mumbled and George instantly understood what he meant.

Dream looked at George, "Live for me." He said while smiling as he saw George nod carefully. The two started to head towards their own rooms. George locked the door behind him and could see that he had a simple bedroom with concrete walls. He tried to open the door again but it was shut.

He carefully sat on the single bed and looked out the window.


There was nothing outside the window but red light.

At that night. George was not assigned to go outside

The next day flew by fast. Time ran inside the game quicker this time. A whole night was only seven hours than fourteen hours.

No one spoke.

They all kept their mouths shut.

All of them stared at the dead body in the kitchen.

Author's note:

Who do you think died? Hehe this is getting interesting.


I think I'm more of a crazy person than Kaiden since I am the one who keeps killing players in the novel. Do I care? Absolutely not.

Also, starting now. Uploading will be either 2 chaps once a week or 3. Because once again. Exams are coming. Happens every two months ughh!


Piyol and George looks so adorable here what?!

This art belongs too @Shika_ca !!

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