The Muggle Experiment ~ Draco...

By MeganLuvsU

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*COMPLETE* Megan Payne is the average potterhead. She is completely obsessed. She has Harry Potter clothing... More

The Muggle Experiment
I Know the Future
Stupid Moving Staircases
Buttons and Ties
Wattpad Buddy for a Roomie and Beginning the Havoc
The Easter Bunny is Jesus' Animagus Form
Shitting on a Watermelon
Manatees of the Northern United States
American Football with the Giant Squid
Umbridge is Gunna Rape Me
Perfect... Until Now
Stupid Freaking Rumors
Mooshaki: Toe Removing Puppies
Tori Blood
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Favorite Teachers
Mooshaki Baby Making
Chapter Whatever This Is
Sirius Orion Black the Third is a Weenie Faced Loser
Jelly Bean Shit
I Thought that that was just in Movies?
Im A Father!
Gay Goat Factories
Cough Drop Over Dosage
Not So Smart
My Life Sucks
Snape Smokes Weed?!
Megan's Dead
Mr. Prankster
Better Cheddars Are GOOOD
Drunk Narwhales Eat Mustaches
Mr. Potato Head
People These Days...
Naps are Nice
I Really Fucked This Up
Chapter whatever.
Mysterious Letters
I Have a Duck... I Think
A Vomit of a Detention
Hi, My Name Is Severus Snape
Speaking of BBQ Sauce, I Like Mountain Lions
If We Survive
Ass Kicking and Collapsing Floors
chapter whatever comes after the last chapter of the book.

My NEW Friends...

10.5K 297 81
By MeganLuvsU

Chapter 44 - My NEW Friends...

It's been about a day since Draco flipped on me. 

I'm laying in my bed, still a bit upset. I heard something knock on my window. I turned my head to see a dripping wet, midnight black owl, hovering in front of my window. 

I flung myself out of bed and quickly opened the window. 

The owl flew in, dropped a letter on my head, and left. 

I picked up the letter and opened it. 

It read;

Meet me at the astronomy tower at eleven tonight.

That's all that it said. It wasn't signed or anything. Eh, whatever. I guess that I'm going to the astronomy tower at eleven tonight. 


Shit. I'm late.

I ran up to the astronomy tower as fast as I could, hoping that whoever was meeting me there wouldn't be pissed. 

So I got there, and I saw Draco. 

I walked up next to him. It was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke up. 

"I want to apologise for what I did yesterday. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why you kept it from me-" I interrupted him by crashing my lips onto his. 

He pulled away just long enough to ask, "Am I forgiven?" I nodded as our lips collided, again. 

~*~A Week Later~*~

A few days after Draco and I had made up, he completely disappeared. 

I was all like, da fuq?

So yeah, I got lonely so I took a trip over to the table of Gryffindor and I magically became friends with the Gryffindor people like Harreh and Hermioneh and Ginneh and Ron. 

Oh! And I convinced Hermione to go the the Slugs partehhh with Ronald! I'm amazing! 


They will make babies together!

Hermioneh is making me come with her and Ginneh to get ready for the parteh tonighteh. Eh, eh is getting annoying. 

So I did. 

I didn't even have a dress for tonight. But apparently Torie had sent Hermione one to give to me because Torie just knows me that well. 

“You’re going to love it,” giggled Ginny. 

“Oh god,” I muttered, not knowing if I should be excited or not. 

Ginny put her hands over my eyes as Hermione brought the dress out. 

The hands were lifted away from my eyes so I could finally see the dress. 

I screamed. 

It’s a peacock! 

A fucking peacock!

I like peacocks. 

I put the dress on. 

It fit perfectly. 

The torso of it was basically just peacock feathers (well at least that’s what it looked like), around the

waist was a light blue, almost teal colored, ribbon with a few gems on the right side of it. Than with everything below there were two layers. The exact blue from the ribbon and then covering that was a opaque brown. Also, coming from the gems above, there were more peacock feathers. The dress itself went down to about three inches above my knees and was strapless. (DRESS TO SIDE)

I felt Hermione put something around my neck. It turns out that it was a purdy sparkly necklace. 

A few minutes later I remembered something; That I had a pair gotten peacock earrings for my birthday a year or so ago. Yey! 

So I accio’d them from my dorm and within seconds they were in my hand. 

Yep, I’ve gotten pretty good at magic this year considering basically all I have here to focus on is my school work since most of my friends have left me. I’ve even been moved up to just have normal classes, but I’m with the sixth years. But whatever. 

I’m a bit off topic. 

Back to the present. 

“What about my shoes?” I asked. 

Hermione pulled out a box with a pair of stilettos in it from a website that I used to be addicted to called Wanelo. They are four fucking thousand dollar shoes! (SHOES ALSO TO THE SIDE). 

I gave her an odd look saying “Do you really think that I’ll be able to walk in those?” 

“They were charmed so that it’s basically like walking in flats,” Hermione explained. 

Oh the wonders of magic. 


It was finally time for the Slugs party. 

Hermione was going with Ronald. Harry was going with Ginny. And little old me is going with Tim. 

Now who is Tim you may ask? Well I shall answer! 

Tim is my imaginary boyfriend (I’m cheating on him with Draco. Shhh, don’t tell!)

He’s really hott, funny, sweet, and a gentleman. 

The party’s nice. I’m too lazy to describe it though. So I won’t. 

I watched three guys walk up to me. 

“Who’s your date?” one asked. 

“Tim,” I simply answered. 

“But aren’t you dating Malfoy?” another asked. 

I nodded. “He didn’t feel like coming so I brought Tim.” 

“Who’s Tim?” the third questioned. 

“Why he’s my imaginary boyfriend. He’s standing right next to me. In fact, he’d like to let you know that you’re stepping on his foot.” 

He rolled his eyes at me. 

Apparently the other two guys completely ignored the last thing that I said. The first one that spoke to me asked, “Would you like to dance?” when the song had changed. 

“No, Tim wouldn’t really like that,” I told him. 

“Well Tim can suck my dick,” the guy growled, getting slightly frustrated. 

“No, Tim wouldn’t really like that,” I said exactly the same as I had before. 

His face kind of squished together. He looked somewhat like a pug. 

He then turned around and walked away. 

Just as he was about to walk out of hearing distance I spoke loudly, “He calls me sexayyyy!”

That was like the only entertaining part of the party. Well, the part where I went around selling dragon dick was pretty fun also, but yeah. It was a lame party in my opinion. 


The next day was the day where everyone leaves for Christmas break. So we were all eating breakfast together, enjoying our last hour or so until we all split up for like two weeks. 

Owl mail came and dumped a bucketload of shit on everyone.  

Like actual shit... and some mail. 

Ronald got the daily prophet. 

“Why do you still get that?” Harry asked. “It’s just some made up shit by the ministry,” HARRY said. HARRY JUST SWORE! Oh my little boy is growing up. I’m so proud of him! 

“It’s interesting to read. And some of it’s true.” I can’t believe that Ron is the one who said that. He’s been spending WAYYYY too much time around Hermione. 

“Hey look Megan, some Slytherin guy in your year was thrown into Azkaban!” Ronald exclaimed. “Doesn’t surprise me much.” 

I grabbed the prophet out of his hands and skimmed over the paper. 

There was a big fat picture of Alex, plastered right smack on the front. 

A/n Hey! So yeah, I don't feel like saying much for this cause I don't feel like it. Oh wait! There is a picture to the side of her earrings, dress, shoes, and a random picture of her. I didn't have much time so I just pasted a whole bunch of pictures together and screenshotted it. That's why it looks like shit. In the external link, there is a link to the shoes if you would like to buy them... They really are over 4,000 dollars. So yeah. Btw, the spacing may be frigged up. My laptop was being a dyke. So sorry about that. Well... BYE!



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