The Life of a Cat

By Fourminette

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[Humour / Adventure] This is the story of a cat. A simple cat. Only a cat that's not important and that no o... More

1. So yeah that's me
2. About a rainy day and a heroic action
3. About a war with green and lots of patience
4. About cat logic and a battle plan
5. About a wrong insult and a jumping game
6. About an affection mark and a butterfly
7. About a long listing and self-defense
8. About a moving room and some blue fabric
9. About a cupboard and bird poop
10. About doves and a sunny chair
11. About sparkles and rainbows
12. About an influence and an open window
13. About a mistake and a genius
14. About a hashtag and a mechanical mouse
15. About blocks and a mossy pool
16. About repetitiveness and a diverse enumeration
17. About too many guesses and a red circle
18. About rainbows and missing love for them
19. About a shark and the world of realization
20. About determination and burning fire
21. About speculations and stories
22. About occasional stuttering and riddles
23. About a teacher and a misplaced button
24. About grammar an' greed
25. About athletics and needed memories
26. About poverty and minions
27. About a straight line and blanks
28. About lying and drama
29. About finally used media and the shift key
Author's Note: About a pretty cliche ending
Bonus I: About blocks and a mossy pool - Myrow
Bonus II: About little worms
Bonus III: About a green tree

30. About reverse order and a skip in time

462 45 35
By Fourminette

I can't believe it. I freed my Cat friends. I helped the other animals. I got Mom and Dad to bring Myrow home with us. This luck is crazy.

Actually, it wasn't luck. It was all me! Just me! don't believe me?
Oh well. I know, myself, that it's true and I don't care about you.

Seeing Myrow made me remember that the last time we saw each other, I proposed to her. And she said yes.

Do you know what comes after a proposal? A wedding, that's what.

A Cat wedding is actually pretty complicated. You need an Old Cat, who will bid us mates, you need the mother of the groom and the father of the bride, and enough friends to come and celebrate.

I told Myrow how a wedding worked, because she never assisted to any. She suggested that one last time, we run away to the Forest to see our friends, our parents, and Old Myr. Because they were all saved by Dad and Mom and those that didn't have owners (basically all of the Wild Cats) were released into the wild.

I agreed with her. We would run away, for our wedding, and then come back. And hopefully do what mates do.

***Half a moon later***

This was the day. The day Myrow and I would be wed.

We used the same technique that I used to run away. Rubbing oneself against a human's leg always works.

Dad opened the door for us and our journey began. It wasn't that long, actually. When I saw the rock, I knew this was the right decision to make.

We walked along the hidden paths of the Forest, sometimes Myrow would show me the way, sometimes I would remember better. When we arrived, our respective families came out of their Caves and greeted us. We told them that we wanted to marry. They gave us their blessing. We wanted a small wedding, so we only invited our closest friends and our families. Old Myr was chosen as the Head, the one who bids the groom and bride mates.

And in no time, at least it seemed that way to me, we were walking down the path bordered by friends, and the question came:

"Myorow, will you take Myrow as your mate?"
"Yes, I will."
"Do you promise to protect her through life and death, starvation and luxury, loss and friendship?"
"I do."

"Myrow, will you take Myorow as your mate?"
"Yes, I will."
"Do you promise to stick by him through life and death, starvation and luxury, loss and friendship?"
"I do."

"I now declare you mates. You may now retire." Old Myr pronounced.
All Cats started singing the Wild Cat's Marriage anthem. We sang it with them, as loudly as we could. Happiness was flooding my heart, and for once, I didn't mind.

We shortly decided to walk back to the house. We couldn't leave Mike, Felix, Mom, and Dad. Not after all they did for me.

"You know that I love you, right?"
"I love you too."

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