Jurassic World: One Shots

By soudup

8.2K 63 12

Hello everybody, im back and I'm writing a new fanfiction of Owen Grady x reader. Requests are welcome so ple... More

Character list
When you first met
Owen Grady x reader
Nail designs you wear
your worst fear
His favorite place to kiss you
the nickname they gave you
Owen Grady x reader part 1
Owen Grady x reader part 2 final
A/n (please read it's important)
his favorite color
his favorite dinosaur
the thing you do to calm him down
your favorite dinosaur
how they reacted to you
Requests are still open
sorry guys
Sorry again guys
Owen Grady x reader part 1
Owen Grady x reader part 2
Owen Grady image
hey guys taking a small break
Owen Grady x reader part 3
Male Claire x reader one shot
Owen Grady x reader part 5 final
Taking a small break guys
if he turned into a dino what would it be
Owen Grady x reader part 1
Owen Grady x reader part 2
Zach Mitchell x reader part 1
Zach Michtell x reader part 2
Zach Michtell x reader part 3
Zach Michtell x reader part 4 final
Owen Grady x reader part 3 final
Male Claire Dearing x reader
Owen Grady x Reader
The dinosaurs you train
Owen Grady x reader

Owen Grady x reader part 4

90 2 0
By soudup

(Y/nd pov)
My dad then said fingers lightly touching my cheek.
I then said.
"Im am my parents daughter.
Im a surviver".
They hugged me, carefull of the jovinle valociraptor in my arms and i said as they let go.
"But we have to get out of here.
Dad then said.
I then said.
"I was living with two valociraptors before i was tranked.
Tjey kidnapped maisie, me and beta cause we are different".
Mom then said .
"That's why Dr. Lewis called.
He didnt want you to fight and escape".
I then said.
"It will be a 40 mintues before Henry know we were gone, we have to get away, far if possible.
Someone needs to break the corruption wide open".
Maisie stayed by my side and dad said.
"We have a your of the faciptiy, tracking by that new thing amagi".
I then said.
"Transporter pod.
If we get in before your tour we can get out".
I then said as i look to dad.
"Dad i need your jacket".
He asked.
Beta squeaked and nuzzled closer into my body.
She's scared and i said.
"If your guide sees this raptor as i get in then theyll call security.
She needs to be with her mother.
I promised her".
Dad then said with a proud look in his eye.
"You made a promise to a dinosaur"?
I then said.
"Techincally i made a promise to my grandrapror who's also your great grand raptor".
Mom awwed at beta and she said.
"Oh hi sweety.
(She looked to my dad and said.)
Give her your jacket".
Dad rolped his eyes andtoke it off.
I then said as beta didn't react like i thought she would.
"Its going to be okay sweet heart.
It's just until we get into the transporter".
She nodded and bended to be laying in my arms.
I made sure none of her was seen and i said to Maisie who looked scared.
"Everything will vlbe okay maisie.
I'm not letting them take you away trom me again".
She hugged me and i said looking to my parents.
"You guys got to lead the way, we don't know where the transporter is".
Mom then said.
"Okay follow us".
I nodded and we got there and mom said.
"And just in time, now get in".
A guy then said as we entered.
"Good your guys are already-".
He stopped when i looked to him.
He said .
I then said recognising him as an old college friend.
He then said seeing maisie.
"Thank God you guys got out.
(Beta moved and he saw me adjust my arms.)
What is that"?
I then said.
"Im not leaving beta to get caught".
Beta squeaked in fear of the guy she can't see and i rocked my arms calming her down.
Ramsey then said.
"Get in, ill distract the staff and CEO of biosen long enough for you to get far enough away".
He then asked my parwmts.
"Did you get your evidwnce on those moths"?
I then said looking to my mom knowing her she convinced my dad, he never wanted to be around places like this since the last two parks we encountered.
Well i been threw three, i was spending time with Kelly since she was around my age at the time.
I snuck with her knowing she was.
Bury parents didn't need to know that yet.
"So that's why your here.
To get evidence biosen is the reason the weat and crops are geting dangouresly low".
They looked at me amd i said.
"What just because the internet with finicky at best before the kidnapping, didn't mean I didn't have the news".
I got in with maisie and my mim and dad came in siiting down.
I then said before the doors closed to ramsey.
"I need a tablet".
He handed me one and i said to Maisie.
"This is illegal so don't do it anywhere else.
I'm going to teach you to hack into the cameras of this transporter".
Dad then asked.
"You know how to hack"?
I then said as maisie logged in.
"I learned by watching one of the navey in Barry's unit.
Helped when they needed more than one hacker".
I then said as maisie waited.
"I'm going to need both hands.
(I loooed to mom and said.)
Can you hold beta for a bit"?
Mom nodded holding her hands out.
I then said as i moved the jacket so beta can see me.
"Grandmas mommy's going to hold onto you while i help maisie okay.
We'll be home soon sweet heart".
She squeaked purred and turned to look at my mom.
I said as my mom wondered if she could do anything to calm beta down, misjudginv betasl's curiosity for fear.
"She's been wanting to meet you and dad for a while since i had a picture of you guys.
She like to be rubbed on the side of the neck.
(I got back to maisie.)
Calms her down".
Mom then said as beta purred.
"Oh she's so beautifull".
Dad then said alittle nerves.
"How come she's so calm"?
I then said as i pointed to where maisie needed to go.
"She's seen your picture, i had your hat that I rarley wore once me and blue escaped the island so she recognised your scent.
And I talked about you.
I always did say that the raptors minds were more like ours than we think dad".
Maisie then said.
"You did"?
I nodded and said.
"Yep, it's why I'm so fascinated, worked on my raptor comunication skills.
Dinosuars minds are so complicated it baffles us how much alike they are to people.
If not smarter than some people.
Thats why raptors are the smartest pack preditors ".
Maisie then said after i gave her instructions what to type looking at the screen to see us on the camera.
"Okay I'm in".
I then said.
"Okay give the tablet.
(She did and i said loolimg where i can to manipulate the image.)
Okay, it's got to look like we aren't here.
Lewis will stop this tramsport and i don't want to even think where he might do that".
I then said seeing we werent on the camera anymore .
"Okay, we're in the clear for now.
I couldn't change the time stamp on the picture though.
Hopefully they won't look".
I turned the tablet off and i said seeing beta wants to move around.
"Its okay now mom".
She got the jacket off and beta was on the floor looking at her new surroundings.
I then said as she went to my feet, shacking and layed down.
"I know honey it's unusual".
Maisie then said.
"She okay"?
I then said hugging maisie to me.
"She's not used to being in a moving transport.
But we'll be fine.
We have alot to catch up on once we get out of here".
She hugged me back and i said in a whisper.
"I promise to always protect you maisie, always".
To be continued...

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