God of War Dressed As a Weak...


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Link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/god-of-war-dressed-as-a-weak-male/ Li Zhou survived the zombie siege in the ea... More

God of War Dressed As a Weak Male: Work related
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151

Chapter 70

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Li Zhou appeared out of thin air.

Li Zhou did not know how Sheville fooled Casey into returning to the Imperial Capital. When Shevell connected Casey's communication, another uninvited guest rang the doorbell.

Li Zhou glanced at Xie Weier and said softly, "Go to the laboratory below and hide."

Sheville nodded and said silently: "Be safe, call me if you have anything."

"Okay, go ahead, you'll be fine."

Li Zhou pushed Xavier's shoulder and told him to hide quickly. Xie Weir moved towards the laboratory passively following Li Zhou's strength, and walked into the laboratory quickly after the doorbell rang.

Li Zhou closed the door of the laboratory, tidied up his clothes, and then opened the door to let uninvited guests enter.

Chong Lizhou, who came here, has never met, but he introduced himself as the director of the Imperial City Star Police General Bureau - Duwa Ed, who came here to learn about the Neil Street Clubhouse.

Li Zhou sat on the sofa without moving, just instructed Xiao Wu to pour two glasses of water for Ed and his men.

Hearing Ed's intentions, he sneered: "Your Excellency is really hands-on, but there is a problem with the circuit of a small club, what are you doing with me? I can't repair the circuit. "

Ed heard the dissatisfaction between Li Zhou's words, thought about Li Zhou's identity, and quickly explained: "Just to understand the situation, the princes who went to the club that day, we will all understand situation to prevent Yuko from being kidnapped last time."

"Then you see me now, I'm fine, you can go."

Li Zhouke no matter what they say, he knows in his heart that Ed is not looking for him for their safety, but for Jovic, so he does not want to give Ed Good face, besides, if he really gave Ed a good face, Ed would really doubt him.

Ed also has a headache, and males are difficult to deal with. When an accident happened in the clubhouse, the males were indirect victims, and they were unwilling to pay attention to them. Li Zhou could pour them two glasses of water, which was a good example of politeness.

But this time it was not a simple circuit problem at all. The commander was injured in this incident. His Majesty was furious, and he had to find the bug that hurt the commander within three days.

It was the first time that Li Zhou went to the clubhouse, or he was brought by the commander. His first reaction was whether Li Zhou knew anything, but looking at Li Zhou, he seemed to have nothing. do not know.

Afraid that Li Zhou would go to the Xiongzi Protection Association to sue them for harassing Xiongzi, Ed didn't dare to say anything, got up and saluted and led his men out of Li Zhou's house.

On the aircraft, the subordinate asked Ed curiously: "Director, why didn't you ask?"

Ed squeezed his eyebrows and said angrily: "It's useless to ask any more, besides, what can they know? It's just for fun."

The subordinate nodded, not daring to be curious any more, and left Li Zhou's house smoothly in the aircraft.

Li Zhou waited for the aircraft to disappear before releasing Xavier.

As soon as Sheville came out, he pulled Li Zhou to the left and looked to the right. After confirming that Li Zhou was all right, he hugged Li Zhou and walked towards the living room, asking who was coming.

Li Zhou has become accustomed to being hugged by Xavier for the past two days. He crossed his legs around Xavier's waist, supported Xavier's shoulders with both hands to maintain balance, and let Xavier carry him around.

Recited what just happened, looking at Xavier sitting on the sofa and not letting go of him, still hugging him like a child, said: "This Ed is not a simple one. Character, he should be suspicious of me."


Li Zhou thought for a while, and said: "He came to the door and did not directly explain his intention, but found a plausible reason, just to test whether I knew about Jorvik. Let's go. The fact that he was able to hold back about Jorvik's injury and let me help me recall the details before the power outage at the clubhouse proves that he has not dispelled his suspicions."

Cheville nodded and agreed with Li Zhou, because the incident at the Daniel Street Clubhouse would not alarm the director of the Imperial City Star Police General Bureau to come down and investigate in person.

The reason they gave because they were afraid of male child being kidnapped seemed reasonable, but as long as you think about it, you can find that this reason is completely nonsense.

"But don't worry." Li Zhou blinked playfully and said, "If they can't find evidence, as long as they can't find evidence, they won't dare to touch me. Very useful."

Sevier also knew, but he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

He held Li Zhou's back, made Li Zhou sit firmly on his lap, and then with a force on his waist, he directly stood up with Li Zhou who was still in his arms, and walked towards the bedroom go.

Li Zhou was a little confused and didn't know why Xavier was taking him to the bedroom. He poked Xavier lightly on the shoulder and said, "Why are you taking me back to the room? Why do you hold me like this? Block your view?"

"Unstoppable." Xavier held Li Zhou upside down, and said, "Drink a tube of nutritional supplements, then go to sleep in the medical cabin for a while, and when it's time for lunch, I will to call you."

Knowing that Xavier was worried about himself, Li Zhou did not refuse, but made an agreement with Xavier: "Be sure to wake me up at lunch, I will go to the manor in the afternoon to deal with those Yingyingyanyan."

"Don't worry, I'll wake you up," Xavier assured.

Li Zhou entered the medical cabin with peace of mind and fell asleep.

Sheville looked at Li Zhou who was asleep in the medical cabin, smiled, thinking that no matter whether Li Zhou lived two lives or not, how neat his methods were, when he fell asleep, he was a childish The look of taking off.

Thinking that Li Zhou, even in such an emergency situation, did not forget to maim Yorvik, who had bad intentions for them, he wanted to laugh, Li Zhou always said that he was naive, Jumping off, he saw that Li Zhou was a naive ghost.

However, Li Zhou's actions made him very relieved. In fact, he always knew about the nasty thoughts of Jorvik and Clyde towards him, so he was very resistant to Clyde's marriage.

Because he knew that as long as he agreed to marry him, he would face an endless **** next.

He touched Li Zhou's face through the glass of the medical cabin, and he got up and sat on the bed to start handling military affairs.

He first connected to Morey and learned about the movement of the star beast. When he learned that the star beast was only a small-scale attack recently, he frowned.

But he didn't say much, just told Morey to step up his defenses and hang up the communication after contacting him at any time.

As soon as he hung up Morey's communication, Brian's call request jumped out, Xavier clicked to answer, and Brian's figure appeared in front of Xavier.

Brian and Xavier simply said hello, and went straight to the subject: "I have opened up a large area of ​​wasteland, which can be used as a soil test field, and I also have the transition point. It has been reinforced and can travel through large starships, that is, the starship pilot must be a trusted and experienced veteran."

Sheville said: "You don't have to worry about this, I will solve it."

"You can let Li Zhou grow some common interstellar ingredients in the space, and when he supplies supplies to M star, mix the medicinal materials and other ingredients in the supply, and enter M star openly, I will use it again Take credit for these special ingredients with Clyde."

"Yes, we can take a two-pronged approach, using both formal channels and smuggling, and strive to make the military females use special ingredients as soon as possible."

Brian was a little perplexed when he saw Xavier in such a hurry. Last time, although Xavier was also anxious, he was more concerned with seeking stability. Why was he so anxious after a few days?

After thinking about it, he asked, "What happened? Why is it so urgent?"

Cheville didn't hide it, and said directly: "The soothing agent can be used without it. After Li Zhou's test, although the soothing agent can achieve the effect of soothing the spirit, it can cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Harm the spirit sea of ​​female insects."

"So you want to temporarily replace the soothing agent with herbs?"

"Yes," Xavier said: "Although the effect of the medicinal material is not as good as that of a soothing agent, and the effect is slow, it will not hurt the spirit of the military female."

Brian sensed the seriousness of the matter, but he still asked cautiously: "Are you sure?"

"Sure." Xavier affirmed: "After drawing this conclusion, I asked Duke to do a comparative experiment on the small star beast, and the result was exactly as Li Zhou expected, the soothing agent is a poison."

"That's troublesome, I'll act as soon as possible and try to make this happen within three months. By the way—"

Bryan paused for a moment and said, "Have you ever thought about the black market?"

Shevell's eyes lit up: "You mean to let the grain flow into the black market first, and let Clyde discover it himself? Then we have more reasons to explain how this grain came from."

Brian nodded and said, "Yes, let the grain flow into the black market first, but the medicinal materials must be tightened. After Clyde found out, I directly offered the grain and said This new type of grain seed was discovered on the black market, and then cultivated to obtain a large amount of grain, so that the source of the grain is more identifiable."

"Cheville, you and Kathy are familiar, he must have a way of doing this."

"I see, I'll make arrangements."

"Okay, then I'll hang up. By the way, you will tell Duke later and let him release me from the blacklist."

Chever: "Okay."

Seeing Xavier's agreement, Brian closed the communication with satisfaction.

After she hung up the communication, he fell into deep thought, he was thinking about how to get Casey to help him connect with the black market without asking the source.

In fact, at the beginning, he didn't think about things that complicated at all. When he learned that Li Zhoujian's food had this effect, he thought about letting Quincy buy military supplies directly Mix the herbs in it.

Later, he didn't think so. He wanted to use the things of Li Zhoujian to create a certain amount of wealth to prepare for the future.

But in order to develop long-term and stable, they must complete the plan. Only if the plan has no loopholes can the long-term interests be guaranteed and Li Zhou's secrets can be better protected.

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of a solution. He decided to wait for Li Zhou to wake up and discuss it with Li Zhou. He felt that Li Zhou should have a solution.

Looking at the time, it was almost noon, he looked at Li Zhou who was sleeping in the medical cabin, got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Cheville didn't realize that he had become more and more dependent on Li Zhou, but even if he found out, he still enjoyed the feeling of relying on Li Zhou, the feeling of being close to his partner's heart really good.

Li Zhou seemed to feel Xavier's pleasure in his sleep, and smiled slightly, but soon he frowned.

Maybe because of the nutrient solution, medical cabin and Li Zhou's own exercises, Li Zhou's spiritual sea was able to recover quickly, which also brought back some memories of his old past.

Due to the function of the medical cabin, he could not wake up, and the memory began to show in the form of a dream.

At first there was nothing special, it was just the past before rebirth, but gradually dreams began to intersperse the current life scenes, and occasionally he saw the picture that flashed in his mind when he saw Casey before. .

This time the picture is much more complete, he can clearly see Casey talking to Xavier, luring Xavier to leave the Empire and join them.

Sheville refused, but Casey was not angry, but smiled and told Shewell not to rush to refuse, his invitation to Shewell was valid for a long time.

He wanted to get a little closer to see what was going on, however, at this moment, the screen suddenly turned sharply, but Xavier and Casey disappeared from the screen, and he appeared in a The center of the vortex.

He wanted to escape, but the attraction of the vortex was too great, he was caught in it and couldn't even open his eyes, and the things involved in the vortex hit his body frantically.

Even in the dream, he could clearly feel the pain of being bitten by the zombie king when a heavy object hit his body.

He was powerless to bear all this, trying to wake himself up, but everything was in vain, he couldn't wake up at all, just when his consciousness was about to be swallowed by the vortex, he heard Xie Xie Will called his voice anxiously.

He woke up suddenly, opened his eyes and gasped violently, and the sweat couldn't stop falling from his forehead.

Cheville was horrified, thinking that there was a problem with the medical cabin, and directly slapped Li Zhou out of the medical cabin. He did not dare to put Li Zhou down, and sat on the bed and hugged Li Zhou and kept calling Li Zhou's name.

After a long while, Li Zhou's rapid breathing calmed down, and his eyes finally focused on Xavier's face.

Looking at Xavier's face as if he was about to cry, Li Zhou smiled weakly, reached out and touched Xavier's face, soothing: "Don't worry, I'm fine, just Had a nightmare."

Sheville didn't believe it, what kind of nightmare could make Li Zhou fear like this? Li Zhou just looked like he was about to leave him in the next second.

He was worried and wanted to ask Aivil to come over, but was held down by Li Zhou.

He made Xavier bow his head, and then tried to touch Xavier's forehead, allowing Xavier's mental power to enter his own spiritual sea without hindrance.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said: "I'm really fine, don't bother Evel anymore, I really just had a nightmare, dreaming that I was eaten by the zombie king in my last life. already."

Sheville then believed that Li Zhou had a nightmare, he wiped the sweat from Li Zhou's forehead, and carried Li Zhou into the bathroom.

When Li Zhou finished bathing and changed his clothes, Xavier let Li Zhou go down to walk. Of course, this was what Li Zhou strongly requested. He emphasized that he was fine, and he no longer needed Xavier to carry him. gone.

Shewell knew that Li Zhou was trying to: лf didn't let him worry, he wanted to tell himself that he was fine, but it was just a nightmare, so he let Li Zhou prove himself.

Li Zhou followed Xavier into the restaurant, sat in the dining room and watched Xavier busy in the kitchen, his heart that became uneasy because of the dream gradually calmed down.

He couldn't help but wonder, would Xavier look at him like this when he was in the kitchen? Do you feel that way too?

Sheville seemed to sense his sight, turned to look at him, and said, "Are you hungry?"

He shook his head: "No, I want to look at you." See how different you are now from before.

Of course, Xavier couldn't hear what Li Zhou didn't say. He thought Li Zhou was just frightened by a nightmare.

That's why her eyes followed him involuntarily, so she comforted him while working: "Then look, the dreams are all fake, I am the real one."

Of course Li Zhou knew that Xavier was real, but he was still a little confused. The immature face of Xavier in the dream was intertwined with the mature face of Xavier now, making him a little confused Fantasy and reality.

He asked tentatively, "Sheville, you are so good, has Casey invited you into his organization?"

Although Xavier was surprised that Li Zhou asked him, he still answered truthfully: "I have been invited."


Xevier thought for a moment and said, "Not long after he saved me." Seeing that Li Zhou seemed very interested, he continued, "It was also on that battlefield, because Star beasts are the natural enemies of all Zerg, so Casey led his men to join the battle."

"When the battle was won and the battlefield was cleaned, he found me and invited me."

Li Zhou was shocked to hear that, what Xavier said was exactly the same as what he had dreamed, and he couldn't help but wonder if the second half of the dream was also his personal experience? After all, the pain feels so real.

But why can't he remember at all?

In fact, he didn't have to remember that memory, but he always felt that he had forgotten something important, so he couldn't help but care about those memories.

The more he cared about it, the more he wanted to remember it. Unconsciously, Li Zhou fell into contemplation.

Seeing that Li Zhou heard the story and heard the story, Xavier frowned, put down the spatula, and walked out, he always felt that Li Zhou woke up this time very wrong.

Although after inspection, his mental power has mostly recovered, but now this distracted appearance does not seem to have recovered. Could it be that Li Zhou was hiding something from himself? It wasn't a nightmare at all just now, but a problem with the body again?

Frightened by his own thoughts, Xavier called Li Zhou's name twice as he walked, but Li Zhou did not respond.

Sheville walked over quickly, and saw that Li Zhou's eyes began to lose focus again, like a delicate doll.

He wanted to reach out and pat Li Zhou to wake up, but he was afraid of scaring Li Zhou, so he quickly sent a message to Aivil, and then called Li Zhou's name softly.

It took a long time for Li Zhou to wake up from that state of nothingness. Looking at Xavier who was anxiously calling his name in front of him, he knew that he had scared Xavier again.

He also found that something was wrong with him waking up this time, and he was in such a situation again to frighten Xavier, so he decided to choose something to tell Xavier.

With any luck, Seville might help him retrieve his lost memories.

Thinking of this, he reached out and pulled Xavier to sit beside him.

When Xavier was seated, he took the initiative to straddle Xavier's lap, cupped Xavier's face with both hands, made him look at himself, and said softly: "I'm really fine, Just hearing you tell me about your past reminds me of some old things too."

Shewell didn't quite understand how his past events evoked Li Zhou's memory. Could it be that he was telling Li Zhou about the dangers of the battlefield, which reminded Li Zhou of the dangers of killing zombies in his previous life? Or did he remember the memory of being betrayed to death?

But no matter what kind of memory, it should be some bad, if possible, he would rather Li Zhou never remember it.

He put his hand on the back of Li Zhou's hand and patted it soothingly, and said, "Since it is a sad memory, forget it, you have already avenged your revenge and started a new life. "

"I know," Li Zhou replied gently: "But, what I remember is not the memory of the past life."

Severe is really stunned now, isn't it a previous life? But Li Zhou has only been in this world for a month. Where did the old things come from?

Li Zhou smiled, looked at Xavier's stunned expression, pinched his face, and said, "It's so cute."

But the next second, he said with a serious face: "Xavier, if, if I say, I have seen you a long time ago, when you were just on the battlefield. ,Do you believe?"


Cherville is stuck, what am I? Do you believe in Li Zhou? Of course he believed it, but he was 22 years older than Li Zhou. He was a 37-year-old when he first entered the battlefield. Li Zhou, who was 22 years younger than him, was a real 15-year-old boy. How could he have seen him on the battlefield? he.

But it doesn't seem right to think so, because Li Zhou has already told him that he is not a bug in this world. Li Zhou secretly checked whether Li Zhou's body had any relatives.

Of course it's not that he doesn't trust Li Zhou, Li Zhou's strangeness has proved that what he said is true, he did this just to hold Li Zhou in his hands and prevent all unknown reasons Take Li Zhou away from him.

Aizel helped him. After three days of comparison, Li Zhou did not have any genetically similar parent insects alive. He used to think that something happened to Li Zhou's original body, which caused all the relatives to die. This kind of thinking is also in line with the situation when he found Li Zhou on the barren star.

When he picked up Li Zhou, he thought he picked up a dead bug, but in a responsible attitude, he hugged Li Zhou.

However, at the moment when he hugged Li Zhou, he suddenly felt Li Zhou's spiritual power.

That spiritual force surrounded him, helped him ease the headache caused by the spiritual violence, and made his mind clearer, so he took Li Zhou back to the starship and took care of him for three days .

Now that I think about it, it is not so much that Li Zhou occupied the body of other insects, it is better to say that Li Zhou appeared out of thin air, so he has no relatives, no memory of his original body, and no There is no male star brain.

What's even more outrageous is that even the genes were collected after Aizel saw him, and there was no Li Zhou in the original gene bank. You must know that in this era, it is possible for female black households, but the chance of precious male black households is less than one in a million.

So Li Zhou really came out of nowhere? Then why didn't Li Zhou tell him directly? Or is it that Li Zhou himself doesn't know?

Looking at Li Zhou who had become a little frustrated because he had not answered for a long time, Xavier stretched out his hand and embraced Li Zhou in his arms, and whispered against his ear: "I believe in you, but you can Can't tell me why you didn't tell me this before? Is it because you don't remember it yourself?"

Li Zhou nodded in Xieweier's arms, and said a little confused: "I don't remember, I always thought that I would be resurrected after taking the body of this worm, but—"

Li Zhou didn't say anything later, but Xavier understood that because of the sporadic recovery of his memory, Li Zhou found out that he was not taking a house, so he was confused about his origin.

He put his arm around Li Zhou's waist and stroked Li Zhou's neck with the other, comforting: "Don't worry, I'll help you think about it, since you said you've seen me, I'll tell you more Let's see if I can stimulate you to think of my past."

"We can also look to Iville and Duke to see if they can find a way to restore your memory from a medical point of view. Don't think about it before that, you know?"

"I see." Li Zhou promised Xavier in a low voice.

He seemed to be tired from being tortured by memory, so he fell asleep in Xavier's arms.

Sheville was reluctant to wake Li Zhou, glanced at the half-cooked dishes in the kitchen, and resolutely carried Li Zhou to the bedroom upstairs, he decided to sleep with Li Zhou for a while, so If Li Zhou dreams again, he can wake up Li Zhou in time.

He was afraid of disturbing Li Zhou's rest, so he muted the star brain. Anyway, if Morey really has something to look for him, he can use the terminal to contact him, it will not delay the matter.

After doing all this, he asked Xiaoyi to close the access to the villa, and then he lay on the bed, hugged Li Zhou in his arms, and closed his eyes.

At this time, Aivil, who was called by a message from Xavier, had just arrived at the door of Li Zhou's house.

The author has this to say:

Aivil, who had been waiting outside the door for a long time, was messy in the wind: Xavier, where are you dead! ?

Cheville: Don't be noisy, I'm going to take a nap with my little brother.

Ever: #@&

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