Xynar's reality

By TheBeautyOfFantasy

574 198 8

A creation of a human and a Jinn, Xynar is a never-seen-before book of sorcery. When someone opens Xynar, it... More

Holding the power of a thousand wizards
constellations forming out of scar lines
tunnel telekinesistic void glare
dressed in mistakes
earthly striders
Mark your presence
three types, seven groups
them (1): the beam shooter
them(2): evolution, revolution
what is death?
the cycle of existence
the guenvik flower
he is she, she is Iquila
potion history
price of neglect
bitter remembrances
evolution through stamina
healthy bodies, sick souls
first try for an eye
peace emits havoc
the Scepter of Truth
Xynar's curse
as long as we're entangled
as long as we're connected
bloody whips, icy hearts
coerce notoriety
Pha reminiscing
Pha revealing
the dichotomous entities
fusion of opposition
the curse of Touh
the wrath of fifteen lifetimes
the island of furtiveness
the mother of pearl
the Labyrinth Perplexor
the power of emotions
letting go; misanthropy
soul mending; teachings of the Nitsu
the coven
Yin ๏ผ† Yang
wrapping up
the stubborn
the lean
the meeting (final chapter)

Sworvik conquered

8 2 1
By TheBeautyOfFantasy

He was about to unleash his first flame, everyone started freaking out, Alan could see the boulder of fire forming inside his mouth, it was purple, Sworvik was about to end a life immediately. Alan was going to go up to him, Orahy tried to stop him


Alan shrugged Orahy's hand off him and sprinted in front of Sworvik, he slammed himself onto the ground, elevating a giant thick rocky wall in an attempt to block the flames, it was working at first but Alan couldn't keep holding it up for much longer, the wall was withering, and just as he was about to drop, he felt a relief, when he looked up he saw that Hourer had created a wall of wood and vines to support his

"I'VE STOOD UP TO YOU ONCE SWORVIK, AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN" Hourer was the only living Logachtige capable of manipulating roots, vines and logs this fluidly, the others could only do it with a Guenara rock, and not too often.



Alan nodded and levitated up with a few Geunara rocks, then he used one to make his eyes glow

"May tunnel telekinesistic void glare put you to sleep for one thousand days"

Lots of small particles made their way into Sworvik's body, making him drop down. Everyone couldn't believe it, was it really that simple? Just some cosmic strider magic? they quickly found out that no,  it wasn't, Sworvik rose back up, he was a bit dizzy but still up nonetheless. He shifted his focus toward Alan, and fired a blue flame, before Alan could do anything, the blue flame totally froze his body up, and Sworvik got ready for the knockout.

"Magic is performed by the spirit Sworvik, not the body" Alan levitated again and avoided the purple flames, his frozen body had nothing to do with stopping his floatation. He then kept moving around and over time regained his mobility back

"To this battle I will add fairness

From the air will loom a muzzle

Making Sworvik's flame useless

Complicated to entangle, like a puzzle"

A rope started generating from the trees, it quickly covered all of Sworvik's mouth and sealed it shut, he tried to shrug it off but failed. Alan got on his back and took a meditation stance

"What is he doing?" Hourer asked Orahy

"Akkina" replied Orahy with a grin


The contact provided her a gateway to the Droma's body, she could fluidly exit Alan's body and discover the Droma's, then go back, she quickly understood it, and memorised its morphology.


Alan floated up, he spoke again

"Who thinks, and trusts in his thought

Will end up with more than what they got

Then drop to the top and levitating traceless

As if they just became weightless"

Alan performed two things simultaneously, a part of his spirit temporarily attached herself to Hourer giving her the ability to fly, and Alan became a Droma, it was a step up for his Akkina game, Sworvik is huge, and Alan was able to replicate him. As Sworvik was ready to retreat and fly away, Hourer dropped a thick Dome on him from the air, then when it reached the ground, she grew roots from it to hold him in place. Alan fired a red flame out of his mouth at the dome. The red flame did hurt Sworvik, but it also burnt the muzzle in the process, and he was able to break free from the dome by burning the vines to charcoal. Hourer was ready for this, she was hovering over him with wood shaped like sharp spikes, she threw the projectiles at him but he used his tails to grab all of them and throw them right back at her, they did pierce her but didn't hurt because they were wood, she simply absorbed them


1- Azyr: Kadea leaves,

An Azyr potion gets thrown at the target, upon the glass breaking, the liquid will target the person and cover all of their body, making them invisible for 1 hour.

6: Fysquel: Grou flowers

Fysquel weakens the target to the point they do not find the energy to move or sometimes breathe, a Fysquel potion concentrated in Grou flowers may lead to death

10- Ite: Toslup leaves

Ite is an amplification potion, it is used to amplify the effects Guenara rocks give individuals


Backup arrived, as tens of Artelys threw an Azyr potion at Hourer, Alan observed what it did and he declined it gets thrown at him, if Sworvik loses sight of him even for a second he'll redirect his focus to the others and obliterate them. Twenty Fysquel potions got thrown at Sworvik and both Hourer and Alan received two Ite potions.

Sworvik endured a lot, and he started getting frustrated because he felt himself getting significantly weaker, he unleased a violent white flame and shook his head around randomly, the flame could not be put out, it spread fast, and after three minutes of being over a certain area or entity, it made them completely perish. Sworvik finally fainted after releasing the flame, leaving an unsolvable issue for everyone else.

"He just couldn't go down in peace could he?" Whispered Alan to himself, he then went back to his normal form and ordered everyone to stay away from the fire no matter what happens, and to try and dig crates around it to slow down its spreading.

"Hey Wers, is there a potion that can get me to be on Sworvik's back without him noticing?

-we'll try to saturate the area you'll be on top of with Bora Bora potions, they're the closest thing we have to your request


2- Bora bora: Kadea bark,

Bora Bora is a potion that relaxes the individual, if going through a panic attack or feeling saturated and overwhelmed, a Bora Bora potion will be able to calm them down.


and I'm also going to bring you four potions, two Tweb and two Essul, they may help you in your Journey


21- Tweb: Nyoran polar extensions

Tweb makes Artelys lose control over their wings, the wings can go left, right, up, down, with no control from the Artely whatsoever, they're free.

5- Essul: Grou pins

Essul is a spirit blocking potion, Essul prevents a creature from using their magic for a full week, a Guenara rock can neutralise the effect


Hourer's flying wore off. Alan clung onto Sworvik's stomach. When Sworvik woke up he saw Hourer in front of him with tons of pins ready to launch, he got scared and flew away, taking Alan with him, unbenounced to him, right to Harwakrous.

When Sworvik landed, Esequator made head contact with him to connect to Sworvik's visual memory, he saw everything that happened back there, and he was beyond flabbergasted at the new creature that he saw, he was able to fly, reshape the ground, cast spells, morph into other beings, and much more

"Who..who is this entity? Where did they come from? I've never seen this before"

Alan dropped down and backed away from them then immediately threatened "one wrong move, and I'll use what's left in me to put all of you to sleep, I did it with all of the striders and Barterschzepos before, a few creatures won't stand a chance" surprisingly in Harwakrous, Sworvik was rather soft, he was calm, he didn't attack Alan, and neither did any other Droma...

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