The Curse of A Life Time

By rustymccarthy2012

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A girl named Sarah Allen is a psychic medium who can see the dead amongst the living. Her whole life she has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11- Truth
Chapter 12- Nightmare on Fridley Ave
Chapter 13- Jail
Chapter 14- Missing
Chapter 15- Rushing
Chapter 16- James
Chapter 17- Break
Chapter 18- Hospital
Chapter 19- Figuring It Out
Chapter 20- Carter
Chapter 21- Rain
Chapter 22- Shell Shock
Chapter 23- Dog House
Chapter 24- Confusion
Chapter 25- New Things
Chapter 26- WEED
Chapter 27- BFF
Chapter 28- Crash and Burn
Chapter 29- Heat Wave
Chapter 31- Darkness
Chapter 32- Finding the Light
Chapter 33- Six Feet Under
Chapter 34- Soran
Chapter 35- M.I.A
Chapter 36- Something in the Orange
Chapter 37- Eyes On Fire
Chapter 38- White Tee
Chapter 39- Witcher
Chapter 40- Sanctuary
Chapter 41- Mary on a cross
Chapter 42- Deja Vu
Chapter 43- YUKON
Chapter 44- Yeah Right
Chapter 45- Cinema
Chapter 46- Late Night Talking
Chapter 47- Easier
Chapter 48- Bring Me Back To Life
Chapter 49- Death by Dishonor
Chapter 50- Sweet Creature
Chapter 51- Fed Up
Chapter 52- Sleep On The Floor
Chapter 53- She Knows
Chapter 54- Matte Black
Chapter 55- Fight or Flight
Chapter 56- The Hanging Tree

Chapter 30- I'm Alive

26 2 0
By rustymccarthy2012


I am going to kill him.

How dare he disrespect her like this, causing her so much anxiety and pain to the point she literally becomes sick. He has seen her sick before, she is extremely sensitive to this stuff because of her gift.

Pulling her into me, we sit on the ground against the wall of the empty classroom. I wrap my arms around her shoulders as she leans her head against my chest.

Her torso is much shorter than mine, giving a good space between our heads touching. She catches her breathing and tries to control it.

I rub her arms softly trying to comfurt her. The best I can do for now.

What I really want to do is bash Soran's skull in until he drops dead, but that will have to wait. Sarah needs me right now.

Sarah, my beautiful girl. Not my girl right now, but hopefully she will be. I think I love her, like really love her.

Her brown eyes hypnotize me everytime I look at her. She has this intense stare that only she has for me. I have noticed it a couple of times before.

I remember when I first met her. She stepped out of her dad's car one morning and never even looked at me until someone mentioned that I was there. The second she looked, she captured me.

Her eyes darted from my face to me feet and back up, I think she was judging my sense of style. She never even made eye contect with me, but I saw her eyes.

When she eats ice cream- vanilla, her nose scrunches up into a cute little button. The lines around her eyes crinkle and make a V shape.

Her lips are my favorite feature of her face. Sara's lips are fine line. Comparing them to others' not very full and vibrant, but they suit her like no other.

That first kiss, the kiss of my life. Sitting in my car, her lips on mine as I try to comprehend what I had been thinking about all night.

Of course with the news of her knowing about my father and what I told her about him, I was mad. Hell, I was angry, but I couldn't be mad. She is such a sweet and kind soul- wanting to fix everybody no matter the cost of her body.

Her pouty lips right before the most heated I have been in a while, reminds me of the fantasies I have of her mouth. What else can they do? Make me feel?

I hate seeing her cry. The salty tears drip onto my crossed arms before sliding to the floor.

Instantly regretting my selfish thoughts I console her, "it's alright."

She turns her head and face me, her elbow rubs agaisnt my best friend, and I struggle to keep a straight face. "Sorry," her face redens when she realizes what she did.

"Fine," words can't form as I think of that feeling again.

She takes her arms from under me and places them at her sides. We stare at each other for a moment while I take in the beaty of her eyes once more.

Her long lashes darker than before becasue of the tears caused by her brother flicker in the light. The glossy stain, disappears before me, now a little red.

"Did Becky leave?" she asks.

I nod, "she left to get you some water, she'll be back soon."

She nods her head, and lays it against my shoulder wrapping her arms around my neck. I breathe in her scent, making me feel more att eaze.


I grab the water bottle from Sarah's backpack and take her notebook too. I walk out of the classroom and head back to the one I left Carter and sarah in.

On my way I think about Soran and how he acted. He was way of line, he should have never said any of that stuff or even acted the way he did.

Sure, I can understand how he felt about and how he could be mad, but he didn't have to do that in fornt of everyone. Especially Courtney, she was hysterical.

He bluntly scolded Sarah for causing so many problems. I didn't even know about the thing with James at the amusement park.

Sarah never told me anything about that or talked about it. We didn't become friends until after it all happened.

Soran never told me either, for whatever reason he did tonight. He told everyone and now everyone is talking about it.

I am not sure how the teachers and staff didn't intervene when they started yelling and the mob surrounded us. Why does this kind of stuff happen? We were actually having a good time.

I round the corner and bump into something massive. The intoxicating scent of my boyfriend hits me like a truck.

"Hey, where have you been?" His loud voice startles me, "Becky?"

He is carrying a bag with him, "I was with Sarah, helping her through a panic attack you caused."

"I didn't do shit, she did that to herself," he steps infront of when I try to move around him.

"I am not in the mood to talk to you righ now, excuse me." Soran doesn't like what I said, he places his arm infront of me making me stop in my tracks.

"What's with your attitude?" Shifting the notebook to my other hand I say, "I don't have one, you do."

I push past him and walk down the hall. His footsteps seed up behind me, "I am not done talking to you."

"I told you I am not in the mood to talk," he grabs my arm and turns me around.

"What the heck?" I yank my arm out of his grip, "what has gotten into you?"

His eyes glint a dark color before returning to its natural color, "nothing, what has gotten into you?"

I shake my head not enjoying this one sided conversation that I don't want. I grip the water bottle and notebook harder and steer away from him.

"I'm sorry," the sweet voice from three months ago makes an appearance.

"I don't want to fight, please come here." I turn around and look at him.

His toned arms placed at his sides with the pouty lips centered. He looks a lot like Sarah, most of the time I almost call him her name because of how similar they look.

His captivating stare holds me in place until I force myself to move towards him. His arms embrace me making me relax against him.

"I am worried about her, she isn't doing well." I tell him, "I need to go back to her."

He lets go of me, but keeps his hands on my shoulders, "I need you too."

"You did a bad thing tonight, babe," his lips tug into a smile when I call him babe.

His face relaxes, "I was just trying to protect her from embarrassing herself."

"Herself? YOU embarrassed her, she was just talking to people when you came in and started tellign everyone about James." His face becomes stern again when I mention James.

"I don't know what came over me, please forgive me," He pleads to me.

The clock on the wall ticks, 11:11. Wishing numbers, "I wish you would just let her be her own person."

He takes a step back, "I do let her be her own person."

"Not really, not after the other night with Carter." He doesn't know that I know what happened.

He clocks his head to the side like Sarah does, "what do you mean?"

"You keep telling her to keep quiet and to not explore her gift, she wants to experiment and to figure out what is going on, but you won't let her," I explain.

"You sound like her," he brushes his hand along my arm.

"You sound like her so much, it makes me want to do things you never imagined." I feel my insides crawl at his words.

"Who are you talking about and what things?" HIs face changes to a different shade, almost a pale white color.

He doesn't elaborate, Soran turns around and walks away opposite of the cafeteria and opposite of the room with the other two. "Soran, who?" I call out.

He disappears around the corner leaving me in the middle of the hallway. I take a deep breathe, he will have to wait until tomorrow.


My throat clenches at the feeling of ice cold water as it soothes my raw throat. Becky was kind enough to fetch my water bottle for me.

I down the whole thing until the bottle is empty and there is nothing left but the ice. I screw the top back on and set it on the floor next to me.

"Thank you," she returns a smile.

I slowly stand up and walk over to the desk with my notebook on it. I open it to a new page, there is a slight head ache pressing on my eyes. Courtesy of crying my eyes out, I am embarrassed Carter had to see that.

"Did you see Soran when you when you left?" I smell his cologne on her. "Yeah, in the hallway."

"What did he say?" The pressure builds around my eyes, "Carter, can you grab me a black pen?"

I hear him get up from the floor. He hands me a pen and I start to draw on the paper.

"Nothing really, he said he wanted to talk to me, but I dismissed him." A dark circle appears on the page with lines coming out of it.

"You just left him there?" I ask.

Carter comes up to me and I see his eyes trained on my drawing. He points the circle, "what does that mean?"

"A soul or spirit somewhere, I am not sure what the lines mean," I flip over to the next page.

"No, he left me there, I tried calling him back, but he kept walking towards the back of the school." I fill out the page with shading and dark patches, the only thing left to do was to rub it in.

I use my fingers to rub in the ink as hard as I can. I don't know why I feel the need to, but I have the urge. Something doesn't feel right.

I keep thinking back to the yelling match with Soran in the cafeteria. He was so calm, but rushed in the beginning.

He didn't yell or sound angry with me at all, not until I told him to fuck off. He has alway been protective of me with my curse, but recently he hasn't.

Soran didn't even help Carter when my dad was yelling at him, he once called Carter his friend. Then in the cafeteria he was being over protective. Maybe it was because Courtney was there and he didn't want her starting anything?

But then again, he was the one who openly admitted that we were with James, the night he went into a coma. He told everyone what happened, we made a pact and he broke it.

"Becky, besides Soran not saying anything, did his actions stand out to you?" She looks up from her phone, "what do you mean actions?"

"The way he walked, talked, moved or even stood," she sat on the desk looking up thinking.

She chews on the inside of her cheek before answering, "he was kind of aggressive."

"Did he hurt you?" If he hurt her or even just a little bit, I will knock his ass out. This is so not like him.

"No, he was demanding and his voice was stern," she says.

"Did it come in waves or he would be nice then turn aggressive at all?" I ask.

I think I know what is going on. In the beginning, three almost four months ago, I thought the entity may have gotten attached to carter, but now I am not too sure. I know that the entity is attached to Carter's dad, but what if it is doing what it did to Jasper and James at the same time.

"A little, he was kind of pushing me to talk to him when I first saw him, when he realised I wasn't going to budge, he quieted his voice," she takes a deep breathe, "then when he was about to leave, he mentioned that I sounded like someone he knew."

"I thought it might have been you and when I asked, he just walked away," she finishes her rant.

I look to the right and feel a pull towards the closet door in the classroom. The dark brown door pulls me in a trance as a get up and walk over to it.

The moment I stop infornt of it, I see a face in the door. "Shit," the face is gone.

"What?" Carter comes running over to my aid.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw something." Carter rests his hand on my shoulder, "sit down, you still need to rest."

I obey his comand and sit at the desk with my notebook. The clock ticks loudly through out the room.

All of a sudden, I get a picture of dark eyes in my head. The eyes turned from a bright shining color to a dark rotting one.

Fading out into the darkness, it reminds me of Jasper and James. Especially James at he park. It wasn't James, it was the entity looking through James at me.

"Now that I think about it, they turned kind of a dark color, like they dilated, but didn't dilate," fuck.

I grab my notebook and quickly jot down what I saw in my mind, the oval eyes shine with little shading. I focus the next set with shading at some light in the middle.

"Is this what it looked like?" I show Becky the drawing and she gasps, "yes, exactly it."

I slam my notebook on the desk, "I need to call my dad, I need to go home."

"Why?" Carter's voice startlesme, I forgot he was here.

I grab my phone and pull up my dad's contact, I click on his name, but it doesn't ring. The screen loads for a few seconds, "no service."

That is just fucking great...

"I have to go, I will call you," Becky runs out of the room and Carter follows after her.

I run after the both of them and see Carter chase her down the hall, I race up to them and see Carter stop.

"Wait, let her go," I grab onto his hand for support because I am still a little out of it from earlier.

He takes my hand in his, "what the hell is going on?"

For what seem like the millionth time he asks the same question I have been thinking, "I think Soran and your dad are attached to the entity."

"Sarah, what are we going to do?" He steps out of the light and hits his back on the lockers. He hisses in pain, "that hurt?"

"No," he quickly stands up straight.

"I am just tired," he says.

I don't believe him, "pull up your shirt."

"Let's go to the cafeteria and get some snacks," he tries to change the subject.

I stare at him, "Carter," I lift up his shirt and he pulls it back down.

"Carter let me see," he rises his shirt a little and I pull it up further.

"Oh my god," small bruises are formed all aross his back and trickles to his front.

His ribs are covered by one huge bruise that is yellow and purple. The same yellow color of my nails.

I run my fingers gently over the his ribs, "does it hurt?"

"No shit," I push on it. "Fuck," he pulls back.

"Don't be sarcastic with me," I pull his shirt up again.

"Did your dad do this?" He flinches when I touch the one on his lower back. "No the ent-"

I pushed on it again, "Jesus, Sarah."

"Yes, my dad did," he quickly recovers.

I let his shirt fall around his waist again. The pain in his eyes are clear, but it covered with a strong will.

"I am so sorry this is happening to you, you should really stay at my house until we figure this out." I calmly place my hands at his sides.

He avoids eye contact with me, his jaw sharp ticking every few seconds. He is in deep thought.

"Your dad doesn't seem to think so," he argues,

"Soran- I mean the entity is trying to divide us, it wants to cause pain." I tell him, "if we both go to my dad tonight and tell him everything he will be more than willing to help."

"I don't know," he brushed the hair out of his eyes before looking down at me.

He is about to say something when his phone rings, "its from the hospital."

He answers the phone, "hello?"

"Holy shit," he puts the phone in front of me and puts it on speaker so we can both hear.

"I'm alive bitches!" James yells into the phone.

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