Why am I afraid? | Seongjoong

By babethtiny

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But this can't be. I never thought of anyone the way I think of Hongjoong. I love him sincerely with all my... More

Chapter I : The Beginning
Chapter II : The Realization
Chapter III : The Escape
Chapter IV : The Safe Place
Chapter V : The Awakening
Chapter VI : Wooyoung's Thoughts
Chapter VII : I Want to Spend Time With You
Chapter VIII : The First Talk
Chapter IX : You did what?
Chapter XI : The HoneyMoon
Chapter XII : Too good to be true
Chapter XIII : The Worst Mistake
Chapter XIV : Don't talk to me
Chapter XV : The Party (Part. 1)
Chapter XVI : The Party (Part. 2)
Chapter XVII : Baby steps
Chapter Bonus : The Announcement (Yungi)
Chapter XVIII : Do you forgive me?
Chapter XIX : I'll be there
Chapter XX : Jump Then Fall
Beginning of the End | Epilogue
Remerciements (Thanks)

Chapter X : The Date

624 23 3
By babethtiny


Hongjoong asked me to get ready for 4:30 p.m. for the date. I was so stressed, I started to prepare right after lunch. I couldn't choose the right clothes, the right makeup, the right fragrance, the right everything. I had my heart set on an all white outfit I found cute, tight turtleneck tucked in high-waisted loose dress pants secured with a belt. Is he going to like it ? I chose to go for a really soft makeup, rosy glitters on my eyelids and gold highlighter on my cheekbones. Should I put on some lip-gloss ? But what if we kiss ? Won't that bother him ? After careful consideration, I just applied a little bit of lip balm.

I had 20 minutes left when someone knocked on the door. "Are you ready?"

My heart started to beat so fast. "Hongjoong." I whispered.
I lightly coughed. "I mean. Yes, I am!"

I fixed my hair for the hundredth time and opened the door. He was putting on his shoes, he immediately stood up when he saw me. "Where and when did you change?" I asked before shyly said.. "You look really great."

He was clearly blushing, standing there with only one shoe on. "I didn't want to disturb you so I took all the stuff I needed in San and Yunho's room this morning and went to work. You should have seen how happy they were when I told them. Anyway, I changed like 2 hours ago and I was just counting the minutes till now because I couldn't wait to see you and to spend time with you.
I got scared you could change your mind and cancel the date.
I like your outfit too. You're so gorgeous, I can't believe you dress like that to go somewhere with me. And I-"

"Okay. Okay, I got it. Joongie, stop talking." I tried to calm him down. He was panicking again or he was just excited. Either way his hands were shaking so I decided to wrap my arms around the smaller man. It's usually easier for him to cool down if he was some type of physical contact and I honestly wanted to hug him. I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "Is it better? How are you feeling? Can I let go?"

"No, not yet. Stay just a little longer." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Shouldn't we go somewhere?" I asked, still holding him against me.

He quickly pushed me back, put on his other shoe and handed me my own shoes. "You're right. Let's go!" He opened the front door and headed out.

"Yeah, wait for me." I almost fell trying to put on my shoes as fast as I could. Who goes on a date without their date ? Can I kill him ?

"Hongjoong!" I chased after him.

"We're gonna be late. Go faster!" He offered me his hand, a wide smile on his face.

I tapped it and I walked in front of him. "Don't make this cute face. Let me complain you left me at the door." I stopped when I heard him laugh. "Don't laugh at me!" I gave him a nudge and began to laugh with him.

"Okay handsome. Here, take my hand and follow me." After his words, I interlock my fingers with his and just walk next to him. We weren't really talking but that wasn't awkward. No words needed, it felt comfortable.

He stopped in front of a tea shop, he held the door for me to go in. It smelled like hot chocolate and marshmallows. The music wasn't too loud, just enough for us to enjoy it. The decoration was soft, white booths with light blue cushions on the seats. Wood shelves with lots of books placed against pink painted walls, cat trees leading to the top of the bookcases. A fluffy white cat rubbed himself against my legs. I turned around and looked at Hongjoong. He was talking to a waitress, took a glance at me and gave me a small wave. I couldn't hide the redness growing on my cheeks, this man is killing me.

I was still looking around when I felt little fingers slipping through mine, Hongjoong tightening his grip. He led me to a table placed in the corner of the cafe, it felt intimate. We both sat down, the waitress gave us the menu and left.

"What do you think?" He asked, obviously nervous.

"I love it!" I was truly enjoying this first date, the place was perfect. As I said that, a black cat jumped on my lap. He purred when I softly pet him. "Oh... he is so cute!"

"More than me?" He faked annoyance.

I heartily laughed. "Of course. I find him more adorable than you."

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Instead of saying nonsense, did you choose what you want to drink and eat?"

"Yes, yes. Well since we are in a tea-shop, I'll take this red fruit black tea and a cinnamon roll with lots and lots of white chocolate on top." I pointed at the menu, showing him precisely what I wanted. "You?"

"That seems good." He nodded. We ordered and began to talk and laugh, we didn't even notice when the woman came back with our drinks and patisseries. He told me everything about his music project, and I did the same with my own work.


"Do you wanna go?" He invited me. "It's already 6:30 p.m. so if we go now we'll be home by 7."

"Not really but we should go before someone burns down the apartment."

"By the way, San told me something interesting this morning."

"Wooyoung and him are together." I softly smiled. I couldn't stop thinking it could be our turn one day.

"Yeah, it's crazy." He simply said, staring at his hands placed on the table.

"Well, we were all waiting for it to happen."


"You should be home more." I tried to find his eyes.

"Yes, you're right and now I have a really good reason to." He raised his head and winked. My heart, I'm dying. "I'm going to pay. You can wait for me outside." He grinned at me.

"But- !"

"No, no, I invited you. I pay. No question asked." He shook his head.

I left the establishment, feeling the fresh air on my skin. Compared to the inside of the tea-shop, it was cold outside. I tighten my coat around me before feeling a little hand going around my waist. I thought I was going to faint due to this simple gesture. "Let's go. Are you okay? Your cheeks are red."

"Yes, I'm fine. It must be the cold." I put my hands on my face to cover the redness.

We only walked for about 10 minutes when we stopped in front of a little shop. He apologized and asked me to wait for me and that he had to pick up a package. He took barely 2 minutes and came back with a large bag. "What is it?"

"Come with me" He grabbed my wrist and led me to a bench in the nearest park. Really beautiful park, it was probably covered with flowers in the spring, kids playing and laughing in the background.

"Here, it's for you." He handed me the precious bag.

"For me? Really? Thank you so much!" I opened the bag to find a big white plushy, it looked like a cat or maybe a dragon.

"It's Light Fury, Toothless friend."

"She is so adorable, I love it already. It'll make me think about you when you're not home." I smiled.

"We're home!" Hongjoong yelled through the apartment.
I went to our room to put Light Fury on my bed and to change into something more comfy. I walked into the bathroom and put on a pink sweatshirt with matching sweatpants. I came back to the bedroom to see Wooyoung sitting on my bed, the stuffed toy in his hands, obviously happy.

"Can I help you?" I took my plushy and hugged it. "That's mine."

"I never saw it before today. Is it a gift from Hongjoong? Can I have it for a second? It looks cute. Please?" He gave me puppy eyes so I gave him the stuffed toy back.

"To answer your first question, Yes. And you didn't respond to my question. Do you need something?"

"True! The others sent me to come get you. All of us helped to cook." Wooyoung joyfully said.

"Okay. After you." I slightly bowed and respectfully pointed at the door with one hand for him to go first. He giggled and passed before me.

When I entered the living room, I froze, a warm feeling invading my heart. I individually watched my friends. Wooyoung went straight to San who was sitting in his seat, wrapping his arms around the other shoulders, giving a soft kiss on the lips. They both smiled.
Jongho was talking to Yeosang, they were back into their own world. It looked like Jongho was explaining something to the other, but Yeosang was lost, both hands on his chin, elbows on the table, holding his head. He was just staring at Jongho's lips and nodding from time to time.
I finally looked for Hongjoong. The man was scolding Mingi, and Yunho was trying to defend Mingi. I didn't know what happened but they were so adorable, all of them were. It felt like a real family. A tear almost fell from my eye.
Hongjoong saw me and immediately gave me a wide smile, completely forgetting about Mingi and Yunho. "Seonghwa! Come join us. We were waiting for you."

Just looking at him and listening to his voice made my heart melt. He's so perfect. Is it too soon to say I found my soulmate?

They are my family.

To be continued... 

I had a hard time writing this chapter, I wanted it to be perfect but I'm still not a 100% satisfied with the result. I hope you liked it anyway and I apologize for the wait.

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