By IamLyraStark

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Olivia runs away to London alone, but what will happen when she has to share a flat with an old childhood fri... More



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By IamLyraStark

-Boring! - Sherlock said as he shot at the wall. John took the gun away from him. - I don't know what's wrong with criminals, it's a good thing I'm not one of them.

-And you take it out on the wall? - I asked him as I entered 221B.

-The wall deserved it. - He replied.

- And the crime of the Belarusian? - John asks.

-It's not worth my time. - What a man.

They started talking about the head of the fridge and John's blog. All I could think about was my father.

-What does it matter that the earth revolves around the sun? - I looked at him in amazement.

-Don't you know that the earth revolves around the sun?

-This is my hard drive, and I only put useful things on it, really useful things. People fill their heads with junk, and I fill it with real stuff.

-But it's the Solar System! - said John amused, I couldn't help laughing. Sherlock curled into a ball and curled up on the sofa.

John came out of the flat to "get some air". Mrs. Hudson came in.

-You should wrap up warmer, it's cold outside. - Mrs. Hudson said when she saw John leave. I got a message.

Meet me at the bakery next door, it's urgent.


-I'm going out for some fresh air too. - I said to both of them, and walked out without further ado.

Yes, I should have taken a coat. Still, I walked towards the bakery, nervous about what James had to tell me.


-We didn't have much time to talk at the airport. - Jim was telling me. - I just wanted to see you for a while and hear about your arrival in London.

-Nothing interesting, a fight with my dad and not much else. - I spoke as I munched on a chocolate cake. - He had a couple of run-ins with the government, and I had to choose sides. Let's just say I wasn't happy with either of them and I left. - I just said.

-What do you say we take a walk? - he asked me as he put a note on the table and called the waiter to pick it up. I agreed and we got out of there.

We went to a nearby park, and he started counting.

-I should tell you something, but promise you won't run away, or hit me, or yell at me like you're my mother. - He said with a mischievous, but amused smile.

-What have you done now Jimmy?

-Let's just say that my job is not going to be much fun for you. - I looked at him without knowing what he was talking about. - After leaving that hateful boarding school and the university, I felt that the world was missing... Spicy. - he paused, to dramatise the speech even more. - So after a few contacts and calls I became a consulting criminal. - I broke away from him.

-What are you talking about, James? - I didn't like the direction the conversation was taking.

-Sherlock is a consulting detective, I'm a consulting criminal. People have problems and I solve them. - He said bluntly.

-Do you kill people? - I asked.

-It's not like you've been a saint either, kitten. - I looked him straight in the face.

-I was forced to, you idiot. - Suddenly, he grabbed my shoulder with force.

-Stop joking with me, Olivia. Say one word to the police or Sherlock and you won't like what will happen to you. - He threatened me.

-You know you don't intimidate me. - I gave him a cold look. - I'm fond of you, don't ruin it.

-I'm warning you because I admire you, not because I hate you.

-Don't do anything stupid, I don't want to see you behind bars. - I said, tapping him on the shoulder.

Everyone went their own way, until I heard an explosion.


-Sherlock? - I ran into the flat, followed by John. There were Mycroft and Sherlock, violin in hand, sitting quietly in the armchairs.

-Are you all right? I saw it on TV. - said John.

-Apparently it was a gas leak. - Sherlock was looking at his brother.

-Can't you? - Mycroft asked.

-I've got something on my hands, I can't waste time.

-Stop trivialising, this is of national importance. -Mycroft was irritated.

-How's the diet? -I couldn't help smiling.

-Very well. - Mycroft was pissed off.

-Maybe you guys can convince him. - Mycroft told us. - Apparently my brother is very stubborn.

-Why don't you do it? - Sherlock asked.

-Oh no, no, no, no, I can't get out of the office for a moment with the Korean elections and.... Well, you don't need to know that, do you? Besides, a case like this requires meticulousness.

They were still talking, until it dawned on me.


While they were talking I wrote to him.

Was it you? Don't you understand about staying out of trouble? Were you stalling me?


* Seen*

I slammed the phone down in frustration. Mycroft got up from his seat and handed us some papers. He began to recount something about a case, a man who was found on the train tracks with his head smashed to pieces.

-You wouldn't be here if it wasn't important. - I said.

-The Ministry of Defence is working on a new defensive missile, the programme is called Bruce Partintong, the plans were on a USB stick.

-It's not very clever. - said John.

- It's not the only copy, but it has disappeared. - Mycroft commented.

-Top secret? - I asked.

-Very. We think West took the memory, we can risk it falling into the wrong hands. You've got to get those plans, Sherlock. Don't make me make you. - Mycroft was still talking. Sherlock was still busy with his violin.

-I'd like to see how you do it. - Sherlock replied.

-Think about it. - Mycroft turned to us. - Goodbye John, Olivia. - he said, shaking our hands. - See you soon. - he said with a smile.


The ringing of the phone interrupted Sherlock and John's conversation about why he hadn't taken Mycroft's case. Sherlock picked it up, and his face lit up.

-Lestrade, request my services. Are you coming? - Sherlock asked us.

-Of course, if you want to. - John replied.

-Of course I want to. I'd be lost without my blogger. - He paused and looked at me when he saw I wasn't moving. - What are you waiting for Olivia?

-I thought you didn't want a brat with you. - I replied with a smile.

-As snotty as you are, your deductions can be helpful. Let's go. - I smiled at her.


Lestrade told us about the small box that had been left behind after the explosion. Sherlock inspected it. Inside was the famous Studio in Pink mobile phone.

-Study in Pink? Do you read his blog? - Sherlock asked Lestrade in annoyance.

-Of course! You really don't know that the Earth revolves around the sun? - Donovan and I were laughing.

-It's not the same phone. It's new, but someone's gone to a lot of trouble to make it look the same. That means your blog has a huge readership.

A message arrived on the phone. A picture of some kind of basement. Sherlock and I looked at each other, we knew where it was.

Mrs. Hudson had given me a tour of the flat, and had just shown me that dusty little room.

-What are the beeps? -

-A warning. - Sherlock and I said in unison.

-Some societies were sending dried melon pips, orange seeds and things like that. - I counted.

-Five units. They're warning us that it's going to happen again. - Sherlock said.

-What's going to happen again? - John asked.

-Boom! - replied Sherlock.


A phone call. A crying lady and some trainers.

We were at Bart's, trying to get clues from the trainers.

-Who do you think it was, the woman on the phone? - John asked.

-She doesn't matter, she's just a hostage. - Sherlock replied coldly.

-Sherlock! Don't be like that! - I shouted at him. He looked up from the microscope and looked at me with some disgust.

This was all Jim's doing. The Jim I knew was a good guy, with bad ideas, but I never thought it would come to this.

A beep indicated that the tests had been successful. With that, the door to the room burst open, revealing a young, short, brown-haired woman. Behind her...

I'm gonna kill him.

-I'm sorry, I didn't know...

-Jim! Come in, come in. - the young man entered the room, receiving several glances from everyone. - This is Sherlock Holmes. And these are...

-John Watson and Olivia Prince. - I greeted the woman. I don't know why, but I liked her. I gave Jim a grimace, followed by a disguised "I'm going to kill you" face.

-So you're Sherlock Holmes? - he said in an innocent voice. This was not the Jim I knew. - Molly's told me all about you. Is he on one of your cases?

-Jim works in IT, that's how we met, a work flirt. - she said. I kept looking at Jim with a murderous look on my face. Sherlock looked him up and down and asked:

-Gay. - Molly's face changed. I was inwardly choking with laughter.

-I'm sorry? - she said offended.

-Nothing, hey. - I spoke again.

At that moment Jim threw a tray and Sherlock, about to hit him, looked at him with disgust. John snorted and turned away.

-Sorry, sorry. - Jim kept repeating. - I'll see you at the Fox. Six o'clock or so? - he said to Molly, and she nodded. - Bye everyone, nice to meet you. - he said to Sherlock, and she didn't reply.

-That means the same thing," I told them. - I told them. Jim walked out of the room.

- What do you mean gay? We went out together. - Molly said.

-I know and it shows, you've put on six pounds. - Sherlock replied unsentimentally.

-Sherlock! - I shouted at him.

-One and a half. - Molly was angry. - He's not gay, why are you bothering me!

-Have you seen when he grooms himself? -Have you seen when he grooms himself?

-Because he uses a hair product? -Because he uses a hair product? I use it too. - John replied.

Sherlock began to deduce why Jim was apparently gay. I was just thinking about poor Molly, I could tell Sherlock was insensitive to her.

-And the fact that he's left his phone under this plate, if I were you I'd leave it now and save myself the tears. - I swear I'd punch him if I could. Molly ran out.

-Are you stupid or what! - I shouted at her, running after Molly.


Molly was crying in the hospital corridor. I approached her slowly.

-Molly. - I called out to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She raised her head, and looked at me with red eyes. - I'm sorry about what happened. Sherlock is a complete idiot, believe me. He doesn't control what he says, but deep down he's very fond of you. - She gave me a weak smile in return. - If you need anything, I'm here. - I said with my hands on her arms. Surprisingly, she gave me a hug.

-Thank you. - she said when she broke away. I gave her my number and promised to meet her soon to go somewhere.


-James! - I shouted when I saw Jim at the end of the hall. He looked up at me smiling innocently. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a corridor where there was no one. - What's wrong with you! - I was really angry.

-Come on, kitten, I'm trying to get closer to your dear Sherly. How cool is my costume? - she said, running her hands over her body. I couldn't help but laugh, it was surreal. - Let go of me now. - he said, pulling away.

-Be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you and you know it. - I said apologetically.

-You know I'm invincible, honey. - he said amused. His look changed to a more sincere one, and he looked me in the eyes. - Don't worry. Don't think for a moment that by being with Holmes I'm going to hurt you. You know I wouldn't be able to. - I smiled at him, and gave him a hug. He returned it with a little... Fear? - Okay, okay, enough. - he said, pulling me apart. I gave him a grateful look and said goodbye.

-Don't do anything stupid, nothing bigger than what you're already doing. - I told him before I left.


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