Isekai !?!?!? to AVP universe...

By Shisageek86

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This is a continuation of Isekai!?!?!? to AVP universe? Due to the 200 chapter limitations per story this wil... More

Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
🍋🍋Chapter 180.5 NSFW 18+🍋🍋
Chapter 181
Chapter 182 season 4 end
🍋Chapter 182.5 mini lemon nsfw🍋
Chapter 183 Season 5 start
Chapter 184
chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
🍋🍋chapter 199.5 NSFW 18+🍋🍋
Chapter 200
Chapter 201
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 204
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231 mid season
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Chapter 235
Chapter 236
Chapter 237
Chapter 238
Chapter 239
Chapter 240
Chapter 241
Chapter 242
Chapter 243
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246
Chapter 247
Chapter 248
Chapter 250
Chapter 251
Chapter 252
Chapter 253
Chapter 254
Chapter 255
Chapter 256
Chapter 257
Chapter 258
Chapter 259
Chapter 260
Chapter 261
Chapter 262
Chapter 263
Chapter 264
Chapter 265
Chapter 266 season 5 finale
Chapter 267 Season 6
Chapter 268
Chapter 269
Chapter 270
Chapter 271
Chapter 272
Chapter 273
Chapter 274
Chapter 275
Chapter 276
Chapter 277
Chapter 278
Chapter 279
Chapter 280
Chapter 281
Chapter 282
Chapter 283
Chapter 284
Chapter 285
Chapter 286
Chapter 287
Chapter 288
Chapter 289
Chapter 290
Chapter 291
Chapter 292
Chapter 293
Chapter 294
Chapter 295
Chapter 296
Chapter 297
Chapter 298
Chapter 299
Chapter 300
Chapter 301
Chapter 302
Chapter 303
Chapter 304
Chapter 305
Chapter 306
Chapter 307
Chapter 308
Chapter 309
Chapter 310
Chapter 311
Chapter 312
Chapter 313
Chapter 314
Chapter 315
Chapter 316
Chapter 317
Chapter 318
Chapter 319
Chapter 320
Chapter 321
Chapter 322
Chapter 323
Chapter 324
chapter 325
Chapter 326
Chapter 327
Chapter 328
Chapter 329
Chapter 330
Chapter 331
Chapter 332
Chapter 333
Chapter 334
Chapter 335
Chapter 336
Chapter 337
Chapter 338
Chapter 339
Chapter 340
Chapter 341
Chapter 342
Chapter 343
Chapter 344
Chapter 345
Chapter 346
Chapter 347
Chapter 348
Chapter 349
Chapter 350
Chapter 351
Chapter 352
Chapter 353
Chapter 354
Chapter 355
Chapter 356
Chapter 357
Chapter 358
Chapter 359
Chapter 360
chapter 361
Chapter 362
Chapter 363
Chapter 364
Chapter 365
Chapter 366
Chapter 367 end of book 2

Chapter 249

183 14 15
By Shisageek86

Mar'cte let Sa'ke and I know of the Emperors orders. We were gathering the clan members back to the ship. Mar'cte and his team are only a few hours away from home now. I think the ship he is on is gonna need an new engine, he is really pushing it.

Dar'ke also called me on a private line to let me know about what was going down. He wasn't going to give Chris without a fight. I understand how he feels, after almost losing Ceillia an our pups. In my opinion, He is one hell of a strong Pauker to go through this.

I also got information from the Emperor that the council's territories an private hunting planets will be given to our clan to help make things right. From the dishonorable actions of the council of elders. Those territories will be protected by the Emperors forces until we have enough trained individuals to look after them.

Given that we have strong individuals rising within the clan that are of extraordinary honor, skill an loyalties. I doubt that will be to much of a problem. We will have enough resources to take a year off to get our home in proper order, an get these individuals trained up.

We had a number of females that wanted to band together to create hunting parties. Those that were widowed, young ones without mates, as well as lost ones with out families. This will create many opportunities...

I head up to bridge to take over for Dee. Sa'ke was resting and would take over for me after my shift. "Dee how long till we arrive home?" I ask him.

"We have 3 days before the clan ship will arrive home at current speed. Given the current bulk on the ship it won't be able to move much faster then it currently is..." he reported to me.

Yeah even with the portable storage units there was still a lot of weight on the ship. I had forgotten that was a huge factor in speed. I gotten so use to Chris's inventory skill, that we use to be able to zip around much faster.

I was glad to be home soon, I was missing Ceillia terribly! Vil'Lai practically moved into our room so that was going to be interesting to deal with. I wonder if I should have a bed made like Avie made for Sooni and them.

I ponder that idea. I can already feel Vil'Lai breaking my ribs with that suggestion. I mean they are already gonna get broken cause of the snack stash...

I mean it won't make much difference either way.

Singh is already scanning the compounds sneakily. Alexi decided to try an get revenge on us for her dishonorable behavior. I should have taken her out in the ship before the trial!

Good news! Crash was starting to respond and looks to be on the mend. He maybe be conscious in a week or so. Hopefully he was still himself, well I would be over to harass him when he is awake every few days till he can punch me properly! He is gonna need a lot of extra training to get his body back to normal.

I had the liberty with Sa'ke earlier to weed out WarAxes spies. We let them choose living hell or honorable death. Only 1 chose living hell, the others tooks their own lives infront of the rest of the crew as they were named traitors to the clan...but not BadBloods as they chose to go the honorable way for their actions.

The one that is living is in a 're education' program. He survived the beating from Sa'ke an I. If he can regain his honor with the clan he may turn out to be a good member.

Zak was planning the meals out using the stocks we had. The meals quality hadn't changed, thankfully Chris stocked the kitchen with enough condiments an spices to keep even the picky eaters satisfied. 

Admittedly I preferred when Ceillia and Chris have a hand in the kitchen. The food just has a better taste to it over all. Its weird, maybe it's another ability of theirs that they don't know about. Hopefully Kiki can help teach those at our home how to make tasty/healthy meals that Vil'Lai will approve of.

Kiki's biological bearer Bo'ti was still pretty cold towards her during training. Vil'Lai was a bit concerned about that, she also seen her lingering near our room...

I just get a strange feeling that something wasn't right. When Vil'Lai confronted her, Bo'ti got very defensive an walked away. I would need to keep a close eye on that one.

Soon we will be home, soon we can breath...

While Ooma was resting I was out training with my Siblings, right now was break time for us pups. Matriarch Vil'Lai was watching over Ooma so I knew she would be fine. I still worried a little bit as Ooma needed a lot of care.

I can't wait to see my new Siblings! I am gonna be the best Older sister to them ever! Like Ooma Chris is to my Ooma!

I was missing Jay'Ve an Sha'On terribly. However on the training field they surprised me yelling my name! Then I got a tackle hug from both of them! I purred an nuzzeled them both! Its only been a few days but it feels like forever!

They came over with Bearer Maini cause they got into trouble.

"Yeah we got caught trying to leave our compund during training with our siblings..." Sha'On said to me while sitting up an crossing his arms over his chest. He looked a lot like Lu'Nye when he gets grumpy!

Jay'Ve was looking away he seem to be embarrassed. "Why where you two doing something so Foolish! Grandpa said that we had to be good" I growled at them.

Jay'Ve looked at me seriously "Kiki we were doing it to see you. We need your help! Ooma is going on a mission an she is gonna get hurt! she may even die..." he says to me sadly.

My mandibles were opened in shock "...What...?" I chatter to them.

"Yeah we need to come up with a plan to save our Ooma! I don't want her to die, like we saw with Tina's Sire..." Sha'On said sadly while stinky was licking his cheek.

Ooma Chris is in danger! We needed to save her! I am sure Grandpa wouldn't mind if we broke a few rules if it meant protecting her. We were always told to protect our Oomas!

"Do you know what is gonna happen? When is it gonna take place? What are the adults doing about it?" I ask them.

"I don't know Bearer Tanomi spotted me in the vents an shoo'ed me away when they were getting into talks. Ooma was crying, she doesn't want to go! They can't make her go!" Jay'Ve growls out angrily.

"We need more information then... I heard from Matriarch Vil'Lai when she was talking to Sire. That Grandpa and Lu'Nye should be here by tonight. Maybe we can speak to Grandpa to see If we can help out!" I suggest to them.

Grandpa an Grandpa Red territories were between our compounds. It takes about an hour on foot to get from one to the other. I can do it in 30 minutes if I ran the whole way. Jay'Ve and Sha'On were bulkier so they can't run as fast.

"Its easier if I come to meet you two! You two are so big, your markings are way too flashy! You would be easily spotted. Want me to come meet you two tonight?" I ask them.

Since I was suppose to sleep with my siblings in the dorms it would be easy to sneak out. The bearer that was suppose to watch us tonight was very cold to me. So she probably wouldn't care if I didn't come back...

"Are you sure Kiki? You shouldn't worry your Ooma..." Sha'On asks me in a concerned tone. Stinky crawls down from his neck then skitters up my lap, my arm an just sits on top of my head squawking at us.

"Maybe I can ask her if its okay if I stay over at your dorms tonight? I won't say anything about your Ooma to her." I suggested to them.

They both looked at me an hugged me tightly again purring. I amma gonna take that as a yes. I look up an look for the bearer in charge of my group. Ugh! It's the cold bearer...bearer Bo'ti. She was the only bearer that didn't like me at all! She found every excuse to hit me.

"Hey can you two come with me?" I asked Jay'Ve and Sha'On. I needed their strength. They both nodded an we all stood up. I took the lead and they followed close behind me.

When we arrived to where Bearer Bo'ti was she looked angry at me "Kiki you lazy, irresponsible pup! Why aren't you training!?!" She went to strike me. This always happens when Ooma, Vil'Lai or the other bearers weren't looking. I braced for impact, I can deal with this pain for Ooma.

However her shaking hand was hovering in front of my face. Her wrist was caught by Jay'Ve! Sha'On moved me behind him. They were both Growling at her.

"Kiki does more work then many adults do on the ship! Don't you dare call her lazy!" Sha'On growled out angrily to Bearer Bo'ti in my defense. I felt my hearts flutter...

"Bearer it seems you don't understand your place. "We" are taking Kiki with us to meet Matriarch Vil'Lai upon her orders. If you have an issue with it you should take it up with your Matriarch..." Jay'Ve said in a cold tone that Bear Bo'ti backed away. His glare was as Sharp as Grandpas knives!  I felt my hearts flutter more. I think this is what Ooma says is love...

Bearer Bo'ti rubs her wrist, she growls out a few curses. "Go then! Remember Kiki you are also a part of our family, I have high expectations for you" she said in a very disrespectful tone.

"Kiki is 'our' family not yours...She will be our future Matriarch. I am sure Grandpa Mar'cte, as well as Leader Hopper would like to hear your definitions on family. I made a blood Oath to Kiki an leader Hopper to always protect her. I maybe young Bearer, but I am not foolish. Unless you want to end up like the badblood Alexi, you will know your place." Jay'Ve growls out in a very chilling authoritative manner! He is so cool!

Bearer Bo'ti walked away from us in a huff. I didn't realize I was shaking. Sha'On hugs me. "Hey Kiki watch this!" He says to me as he takes Stinky off of my head. He chitters at stinky then puts stinky down on the ground. Stinky then skitters out of sight...

A few minutes later we hear Bearer Bo'ti roaring. Stinky runs back to us an climbs up to Sha'Ons neck. Sha'On and Jay'Ve take one of my hands and we run off towards Ooma!

Ahahahah dishonorable behavior needs to be punished!

Maini had finished checking on me with Mai an Ami. Vil'Lai was here too, she was going over reports. Maini seemed very agitated.

As I sit up on the bed "Maini are you okay? You are bearing too, you should rest as well." I say to her in concen.

Maini chattered at me "I will be fine Ceillia, I just been dealing with some cheeky pups. Jay'Ve an Sha'On decided they wanted to come visit...Without telling us. Sai and Bae caught them. It seems like they were missing Kiki." She said to me with a sigh.

"Please don't be to hard on them, they spent most of their time together on the ship. Kiki misses them a lot as well..." I say to her.

"They will have to do the training course 100 times when we get home. I let them come with me. They should have found her by now." Maini says to me.

We heard the patter of 3 sets of foot falls rushing up the stairs. The three of them get stuck in the door way together, before they fall into a heap onto the floor. They were chittering happily an very excited.

I see a look on Vil'Lais face as she looks up. When the three pups stand up they calm themselves, an bow respectfully towards us. I knew something was as, Vil'Lai was tapping her claws on the stone table.

"Did you three not only interrupt a training session, but you also disrespected a bearer!?! You also gave her false information using my name. Do you pups have something to say to us...?" Vil'Lai said in a low growl.

I look to Kiki who looked down guilty, similar to how Hopper does when he is caught with snacks. "...I am sorry Matriarch Vil'Lai..." Kiki says in a sad tone. I wanted to go hug my pup!

I was shocked when Jay'Ve and Sha'On stepped in front of Kiki. "Matriarch Vil'Lai, may I speak?" Jay'Ve asks with a gaze of a steeled solider.

Vil'Lai looked at them "Speak" she ordered them to talk.

"I gave a blood Oath to protect Kiki. The Bearer went to strike Kiki when disciple was not required. The training group was taking a break. She called Kiki, Lazy an irresponsible for not training! Kiki works the hardest out of anyone we know. Is striking a pup for them following orginal orders disrespectful?" Jay'Ve asked in a tone of an adult many years older then he was.

I felt my blood boil! Who would dare hurt my Kiki! "Kiki Sweety, who is the bearer that tried to do this? An have they done this before?" I asked her.

Kiki hid behind Sha'On. I could sense the unease with Maini, Mai an Ami. However it was Vil'Lai was pissed! "Kiki your bearer asked you a question, answer it!" Vil'Lai hissed between her teeth.

"It was bearer Bo' Since we have been back she has struck me 30 times when no one else was looking. A few times were done within a camera view but the others, where no one else can see it happen..." Kiki said while looking at the floor.

I stood up from the bed bearer or no bearer, that Bitch hurt my baby! I am gonna go knock her fucking skull in! I felt Mai an Ami Hands on my shoulders, as they force me gently to sit back down onto the bed again.

"Let me go! I have bearer rights! I am gonna go knock that bitches head right off her fucking shoulders!" I growled at all of them.

Maini was chittering at me amused. Vil'Lai looked like she was getting a headache. "Who is looking after the pups dormitory tonight?" She asks Mai.

"That would be Bearer Bo'ti..." Mai responded.

Oh hell no am I letting that bitch touch my baby!

Sha'On then let's out a little cough "Ummm Ooma Ceillia and Matriarch Vil'Lai can we take Kiki home with us for the next few days?" He asks so sweetly like a little gentleman.

I look at Kiki who is holding on to both Jay'Ve an Sha'On. I didn't realize my baby had been scared or abused! I thought this shit was behind us!

"I don't see an issue we have room in our Dormitory for Kiki. If you allow her to come back with us. It would be less stressful on Ceillia as well it would be easier to take care of the bearer that is over stepping their boundaries..." Maini said to Vil'Lai.

Vil'Lai looked to me "As long as Ceillia agrees to it, then I will allow it." She said to us.

"Of course I am gonna allow it! Kiki make sure you are good to them over there. I am sure Jay'Ve an Sha'On will keep you well protected. Come here..." I say reaching out to Kiki.

Kiki comes over to me an I hug her an pet her head giving her a purr. "Kiki you don't always have to be so strong. No one EVER has the right to abuse you! Not family, not friends, nor strangers. You are my daughter! If they hit first, you have my full permission to give them hell! If there are consequences I will shoulder that for you. That is my responsibility as your adult." I say to her lovingly an very firmly.

I felt Kiki's tears as she buried her head into my chest. She was trying to hide that she was crying.

I look over at Vil'Lai "I would like to speak to this bearer Bo'ti soon..." I growled out to her.

Vil'Lai nodded. Kiki let go of me, she left with Maini and the boys. Mai an Ami skittered off, leaving Vil'Lai and I alone in the room.

"Bear Bo'ti she is Kiki's biological Bearer is she not?" I asked Vil'Lai.

"You are correct Ceillia, she is the one that gave you full bearer rights to Kiki..."Vil'Lai said to me, she looked like she was lost in thoughts.

"Vil'Lai before I go out an kill her in a fit of rage, can you tell me why she is like this?!?!" I ask her.

"Kiki has proven that even if she is small she is a better warrior then most. She isn't even fully 1 year old yet! She is the youngest female in yautja history to take down a hardmeat drone in a joint kill! Why would she be punished for nothing!?!" I shout at her.

"Ceillia...I think I understand where Bo'ti is coming from. We grew up seeing our weak siblings killed by our bearers. Even when times were bad for the clan we had to kill the weakest of the pups, so that the others could eat an live. Seeing a weak pup become successful is hard for bearers. However Bo'ti is out of line for disciplining without cause! Let me take care of it this time Ceillia, if it happens again or anything dishonorable happens you can use fuller bearer rights without challenge..."  Vil'Lai said to me.

"But!" As I was about to argue Vil'Lai put her hand up.

"Ceillia it looks like Bo'ti was sprayed an unknown, petty, foul little lizard. Similar to the one that sprayed Hopper on the ship...Do you really wanna see her now?" I could see the amusement in Vil'Lais eyes.

I doubled over with laughtered! I didn't have to worry about Kiki with Jay'Ve, Sha'On and Stinky! I laid down on the bed, yeah she has a guardian beast named Stinky! I think I laughed myself to sleep...

Happy fun filled friday! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!! 💚😁💚 thank you so much for reading!

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