By love_stefan_101

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Luna goodwill. Lunatic in everyone's eyes. Everyone thought of her as a freak. But she has a secret of her ow... More


3 1 0
By love_stefan_101

I was panting like anything before I could see the view Infront of me. As my breath steadied I opened my eyes which were closed and I looked at the view in front of me and boy what I saw, was it beautiful.

All the things, regret, guilt, anger was all just gone by looking at the view Infront of me. All the time I spent running, all the insults from people, it all seemed worth it now.

No need to be confused, you will all understand what I am telling but for you readers to understand you will have to know my story, everything about me. So let's start shall we.

Oh my bad. I am about to tell you guys my life story and I just didn't tell you guys my name.

My name is Luna goodwill and this is my story.......born in a place named marshall town. I am the only daughter of preity goodwill and Justin goodwill. I was raised by two Teenage parents. My mother had me when she was just 18 although she crossed the age to be adult she was still in her teenage and my father was 19 not so old but also not too young. Anyways, my parents love me more than life and I them. I have officially turned 22 now. But to know about my whole story and the secret I so keenly hid from the world. We will have to go back 22 years ago where it all begun.

(Italics means the present Luna is narrating and whenever the past is mentioned it would be mentioned and the font would be normal) (I hope this makes sense)

22 years ago.........

Screams are heard from the hospital room where a 18 year old preity is currently giving birth to a child. And a 19 year old Justin is outside the room with both his and preity's parents. He was pacing outside the room in tension as if he relaxes for a second and loses both the love of his life and the child he and preity both fought so hard for.

It was no doubt that both the soon to be parents were still teenagers and obviously their parents did not make it easy for the teen parents with the pregnancy on hand. Justin and preity both were ready to be parents also Justin had found a job while completing his studies so he could provide for his soon to be complete family. It took a lot of convincing from both of the soon to be parents to their parents to let them have this child and although by the time 9 months were completed both soon to be grandparents weren't as opposed as they were 9 months prior but still were a bit bitter.

But now wasn't the time both soon to be grandparents couple were as much as worried about preity and their soon to be grandchild. As they didn't want anything to happen to both mother and child. But they hid it with a bitter look in their faces.

After what felt like days but only a few hours the crying of what felt like a child was heard from the room preity was in and this was enough a sign that both Justin and preity had just been parents. As soon as Justin heard the crying, he rushed in to the room followed by both now grandparents couple.

There she was sleeping in her cradle in all her glory. And looking at her face was all it took for the now grandparents couple to forget all the bitterness they had for the teenage parents and looked at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. The most precious GEM.

Justin was the first to break the silence and ask "what are we gonna call her??. Our DAUGHTER" he said his smile not faltering a bit.

"LUNA GOODWILL" "because she is as precious and pure as a moon" preity said smiling.

(My parents always said that I was named Luna because I am their moon, their light in dark. And I hope their right. Anyways my dad used to say I have my mom's eyes and eyebrows and his perfect nose. My mom used to always laugh in his face when he used to say that but when I saw my childhoods photos I could see the resemblance too good)

Justin then said "Preity, I know that this is probably not the best time for this thing seeing how tired you are but I need to say this. Here it goes. Preity you and Luna are the best thing that has happened to me and I am so happy to start this new chapter of my life with you and our daughter but I want to do this with you as Preity goodwill so preity rathore will you make me the happiest person for the second time today and be my wife,my partner and be preity goodwill"

At this point preity was in tears now not know as to she is tired or just overwhelmed by Justin's speech. But just one word from her mouth gave all the answers needed.


(Oh didn't I mention the day of my birth is the day my parents were engaged. If I hadn't now you probably understood)

2 years later......

(I was 2 years old when something happened that shook my whole family to the core so let's see what that is)

Little Luna was playing with her teddy bear while her mom was cleaning the house.

Suddenly the door bell rung.

Preity went to the door to see who it is and as she opened the door she saw the last person she expected to be there.

"Brother!" She said in a intimidating voice.

"Hello! Sister. Didn't expect me. Or just thought that I would back away from my promise" he said

"Rubbish! I thought of no such thing albeish" "come on in" she said.

" I am not here to meet you sister and have some hospitality from you I just came here to warn you. That the clock has started" he said

"What clock?? Huh" she said in a I don't know what you are talking about manner

"You know exactly what clock. It is just a matter of 14 years when everything goes to hell. It started ticking the moment you gave birth to a girl child. But since you decided to keep her and be attached to her get ready to watch her demise" at this rate fume was coming out of preity how dare he come in her house and threaten her about her daughter.

"I will protect my DAUGHTER from whatever danger is there even if it kills me. And I would not be threatened by a guy who is nothing but a coward. If you are done threatening me or as you call it warning me you can leave" and as she said that she shut the door on his face.

Preity slid on the door and tears started forming in her eyes. Swiping the tears from her face she rushed in to her daughter's room and immediately smiled as she saw her daughter laughing while playing with her teddy bear. She rushed to her daughter's side and hugged her and kissed all over her face and kept whispering to her.

"I am here baby, mommy's here baby. I and your dad will never let anything happen to you. And whatever happens in 14 years I'll protect you."

(I wish I could tell my mom that she could not protect me from whatever it is out there it is something I had to do on my own. Anyways let's see what's to come after 14 years shall we)

14 years later.......


Hola lovelies

This is jasmine
Your author of the story signing off until next time

Take care of your lovely selves.

And the next part will be updated next week.


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