Jaune 404

By RestoringAlphatale

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When cardin revealed jaune's transcripts to everyone in beacon he was bullied everyday except Team RWBY, Team... More

The Birth Of A God
Years Later
An All Out Battle
The Battle Of Gods
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Jaune Bio (Brand New and Reworked)

Jaune Bio (Old)

2.7K 29 24
By RestoringAlphatale

Former Name: Jaune Arc

New Name: Error!404/William Ding Gaster










(Btw Jaune can turn into human or skeleton form if he wants.)

Nick Names: Vomit Boy, The God Of The Multiverse, The White Skeleton, Arc God, The Hidden God, White Demon.

Likes: Team RWBY, Team NPR, Team CFVY, Arc Sisters, Saphron's Family, Ink!Sans, Dream!Sans, Geno!Sans, Core!Frisk, Gaster, Epic!Sans, Us!Sans, Us!Papyrus, Oscar, Maria, Qrow, Robyn, Alpha!Sans/Adam, Omnipotent!Sans/Ares, KingMultiverse!Sans, Taiyang, Restoring Alphatale, Fighting, Dancing, Watching The Multiverse, Righteous!Error, Ozpin (Maybe), Willow, The Happy Huntress, Penny, Pietro, Team SSSN, Cross!Sans/XChara (Maybe), Klein, Glynda, Oobleck, Port, Summer, Osiris, Delios.

Dislikes: Cinder, Salem, Tyrian, Hazel, Emerald, Mercury, The Brother Gods, Ozpin's lies, Grimms, White Fang, Adam, Ironwood, Winter, Whitley, Ace Ops, Puns, Jacques, Watts, Infected!Sans/Jacob, Raven, Vernal, Virus!404Sans, Hurting a Faunus, Loading!Sans, Team CRDL, X!Gaster, Astral Mother, Fortran, Malware, Ten no Kami.

Personality: Error!404's personality is still the same in the wiki but when he remembers his past life as Jaune Arc his personality is now changed to what it seems a calm collective person and a kind god to add. But some of Error!404Sans personality are still there just dont let him get you on his bad side.

Quirks and small things

404's right arm is the one that thrust into the Mainframe, causing him to get his powers in the first place. His right arm is the most dominating, as it is the only one with which he can employ most of his abilities, such as Blue Mastery, God Ray, and summoning Dark Blasters at times.

404, like his mother, is a skilled manipulator. He employs his poker face to keep his distance from anyone he believes or knows may get to him, since he has years of experience dealing with an emotional outburst and his emotions in general.


Blue Mastery

The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from a distance of 500m. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation.

Mind Manipulation

404 can take complete control of others' SOUL's, allowing him to alter, distort and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.

Great Knowledge

From 404's long lasting time in the multiverse, he knows almost everything of it.

Dark Blasters

Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. The Damage Rating was 100, yet from his advancements in the Multiverse, alongside the upgrades from the Mainframe, it now stands at 750.

God Ray

Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has god-like code or unordinary code from a regular AU character.

God Ray first shot

The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed.

God Ray 2nd shot

This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it's made contact.


This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes to much damage. When he has taken to much damage or is killed he will begin to scatter his code in the ground and will then delete himself from the world. After that, the particles Error404 left behind will gather code from the world and then return to Error404's lair and reanimate 404 from the resources they took.

Void Infliction

This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn't an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.

Unopposed Strength

404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe, allowing him to carry as much as 222,900 tons.

MFTL+ Speed

404 has speeds so fast he can reach the center of universe in a matter of minutes.

Glitch Whip

404 can form a whip-like beam of light directly from the Mainframe itself, which can reach lengths of the Empire State Building.

Fiberglass SOUL

404's SOUL is deflective against any form of attack, making his critical hits only ones that are physical.

Pixelation Manipulation

404 can manipulate the very air, turning the particles into small pixels, allowing him to form things out of any physical material. He can also use this on himself as a substitute to teleportation.


404 has the ability to transform his SOUL into one of pure fear, where his colour palette goes from white to black and from blue to orange. This sets fear into any being with a SOUL.

Transformations Information:

Puppet Master Form

This form is activated when Error!Sans merges with Error404, and he will only do so when 404 needs major assistance. This Form is Highly Dangerous, possibly the only Form 404 can control. 404 in this form has full control of his and Error's abilities and even some new ones that combine the two. This new form isn't just strong though, This form Gives 404 ungodly Speed and incredible damage output to a whopping 190,990 dg per millisecond. And he moves at speeds faster than the speed of light...even as fast if not close to that of the Butterfly transformation's speed. This form also has an intense healing factor completely denying death itself to where it can heal just about any wound or form of damage it takes in battle.

Master Cables

Puppet Master Form/Error666

These new form of Cables have been fused with 404's Powers and Error's, The Cables start red and blue chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone Blue Master is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue mastery as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with sheer strength.


The Butterfly transformation is the only transformation that 404 has no control over. This transformation is only attainable to 404 only The Transformation is activated when 404 is close to death or in moments of massive distress and the multiverse reacts to this as if it's death itself. The Multiverse than proceeds to direct all of its energy and code to its dying bit (404) and then that bit becomes the Multiverse itself for along as it is in danger. this major power boost allows 404 to destroy anything in his path and gives him full control of existence itself. This form is strong and godlike in every form and in almost every way. This form can Kill with just a mere touch and can fly using its wings at such high speeds that give off the appearance of Teleportation. Its Dg output is so high that putting is here would take up the whole page so we'll just go with the fact that its instant death. Not only that, but the eyes on the wings shoot out high plasma lasers (these plasma lasers have unlimited superiority and power over Ultranova) more perfect and evolved forms of gaster beams so strong that they can go straight through Aus and other Galaxies with ease and still completely wipe them out.

There is one downside to this transformation, once it's finished defending itself the multiverse will take back All of its code with it. This means that once 404's fight is over, he will die instantly.

The form of BUTTERFLY is so potent and is so concentrated with code and pure energy that it's mere prescience of the user gives off waves of energy and code wherever 404 walks. The power of the

Ultranova blast

The wings on Butterfly work as lasers and can send large beams of plasma shooting out of them that can cut through reality 6 like butter Multiverse takes a toll on the user, making them stronger. However, as the power increase, their lifespan begins to decrease.


Formed by Error and 404. ButterFly666 is the Strongest being in the Multiverse and beyond. The Form has its price though. When the transformation is over, the multiverse will take all of the mainframe code back and will take the life of one of the two that was used to make. ButterFly666 wasn't shown enough to determine what it's full capability was but did demonstrate it's finishing attack MULTIVERSE MACHINE GUN. An Attack so powerful that it killed an Unnameable and 2 other Beings along with it to truly demonstrating it's incredible power.


J.404 is a manifestation of Malware, a being lying inside of 404, how it got there is unknown, but its clear intentions are destructive cause J404 is nothing, but a ruthless mindless, Soulless and Codeless entity. Showing a brutal and heavily violent response to everything showing zero mercy and could even attack people 404 normally cares about.

J.404's powers turn 404's regular attacks into more extreme versions of his previous abilities, he's not above using his hands to fight either and without fear or a mind to break J.404 is very capable of going up against TransVoid like entities with little issue no doubt able to overpower quite a good number of them, since J.404 isn't a transformation and is just a different mindset this means he is also able to utilize 404's transformations aswell.

God Eyes

Working just like the God ray yet very much more dangerous, these beams shoot out of J.404's eyes and can track and follow J.404's targets anywhere so long as he can see them, once they hit the target both soul and the code of the individual are destroyed and erased completely.

Eyes of Belial

Gazing into 404's eyes for at least 5 seconds would send the most sane of people into a deep, deep fear that they could be paralysed by the very sight itself. It would even disturb the likes of Infected.


This form is a corrupted and yet perfect version of the original Butterfly transformation, showing a more solo control to the form then that of B.666 which requires two to function.

J404!Butterfly is immensely powerful, grabbing at the infinite power of the mainframe and the nearly limitless power of Malware himself, J404!Butterfly is a living embodiment of incontrollable chaos, being able to pull off fascinating feats and doing fantastical things that 404 wouldn't even imagine he could do.

Time and Space control

J404!Butterfly can manipulate Time n Space around him, slowing down some things to a complete stand still or even being able to shatter whole parts of space itself. It is also able to mess with the concept of time within Reality 6, to where he can slow things down to a almost standstill like movement where characters believe their reaching him when in reality they couldn't be none the wiser.

instantaneous movement

J404!Butterfly moves so fast that it appears where it wants to be instantly, almost sometimes so fast it can appear to be in two places at once to some people.


The Omninova is a large attack that has unknown chaotic power, the move is a large spherical like orb that when thrown is has J404 described "Could destroy both this Reality and the next" possibly hinting at it's destructive capabilities.


Malware!404, or M!404 for short is the one of the worst case scenarios for 404. In his Eden Orb, 404 had let Malware take full control of himself causing Malware to go on a rampage and kill everyone and everything within his Eden Orb even going up against Sol and defeating him.

M!404 was brought into Staffverse by Faker through opening a portal that brought M!404 from before he was put in prison in the Citadel. In order to change his future he thought of the brilliant idea to mate with someone to hopefully get his offspring to change him being in prison.

Known Powers and Abilities

M!404 has been shown to use some crazy attacks in both Staffverse and the Prism Saga. However, most of these attacks never hit an opponent outside of M!404's Eden Orb. These attacks are approved by Shadikal15 which means these are some of his official abilities

Multiverse Bazooka

Used in Prism saga chapter 2, M!404 is capable of summoning an attack called the Multiverse Bazooka. Although the attack was not described its safe to assume its much like the Multiverse Machine gun, where zillions of either Dark blasters or Beams coming from J404!B666's wings fire at the opponent. This attack could possibly wipe out an entire reality if he so chooses.

God Mastery

Possibly one of if not the most powerful versions of the Blue mastery attack to ever exist. Like any other Blue mastery, M!404 is capable of moving any object or person regardless if they are dead or alive. The God Mastery attack has been shown to completely freeze anyone in time n space.

Hypernova Beams

the possibly upgraded form of the Ultranova Blasts. This attack, although never hit anyone, is speculated to be able to cut through almost anything as if it were butter, burning anything it touches into a crisp and it could possibly even cut through reality itself.

Transvoid Gateway

Malware!404 is capable of contorting his body into a large mass of shapes as he continues to grow endlessly. If he were to ever sink someone into the mass of which is his body, they'll be transported to the Transvoid where the monstrous beings and entities would most likely give you a fate worse than death itself.


404 becomes one with Malware and Ten's essence and fully accepts the cosmic essence within them allowing for him to use new and undiscovered abilities and transformations. All his past abilities are Infinitely increased.

Transcendent Physiology

404 possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of transcendent beings like deities, other beings that are divine in nature, and other transcendent level beings like cosmic beast entities. 404 has surpassed the restraints of the material existence and transcended their physical limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being. He's achieved this through absorbing beings of the cosmic essence.

Cosmic Clones

404 can create clones of himself that are made of the cosmic essence and can make them infinitely.

Cosmic Avatar

404 can create avatars and can send them to just about anywhere and have them fight, explore and even talk for him.


Perfect666 is the result of Error666 having been infused with half of the power of Gabriel, the leader of the TransVoid Demons, with Error666 being able to handle it due to the power of the MainFrame regenerating Error666's body to prevent him from exploding into code. With his newfound power, he is capable of punching 100 with enough force to destroy the top part of his head, although he was still quickly overpowered. Perfect666 would then use his power to infuse it into one of Infected's wisp, making it gain a grey hue, which had enough destructive force to destroy reality and if he is not careful 'the story is history for real' hinting at it's destructive power.

Aura Amplification: Allows him to amplify his own Aura and that of others, effectively increasing the effects of Aura. But when Jaune became Error!404Sans its power increased dramatically.

Mission: Error!404's mission is still the same when ridding the world's code to revive alphatale from the ground up but when he remember his past life as Jaune Arc his way on reviving alphatale has change. Where his new way on making Alphatale whole again is to rid some dead au's code instead of living things.

(Quick side note in this reality when Error!404Sans remembers his past life as Jaune Arc all of his transformations are now fully mastered and has full controlled over it, except for Just404/J.404 since its still inside Error!404Sans/Jaune and still a mindless, Soulless and Codeless entity waiting to be released.)

Henchman and Boss

The Order is From the 1st/Best to the Last/Worse

Error404 has individuals under his control or who do his bidding due to his strength.

These will be labelled Controlled through Main.

Controlled = Under Error404's constant surveillance and never released unless he says so.

They have free will, but they must do what he says and come to his side when he says so.

Main = These few Henchmen have free will but nevertheless obey what Error404 says, just like the Right Side Henchmen, but unlike them, the Main Henchmen are Error404's closest allies and can often compel the Right Side and The Controlled Henchmen to do their bidding.

Error!Sans - Main

Though!Sans - Controlled

Cyan!Sans - Right Side

Syno!Sans - Controlled

Nightmare - Right Side

Killer - Controlled

(Note: He has full control on the Brother Gods too.)


404 dresses in a long blue coat with blue sashes on each arm with the number 4. He also wears a white shirt, white pants, and black socks. The white fur on his coat, like the rest of his attire, is now white with blue stripes. 404's bone colour palette consists primarily of white, blue, and black. 404's right arm is totally black, but his left arm is normal with his typical colour palette.

End of Bio

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