FOR THE FUTURE โ‹ฎ nohyuck/mark...

By minniemism

67.1K 5.8K 2.2K

Donghyuck, a university student known for his carefree lifestyle, has his world turned upside down when he ac... More

๐—ฃ๐—”๐—ฅ๐—ง ๐—ข๐—ก๐—˜: Future Mistakes
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
๐—ฃ๐—”๐—ฅ๐—ง ๐—ง๐—ช๐—ข: Future Distortion
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
๐—ฃ๐—”๐—ฅ๐—ง ๐—ง๐—›๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—˜: Future Is Saved
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Eight

1.4K 132 55
By minniemism

They talked a lot until Noram got sleepy. Donghyuck took him to bed as he knew he already had enough information.

One of the things Donghyuck asked the kid was about his family. He wanted to know if Noram had ever met his grandparents, which the boy said he didn't. The brunette found this dual. Either Donghyuck's parents knew about the kid but never saw him, or they didn't and had no idea about Noram. That question was sensitive and didn't have any answers. Noram, as a kid, didn't have a wide range of knowledge, and the response was known only by the future Donghyuck.

Another question was about money. Donghyuck knew they were poor but was curious if they got financial support from the government or maybe even some person. Again, the question was too hard for Noram. He didn't know about the government and had no idea where his papa got all the money if not from work.

The third and the last thing Donghyuck asked was the one that touched him directly even now. "Did I drop out of university?" he asked. From Noram's answers, he could tell that the boy had no clue about it either. But then Donghyuck put everything together and guessed that he did drop out. Knowing that he worked as an exotic dancer meant that he didn't have much potential to work somewhere higher than the strip club. His studies as a performing arts course student went to waste!

Donghyuck was devastated by the last question. His dream was to become a well-rounded performer. That's why he was participating in both classes—singing and dancing. The boy always worked hard to make his dream come true, so imagine how he must feel, knowing that he won't reach it in the end. Instead of going to a stage full of stars, Donghyuck will have to dance for horny people!

"Future me might have already faced the fact that his life's ruined," Donghyuck said to himself. "All he wants for me to do is to find the father. But I'll do more. I'll not only find him, but I also make sure he sticks with me until the end."


Donghyuck was planning his weeks. He tried to go out when he felt like it as he believed that such a feeling visited the future Donghyuck too. In short, he tried to be his usual self to not ruin the future.

Noram was tagging along, however, which might have led to the possibility of future distortion. Like, Donghyuck was sure that some people he passed by in the streets didn't fall in love with him because he had a kid beside him. If that actually happened, Donghyuck found it funny.

Going out not only meant he was hanging out with his future son. It also meant that he had to meet with his friends. Renjun and Jaemin were surprised to see Noram with their friend most of the time. Once, they asked why the kid was always around. Donghyuck replied, "I'm taking care of him during the daytime."

It was enough for them to stop eyeing the kid, and they got used to him. They even filtered their language and stopped cursing. Donghyuck would be surprised if not for his knowledge about how these two will look after Noram in their own ways. Their soft side was already peeking out.

Anyway, Donghyuck's productive weeks freaked him out when he noticed that only two weeks were left until the next month, aka the deadline. Watching a baseball match with Noram by his side, now Donghyuck couldn't help but bite his nails in worry. His friends thought that he was too interested in the game. In reality, Donghyuck could feel some romance or maybe one-night stands approaching him.

You see, Donghyuck saw two possible daddies in the field, which ruined the usual interest in watching the game. No matter at which one he stared, he felt the same annoyance mixed with fear. One or another, the unfortunate one will be doomed if he fucks Donghyuck around the 6th of November. No mercy for that guy!

After the game, Jeno agreed to go somewhere together with the three + Noram. This time there was no Mark which relieved Donghyuck as he was sure Noram would still stare at the guy.

Anyway, they went to the restaurant again, where they sat down and talked about everything—from the game Jeno won to their studies. Even when all of them were involved in the conversation, except the kid, Donghyuck couldn't help but notice how Jeno gave a lot of attention to him and only him. Jaemin was sitting right beside him, and it wasn't a secret how he felt, but the sports guy was still glancing at his ex.

Donghyuck didn't know what to do. What did the future Donghyuck do in this situation? Did he ignore Jeno's signals and give him all to Jaemin, or did he fall for them and return the same? Because Donghyuck was actually a very free-spirited boy. He had adventures with Jeno's team members before and was down for whatever the other person offered him.

He had more knowledge now, though, especially when he knew about the future consequences, but another Donghyuck, who faced this situation eight years ago, could find it amusing as he didn't know what was waiting ahead!

Troubled, Donghyuck looked away from Jeno and locked his eyes on Jaemin instead. No matter what he thought, he knew he would feel bad if he did something behind his friend's back. It just didn't seem right. Jaemin liked Jeno, meanwhile, Donghyuck thought of him as his ex, nothing else!

Gosh, it was so hard!

The brunette flinched when suddenly he felt something touching his leg. Donghyuck tried to remain unbothered even though he caught Jeno's desperate eyes that wanted attention. This dude was playing footsie under the table, obviously reminding Donghyuck of old times. Those old times when the brunette was the one doing this thing whenever they went.

The student hesitated if he should give in or not. He stared at Jeno for a few seconds and then said fuck it. What if this guy was Noram's father for real? Then Donghyuck didn't want to let him escape.

If he was wrong, all of this might be nothing, just a simple thing, an act of flirting, right? Donghyuck knew that the future wouldn't change much if he made a mistake, for example, letting Jeno closer too early. The deadline was still far, anything could happen during that time, and maybe even another daddy would appear. But now that Jeno was the only one showing his interest in Donghyuck, the boy just couldn't miss it.

One second, two seconds, and Donghyuck stepped on his shoe to free his foot and then lifted it to touch Jeno's leg. While doing that, he stared straight at the male's face. It was amusing, he couldn't lie. Jeno's face was always so expressive. Not only did he blush, but he also got happy. Donghyuck could tell that Jeno missed him and he found that troublesome as recreating what they used to do before was actually thrilling.

He let Donghyuck's foot stroke his legs, both causally joining the conversation, although they preferred to flirt with their eyes more. Stealing sneaky glances at each other, they felt they were in another world which was true. No one knew what they were doing under the table, except for Noram.

That boy wasn't interested in subjects at all, therefore he was playing with tissues, then staring at Renjun out of nowhere, then going under the table only to sit back to his place and sigh. But in between these actions, he noticed Papa kicking (that's what he thought) Uncle Jeno. Noram was so confused about what was happening that he looked at Donghyuck in surprise.

By that time, the brunette saw the kid witnessing the shameless flirting. He felt like Noram would call them out, knowing how clueless kids could be, therefore he went ahead by taking the boy's hand and squeezing him. Now, Noram had to keep quiet as that little squeeze meant that his Papa was aware of what was happening.

Anyway, their time at the restaurant was coming to an end. Donghyuck felt like everything happened too fast as he was busy with Jeno. Though when the end approached, he couldn't feel gladder.

The friends exited the restaurant and planned what to do next. As Donghyuck knew he was most likely to return home, he didn't listen to their plans. Until they touched him directly.

"You two go," Jeno said to Renjun and Jaemin. "I think I'll need to drive Donhyhuck's brother home."

Okay, Jeno was getting bold. Deciding things on his own was kinda hot, but risky too.

Because of Jeno's sudden words, Donghyuck was at the center of attention given by his two friends. Of course, as he didn't want it all to sound suspicious (like, why Donghyuck couldn't do that himself), he played along, pretending that the two agreed on this during the dinner.

He was relieved that Jaemin didn't catch whatever Jeno was planning. He seemed to truly believe Donghyuck too, that's why he just smiled at them and wished them a good night.

Jeno then took Donghyuck and the kid to the car he had parked near the restaurant. Donghyuck watched how Noram opened the door and got inside without even getting the signal from his Papa. He really trusted people as long as Papa knew them.

Anyway, just as the little boy was out of their sight, Donghyuck knew it was the right time for the adults to talk. The brunette leaned on the car and flicked his eyes on Jeno.

"What are you planning?"

"Let's take your brother home, and then we will talk."

"That will be hard. The kid is living with me."

Jeno furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Do you mean in your dorm?"

"That's my home from now on."


Donghyuck couldn't help but laugh.

"It looks like you planned to crash at my place."

Jeno visibly blushed. "I really miss you and I want us to talk about what we had and all."

"That's the past now."

"But I feel like we can get back together."

"Jeno, Jaemin likes you and you know that."

"I do, but I still think about you, about our relationship and what could've been different," Jeno shared his peace of mind. "You're not seeing anyone, do you?"

"I'm single right now, but that doesn't..."

Donghyuck stopped right there. What if the thing he was about to say would change the future? Fuck, it was so annoying!

"Can we at least try?"

"It's complicated and you know it."

"I do, but... But at least one night. It's not too much to ask, is it?"

Donghyuck hated that he wanted it. Even when they broke up, the brunette still felt warm feelings toward Jeno. They tried to remain friends and it was successful until Jeno said the thoughts of them both out loud.

"Alright. One night," Donghyuck said but didn't emphasize his words as he knew it could be more than one night as soon as they get back together. Especially knowing the future...

Jeno's face brightened. He really wanted that ass or something.

"When do you want to meet?" he asked with so much enthusiasm.

"I don't know. Noram is with me now, so..."

"We'll think about something," Jeno smiled with his eyes.

It was good that they both got into the car as Noram seemed to lose patience already. Just as his Papa got inside, the kid calmed down. Shortly, they left the parking lot and headed toward the dorms.

"Why is your brother with you, by the way?"

Donghyuck knew that Jeno would ask this, he got the answer under his sleeve.

"He ran away."

"He's like eight," Jeno chuckled in disbelief.

"Trust me, he's a good runner. Already got business with police, right, Noram?"

"Yes! I'm a delinquent!"

Noram knew how to read the atmosphere sometimes.

"So, why did he run away?" another question came up.

"He said he fought with mom, I don't know. Anyway, he's living with me from now on," Donghyuck finished with a smile.

"You know you can't let another person live in your room for free, right?"

"I know, and it's a secret. So, you better not tell that to anyone else, big boy."

Jeno scoffed as he pulled his hand away from the steering wheel to place it on Donghyuck's thigh. The brunette was usually turned on by these things, but this time, he panicked and pushed Jeno's hand off.

"We're not alone," he mumbled. "Noram is here..."


Jeno was considerate and didn't do that again. But when he drove Donghyuck to the dorm, he kissed his ex on the cheek. And Noram noticed it! He saw it all and then attacked his Papa with questions just as they succeeded with a how-to-get-the-kid-inside-without-anyone-noticing mission.

"Why did you kiss Uncle Jeno? Is he my Daddy?"

"First of all, I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. And the kiss was friendly, not romantic. Know the difference, little guy!"

"Second?" the boy raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know. He might be."

"I like Mark more."

"I know. You already showed that with your actions. But you can't have two daddies."

"Why two? Just make Mark my Daddy!"

"This kid," Donghyuck massaged his temples.

How could he say that the real Daddy will be the one who puts his pee-pee inside him, not kiss him? The brunette won't force anyone else into responsibility—only the actual Daddy. He'll haunt the biological father until he wins!

Donghyuck forgot what he was thinking when he saw something peeking from Noram's jacket pockets.

"What do you have there, huh?" the student narrowed his eyes.

The kid widely smiled as he pulled out an already opened pack of gum.

"Where did you— Don't tell me that you stole that from Jeno's car?"

"I couldn't help it! I'm sorry!"

The last time Noram did something like that was when they met Mark in the grocery store. Donghyuck knew that Noram looked suspicious when checking Mark's shopping basket. When they returned home, and Donghyuck was cleaning the room, placing stuff here and there, he accidentally touched the boy's weirdly thick jacket. Just as he checked all the pockets, he found a diet shake in the inner one.

As it had already happened three times and the two out of them were successful, Donghyuck began wondering where this kid learned to steal. The answer was simple, but Donghyuck had a hard time admitting it.

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