Unexpected Attraction (BxB Fa...

By Origin_of_Kelpie

21.8K 1.7K 353

Mikael Volkov was certain he knew what his type was in guys. But after transferring to a new high school and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 16

628 51 3
By Origin_of_Kelpie

"No fucking way," breathed Gram, staring at Raphael. "You're Sullivan?"

Mikael hugged Raphael's shoulders and glared at Gram. "He's mine, so don't get any funny ideas."

Raphael laughed and squeezed his boyfriend's waist. "That's right, Mika. And you're all mine."

Gram fake gagged. "Ew," he playfully groaned. "You both are too sweet—pretty sickly, to be honest."

Mikael grinned. "Raphael is definitely too sweet for sure. He's such a snuggle-bug."

Raphael's jaw dropped. "How could you reveal my innermost precious secrets?"

Gram suddenly laughed and commented, "You're a little different now. Not as gruff or tense."

"Yup, my cute boyfriend's major issues have been dealt with and now we can make out in the hall or go on dates after school with no problems. Right?"

Raphael snorted with a soft laugh. "You're so cute, Mika."

Gram grinned and ruffled Mikael's hair. "Isn't he? My bestie's the best."

"Hey..." Mikael pouted, moving his hair back into place. "You bend over and let me mess up your greasy-ass hair."

Gram gasped. "Ugh, how rude! It's styling gel!"

Mikarl rolled his eyes with a laugh on his lips, then beamed after Raphael's right arm curled around his waist. He turned his head and kissed Raphael's cheek, hugging his boyfriend's shoulders with his left arm. Gram then curled his left arm around Mikael's shoulder, but he yelped after getting his side pinched by Raphael.

"You're so mean, Sullivan! I just want to be with my bestie."

Raphael snorted. "You got a hell of a lot more time with your best friend than I did with my boyfriend over the past couple weeks or so. Let me enjoy some time with him, okay?"

Gram shrugged one shoulder. "You totally have a point there. I was basically making you jealous as fuck off to the side while I manhandled your hot boyfriend like you wanted to—ouch, stop pinching me!"

"You deserve it, you bastard."

Mikael couldn't help his soft giggle. Raphael grinned and pecked his boyfriend's left cheek, pulling him closer. "How are you so fucking adorable, Mika? You're turning me on."

"Okay, that's enough for me! I'm done!" exclaimed Gram, hiking his backpack higher and walking faster. "I do not want to hear about anything from my horny gay friends!"

As Gram pulled ahead, Mikael chuckled and then noticed Raphael's eyes were slightly red. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Does he really think of me as a friend?"

"Yeah, of course. Gram is a great, friendly guy. He doesn't lie either."

"I know. I just wanted to hear it as a confirmation, I guess."

Raphael was smiling gently, so Mikael was somewhat entranced by the soft expression. He leaned over and lightly kissed Raphael's right temple, resting his forehead there for a moment.

"Ael, I like you so much. You are such an amazing person. I can't tell you how much I admire your strength and tenacity, Raphael Sullivan."

Raphael turned and tucked his face down onto Mikael's right shoulder. "I feel so weak and helpless, though. I've been crying so much and I couldn't even do anything to protect you from—!"

"Ssh, Ael, just breathe. Breathe with me."

The pair breathed deeply together and slowly let out their breaths. They repeated that a few more times until Raphael assured Mikael that he was not about to burst into tears again.

"Anyway, like I said before, I want to get stronger. And to do that, I need to heal and strengthen my mind first."

"Psychotherapy should help."

Raphael silently agreed. "That's what I was thinking." he said, then added, "And I want to find a job. I know I can't live with you and your family forever—as tempting as that is with how welcoming and loving they are. Honesty, I never would have guessed how wonderful it is to be loved like this by a family. It feels amazing—more than I deserve."

"That's not true, Ael. You deserve it and more, I promise. And I think you should stay with us until you're comfortable with leaving, rather than rushing out and regretting it later. Besides, Mom and Papa already think of you as another son. Kirill thinks you're cool, too."

Raphael's bottom lip trembled for a different reason this time and Mikael eased the shaking with a gentle kiss, then tucked Raphael's head against his shoulder. "It's okay to cry, Ael. We love you. We will take care of you for as long as you want us to and even when you don't."

Raphael chuckled through his tears.


Charm nudged Mikael's shoulder with her elbow while they watched Raphael do some light exercises. "I'm still in shock because of Sullivan's appearance. Who knew he was hiding the face of a perfectly sculpted statue from ancient Greece or Rome. You totally hit the jackpot."

Mikael shrugged. "He is very beautiful, but I liked his voice first. And then I came to like him more as a person the more mysteries came up around him. I will admit that I was kind of shallow before I met Raphael. The totally unexpected attraction to him came as a shock since he's basically the complete opposite of what I thought my type consisted, so I realize now that people put themselves in boxes so easily."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, we say to ourselves that we like this or that and stick to it for a long time—sometimes forever. Whether it's a person's appearance, a type of relationship, or even the way we think because it's easier. But that limits us."

Charm frowned and poked Mikael's left cheek. "You think too much."

The shorter teen chuckled. "Raphael has told me that more than a few times."

"Which is?" rumbled the aforementioned (although breathless) teen.

Mikael grinned. "That I think too much." he replied, then asked, "How are you feeling, babe?"

"Worn out."

"Here, drink."

Mikael handed a bottle of water to his boyfriend, who took it with a grateful smile and then unceremoniously gulped it down. Charm playfully chanted "chug, chug" the entire time. It almost made Raphael choke when he first heard it because Mikael had started laughing. Arctic-blue eyes watched a thin line of water escape from Raphael's lips, seeing it slide down his defined jawline and throat. Mikael felt like a total creep after noticing how envious he was of just water on his boyfriend's smooth, creamy skin.

"Have you two not done the deed yet?"

Mikael jumped and covered part of his face as he glanced at Charm. "Wh-what?" he breathed, his skin on fire.

Raphael was already setting the empty bottle down on the bleachers when Charm asked that question, so he looked up at her. His deep ocean-blue eyes had narrowed as a scowl formed on his face. Charm frowned as Raphael tugged Mikael against him and tucked the light blond-haired teen's head against his own. Mikael felt very safe and secure, returning Raphael's hug and nosing his boyfriend's neck. The scent of gingersnaps was so enticing and relaxing. He took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

"Why are you glaring at me? I just asked a question."

"I don't see how that's any of your business," growled Raphael, holding Mikael a bit tighter. "He's mine."

"Geez, relax. I have a girlfriend and I'm not bi, no matter how beautiful Volkov is."

Raphael's grip didn't loosen, but he did apologize for assuming things. Charm laughed and waved her hand. "It's cool. I was just asking 'cause Volkov was staring at you like a hungry wolf."

"I already knew that since Mikael is very honest about the way he feels. I love that about him."

Mikael blushed and curled his fingers in Raphael's t-shirt. "I love you," he basically mouthed. A little breath had escaped him, but he knew his words would have been inaudible to Raphael. It was too soon to say it properly, but Mikael would eventually.

"You two are such an interesting matchup. Who's topping?"

Mikael noticed Raphael's hesitation and started to lift his head, but one hand stilled him. He huffed and muttered, "Does that matter, Charm?"

Charm groaned aloud. "Geez, neither of you are fun. Let me hear something before that bitch Gram does. Let me win one time!"

Mikael hummed. "Win? Did you start a bet with him?"

"No, but I just want to be first for once." she muttered, then groaned. "Whatever, I guess you're not going to tell me."

"We wouldn't tell Gram anything, anyway. He doesn't want to know." explained Raphael, then added, "Like how you should feel."

Mikael guessed his boyfriend was giving Charm a pointed stare. Their friend grunted. "Fine, I won't ask until you tell me. I'm so curious about who's going to top. You both are so alike in similar ways, not just your height. Volkov could totally top because of his muscled frame and how badass he is, but his reactions are cute and sweet, which isn't really normal for a top..."

Raphael growled, "We get it. Stop it."

"You're putting people in boxes, Charm. Just leave our sex life out of any conversational topics from now on unless we bring something up. Okay?"

Charm sighed. "Fine, sorry. I'll leave you two alone for now."

Raphael and Mikael were silent after she left, but the latter posed a question: "Am I allowed to lift my head now, babe?"

Raphael chuckled and moved his hand to Mikael's nape, lightly squeezing it as the arctic-blue-eyed teen straightened. They stared at each other for a moment, then Raphael guided Mikael to sit down next to him on the bleachers after he took a seat.

"Should we talk about it now?"

"About what?"

Raphael sighed and turned his head, but Mikael could see his boyfriend's blush creep downwards. "About our sex life..." he rumbled in a mumbly way.

"Oh," breathed Mikael, already blushing a bright red. "Don't worry, I'm not anxious for sex. I'm happy just cuddling with you and kissing. I will wait until you're ready."

"Thanks, Mika. But I do want to have sex with you. I'm just not sure about the topping situation."

Mikael chuckled. "Would you believe it if I said I've always been a bottom?"

Raphael's eyes widened. "You're kidding."

"No, not at all. I've met some guys who assumed I was a top because of the way I talked and acted around them, some of whom were sorely disappointed that I wasn't interested in wetting my dick in their asses."

Raphael had a dark expression on his face, so Mikael wondered if it was caused by jealousy or something. He leaned over and pecked Raphael's lips, hugging his boyfriend tightly.

"But that's in the past now, Ael."

"I know it is because of how devoted you are to me and you never tease people in sexual ways. You're just...you."

"Yes, thank you?" answered Mikael in a questioning tone. He felt happy but confused by the last part. "In any case, Ael, whatever you want to do is fine with me. All of my wet dreams had you topping me, but if you don't want to do that, you will have a virgin taking care of you."

Raphael covered his face. "Oh fuck," he groaned. "I am so fucking turned on by this talk, Mika. I'm not sure how I feel about being a bottom, but I know for sure I want you as my boy, if you catch my drift."

Mikael grinned. "I'm already yours, Ael." he whispered, leaning closer to add, "What positions do you imagine are your favorites?"

Raphael lightly elbowed his boyfriend. "Mika, I'm going to get hard at this rate."

"Just tell me. What kind of fantasies have you had about me? You had me pinned underneath you, kissing me senseless. I would beg for a kiss until you gave me one. Your thrusts were hard and deep, then agonizingly slow while I begged for more. Sometimes I would come so hard in my dreams that I would be tingly all over as soon as I awakened. I would occasionally lay in bed a little longer to enjoy the euphoria while imagining being hugged by you, Ael."

Raphael growled, his voice deepening a few notes. Mikael's breath left him and he tensed, then wriggled a little on the bench and squeezed his thighs together. The arctic-blue-eyed teen knew his boyfriend had noticed due to the pleased/smug expression on Raphael's face. He turned Mikael's head and kissed him, pulling the light blond-haired teen closer to tease him more.

Mikael knew what was coming, but it still made him squeak from surprise and then moan. The teen's bulge had been firmly rubbed by Raphael, which had Mikael trembling and clinging to his precious lover. Raphael's deep chuckles had Mikael wanting to melt into a puddle.

"I should stop, Mika, but I don't want to. Give me a reason."

"Th-there are people watching."

Raphael growled again. "That's a really good one."

Mikael chuckled and pecked his lips. "How about we go somewhere after school for a date and something else?"

"Something else, huh?"

Raphael's smirk was not lost on Mikael. His cheeks warmed as he hugged his boyfriend. "Yeah, after or during our first date."

"Geez, Mika, what am I to do with you? You always say the cutest things." purred Raphael, then placed multiple featherlight kisses to Mikael's red face.

Mikael nosed his boyfriend's cheeks and then tucked his nose down against Raphael's left shoulder. He snuggled in with a soft sigh of relief, basking in the familiar and welcome scent of gingersnaps.

Raphael petted his head and kissed it. "I like you so much, Mika. You are so sweet, honest, caring, loving, and considerate. Your reactions are so cute and precious. And I am so thankful for you and what you and your family have done for me."

Mikael hugged Raphael firmly, pressing a soft kiss to the other teen's neck to show he had heard what was said.

Hmm, I wonder what the "something else" includes? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

See you next Monday! I love you all very much. <3

- Alessa (Kelpie) xoxo

Updated: 11/23/2022
Word count: 2374

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