Behind her eyes

By fav_saaderh

1K 173 11

leyla and Hayal grew up together. They did everything single thing together. Is that type of best friend you... More

authors note
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24

chapter 9

45 6 2
By fav_saaderh


Hayal stop me from Punching Melissa. My mood change so quick. I didn't utter a word since that moment. I am trying to put all the puzzle together.

"Why are you so quiet today? Is it because of what Melissa said?" She tap on my shoulder.

"Ofcourse yes"

"But she can't do anything to us."

What makes her think I'm scared of that girl? I'm scared that she and Ahmad are a couple. I'm scared they might have something to share.

"She definitely can't do anything" I replied.

"But do you think they're a couple with Ahmad?"

Why did she even ask that question? She just make everything worse.

"How would I know?"
" But she said everyone knows about them in the school"

"Can you please just stop talking about them" I said out loud before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for shouting"

"It's okay" we continue walking.

I lock my room as soon as I enter. I need to put the puzzle together. We have never ask Ahmad about his love life. I know that he and Melissa are friends. They fight very often though. Wait maybe they fight often because they're couple?

I quickly take my phone and open Instagram. I start stalking her account. She hasn't posted on feed for a while, but Ahmad like most of her pictures. I scrolled down to the old pictures and he commented on each. Until I saw one comment that goes. _My love_ , she reply with _yes mine_. What the hell? So many people like that comment and most of the are from our school.

"No please!"

I toast the phone away and the tears start rolling. My hands start shaking. I stand in front of the dresser.

"No please! They can't be couple! They're just friends."

The rage, the anger, the frustration, annoyance all hitter me at once. I push away the perfume in front of me and it fall and break.

"Leyla what is that?" Mom ask from the living room.

"Nothing mom!"

I quickly decide to stalk her again. Maybe he just commented as a friend. I I saw one picture of them on her highlights. _Happy anniversary my love. Cheers to many more years ahead_ .

I cried so much.


I feel bad for the times I felt jealous when Hayal is with Ahmad. She is the reason why me and Ahmad are close now. If she wasn't friend with him in the first place, I wouldn't have got any chance. I can't believe how close we're now and I feel like he like me. He is more close to me than to Hayal.

I found out Melissa is his ex but she is still stuck. I'm doing anything to make her feel jealous. I want to show her he is mine. She warn me several times but it doesn't work. I told her no matter she do she cannot make Ahmad like her and that definitely haunt her.

I walk in together with Ahmad laughing. Hayal was sitting alone.

"Here come our girl" Melissa said.

"Today I have something very interesting friends" she said with an evil laughter.

I taught she was tripping as always until she pull out my journal. My mood change so quick.

"Today we're going to find out who this princess really is"

The tears start rolling. My world start blurring. If she read it, that will be the end of me.

"Melissa please I'm begging you don't it. Please"

She climb the chair and her friends are stopping us from reaching her.

"Our leyla wrote: why does everyone leave me? Why can't I be happy and have everything like anyone else ?

"Oh that sad our friend is lonely" they all laugh.

I know I'm done. I froze their crying. Hayal ask me to go out my I can't leave without taking my journal.

"Here is the most interesting one friends. Our leyla wrote: the most precious people to me is mom, hayal and Ahmad. I can't bear losing any of them like I lost you dad. You were the only one that love me. When they left me you save me. When my mom and left me you take me to you, you gave me a new life. You gave me a mom. I still hate them dad, I will forever hate them. Who gave birth to a child the throw them in the dumpster? Or throws a child in trash me? Why me?"

"Oh no guys our girl is adopted. She was found in trash."

The all laugh. They laugh about my pain.


I feel so bad for Leyla 🥺🥺

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