Zootopia: Beyond the Horizon

By Griffin_Dreamblazer

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In this thrilling sequel to Zootopia: Operation Thunderbolt, Blake Thunder, the now former member of the Gold... More

Chapter 1: The Reckoning
Chapter 2: Fall from Grace
Chapter 3: Savage Company
Chapter 4: A Day to Remember
Chapter 5: The Brothers Thunder
Chapter 6: The Awakening
Chapter 7: Hostile Territory
Chapter 8: The Beast Within
Chapter 9: What Comes Around Goes Around
Chapter 10: Together Once More
Chapter 11: The End of the Road
Chapter 12: Breaking Out
Chapter 13: Destiny Calls!
Chapter 14: In the Depths of Despair
Chapter 15: Joining Forces
Chapter 16: Resurgence
Chapter 17: Deliverance
Chapter 18: Trial by Fire
Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21: Ascension
Chapter 22: Prisoners of War
Chapter 23: The Sacrifice
Chapter 24: Unity

Chapter 19: The Eye of the Storm

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By Griffin_Dreamblazer

- The Odynhood Palace -

Neyla was able to get back on her feet hours after being defeated by Zeerox in an intense showdown. She's in her bedroom, staring at herself in the mirror with mildly damaged fur caused by electricity. She is determined to destroy her opponents more than ever. It's at this moment her personal informant's hologram appears on her desk from a holoprojector.

Imperial Informant: Your Highness, it is my unfortunate responsibility to inform you that hostile forces from Zootopia have invaded one of our six islands and are preparing to break through our most powerful defense, The Thunderbringer. Reports say Subject Alpha is aiding them.

Neyla: That deceitful fiend. I request Supreme Commander Archerville's presence at the courtyard.

Imperial Informant: I shall summon him to the desired place. One last thing...and of course it's some good news. We got the Reinvigorator for your father ready to be used!

Neyla gets mixed emotions from this news....

Neyla: At last, something that will bring back my father is procured by the Odynhood Empire. I'll...come and retrieve it personally from the labs.

Imperial Informant: The Reinvigorator will be waiting for you.

The hologram transmission ends and Neyla leaves her room. Several minutes later after obtaining the Reinvigorator, she enters a room where her father is kept. He's in a chamber that keeps his organs safe from degrading and his body decomposing. Neyla reaches his chamber with the Reinvigorator in her hand and orders everyone to leave the room...

Neyla: Leave...now!

The lab workers and all the imperial guards leave the room, making Neyla and her late father the only ones present in it...

Neyla: This is it...can you believe this father? This syringe here...is what will bring you back. But I cannot do that just yet. I won't do that. You don't want to be brought back into a world you thought I would reshape and bring balance to. I don't want to be the black sheep of our ancestry, to be shamed for not living up to their grandeur and nobility and most importantly to fail you. I don't want any of that. I did hardly anything to restore our broken world, a world where our society is divided by hate and bigotry that you and that unearthly creature caused! How do you expect me to fix all of this? I know how...the driving force behind this upcoming war must be destroyed. Sacrifices will be made but I will prove that I am still worthy to carry the name of our bloodline. See you soon, dad.

She turns around and starts walking towards the exit of the room with tears in her eyes. The lab workers and imperial guards are nervously standing outside the room, waiting for any orders from their empress. She opens the door and approaches the chief lab worker whom she hands over the Reinvigorator.

Neyla: Keep it in a safe place. Gryphonia's true ruler will not come back until we have won this war under my reign!

Moments later, Neyla meets up with Nero at the western wing of the imperial palace which is a huge courtyard with a row of pillars on both sides and a staircase leading up to Byron Odynhood's statue at the end of it with a nice look at one portion of Gryphonia's metropolis.

Nero: Empress Odynhood, I am delighted to see you make a quick recovery!

Neyla: I can't stay out of action for a long time.

Nero: You are not as flimsy as Project Zeta thought you were...

Neyla: It underestimated my strength. Supreme Commander Archerville, do you know why I've summoned you here?

Nero: It's about the intrusion of our main enemy and their desperate and imprudent acts of trying to reach our kingdom, isn't it?

Neyla: How I wish you weren't right. And that's not all, Subject Alpha is among them, fighting for their side!

Nero: That no-good creature needs to be eradicated once and for all! Do they really think their harebrained schemes will culminate in the destruction of Thunderbringer that will leave us all in trepidation? Fools, I'll show them what a true Gryphonian can really do! They have no idea what they are getting themselves into!

Neyla: This is the day Gryphonia's most powerful weapon will be allocated to you thanks to which our armies will be led to ultimate triumph under my reign!

Nero: Fill me in with more knowledge about this particular weapon...

She walks up the staircase to approach her father's statue.

Neyla: This is something we've been trying to keep secluded for ages due to its extremely dangerous nature and abilities beyond everyone's imagination.

She touches the side of the statue. The area around her hand starts glowing purple and that's when the statue starts rising higher until a mysterious scepter is uncovered beneath it levitating in one place. Nero watches the never before seen weapon in pure amazement....

Neyla: Ever dreamed of having ineffable power by holding something that makes you feel as if you were from another world? This scepter, The Worldshaper, belonged to my father. It was used rarely and was proclaimed highly dangerous due to the possible cataclysmic effects it may cause upon usage. That's why it was hidden here, never to be used again.

Nero: A scepter fraught with danger. I can't possibly possess something of such immense power or something that's just so grand and royal, especially a scepter that was once held by your father I mean...it's such a tremendous honor to have this conferred on me...

Neyla then proceeds to grab it. Nero then becomes quite unsure and nervous about using the scepter himself due to its forbidding appearance...

Nero: Wait....

Neyla: What? You don't want it?

Nero: Maybe we should reassess this situation. Your father didn't discontinue using this weapon just because he felt like it was useless. It was hidden here for a reason. You said it yourself, it is detrimental to the world around us. What does it even do?

Neyla: Don't be so timorous now! You'll be fine! Look, one must be very insightful if they wish to grasp its latent power that it holds. This is an ancient weapon crafted in the depths of the crystalline caverns of Gryphonia. It is infused with the four elements that coexist on this planet, elements that are all everywhere around us, Earth – Terradome, Water – Neptunus, Air – Zephyrus and lastly, Fire – Infernia. They are all special crystals that form in the caverns, right beneath our kingdom!

Nero: How do you know all of this?! This is all so hard to assimilate...

Neyla: A dead man once told me about it. Now, do you want it or not?

Nero: Neyla, do you really expect me to take possession of this mythical weapon with alacrity? I am afraid I will have to repudiate this offer. There are tons of other ways we can win this war without using a weapon that can endanger us all!!! Do you realize you're putting all of us in grave danger? Just look at it! I've never seen anything like this before! What about your father? Do you think he would be proud of you now? Using something that has been forbidden in our kingdom?

Neyla: I don't care how prejudicial it is. I am willing to sacrifice anything at this point! I JUST WANT THIS TO BE OVER!!! It's going to be ME who will take back our true home and win this war!!! I WANT TO GO DOWN AS THE GREATEST ODYNHOOD WHO EVER SAT ON THE THRONE RULING OVER THESE LANDS!

She approaches the scepter really close, reaching out for it. Nero and the imperial guards in the area watch their empress take the mysterious scepter in fear...

Nero: Neyla! Don't!

As soon as she grabs it, a wave of arcane energy sweeps through her body, creating a shockwave big enough to knock everyone on the ground except Nero, who manages to remain on his feet, barely. That's when she emits a loud cry as she falls on her knee with the scepter in her hand that she cannot let go. The scepter's power made her blue markings glow along with her purple eyes.

Nero: NEYLA!

Nero wants to help her stand up but decides to keep his distance with the imperial guards. Things get even more tense when dark gloomy clouds form out of nowhere in the sky right above the courtyard....

Nero: What kind of black magic is this? What's going on? Neyla!? Is everything alright?

She then stands up and looks into the dark clouds holding the scepter tight in her hand...

Neyla: So...much....power!

It starts raining heavily with sounds of thunder echoing through the sky. Nero and the rest of the present imperial guards can barely believe what they are seeing...

Neyla: It feels so surreal...and...soothing. I feel that might flow through my veins!

Nero: I see it really does lighten your state of mind. Maybe it's not as dangerous as it seems.

Neyla: I shall be regarded with complete reverence that will dispel all the doubts anyone has ever had about me, including YOU!

Nero: I never doubted you Neyla! I always knew you were endowed with greatness and ascendancy!

Neyla: We shall see. Because right now all I see is flattery in you!

Nero: Do you think I am plotting some sort of betrayal? You know me, I will always be by your side!

Nero has developed a thirst for owning the scepter himself....

Nero: You can..... still hand me the scepter so I can vanquish those who plucked up the courage to take over one of our islands! The scepter could use someone who is built for this and has mastery of military control and scrupulous operation coordination! It will be worth the upheaval that it will cause to our enemy! Trust me!

Neyla: Are you insinuating that I am not suited to hold such power? This scepter showed me to my full potential! IT IS MINE and will lead me to my future that I am bent on reaching by any means necessary!

She then walks around Nero paying no more heed to him and begins walking away from the courtyard until...

Nero: So what now? You got the power and extreme boost of assertiveness you were lacking before you acquired that scepter. You're going to walk away from me like that now without giving me any further instructions? That scepter just made you even more despotic, it made you someone who will be disregarded by Gryphon people even more! Nobody is going to love you other than your father. Oh what am I saying, you cannot be loved by a dead man!

Nero's attempt to provoke Neyla is successful. She stops in one place and two lightning bolts strike near Nero, almost hitting him...

Neyla: What is it that you want so much from me?! You should have made yourself scarce already!

Nero: Is this how you repay me for being your best asset in the Gryphon army? By denigrating my importance? Recall the reason why you brought me here! NOW!

Neyla: Do you think I am stupid enough to let you tamper with this transcendental staff after learning how alluringly imposing it is? This is right what I needed! It makes me feel so different!

Nero: It does look dangerous but it's nothing I would mishandle! Let me be its owner, I beseech you! With it I will be able to lead our armies to your desired future with you being honored in every corner of our kingdom... and your proud father!

Neyla: No matter how important you are to me and how much you've helped the Odynhood Empire grow, you will NEVER hold such power in your hand! It would be such a shameful act to give you something my father held once in his hand. You are not an Odynhood, you are just like the citizens, except you earned yourself a place in MY army. Now stop being an uncongenial little rascal harrying me with your demands or I will drown you in a sea of incessant anguish!

Nero gives up trying to persuade Neyla into giving him the Worldshaper...

Nero: Fine, I will continue doing my job rationally but I strongly hope your possession of the scepter will be transient and you will be forced to pass it on to a new owner.

Neyla: Your fatuous dream about acquiring this scepter will never come true. Your days of being a supreme commander of the Gryphon army may be coming to an end. I will make sure you will have a grim fate if this misbehavior from your side will persist. Look Nero, all I ask you is to remain loyal to me. YOU are worthy to me, but I cannot bestow something of this resplendence and might upon you. Power corrupts your mind, don't let it consume your soul. I already sold mine as you can see. I had no other choice. I need this to gain back our former home, to fulfill the dying wish of my father and prove my worthiness in the Odynhood Family.

Nero: I understand. You are right. Just do whatever you want with it. My fidelity remains the same. I just... need to clear my mind. I hope you are still the same Neyla...

Neyla: Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? I just feel much different in a very odd manner. It feels like I own the earth, air, fire and water altogether...

She looks into the stormy sky, and makes the rain stop and clouds disappear....

Neyla: It's incredible...I actually...don't feel like myself anymore. But this is not something to be apprehensive about because I feel like we already won this war....

Nero remains worried about Neyla and what the scepter can do to her and everyone around...

Nero: I hope you know what you are doing....

Neyla observes the scepter in her hand completely beguiled by its splendor...

Neyla: Yes, with this in my hand, I can do anything! I am going to start with the invaders first because there's someone I want to.... TORTURE for his betrayal! And then we shall purge Zootopia of our enemies and retake it.

Nero: And how about me? Oh, I know. I'll get our army ready! We'll be waiting for your order to commence this portentous operation!

Neyla then walks away from Nero and leaves the courtyard until she meets with one of her imperial captains....

Neyla: Get my imperial cruiser ready!

Imperial Centurion: It will be ready in a trice, Your Majesty!

Nero remains displeased as he watches "his" empress walk away with the scepter that he finds extremely valuable after discovering its true nature....

Nero: Nothing lasts forever...not even your moments of grandeur. It will be mine sooner or later!

- Some time later near the Thunderbringer -

The ZDF are ready to take immediate action once Gryphon units show up from beyond the Thunderbringer. Everyone is lazing around except Regina, who is impatient and wants to continue her journey desperately...

Regina: It's been like an hour already and we haven't gotten any response from the Gryphonians! What if they won't come at all? This is just a waste of time and I am getting really tired of waiting!

Ash: We are doing what we can, even if it seems like we are only lounging here. I told you we are playing the waiting game. It will not take long anymore before the gates to Gryphonia open. They won't sit idly and let us be in their territory. They know what our sole intent is and they will do anything to oust us from this place or burn us to ashes.

Regina: A small easily exploitable party of ZDF soldiers against an army of imperial soldiers? That doesn't look very balanced to me! Just fire at the storm with everything you have!

Ash: You think we didn't think this through enough? If our rockets were let's say... "storm-proof", we would have already launched a couple dozens of rockets at the barrier. They wouldn't make it through since the storm is extensive and they would be easily misguided and wasted unnecessarily.

Regina: But what if Blake is being tormented or something and needs our help? You need to do something before I lose my shit! I can't keep walking in circles anymore!

Zack: Calm down Regina, Blake is a tough nut. He will not go down without a good fight! Be patient! You just have to exercise restraint to make it through this painful waiting. These guys...they know what's the best approach and they are willing to prove they are Zootopia's best fighters!

Ash: You heard him, calm down Regina and quit being all snappy. This isn't helping us at all.

Becoming resigned to this situation, Regina quietens down and accepts the fact they can do nothing to speed things up...

Ashley: Hey Ash, I don't want to get on the wrong side of you but I am kinda on the same wavelength as Regina. This waiting game is turning nonviable...

Ash: That's awesome to hear sis! You two can chit chat and throw even more immoderate complaints into my face now. How many times do I have to tell you there's nothing we can do unless they open those stormy gates to send even more of their armed forces to our location...

Regina: We are only whistling in the wind...we are not getting anywhere you know?

Zack: Quiet everyone!

Zack's ears perk up, capturing the distant sounds of enemy aircraft...

Zack: They are coming...

Regina: From where? I don't see anything!

Ashley: I only hear the engines of our own aircraft. Am I missing something here?

Zack: I got an enhanced hearing since you know... I am not your customary wolf that you can find and have fun with in this world...

Ash: Zack is right! Look!

A passage gets opened as the storm dissipates in one part of the barrier for Gryphon forces to go through. The ZDF forces get ready to take action....

Regina: YES! Now we can finally get through this accursed storm! C'mon Zack! Let's get into our dropship!

Regina gets her stuff, grabbing Zack's hand trying to pull him along with her to the dropship but he remains in one place...


Zack: Stop it Regina, save your energy and let the ZDF do their work. I am pinning my faith in them.

Ash: Remain calm Regina and watch the professionals tear down the barrier in front of your eyes like a streak of lightning!!!


Regina: Oh gosh please don't let it come to naught....

Ash: Sentinel Prime, target the source of the storm with everything you've got! HIT THEM HARD!

Sentinel Prime: Roger that sir! Launching all proton rockets now!

The VTOL attack jets that are loaded with proton rockets hovering above the island line up and fire all missiles with proton warheads towards the opening of the Thunderbringer when squadrons of fighter aircraft, dropships and a huge imperial cruiser come into view flying out of it...

Zack: That's the cruiser of Neyla Odynhood....

Ash: You think we will get cold feet now? We will use this timely moment to topple her once and for all. Gryphonia will no longer have a leader after this day!

- Aboard the Imperial Cruiser -

Imperial Fleet Commander: Your Highness, we've detected several missiles headed towards us, however they don't appear to be locked on us...

Neyla: They are targeting the storm generators...STOP THEM!!!

Imperial Fleet Commander: But...those are proton rockets. Shooting them down could potentially cause major damage to our fleet.

Neyla: We cannot lose The Thunderbringer! SHOOT THEM DOWN! Sacrifices must be made...

The fleet tries to shoot down the rockets but it's too late and the rockets fly past them all with an incredible speed.

Imperial Fleet Commander: The rockets are too fast for our systems to lock on to!

Neyla: NO!

The proton rockets make it through the opening of the Thunderbringer and reach the other side where the storm generators are located. The rockets are manually controlled by the two attack jets that hover above the occupied island with ZDF forces.

Sentinel Prime: We've located the eye of the storm!

Ash: Then make sure this barrier is history boys!

Sentinel Prime: Will do!

The storm generators are large pillars that reach high into the sky. They are scattered around the entire kingdom and are all connected to form a storm of unfaltering and enormous power. The proton rockets hit one of them and explode, discharging a destructive amount of energy that triggers a chain reaction making the pillars start blowing up one by one fast.

Sentinel Prime: Hit confirmed! Target destroyed!

Ash: Down it goes!

The storm starts disappearing from all around Gryphonia...

Ashley: I am waiting for a beautiful rainbow to appear!

Ash: It's already there, can't you see it?

Ashley: Where?!

Ash: You see that imperial fleet coming our way? That's one hideous rainbow we should remove from the sky!

Ashley: Then let's reach the sky with our birds!

Regina: Yes! Let's leave this forsaken island! I can't believe the Thunderbringer is down! We can continue our journey now! LET'S GO ZACK!

Zack: Regina I don't think it is advisable for us to even get airborne. This is Neyla's cruiser we are talking about. A heavily fortified fortress with the most advanced weaponry that was ever installed in an aircraft.

Regina: So what? Are we going to stay here on the island, making both of us an easy target?

Zack: Okay, look, we can try to fight them in the skies, but our chances of being successful are at rock bottom. Let the ZDF do their work and be our little diversion. We are going to get through with complete impunity!

Regina: The ZDF can hang themselves. They are not here to contribute to our cause.

Ash: Hey, we are committed to our duties and will carry them out perfectly. Neyla's "fortress" is about to be overwhelmed by our forces. Mark my precious words! We are simply here carrying out orders. I apologize for not being able to help you reach your destination. Our paws are tied....

Ashley: Our ambitions may differ, but we are still in this together, fighting for our families, our people, our nation....

Regina: Let's just get to our separate dropships already...

Ash: Move move move!!!

- Aboard The Imperial Cruiser -

Imperial Fleet Commander: The Thunderbringer is down....

Neyla: It doesn't matter anymore! We make an unassailable force together! They will face my revengeful wrath and answer for the destruction of the Thunderbringer! Our defenses are down, but the empress stands strong to defend her land and people! DESTROY ALL OF THEIR AIRCRAFT AND MEANS OF ESCAPE!

Imperial Fleet Commander: As you wish my queen, we are laying waste on the island now!

The imperial fleet including the cruiser fire a swarm of rockets directly at the island, targeting all ZDF ships. The rockets hit every single aircraft....

Zack: Regina! Lookout!

The dropships are about to fall down on them in flames. Zack sees Regina in a deadly position right above the falling dropship and takes quick action by picking her up....

Zack: Gotcha!

He runs to a safe distance with her before the dropship falls down and explodes right behind them. The blast knocks them both down...



The second dropship is coming down fast about to fall on Ashley but then Ash uses his enhanced speed and runs towards her grabbing her and saving her right before the second dropship falls down in flames and explodes behind them. The Imperial fleet has ravaged the place and killed the majority of the ZDF soldiers, leaving only a few alive...

Ash: Are you alright Ashley?

Ashley: None of my bones were broken and you got me out of that place unscathed so I yeah..I think I am alright...but not the rest of our forces...

Ash: Ah shit....we lost everyone....almost.

Ashley: Get in contact with Hayden quickly! We need reinforcements as soon as possible!

Ash: That's what I was planning to do before we got nearly blown to pieces! While calling for reinforcements is beyond the realms of possibility, I don't think they are going to get here in time to save our necks.

Zack and Regina join the Rylergate siblings....

Ashley: Are you guys okay?

Zack: They can't take down a mountain like me...

Regina: "Neyla's fortress is about to be overwhelmed by our forces" aged like milk. You should have brought an entire army with you!

Ashley: We might have......slightly underestimated our enemy.

Regina: What's Ash doing?

Ashley: He's...trying to reach out to Hayden.

Regina: Calling for reinforcements is pointless. It's over...

Zack: It's the hopeless moments like this I wish I had my powers back...

Ash gets in touch with Hayden with his audio-video transmitter on his hand...

Ash: This is Nightingale One. Do you copy?

Euphoria Command Center: This is the Euphoria Command Center. We hear you loud and clear Nightingale One. Report...

Ash: We have succeeded in disabling the Thunderbringer but we suffered heavy losses in the process and are pinned down. An immediate deployment of reinforcements would be more than welcome right now!

Ash's face is visible on the big screen on the bridge of ZDF Euphoria, so everyone sees the trouble he and his fellow soldiers are in. General Fluxx is on the bridge of the ZDF Euphoria and takes over the comms...

General Fluxx: ASH! This is general Fluxx speaking! How many of you are left?!

Ash: Not so many. There are a few of our men left plus these two animals trying to save that fox Blake. We are about to make a last stand here. Send your armies NOW if you ever want to reach a frictionless supremacy and victory over the Gryphonians! Their empress is here too! I repeat their empress is here too which means YOU can rip out the heart of Gryphonia to end this war before it even begins!!!

Ashley then runs up to Ash to share some of her feelings too...

Ashley: Hayden take action now or regret it later! HELP US! I don't want to die here in these dark and somber lands full of Gryphonian filth!

Before Hayden is able to tell them anything, the transmission is cut as Neyla's forces begin shooting again with their plasma cannons attached to their ships. Zack, Regina and the Rylergate siblings are forced to take cover behind the burning wreckage....

General Fluxx: Ash? Ashley? NO! I should have known their mission would precipitate such a response! Gentlemen, it's time to get the ball rolling! Our invasion begins NOW!

Norm: What a bombshell! Your nominal "elite units" found themselves embattled calling for help.

General Fluxx: The Gryphonians may be giving them a hassle but it's nothing they wouldn't handle themselves. They will live....I hope. Norm! Are the Reinvigorators here and ready to be employed?

Norm: The Reinvigorators have been shipped and are ready for your super secret army! And sir, what about the public?

General Fluxx: We'll get down to business unannounced. I know I said we would make a public announcement about Euphoria and our intentions but there's no time we can allocate to making such declarations of war here. The citizens of Zootopia hold no importance for us anymore.

Norm: Then in that case, long live the sergalian race! The ZDF Euphoria will soon get airborne to inspire fear in those who oppose us! As Euphoria's commanding officer, head architect and engineer, it is my duty to inform you that maintenance is done and we can rule out any adversities aboard the ship.

General Fluxx: PERFECT! EVERYONE! Prepare the Euphoria for launch! We must reach the Gryphonian lands at full tilt!

The officers in charge of the controls start working hard to do the necessary steps to launch the colossal ship...

General Fluxx: Ash...Ashley...stay strong out there! We are coming!

- Aboard The Imperial Cruiser -

Neyla: There he is! Cease firing! That's enough! Subject Alpha is MINE!

Upon spotting Zack on the island, Neyla orders the fleet to surround the last remaining ZDF soldiers on the island and make a landing...

Ash: Why would they stop firing at us now?!

Ashley: They're probably running low on ammo...or contemplating their next method of attacking...

Regina: This is what I feared the most, being stranded on an island with no means of escape! We should have pulled a vanishing act long before they came and let off a devastating volley of gunfire!

Zack: We are a bunch of beleaguered mortals who are coincidentally the last remaining survivors. I know what Neyla wants, my death! We are not getting out of this alive, at least not me. I'll handle this. Surrender and she may show you mercy...

Regina: Zack? Are you kidding me? You want us to hold back and watch you take on that bestial empress yourself?

Zack: Regina, there's no time for counterarguments. I am sorry.

Regina: ASH?! ASHLEY? You're gonna watch and stand there nonchalantly?

Ash: That appealing tone of your voice just screams for help but we don't really know what to do. This is the kind of prospect we haven't had in our minds when we left Zootopia. Our troopers down, our ships obliterated and an entire fleet of Gryphon units with Neyla's cruiser approaching us is just too much for us. It's beyond our power to contrive any countermeasure plans...

Ashley: Regina, me and my brother have been through a lot together, but being pitted against an army? I can't really blame you for being all frantic. Remember, we are in this together...

Regina: Zack...good luck. I'll never see Blake and my kids ever again....

Zack: Let me do the talking and possible negotiation okay?

The Imperial fleet surrounds them and several dropships land near them except the imperial cruiser that remains in the air because of its size that makes it impossible for it to land on the small landing area designed only for small aircraft. Dozens of imperial guards march down from the dropships and hold Zack, Regina and the Rylergate siblings at gunpoint. Neyla then walks out of one of the dropships with the Worldshaper in her hand....

Neyla: You perfidious failed creation, you've been hedged in by my forces and there's no escape now! You will answer for your desertion and spilling the blood of my Gryphon officers and soldiers!

Zack: Neyla....we meet again! I thought I would be welcomed back to your empire with open arms hehehe! I see you got yourself a fancy scepter too to show your imperious character even more!

Neyla: Alpha, what were you thinking? Teaming up with a bunch of two bit terrorists to assault my kingdom? What has gotten into you? You had a future in my empire and now you just dumped it for THIS?

Regina steps out from his back to talk to Neyla herself...

Zack: Regina what are you doing?

Regina: Blake Thunder, where is he? We sought passage through the Thunderbringer to rescue him this whole time!

Neyla: As if I wasn't FURIOUS ENOUGH! First the Thunderbringer turns to dust and now a Zootopian fennec fox has all the effrontery to speak to me!

Regina: I don't care about your reprimand, I am here to get my love and there's nothing that will stop me from doing so, not even you!

Zack: Regina, you are not making Neyla's vexation less severe...

Ashley: There goes the possibility of getting this burden off of our backs...

Ash: Let's not give up hope just yet...

Neyla: So, it's Blake Thunder who is the central motivating force for you all...

Zack: It's a neat inducement, isn't it? At least for me and Regina. He is my best friend, you know? Let's make a deal, you can take my life in exchange for Blake and Regina's freedom...


Zack: And those two coyotes too! Let them go. Don't get me wrong but I know it is me who you want the most. It's why you are here, to confront me up close and personal...

Neyla: Unbelievable. Too bad it doesn't work like that. You can suffer in resentment because you will all meet the same fate! You betrayed me once Alpha, don't think you will be given a choice here and a chance to remediate the outrageous damage that you caused along with your companions! Let's get this over with! First, I will proceed with exterminating the biggest inconvenience in my way, YOU! Then I will watch your kingdom be blitzed by my forces and your people massacred!

Zack: That sounds like we won't be reaching a conciliation. But maybe...this will ease your mind!

Zack reaches into his pockets and chucks all of his Deathbringer spider bots in all directions....

Ashley: And so all hell breaks loose!

Ash: Grab your weapons and let them have it!

Regina: Here we go again!

The spider bots explode in every direction causing massive explosions all around. Neyla's ground forces are almost all killed, until she uses her scepter to absorb all the fire from the explosions...

Neyla: You won't play fair? Fine! Neither will I! I WILL REDUCE YOU TO ASHES!

She shoots back all the fire at the gang! They barely survive the fiery wave of fire...

Ash: That scepter is a serious problem here folks! My poor whiskers took a bullet for me...

Zack: Guys! Stay away from her! This is my fight!

Regina: Have you lost your mind? There's no way I am leaving you here alone to fight her!

Zack: You will not withstand her new mythical abilities. FALL BACK!

Regina: NO!

Zack: You take care of her imperial guards then! GO!

Ash: It appears we aren't taking our medicine after all. We will cut down the number of imperial guards while you fight that witch!

Ashley: I am rooting for you Zack!


Imperial Captain: Empress Odynhood, we request permission to engage the enemy now!

Neyla: Subject Alpha's followers are your primary target. Leave the failed creation to ME!

Imperial Captain: GOT IT! ATTACK!!!

The imperial guards engage in battle, shooting at Regina and the Rylergate siblings who's only cover are the remnants of the destroyed dropships and jets...

Zack: This is the moment of truth Neyla. Let the games begin!!!

Neyla: May your travels to the infernal regions be safe and fast!

Neyla fires an unavoidable bolt of lightning at Zack that hits him so hard it makes him fly across the battlefield like a burning star...

Regina: Oh god no! ZACK!

Zack lands a bit further from the shootout, and remains unconscious or possibly on the verge of death....

Ash: That guy took a really hard hit! Our thoughts and prayers are with him but let's not lose our focus! There's still Neyla's forces hungering after our deaths.

Ashley: We are not giving up our hope. Let's fight till our last breath!

Ash: Aim for their heads!

The Rylergate siblings lean out from cover and open fire along with Regina who can barely concentrate on her enemies due to being put under extreme tension and seeing her partner in crime get hit and fall to his possible death. They take out many of the imperial guards while Neyla walks past her units going to check up on Zack's condition.

Regina: She's going to kill him! We have to help him!

Ash: If he is still alive...

Regina: He has to be! He has been through really challenging times before. Neyla's ferocity will not claim his life so easily!

Two more dropships make a landing near the warzone with multiple Gryphon reinforcements...

Ash: You gotta be kidding me! We'll never rout them at this pace. Stay here, I'll go save us a considerable amount of time!

Ash leaves his rifle on the ground and takes a smaller, much more lightweight gun and walks out from behind the wreckage....

Regina: What is he doing, Ashley?

Ashley: I guess there's nothing we can do at this point except watch my brother give them a hiding...

Regina: Him against an army?

Ashley: Yeah, somehow like that...

Regina: How fanciful...

Ash reveals himself to the attacking imperial soldiers...

Ash: Anyone want to get an easy kill?

Imperial Captain: Target in sight! ATTACK!

The imperial soldiers take aim and fire at Ash, only to waste all of their shots as he comes down running towards all the bullets dodging them all in a rapid, unnatural manner. His movement is distorted during this sequence and after reaching the first soldier within his range, he fatally wounds him by stabbing him with his special knife at lightning speed. He does consecutive kills like this, avoiding every single bullet that comes flying towards him until the last couple of soldiers whom he shoots right in their heads. He leaves a battlefield of dead corpses behind...

Regina: What the...now I've seen it all. How does he do THAT?

Ashley: Long story. Hayden conducted a special experiment on him after he agreed to be his subject. His agility and speed were enhanced to make him an even deadlier combatant.

Regina: And...why aren't you the same?

Ashley: Well...I...

Ash makes his way back to Ashley and Regina...

Ash: Are you telling her stories about me?

Ashley accidentally drops her gun after Ash suddenly appears behind her...

Ash: Careful there...

Ashley: What? No! I am one hundred percent fully concentrated on my mission! I am NOT getting distracted. I swear!

Regina: Just normal girly talk, that's it...

Ash: You two are hella cute! Let's go help Zack before that witch does something horrific to him.

Ashley: Cute? No offense taken brother.

Regina: I've heard that word way too many times before. Let's not fritter away our chance to stop Neyla!

Ashley: Yeah! Let's get her before more of her goons arrive to put a stop sign in front of our cute faces!!!

The trio runs after Neyla only to see her getting ready to slay Zack once and for all who still hasn't regained his consciousness. However, his red and blue stripes on his fur started to glow again. When Neyla approaches him to put a definitive end to him, she is momentarily stopped by Regina and the Rylergate siblings....

Regina: Not so fast!!!

Ash: You are going to have to take care of us first!

Ashley: Face us! Your forces made a huge mistake by underestimating us, the underdogs! Just look at them! They will never stand up from that beating!

Ash: And I took the most credit for it!

Regina: You'll have to get through us if you want to put him out of service permanently!

Neyla: I will not be stopped by some disorderly pack of half-witted mongrels!

Ash: Mongrels? We are pure-blooded coyotes!

Ashley: And calling us mongrels is very rude and it hurts our feelings!

Regina: And for making a derogatory remark about my...coyote FRIENDS, we feel obligated to make a very sharp riposte in return....

They all start blasting with everything they got. Neyla is caught off guard and closes her eyes, scared of being shot to death until she realizes there's an unbreakable forcefield of invisible matter around her that absorbs all incoming fire. The forcefield of such enormous power cannot be broken naturally making the wielder of the Worldshaper practically immortal.

Neyla: My turn!

The scepter's color changes to yellow, which resembles the Earth element, Terradome. This allows Neyla to control everything that is made of rock and soil. She hits the ground with it and creates a thundering powerful wave that starts advancing towards Regina and the Rylergate siblings. The wave is lifting the ground in front of Neyla, leaving a trail of devastation behind accompanied by tremor that unbalances everyone except her. Ash and Regina quickly leap to their left to avoid getting crushed by the incoming destructive elevating ground while Ashley leaps to her right. The fellowship is then broken and partly separated from each other with Regina suffering minor injuries along with Ash and Ashley.

Ash: Are you two still with me?!

Regina: Still there, covered in dirt and coughing up dust. This is far worse than I thought. What are we going to do?!

Ashley: I can't see you guys! Where are you?!

There's a lot of debris in between them that separates them from each other...

Ash: Ashley, stay where you are! We'll get to you!

Being separated with an elevated and badly damaged ground around and trying to get back on their feet, Neyla uses this opportunity to lift up a mass of medium sized rocks with her scepter. She hurls them all at them fiercely...

Ash: I am going to feel this for weeks....

Regina: Oh no...


Ashley: Where's the roof when you need it?!?!?!

The rocks start falling down on them, Regina and Ash are lucky enough to be missed by the falling rocks. On the other hand, Ashley takes the most punishment. She is hit by several smaller fragments of rocks that knock her out and cover her almost entirely, while Ash and Regina do their best to climb up to the top of the debris in order to gain a better view at their surroundings and make themselves less vulnerable to damage.

Regina: How am I still alive?! I want this to be over already!

Ash: Stay close to me Regina! We are going to get out of this hell together!

When they crest the debris, Ash sees Neyla standing on the other side of the mess she has caused with just one swing of the scepter, but what catches Ash's attention the most is Ashley's body covered by rocks and dirt.

Ash: Oh please no! Be alive!

Regina: I have a very bad feeling about this...

Neyla: Look at him...running down to his fallen mate. It's so relieving to see your enemy in grief, pain and above all losing! You have chosen this mindless invasion of yours. You shouldn't have come here!

Ash uncovers his sister from all the rubble and pulls her out slowly. She is alive, but not in the best shape anymore...

Ash: Ashley, can you hear me? Please say something!

Ashley: Ash....

She mumbled his name with a low pitched voice. Ash holds her in his arms, devastated at what happened to his sister....

Ash: She is not my mate, she's my sister! She's everything that ever mattered to me! You are nothing without that scepter of yours! You are winning just because you are holding something that fights for you, but in the end, you are just a wimpy merciless ruler with no soul, NO HEART! YOU would be the first one to fall right in front of me if you weren't holding such power in your hand!

Neyla: No dirty Zootopian peasant will demoralize me and stand in the way of my aspirations!

Regina: What are we going to do now?

Ash: Why are we even trying? This is leading us to nowhere but death. Regina, I think it's time to give up the ghost. Our mission is complete anyway. The barrier is down. Look at us....and her. If my sister is to die here on this island, then I will breathe my last breath too.

Regina drops her weapon, knowing there's really nothing they can do to win this battle anymore...

Ash: You may have gained ascendancy over us, but you will never win over Zootopia and its defenders!

Neyla: We'll see about that!

Neyla prepares to strike the Rylergate siblings with a powerful beam. Regina covers her eyes to avoid witnessing Neyla killing them both. Ash remains in one place, never letting go of his wounded sister as he holds her in his arms...

Ash: I am so sorry sister...

Neyla is about to separate the Rylergate siblings from the land of the living, but her attempt to do so comes to a halt when she is hit by a lightning strike from behind which brings her down to her knees. She gets back up on her feet quickly and turns around. She sees Zack, standing in front of her, fully energized...

Zack: Thank you for restoring my power Neyla!


Ash: That's....incredible.

Neyla: You just don't know when to quit, do you Subject Alpha?!

Zack: I am just here to save my friends from your cruelty and animosity!

Neyla: Then you'll be the first one to die among this bunch of cheap contemptible "heroes" of Zootopia!

Neyla's scepter turns red, which is the color of the Fire element, Infernia. This allows her to manipulate with fire. She raises her scepter high, swings it and sends a ball of fire at Zack who stops it with an electric counterattack, a ball of electricity.

Neyla: Here you are again, trying to complicate things as usual!

Zack: You know, I keep a few tricks up my sleeve too!

Neyla: Try to outmaneuver this!

She shoots several fireballs towards Zack. He is unable to stop them all from hitting him. He destroys a few by sending a couple of lightning bolts out of his palms but gets overwhelmed by the rest as they hit him and create a fiery explosion all around him. Neyla assumes he has been successfully taken care of until he walks out of the fire, unharmed.


Neyla: Bold words of an already doomed creature! Bedeviling me with your resilience and constant resistance will not help you win this battle! I CANNOT BE BROKEN!

Zack: You are already broken from the inside, suffering. I can feel it!

Neyla: I AM NOT!!!

Her scepter turns white, which is the color of the Air element, Zephyrus. She twists her scepter and forms two whirlwinds and sends them towards Zack...

Zack: If you think a little breeze is gonna stop me from breaking your neck, you're wrong.


Neyla sets the whirlwinds on fire with the Fire element creating two rotating infernos that are advancing towards Zack...

Zack: Straight from the depths of hell. Shit...


Regina runs up to the Rylergate siblings to check up on them...

Regina: How is she doing?!

Ash: She is senseless and quite debilitated. She is not going to stand up on her legs like this I am afraid...

Regina: This calls for fast medical attention!

Ash: And it's by no means we are getting that medical attention here.

Regina: We must get her to safety!

Ash: There's no safety, no escape! No place on this island will keep us all out of harm's way. This is nothing more than a survival of the fittest. I should have never brought her with me. The possibility of her not making it is preying on my mind.

Regina: You're right. We cannot escape danger, but I believe we can still keep our distance from it, even on this island. She walloped my butt back then. She is a very strong girl so I know beyond the shadow of doubt she will survive. Quick, Neyla is currently rushed off her feet trying to kill Zack, to no avail. Just look at him, he has become a supernatural entity now.

Ash: Help me pick her up from this messy ground..

Regina takes one last look at Zack, being worried about him. She helps Ash pick up Ashley gently from the ground and then they both walk as far as possible from Neyla and Zack. Regina watches Ash's back as he carries his injured sister to safety. Zack proceeds to run towards the fiery whirlwinds with complete courage. He is then lifted up in the air, and sucked into the violent burning wind, disappearing from Neyla's sight. Her mind gets relieved momentarily, thinking the fight against her enemy is over until Zack dashes out of the wind, electrified and burning altogether. Before Neyla is about to react, Zack strikes the ground right in front of her and creates a powerful fiery and electric shockwave that is powerful enough to send her falling to the ground with the scepter slipping out of her hand in the process, making her exceptionally vulnerable to any of Zack's attacks. The scepter falls just a couple of inches away from her. She attempts to reach it as fast as possible by crawling on the ground while Zack approaches her from behind, ready to end her reign once and for all. He steps on her back hard, making her bones crack.

Zack: Going somewhere?! With all the burden you have on your back, I hope you got a death wish. You misjudged me, abused me, disregarded my personal needs and dreams my whole life, and for that I will destroy and take yours in return!!!!


She growls in pain and anger, trying to reach the scepter with one hand in a fruitless way. Zack is just seconds away from slaying her with his bare hands, but then his attempt gets interrupted by Neyla's imperial cruiser that targets and shoots Zack from the sky with a powerful projectile that makes him fall headlong behind to the ground which gives Neyla enough time to get back on her feet though with difficulties until she seizes the scepter again, making her sore back heal. Zack struggles to recover from the shot and is unable to stand up. He was hit by a projectile a normal living being wouldn't survive...

Zack: I had you right where I wanted you to be, right between life and death! You pulled off such a dishonorable act by your narrow escape! COWARD!

Neyla: Dishonorable or not, I will stand tall and fulfill my destiny, starting with your death!

Neyla uses her scepter to raise hefty chunks of rocks, gravel and debris from the ground and flings it all at Zack, overwhelming him and covering him entirely with a heavy mass of rocks. The wolf fights back no more...

Neyla: Commander, I need an escort right away. I am finished...and thanks for letting me go solo...

Imperial Fleet Commander: Sending escort ships now. No problem, Your Highness. It was your wish after all. We are lucky to have such a leader like you!

Neyla then spots Ash, Ashley and Regina fleeing from her in the distance....

Neyla: Where do these runaways think they are going?

They reach two Gryphon dropships still in one piece....

Ash: Great, we could use one of these dropships to escape from this island if the airspace was clear...

Regina: We are in an inescapable situation right now. I don't see any way we can save ourselves. How about we just give up, it's that simple. If only our freedom...or forgiveness was negotiable...

Ash carefully sits down and leans against a dropship, putting Ashley on his laps...

Ash: Giving up was never an expedient option for us in our eyes in any kind of danger, but this is something we haven't been trained for. Her power is unbounded and there's nothing we can do to fight her back.

Neyla comes into view from a distance, approaching them slowly....

Regina: Oh no, here she comes again...

Ash: Too bad I don't care anymore what happens next. I've got nothing to lose, except...her.

He gently caresses his sister's head as Neyla comes close...

Regina: Where's Zack? What have you done to him?!

Neyla: Buried and resting...

Regina: You didn't just....

Neyla: Yes I did. Subject Alpha's downfall truly pacifies me. I've had my revenge and now Zootopia will follow...

Ash: This begs the question of what miserable fate awaits us?

Neyla: You've proved your mettle, all of you. Killing you here and now wouldn't extend your punishment and agony you deserve so I've come to the conclusion that you will be transported to Ember Island instead. Lazarus and his bloodthirsty warriors and prisoners hunger for entertainment. And that wounded coyote, she is staying here...

Regina: Blake....

Regina whispers and regains hope of seeing her love again....

Ash: WHAT?! If you want us to be imprisoned, why can't I take her with me?

Neyla: A wounded animal makes no challenge for the competition in the arena. She is dying, I can feel it...she is no use to me or Lazarus...


Tears of sorrow drop down from Ash's face on Ashley's fur...

Ash: Look at her! This is your doing! Her injuries have your malice all written over them! Just finish it already, it's the only thing your hollow heart desires anyway.

Neyla: If you want to share the same fate together at Ember Island, then I'll consider it as your last wish. She will be the first one to perish there....

Ash: Then she will die along with me! I am NOT abandoning the only happiness and sunshine in my life!

An escort dropship arrives with two heavily armored drones and two more dropships sent straight from the imperial cruiser. The escort squad lands right next to them. Neyla then takes a look at Regina and questions her sudden silence...

Neyla: You've become oddly reticent....

Regina: I don't want to aggravate the situation, that's it. We've lost, I am ready for whatever you got in store for us...

Neyla: Fair enough. Take them aboard and transport them to Ember Island.

Gryphon Unit: Yes, Your Highness. Shake a leg you nasty prisoners!

Regina offers Ash help...

Regina: Need a hand?

Ash: No thanks. I got this.

Ash stands up carrying his sister and thus they all start walking towards one of the dropships that will take them to Ember Island. Ashley slowly opens her eyes in confusion...

Ashley: Ash...what's happening? Is it....over?

Ash responds reluctantly with a teary voice...

Ash: Yeah...it's over sis. Just relax, I am with you!

Ashley: I feel cold...

Ash: Just hold on, you'll be in a warm place soon!

Ashley loses her conscience again. They all board the dropship. Ash carefully sits down putting Ashley on his laps again and Regina sits close next to them putting her paw on Ash's shoulder...

Regina: She's strong. I doubt she will succumb to her injuries Ash....

Ash: I am not sure anymore. I feel like I am losing her...

The dropship lifts off and disappears in the clouds high above the island.

The Imperial Fleet Commander gets in touch with Neyla again while she is still down on the island along with the escort squad...

Imperial Fleet Commander: Empress Odynhood, your orders?

Neyla: We are returning back to Gryphonia to join the military forces so we can launch an attack on Zootopia with full firepower.

Imperial Fleet Commander: Alright, we are waiting for you, the hangar is open.

As soon as Neyla ends the call with the fleet commander, she feels a strange energy sweep over her body, causing her to feel pain. She feels somewhat weakened for several seconds, almost fainting...

Neyla: What's this?.....

Her escort squad becomes worried about her state and offers her help which Neyla refuses...

Neyla: I don't need any of your help. It's nothing! Let's get going.

Neyla shakes it all off and boards the escort dropship...

She gets in touch with the imperial fleet commander again...

Neyla: Commander, this island is in deep need of some cleaning and refurbishment. You know what to do. Gather all dead bodies of our men. Every fallen Gryphon officer and soldier shall be honored and remembered. And for the forces of Zootopia....just burn them all in one deep pit of disgrace and insignificance.

Imperial Fleet Commander: Acknowledged. We will dispatch a squadron of Gryphon units to restore the island to its original state and collect the bodies of our soldiers...our friends while giving the Zootopian forces their deserved treatment in hell.

The escort dropship accompanied by the heavily armored advanced drones lifts off and heads for the imperial cruiser. When Neyla sits and puts down the scepter right next to her, she begins to feel just a bit better. Little does she realize that the scepter has been draining her life away bit by bit ever since she acquired it. It's a dangerous and forbidden weapon for a reason. The more it is used, the weaker its wielder becomes. The dropship takes her back to her imperial cruiser while four more dropships fly out of the hangar to fulfill her new commands on the island...

War is coming and with the Thunderbringer down, Gryphonia must act quickly to repel the attack of the ZDF in time before it's too late... 

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