Reincarnated As An Loli Withi...

By Psyche_Sol_YT

61K 1.6K 871

Muhahahahahahaha You have to read to find out Images used don't belong to me unless marked with (-psyche) Boo... More

Chapter-001-You Kidding Me!
Chapter-003-Meet the wife
Chapter-004- 2 Month Of Paranoia
Chapter-005-Supisions. Caution. Problems.
Chapter-006-A Cool Guest
Thanks For 1.1k
Chapter-007-THE POWER OF MEMES And Tea Parties
Thanks For 2.14k Reads
Chapter-008-A Dangerous Combination
Chapter-009-Rip And Tear
Thanks For the support
Happy Holidays
Chapter-010- The truth
Happy New Years
Chapter -011-Deal or No Deal
Your help is needed
Q&A: Prep
Chapter-013-Let It Begin
Thanks, You Readers
Chapter-014-The Other five
Chapter-015- A Breach In Security
Chapter-016- Operation: Khonsu
Chapter-017- Elsewhere
Chapter-018-Thoughts And ...Yeets?
Chapter-019-The Start to the End
Chapter-020-Omniversal Council and Final Declaration
(Imortant Must Read)
Update And Vote
Chapter-021-Talk with 682 and The Final Step
Chapter-022-Remembrance of time long past
Chapter-023- Five months Later and Invasion
Chapter-024-Sin Vs Savoir (Finale pt. 1)
Book 2 Vote
The Vote Results

Chapter-025- Nina Vs The King (Finale pt.2)

433 13 24
By Psyche_Sol_YT

My memory is fuzzy as I tried hard to remember what happened as darkness surrounds me. I quickly realized my eyes were close as I slowly opened them to reveal a bright light straining my eyes for a couple seconds with blurry vision. After clearing up I noticed I was in a padded room with an iron door secured with many locks from the other side. Another Thing I also noticed was the fact I am older and worn white pants and what appears to be a straight jacket.

I tried to remember something but my mind became hazy and nothing inside much for before the portal. Even my normal and distant memories are slightly hazy as well. The sound of many clicks and clanks filled the silence from the openings of the locks as a doctor came in with a clipboard. My mind started to slip slightly as the doctor approached.

"Ms. Nina West; It's me Doctor Young. How are you doing today?" west?!! That was my old last name from before everything started back within my original world where life..wasn't good. "Why I'm I here?" I asked her to get any sort of clues as for what happened with the fight. She jolted some things down onto her clipboard as she hummed slightly.

"Ms. West, you were taken into this hospital to get better. You've been here for the last 8 years. I know you've been through a lot but the psychological stress forced you to forget to deal with these things; but sadly I have to remind you of the painful memories to help in your healing." She said to my surprise. My mind started to feel strange like something is influencing it because I can't tell what.

"Let's start. You are Nina West, a 22 years old female from the Coal family. You have a father named Johnny West who works as a Politician and a deceased mother named Elmore West who used to be a doctor but died in a hospital shooting. Your Sibling is your older brother Eric West who is currently out on bail working with your father. Sadly your father and brother got away with the terrible things they did to you. Breaking you so much." She explained.

What? I am not 22 years old?!! Or am I? She looked at me with apathy and a sad expression as she continued. "You was abused by your father and brother since you was 7 years old constantly beaten and raped for there enjoyment. Sadly With your unstable memories and mental condition the sentence was light." She seemed upset with me and looked at me with longing eyes. Does she personally know me?

But that thought was interrupted with a flood of memories forced into my head of my past but it went longer than I remember. I remember the first time was a week after my mother's death. Father was angry at me but I never know why. At first he was always mildly upset with me scolding me for things I never did but it got worse as he started to drink when he was not working. With a push here a Shove there went yelling and hitting One night he was very stressed he forced himself on me in my room. As I cried he would call me by my mother's name. I couldn't stand for hours as the bleeding led down my legs. Without energy I laid there crying only for my brother to come in. I begged him for help telling him what dad did but I was quickly slapped by him as he started to unbuckle his pants and proceed to do the same. I remember Crying for so long and so many times that I just stopped one day. I got tired and tired so I could barely talk or move.

I also remember how for so long I wished for them to be like they use to and stopped this painful loop of being beaten down and raped. Memories I never had before also filled my mind of growing up, impregnated before the forced abortion by my father and going to school finally only to be an outcast and bullied I remember Meeting Kane and falling in love with him only for him to move away never to be seen again. I remember my first year of college where my older friend Alice Young attended to be a Psychologist and how I finally confessed but I was already broken.

Tears started to flow uncontrollable without noticing down my face as These memories came forth. But a flash of a smiling mask in my mind I remember the memories Of being tortured and killed by from the eyes most likely my brother. I remember the healing from this; the new kinder family I made as My mind straightens itself out as my surroundings dissipate into darkness as the large and terrifying Scarlet King in front of me with what I think is a smile.

ʏօʊ ɦǟʋɛ ɛֆƈǟքɛ. ɨʍքʀɛֆֆɨʋɛ ɨ ȶɦօʊɢɦ ʏօʊ ȶǟӄɛ ǟȶ ʟɛǟֆȶ ǟ ƈօʊքʟɛ ʏɛǟʀֆ." ֆǟɨɖ ȶɦɛ ֆƈǟʀʟɛȶ ӄɨռɢ

"You can't do such things. I'm as strong as you "father". And you can't manipulate or control me." I said as I observed my surroundings. Back to how I was on a large pile of debris forming a floating island of sorts with black, whites and red swirls, ripples and waves in the air within this void as half of "father's" body appears through a hole within this void where light reflects and scatters like he broke through glass. He was massive 45000 ft tall with his crown like horns and seven eyes on his red skin as he looked down on me.

"ʝʊֆȶ ʝօɨռ ʍɛ ǟռɖ քʀօɖʊƈɛ ʍʏ օʄʄֆքʀɨռɢ. ɨ ƈǟռ ɢɨʋɛ ʏօʊ ȶɦɨֆ ֆօʀʀʏ ɛӼƈʊֆɛ ʄօʀ ǟ աօʀʟɖ ȶօ ʏօʊ." ȶɦɛ ֆƈǟʀʟɛȶ ӄɨռɢ քʀօʍɨֆɛ ȶօ ʍɛ.

"No I won't work with you, you perverted creep. You and my past dad are the same. Power hungry, abusive, rapist." I declared as he seemed displeased with my choice but still grinned.

"ɨʄ ʏօʊ ȶɦɨռӄ ɨ ֆօ ʍʊƈɦ ʟɨӄɛ ɦɨʍ, ȶɦɛʍ ʝʊֆȶ ɦɨʍ ɨ աɨʟʟ ɮɛǟȶ ʏօʊ ɖօառ ǟռɖ ɦǟʋɛ ʏօʊ ɮʏ ʄօʀƈɛ. ɮʊȶ ʏօʊʀ ƈɦɨʟɖʀɛռ աɨʟʟ ɮɛ ʍʏ ʄɨռǟʟ ֆʟǟʋɛֆ ʄօʀ ʍʏ ǟʀʍʏ ȶօ ʀʊʟɛ ǟʟʟ." ɦɛ քʀօƈʟǟɨʍ քʀօʊɖʟʏ.

I launched myself at him as Our final battle began. I moved towards him at light speed as he did the same. My small claws clashed against his creating sparks on contact. Endless blows were exchanged before I shot lances, arrows, spears and spikes of light made from positive energy that would weaken him at all sides raining down like bullets. He grinned slightly as he mirrored the move with a dark variant. The two collides endlessly canceling each other out. I fire flames, ice, water, lighting and many other elements towards him but he just does the same canceling it out while we brawl. He shrink in size to be only 10 ft tall.

He launched at me much faster due to his smaller size as he tried to drop kick me on the head. I folded my wings as close as possible and casted many enhancements and used them as blades that launched at him as he narrowly dodged as we continued fighting. This continued endlessly to the point I don't remember how long ago the fight was due to the lack of time here. His eyes torn open to show teethes as a haunting and insane inducing sound left the small mouths. Then something unexpected happened.

....Detecting Scarlet King's Command
.... Due to infinite luck mind control and madness effect is cancel
.... Due to this User system evolve
....Due to system evolution user can use God Eater

HP: ထ
ATK: ထ
DEX: ထ
AGL: ထ
SPD: ထ
INT: ထ
Emotion: Mixed
Trait: Want to beat the Scarlet King down right now
Feeling: Hatred for the scarlet king and love for those who she protects
Omni: Users can do anything they want.

God Eater: Users can devore gods and add their knowledge of power to their own and increase Omni effectiveness and capabilities.

Natural: Users can obtain or create any ability within another world, universe, multiverse or dimension with full control and without drawback if any.

"աɦǟȶ?!! ֆʏֆȶɛʍ 4-1-9-ǟ աɦʏ ǟʀɛ ʏօʊ ɖɛʄʏɨռɢ ʍɛ?!!" ȶɦɛ ֆƈǟʀʟɛȶ ӄɨռɢ ֆǟɨɖ ɨռ ǟռɢɛʀ.

I activate my new abilities I gained to overpower "father" and deliver a killing blow. Afterwards his body splinters and breaks as many entities emerge scattering into portals. What?? I was There alone as the system was brought up.

...User defeated the Scarlet king variant 1194.
... due to his defeat the surrounding multiverses of various possibilities will be under a new eldritch god.
....Quest....User please save every multiverses by hunting down the 104 eldritch gods that escape before multiverse destruction occurs.

.....Quest ....Accepted

...Commencing portal opening ...

....First universe.....




Standard Isekai world




One Punch Man

Another Book?


These are the location votes for book 2.

Don't worry those who want more mainly SCP theme story. The spin off which follows a different MC called Divergent Branches is out. <slow update>

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