My Energy Academia

By MrSkywalker69

5.7K 143 53

I do not own My Hero Academia or Ben 10 More

Season 1 Main Characters & Important Notes
Read This for Context Ya Nerd
The School of Dreams U.A!
The U.A. Dropout
S.A.G (Static And Gravity) Part 2
Calm Before the Storm
USJ Infestation! Y/n's Grand Finale!

Battle Training: Lighting vs Creativity

459 14 10
By MrSkywalker69

A/n: This title could've been worse lol thank you Goose for the idea of it. Anyways this is a fan based fanfiction I don't own the photos and videos shown in this book please enjoy the chapter.

We open up to Y/n and Kyouka sitting on the couch as Y/n played on the PS4 while Kyo painted her nails.

Y/n: Swear to God this game is unintentionally funny. 

Kyouka: What's so fun about causing car crashes?

Y/n: It's fun cause I can, and cause it's in 2077.

They heard the doorbell ring causing the two siblings to react.

Y/n: Not it.

Kyouka: Not i- Dammit fine.

She then got up and went to the door opening only to see a letter making her grab it and bring it inside.

Kyouka: Y/n you got a letter. Huh red writing must be important.

Y/n: Red writing on red envelope? *He said still playing*

Kyouka: *Opens it* Yup.

Y/n groans before grabbing the letter with his tendril before reading and then throwing the letter away before going back to his game.

Kyouka: What was on it? *She said sitting back down*

Y/n: Stupid bill I have to pay, like seriously douche move from Nezu if I'm being honest.

Kyouka: Gotta keep the lights on somehow I guess, did you call Uraraka's dad yet?

Y/n: Yeah did this morning but it's 1,302 Yen an hour, it's gonna take forever until it's paid!

Kyouka: Better work hard once you start.

Y/n: That's until I start Kyo, but till then I'm gonna enjoy my game!

Kyouka: Whatever you say, play your cyberpunk.

Y/n: Hey that's Cyberpunk 2077 to you!


Y/n is seen sitting at desk as he leaned back on his chair while trying to balance a pencil on his non existent nose as Kyouka watched him try to keep the utensil balanced.

A/n: If y'all wondering where Y/n is sitting he's basically in Denki's seat, but don't worry the fella is behind Y/n and the sugar man dude just doesn't exist so there's that.

Y/n: Where's Aizawa isn't he gonna teach today?

Kyouka: Maybe it's someone else. *She said scrolling through her phone*

Mina: I heard it was All Might!

'Mina, I first interacted with her back in the Quirk exam and these past few days here in U.A. She's pretty bubbly and fun, definite friend in my book.'

Y/n: There's no way he's gonna teach us, Aizawa is gonna worm his way through the door and boss us aro-


All Might: LIKE A HERO!!

Class 1A: ALL MIGHT?!


Y/n: You got lucky!

Kyouka: No she pretty much proved you wrong.

Y/n: Not the time Kyo!

All Might: Welcome to the most important class at U.A High. Think of this class as "Hero-ing 101". Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it! Today's lesson will pull no punches!

Bakugo: Battle training?

Izuku: R-Real combat?

All Might responded by pressing a button on remote he had revealing suit cases in the wall that had numbers on it.

Y/n: Now this is some hero type shit. *He said grabbing his suitcase*

All Might: Language young Jiro!

Y/n: No promises!

Smol Timeskip

We then cut to the boys locker room where all the other guys are seen changing into their costumes while Y/n is seen taking off his pants only to hear someone yell.

???: Whoa dude pants!

Y/n: Hm oh don't worry Kiri don't have any well you know junk.

'That right there is Kirishima the manliest man that ever manned on Earth. His Quirk is simple but pretty cool in my opinion, wish I could turn parts me into a rock.'

Kirishima: You don't?

Y/n: Yeah check it.

He then took off his pants revealing he really didn't have well anything hanging down below.

Kirishima: Huh that's uh unique.

Y/n: I should have some after I use this.

Y/n reached into his suit case grabbing a badge of sort showing it to Kirishima making him raise an eyebrow at it.

Kirishima: What's the symbol mean?

Y/n: Don't know but saw somethin like this in my bio dad's box, and I asked if they could make a transforming device so I can look more human per say.

Kirishima: Why would you want that?

Y/n: For the experience.

Kirishima: Well I'll leave you to it. *He said scratching the back of his head*

Y/n: If I explode or become a rat tell All Might.

Kirishima: You'll turn into a rat?!

Y/n: Bout to find out.

Y/n groaned before grabbing a piece of paper that was in the suit case before reading it to himself.

Y/n: Okay let's see place the Omnitix on my chest? That's a stupid name.

He then placed it on his chest before yelping a bit as little mini spikes stuck themselves into his body.

Y/n: Omph! Oh god that tastes like metal and coconut, okay place the Electromagnetic Storage Device on the following places: shoulder, forearms and the hips. Simple enough.

After placing the devices on his body Y/n looked at himself smirking at the new look before grabbing the paper and reading the final bit to the instructions.

Y/n: Turn dial on the Omnitrix and after booting up press down. Best of luck - Mei.

Y/n shrugged and turned the dial on the device causing the main part to pop up making the teenager raise an eyebrow and cautiously use his finger to press down on it only for a bright light to take over his body.

All Might: They say that clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen, and behold you are the proof!! Take this to heart you all are . . . . heroes in training! 

All Might: This is getting me all revved up! You all look so cool! Now. Shall we all get started, ya you bunch a newbies?

Ochaco: Hey Iida did you see Y/n and Deku?

Iida: I don't know about Midoriya but Y/n was trying on his hero gear.

As they said that footsteps were heard as Y/n's voice came from the tunnel.

Y/n: Hey half pint, whoa your costume is uh interesting.

Izuku: W-What's wrong with it?

Y/n: Naw nothings wrong just didn't take you for a rabbit kinda person.

Izuku: Rabbit? 

Y/n: Yeah ain't that what it's supposed to be?

Izuku: Um I s-sure.

The two then exited the tunnel making Uraraka and Iida turn to see Izuku in his uh

Super suit? But that doesn't matter as they then looked at Y/n who was more than different from the last time they saw him.

Iida: How did you?

Ochaco: Y/n?

Y/n: What? I'm not nervous to a little feedback on my new looks. *He said smirking while letting sparks fly out of his sockets*

Kyouka: You really went through with it?

Y/n: Yup! Not half bad plus my muscles show more. *He said flexing his bicep*

Ochaco: You could say that again. *She muttering while staring at Y/n*

Y/n: Hm you say somethin Ura?

Ochaco: N-Nothing! *She said going red faced*

Ochaco: (Stop acting so weird Ochaco it's just Y/n, right?)

All Might: Looking snazzy young Jiro and nice inspiration Midoriya!

Y/n: Appreciate it!

Izuku: (He actually liked my costume, awesome!!)

All Might: No problem, now let's go over the exercise!!

Another Goddamned Timeskip

All Might went over the exercise which basically goes like this: two teams will be battling against each other one is the villains they'll be guarding a fake nuke while the hero team goes in to take out the villains. 

Now win conditions are either 1. The hero team restrains all the villains with capture tape, 2. The hero's touch the bomb meaning they've secured it or 3. The villains are able to hold back the hero's until the timer goes off or if they defeat the hero team via knock out.

With that all explained let's see how the first battle went.


The air pressure from Izuku's punch caused a hole to be blown through the floors until it created an opening for Ochaco to Kirby her way over towards the nuke grabbing and holding onto the nuke.

All Might: The hero team wins!

Y/n: Hey All Might are those two gonna be alright?

Denki: Yeah especially Midoriya he's pretty messed up.

Kyouka: More like mangled.

All Might: No need to worry! We have rescue bots that already take them to the nurses office.

Just as he said that Izuku was being taken off on a stretcher out of the building.

Y/n: Cool.

All Might: Cool indeed young Jiro!

With that said Bakugo, Uraraka, and Iida walked back into monitoring room where Y/n waved at them.

Y/n: Never seen someone pull a clutch that fast Ura. *He said smiling*

Ochaco: I didn't really do much, Deku really gave me the chance to grab it.

Y/n: Still was a pretty good move, also good defense Iida.

Iida: I appreciate the complement Y/n but performance needs work.

Y/n: Naw it was interesting. *He said sweat dropping* Besides I think it has more to do with your partner if ya know what I mean.

Bakugo: YOU GOT SOMETHIN TO SAY SOCKET FACE?! *He said getting up in Y/n's face making explosions*

Y/n: Yeah, stop being a dick head for once.

Bakugo: Why don't you make me? *He said gritting his teeth*

The two exchanged glares as Y/n clenched his fists and stepped forward while making electricity coat his balled up fists before the two heard All Might's booming voice.

All Might: That is enough you two, especially you young Bakugo you are on thin ice with me.

Bakugo simply spat on the floor in front of Y/n who let out an annoyed huff before Bakugo walked away from him.

All Might: Now with that over who was the MVP of this first match?

Everyone present started to murmur that Izuku was the MVP until one hand rose among the rest of them showing it to be

'Momo Yaouy- Yaoiya- Yao- whatever that last name is. In all honesty all I can see is her ugh "personality" and her serious RB face if you know what I mean. But what do I know I'm just a n-'

Kyouka: Are you chill now? *She said in a low voice*

Y/n: Yeah, it's just that Bakugo pisses me off. *He said scowling a bit*

Kyouka: Yeah I could tell it looked like you were ready to knock him out.

Y/n: Tch would've.

Kyouka: Try not to, if not for mom or dad then at least me.

Y/n's scowl softened and just sighed before looking at her.

Y/n: Always for you Kyo. *He said smiling*

All Might: Young Jiro!

The two looked at All Might as they both pointed at themselves causing the number 1 hero to sweat drop and point at Y/n.

All Might: Young Y/n you and Ashido will be going up against Minoru and Yaourozu.

Y/n: (So that's how you pronounce it? Weird.) Alright.

He then walked up to Mina before holding out his fist.

Y/n: Lets go win this.

Mina: Yeah!

The two fist bumped before running towards the building.

Mina: So do you have a plan? Cause I was spacing out.

Y/n thinks before the two stops as Y/n could only snap his fingers and point at Mina.

Y/n: That's a good question, I'll get back to you on that.

Mina: Oh man we're gonna lose!

Y/n: Relax, we're not gonna be like Bakugo and go in blind besides we have the element of surprise and pretty good Quirks, speaking of which what can you do?

Mina: I can make acid.

She then shot some at a wall making it melt as Y/n hummed and thought for a second before coming up with an idea.

Y/n: Okay here's the plan, we both go in you behind me and when we get to the nuke room I'll jump out and flash them with lighting blinding them, then your gonna cover the ground with acid dropping them to the first floor and we'll double tap them.

Mina: Double tap?

Y/n: Yup can you make your acid less melty and just make it sting?

Mina: Yeah.

Y/n: You'll cover them in that before I shock them knocking them out for good and recovering the nuke! Sounds like a plan?

Mina: Definitely!

The two then shook hands with large grins on their faces before Mina gave him a bit of a more seductive look.

Mina: Nice grip there Y/n~

Y/n could only feel hot in the face and sputter some words out before they both heard All Might over the speaker.

All Might: Hero team the Villains are done plotting time to go in!

Y/n: Y-You heard em come on let's go inside!

Mina: Saved by the bell, this time~

Y/n just stumbled his way towards the entrance before Y/n stopped and then went over climbed through the window.

Mina: What're you doing?

Y/n: Seen enough spy movies to know they probably booby trapped the door.

Mina: You really think that stuff is real?

Y/n: Do you wanna risk it?

Mina: . . . Wait for me!

The two made their way into the building as they saw a trip wire tied to a flash bang grenade making Y/n look at Mina with a shit eating grin.

Mina: Shut up.

Y/n just smirked and walked forward only to set off another trip wire causing a purple ball to smack into his face sticking to Y/n's cheek.


Mina: Ugh is it stick?

Y/n: It tastes like sweat and sadness.

Mina: Hold on let me just.

She then dropped some acid on it melting the sticky ball off his face and letting Y/n sigh in relief.

Y/n: Thanks.

Mina: No problem but how are we gonna get through if there's more trip wires?

Y/n: I got an idea!

Mina just looked at him weirdly before we cut to Y/n crawling on the ceiling upside down with Mina holding onto him for dear life.

Mina: How do you know how to do this?!

Y/n: Did a dare back in middle school and climbed up a 20 story building but fell and sprained my arm.

Mina: I think I'm gonna hurl. *She said covering her mouth*

Y/n: Would not her the first time. *He mumbled annoyed*

He then made it to the stair way climbing up the wall before dropping down in front of the closed door.

Y/n: Alright ready? *He said whispering*

Mina: Yup.

Y/n: Are you gonna let go?

Mina: Aw was just getting comfortable. *She said letting go*

Y/n just rolled his one eye before raising his arms up charging electricity through his sockets before busting down the door.


He was met with the barrel of a cannon that was then fired off hitting Y/n in the stomach and sending him flying into the wall behind him and Mina who saw the boy slide down it before dodging out of the way of multiple sticky balls.

Mineta: EAT THIS!

Y/n: Ughhh gay. *He said groaning*

Mina: Y/n are you okay?!

She then heard a footstep causing Mina to turn and see Momo with a metal Bo staff and Mineta holding two purple balls.

Momo: I suggest you give up.

Mina: Uh how about nope!

She then quickly sends a wave of acid at the ground making it melt while Momo tried to jump back but Mineta quickly latched himself onto her leg.

Momo: Let go of me!!



They villain team looked through the melted floor and saw Y/n charging a ball of energy in his right hand.

Y/n: Gonna take a lot more than just a cheap pirate trick to take me out!

He then shot the blast of lighting at the two but Mineta who was flailing around was hit with the blast frying him and knocking the midget out. Momo then retaliated swing her staff at Y/n who dodged out of the way.

The alien like trainee then started to dodge as Momo continuously tried hit Y/n before he caught the staff and gripped it so hard he started  to bend it causing him to smirk.

Y/n: Looks like I broke your toy, you should give u- UMPH

He was then hit in the face with a staff forming out of Momo's exposed chest making him reel back before being tripped and falling onto the ground. Momo was then about to hit Y/n with the staff before she stopped as the two heard a flash bang go off as Mina then let out a scream.

Mina: MY EYES!!

Y/n: Mina?!

Momo: She set off the flash bangs I placed.

Y/n: Must be good at planning too bad I'm better.

She gave him a confused look before she was then shocked from behind knocking Momo out and letting Y/n stand up and dust himself off.

Y/n: Everybody forgets I have tendrils, pretty useful.


Y/n: Hell yeah, Mina did you hear we won!

Mina: WHAT?!

Y/n: Oh yeah flash bang took out her hearing.


A/n: Hope y'all enjoyed the extra juicy chapter wrote it in an airport lol anyways if you have any questions ask and I'll see you fellas later peace.

2887 Words

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