Hello there, just to clarify things up:
This reading is INTENDED FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES. I do not support ideas of National Socialism or any form of racial or religious oppression in any way! Take into consideration that none of this has ever happened in our timeline and we should thank those who fought and fell in the Second World War to stop Hitler's Germany.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
For the TNO Viewers, here is the pre events to the story:
-Shukshin reunified Russia and won the presidency
-Speer won the German Civil War and turned towards the GO4
-China reunified under the KMT remnants
-Italy's plot changed, instead of transitioning to a democracy like in the game they are slowly transitioning
-America intervened in many proxy wars, leading to an increase in violence of American forces which is heavily protested
-Second West Russian War - Russian Victory
-Russia supporting the Polish Home Army
-Japan isolated but radicalist groups want to takeover the government and unleash "Hell"
-Ordenstaat Burgund threatened by France, may lead to full nuclear war