Transformers Prime: A New Beg...

By TheCrimsonKeyblade

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17-year-old Michael Crovan, a young teenager with a peculiar set of values and beliefs that he grew up with... More

Chapter 1: Runaway
Chapter 2: Darkness Rising: Part 1: New Life, Save a Life
Chapter 3: Darkness Rising: Part 2: Acceptance, Coexistence, and Adjustments
Chapter 4: Darkness Rising: Part 3: Behind Enemy Lines
Chapter 5: Darkness Rising: Part 4: Infiltration and Rescue
Chapter 6: Darkness Rising: Part 5: The Main Event
Chapter 7: New Looks, New Abilities, Old Connections
Chapter 8: Masters & Students
Chapter 9: Scrapheap
Chapter 10: Con Job
Chapter 11: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 12: Convoy
Chapter 13: Speed Metal
Chapter 14: A Team's Bully
Chapter 15: Predatory
Chapter 16: Sick Mind
Chapter 17: Out of his Head
Chapter 18: Guilt, Fears, and a Drive Out
Chapter 19: Shadowzone
Chapter 20: Operation: Breakdown
Chapter 21: Crisscross
Chapter 22: Metal Attraction
Chapter 23: Rock Bottom
Chapter 24: Partners
Chapter 25: Screaming to the Stars
Chapter 26: Shattered
Chapter 27: T.M.I
Chapter 28: Stronger, Faster
Chapter 29: Synthetic Guilt
Chapter 30: One Shall Fall
Chapter 31: One Shall Rise: Part 1: A Rising Darkness
Chapter 32: One Shall Rise: Part 2: Unlikely Alliances
Chapter 33: One Shall Rise: Part 3: Saviors of Earth
Chapter 34: Orion Pax: Part 1: Living in Denial
Chapter 35: Orion Pax: Part 2: Unfamiliar Familiarity
Chapter 36: Orion Pax: Part 3: Forgotten, but Never Lost
Chapter 37: A Night Alone Together
Chapter 38: Operation: Bumblebee: Part 1: Gains and Losses
Chapter 39: Operation: Bumblebee: Part 2: To Feel Whole Again
Chapter 40: Loose Cannons
Chapter 41: Crossfire
Chapter 42: Breakdowns & Buildups
Chapter 43: Nemesis Prime
Chapter 44: Grill
Chapter 45: Armada
Chapter 46: Flying Mind
Chapter 47: Tunnel Vision
Chapter 48: Triangulation
Chapter 49: Triage
Chapter 50: Toxicity
Chapter 51: Into the Future
Chapter 52: New Recruit
Chapter 53: The Human Factor
Chapter 54: Legacy
Chapter 55: Alpha/Omega
Chapter 56: Spark's Vow: Part 1: Locks and Keys
Chapter 57: Spark's Vow: Part 2: The Bonds that Tie
Chapter 59: Hard Knocks
Chapter 60: Not So Different
Chapter 61: Inside Job
Chapter 62: Regeneration
Chapter 63: Darkest Hour
Chapter 64: Darkmount, NV
Chapter 65: Scattered
Chapter 66: Prey
Chapter 67: Rebellion
Chapter 68: Making Things Right
Chapter 69: Project Predacon
Chapter 70: Chain of Command
Chapter 71: Plus One
Chapter 72: Thirst
Chapter 73: Resurrection
Chapter 74: The Prime and the Archivist
Chapter 75: The Mother, the Son, and the Son-in-Law
Chapter 76: A Twin's Bond
Chapter 77: A Seeker's Reunion
Chapter 78: Partners Redux
Chapter 79: Evolution
Chapter 80: Minus One
Chapter 81: Persuasion
Chapter 82: Synthesis
Chapter 83: Deadlock
Chapter 84: Transitions
Chapter 85: Predacon's Rising
Chapter 86: A Special Gift
Chapter 87: Not The End

Chapter 58: Spark's Vow: Part 3: A Destiny's Awakening

845 21 8
By TheCrimsonKeyblade

Warning: This chapter will contain sexual/mature content. Reader discretion is advised.

Normal Perspective:

A day had passed since Michael had been rescued from the Decepticons, and things had returned to normal.

Well, almost normal.

The young teen had quickly been able to reacclimate to being at the base again, and had told the others all about what had happened in the desert, how he had survived, how his Keyblade had been destroyed, how Megatron found out about other universes, and their powerful relics, and how he now wished to obtain the Keyblade's power for himself, along with having a new agenda.

The Autobots were all shocked by these revelations, and while they were concerned about the tide of the war now, they all had to agree that it was a good thing Megatron didn't obtain any information about any future events or about what the Omega Keys were, or where the location of their base was.

Michael, in a test to see if it was really gone, had tried summoning his Keyblade, but it wouldn't appear no matter how hard he tried to summon it. He also tried materializing a new one, but that didn't work either, as if his ability wasn't allowing it.

Despite the fact of having other weapons and abilities in his arsenal, the Keyblade was one of the most powerful ones he had, given the mystical powers the weapon carried.

Without it, he felt powerless, but he wasn't going to let it stop him from fighting the Decepticons.

Smokescreen had also apologized to Michael and Bumblebee for not trying to look for him a few days previously, and they accepted it, with Bumblebee also apologizing for punching and yelling at the rookie, to which the white mech also accepted it.

The rookie had, unfortunately Michael and Bumblebee, heard what had gone on in their room the previous night, and proceeded to ask the rest of the team about it since he didn't understand what had gone on, which made them all, including Optimus and Ratchet, become extremely awkward the instant the question left his intake, and they didn't give him a straight answer. The humans also became awkward, for while they were of a different species, they understood what went on between the two mechs, and had flushed bright red.

They were all for learning about Cybertron and how different the planet and its race was from Earth, but that was not one of the things they wanted to learn about.

They were also glad that Raf was not there to hear that.

That night, Michael entered his and Bumblebee's room, finding the scout laying on their berth reading a datapad. He looked up as the Techno-Organic entered the room, and smiled.

"<:Hey Michael.:>" He beeped.

"Hey 'Bee." The young mech said back, and went to lay down on their berth as the scout put the datapad away, and the two cuddled on their berth, pulling each other in close.

Bumblebee couldn't help but smile, and rubbed Michael's faceplate with his thumb as he retracted his mask, revealing a sad smile behind it. He stared into his dual-colored optics, and felt himself become aroused.

He couldn't help but let his optics roam his sparkmate's frame, taking in and admiring his appearance.

His muscular-looking, slim, sleek frame, his grayish-green and deep red paint, the interesting patterns that adorned it, his beautiful red and blue optics, his deep, soothing voice...

He felt coolant well up behind his optics at the thought of how he had almost lost him, and felt himself become heated as he pulled himself closer to the Techno-Organic, wanting more contact.

He couldn't understand why these urges and feelings of wanting physical contact wouldn't go down now that Michael was safe.

Even though they had interfaced the previous night and that Michael was here now, safe from harm, the heat still remained, burning within his tanks.

Had Michael's supposed death really had that much of an effect on him?

"<:M-Mike...:>" He beeped quietly.

Before he could say anything else, however, Michael sealed his dermas over the scout's. His optics widened in surprise, but he melted into it and kissed back, feeling his spike become pressurized behind his panel. Michael put his servo behind the scout's helm and pushed him in closer, deepening the kiss, feeling his own spike become pressurized as he pulled himself closer to the scout's frame, feeling his burning plating.

He then pulled back, grinning at the scout's flustered look.

God he was so cute.

The scout could only frown in embarrassment, and glanced away, for he didn't want to force Michael into it just because he was so charged up.

Unbeknownst to the scout, however, the Techno-Organic was also feeling charged up, and he too wanted it.

"<:I-I'm s-sorry... I-I just...:>"

"Shhh...." Michael whispered gently, rubbing the scout's faceplate with his thumb. "No, 'Bee. Don't be sorry."

Silence fell between them before the scout spoke up again.

"<:Do you... want to stop...?:>" Bumblebee asked, worried.

Michael thought for a moment, then he smirked and leaned forward, pecking the scout on the dermas, then pulled back, smiling.

"No, I don't."

Bumblebee could only sigh, relieved, and smiled.

He then leaned in and kissed Michael on his dermas again. Michael then opened his intake, allowing the scout's glossa in, as he did the same, their glossas fighting for dominance, and they felt their systems become even more heated as their cooling fans turned on as they pulled each other closer. They then pulled back, smiling.

"<:Michael...:>" Bumblebee beeped, slightly whimpering, making the green mech smile. He then moved down to the scout's chest-plating, running his glossa along them, making the scout beep in pleasure. The mech continued this as he hugged the scout's body and pulled him even closer, wanting more of his warmth. He then moved down to his abdominal plating, kissing and licking each plate and the indents between them, making the scout beep more, causing Michael to smile, happy he was making the scout feel good and taking his pain away.

Despite his authoritative nature when it came to certain things, this was one time when he wasn't authoritative in the slightest, for he only wanted one thing, and that was for his scout to be happy.

He wasn't rough or dominant at all when it came to this, which was what Bumblebee loved most when it came to doing this.

The fact that Michael was so gentle, so sweet, so caring and loving, made it all the more special to him, and made him love it even more.

Bumblebee's panel clicked open, and his now-fully pressurized spike came out. Michael chuckled at how eager the scout was, and gently pumped the length, making the scout whimper slightly, feeling even more heated.

He soon moved down to his spike, and gently licked along its length, making Bumblebee whirr loudly. Michael just grinned, and took the spike into his intake and bobbed his helm along it several times, making the scout beep even more.

"<:F-Frag Michael...:>"

He did this for a while until he stopped and moved back up. Bumblebee then moved down to the mech's chest-plates, running his glossa along them, making Michael moan. The scout then moved down to Michael's abdominal plates, licking and kissing each plate, and running his glossa along the indents between them, making the warrior moan even more.

His panel then clicked open, and his pressurized spike came out. Bumblebee smirked, and went down to it and began to lick along the length of it, making Michael moan loudly. He then took it into his intake, and bobbed his helm along the length of it, making Michael gasp out at how good it felt.

The two mechs then opened their back panels, exposing their aftports. Bumblebee then got up, and moved the berths to the middle of the room again, then laid down, facing the opposite way. Michael then took the scout's spike into his intake again. He thought Bumblebee was going to do the same, but instead, the scout began massaging Michael's aft, making him moan.

"Oh God 'Bee..." He moaned, the sound muffled by the spike in his intake.

The vibrations on the scout's spike made the mech gasp out and whirr loudly. He then began licking the warrior's port, making his partner gasp out, deepthroating the spike in his intake, making the scout warble loudly.

They continued this for a while until Bumblebee stopped and moved.

Michael then got up from the berth, and after moving around, he pulled Bumblebee up, then he lifted him up, with the scout wrapping his arms around his neck cables and his legs around his waist. The yellow and black mech felt extremely heated, and tried to force himself down onto Michael's spike, but the green mech didn't let him, wanting to have him take it slow.

The scout desperately wanted it.

"<:M-Mike...:>" He beeped quietly.

"I know, 'Bee..." Michael whispered gently.

He pulled the scout in and gently kissed him on the dermas as he lined his spike up with the scout's port. Slowly, Michael lowered him onto it, stopping at intervals to let the scout get used to it. Bumblebee's optics widened and contracted several times as he felt the spike fill and stretch his aftport, as he couldn't shut them tightly.

He wanted to moan. To scream. He desperately wanted to, but he couldn't, and felt coolant well up in his optics.

Michael saw this, and wiped the coolant away, smiling softly, and pulled him into a gentle, loving kiss.

Bumblebee couldn't help but smile at him, for he knew that the young mech understood him completely when it came to doing this, even without his voice.

Slaggit, he loved him.

Michael wrapped his arms around the scout's waist, smiling at him. He then made slow, gentle thrusts, making the scout beep softly. He sped up slightly with each thrust, making the scout a beeping and warbling mess. Their chassis rubbed against each other, exchanging paint and slightly scratching each other, but that only charged them up even more.

"<:M-Mike... Primus, Michael.... H-Harder...!:>" The scout begged, and Michael obliged, pulling him into a kiss.

"S-So good..." Michael moaned. "So fucking good, 'Bee..."

Eventually, they both felt themselves get close to overloading.

"<:M-Mike... I-I'm close...:>"

"S-So am I... Oh God 'Bee... so fucking good..."

Bumblebee then moved his hips to a different angle, causing Michael's spike to hit his ceiling node, which made the scout cry out in a long, loud, mixed-pitched beep.

"<:I-I'm gonna... O-Oh Primus!:>" The scout whirred, as he finally overloaded, with Michael pulling the scout into a long kiss right as he did so. White, warm, sticky transfluid covered the two mech's chassis, which pushed Michael over the edge. He pulled the scout off of him and they laid down on the berth, with Michael pumping his spike, growling and venting heavily loudly as he did so. Bumblebee moved down to it, and right as Michael overloaded, the scout gulped the spike down, completely surprising Michael, who gasped as the warm intake sucked down the transfluid.

"Oh fuck 'Bee..." He moaned.

He knew that consuming the human equivalent to transfluid was safe, thanks to doing research back in his homeworld over the years as he grew up, but for a Cybertronian to consume transfluid, he wasn't entirely sure.

He supposed he could go ask Ratchet about it later, and most likely get a funny reaction out of him in the process.

The two panted heavily as they recovered from their heated session, and put their spikes back as they closed their panels. They then cuddled together, not caring about the transfluid covering their paintwork, for they could sneak to the washracks before anyone saw them the next morning.

"I love you, my sweet bee..." Michael said softly, pulling the scout into a kiss, who blushed bright blue.

They both then fell into recharge smiling.

But Michael had a strange dream that night...

(Michael's Dreamscape)

Michael found himself in a white void with nothing in it in his human form.

"Wha- Where am I?" He asked himself. "'Bee?"

He received a response, but not from Bumblebee.

"We meet at last, kind young one."

"Who's there?" Michael called.

A large, bluish-white light then flashed, and despite the void being white, Michael had to shield his eyes.

He then looked as the light died down, finding a very large being in front of him. It was several times larger than any Transformer he had seen, and was even larger than the giant manifestation of Unicron when they had fought him a few months ago.

This was a true titan.

"I... am Primus."

Michael stared, dumbfounded.

"The Incarnation of Creation himself?" Michael asked.

"The very being." Primus answered.

"Well... It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Primus." Michael greeted, smiling.

Primus smiled back.

"I see you are as polite and respectful as you have shown in the real world. And please, you may call me Primus."

Michael could only smile.

"It's... odd... to be fully honest." The young teen admitted. "This feels very different from meeting Unicron for the first time."

"Yes. I watched you battle my brother, as well as change a significant event in the aftermath of such battle."

"So... you know how I rescued Orion?" Michael asked.

"I do." Primus replied, and smiled warmly. "I also know of your plans to bring him, and a select few of those who have joined the AllSpark back to life, as well as giving those a chance at redemption that they have otherwise never received, especially in the same timeline.

"I will say, the case with Orion Pax and Optimus Prime coexisting is a unique case, for such a thing is unprecedented, but given how you had changed the event in which Orion reawakened, he had, in the short time he had been reawakened, been able to form his own connections with you all, and gain his own Spark instead of being merged with Optimus's and the Matrix of Leadership, and thus, sleeps within Optimus, waiting to be awakened once again. Such a thing wouldn't normally be possible under normal circumstances since it has never been done before, but your determination to bring life to those who deserve to live alongside others is truly a rarity, and for that, you have my blessing."

Michael smiled back.

"I... I wish I could save everyone, both Autobots and Decepticons alike, but I know that even I can't do that, as much as I wish I could."

"Such purity and kindness to the level you carry is a rare find, even amongst those who held the title of Prime." Primus admitted. "You have proven time and again that you are worthy of being a Prime."

"Thank you, Primus." Michael smiled, then he paused, and thought for a moment. "Is... that why the Star Saber reacted to my touch? It sees me as another Prime despite not holding the Matrix or being chosen by you to carry the title?"

"You are correct."

Michael smiled. He had a feeling that was the case.

"Alpha Trion and I knew we had made the right choice when bringing you to our world, for the knowledge you, as well as those like you, carry is extremely vast and could spell disaster if used incorrectly, but the way you have used it to help those that others never perceived in helping is truly unique. Your use of the abilities I blessed to you is also unique, for I never expected you to bring together relics from other universes into ours."

Michael blushed slightly, both from the praise and from embarrassment.

"I... thought it would be good to bring back some good memories of my time in my homeworld before everything changed." The teen admitted.

"I am pleased to see you that you wish to keep yourself connected with the world you once inhabited, but while you did it with good intentions, I'm afraid that Megatron has other plans now that he has come to possess the power you wield."

"You mean about how he plans to take over the Omniverse by using the Keyblade to cross between worlds?" Michael asked, concerned.

"I do indeed." Primus replied seriously, for it was a very serious matter. "He must not be allowed to interfere with the world order and take over the Omniverse, for the existence of all worlds shall fall should he succeed, and he must not at any cost."

Michael understood completely, for he knew that in every world that existed, there were more lying within.

"I'll do everything I can to stop him." He said, determined to not let the god down.

"I also must warn you, young one, for I am sure you have been made aware of the dark threat approaching in the near future."

Michael nodded, remembering what Alpha Trion had said to him through the message conveyed to him by the Keyblade.

"Despite the threat Megatron now poses with the Keyblade's power and the knowledge of other worlds in his possession, he is not the dark threat Alpha Trion has alluded to you, for an even darker threat lies beyond in the future, and you and the others must be ready to face this threat head-on when the time comes."

Michael nodded again. While he wasn't sure of what the exact threat was, he was ready to face it when it made its presence known.

"Now, I believe there are some people who wish to speak to you." Primus said, and three lights appeared before Michael to his left.

They then took on three forms, all humans.

One of them was a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties with brown hair and red eyes.

Another was a man in his mid-thirties with black hair, deep blue eyes, and a broad, muscular build, similar to Michael's own, but was more broad than lean.

The third was a preteen like Raf, who also wore glasses like the young boy, except he had blackish-brown hair, and had two blue eyes instead of one red and one blue.

Michael recognized all three of them instantly.

"Mom...? Dad...? Daniel...?" Michael asked, not believing who he was seeing before him.

The three could only smile upon seeing the teen, who ran over and hugged them tightly, finding that they were solid and that he didn't phase through them like he thought he would. Tears welled up in his eyes as his emotions peaked.

"I-I can't believe it... I missed you guys so much..." Michael said, his voice wavering.

"We missed you too, Michael." His dad said, smiling.

"We've been watching over you ever since we passed away, and we're so proud of you." His mother said, grinning. "You've truly turned into a fine young man. We raised you right, and you've certainly proven yourself to be strong, independent, and capable."

Michael could only grin, blushing at the praise.

Daniel didn't say anything, but could only smile at his brother admiringly.

"Thank you..." Michael said. "I really miss you guys. There is so much I want to tell you about."

"Like how you managed to fall in love with a male alien robot from a whole other planet?" Michael's dad asked with a smirk.

Michael's eyes widened, and he went a deep shade of red as Daniel tried not to laugh.

"Well... I... um..." He started, but his mother interrupted.

"You don't need to explain it. All that matters is that you're happy."

Michael smiled, sighing in relief, then he spoke up.

"I guess I should do this the right way, huh?" He chuckled. "Mom, Dad, I'm gay, and I have a boyfriend, and yes, he is a giant alien robot from a different planet, but he's every bit human as we are, and I love him dearly."

He then frowned, slightly afraid.

"Do you... accept it...? Or me for what I've become, for that matter...?" He asked, worried they would reject him.

But Michael's parents only smiled.

"Yes, we do." They said together.

Michael sighed as a weight was lifted from his shoulders, and he hugged them tightly.

"Thank you..." He whispered.

They then fell into silence as Primus spoke up.

"As happy as I am to see a family be reunited, they are not the only ones who wish to speak with you, Michael."

Michael looked at him, confused.

Who else wanted to speak with him?

The family looked to see three more lights appear near them, taking on the forms of humans.

They looked identical to Michael's family, but had a few distinct differences.

The woman had black hair instead of brown like Michael's mother, and also had purple eyes instead of red ones.

The man had brown hair instead of black, and had orange eyes instead of blue.

And the young boy who like identical to Daniel, or Dan, as he preferred, had brownish-black hair like Michael instead of the reversed like Daniel did. He also lacked glasses and had orange eyes like his father instead of blue.

Michael only had one idea of who they were: This was his counterpart's family.

They looked around before spotting the four humans and Primus. They smiled, for they knew of them already, then their eyes landed on Michael specifically, and they smiled sadly, for they knew that the Michael before them wasn't their son, but felt that he was just as much family as their real son was.

"You must be my counterpart's family." Michael said, smiling slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, though I wish it could've been under different circumstances."

The three humans smiled.

"We are." The woman said. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"We've been watching our son since we passed, and we're saddened by what has become of him, but we know that he isn't really the way he's shown himself to be, for he had once been a lot like you, but... after arriving in the word parallel to yours, he was turned into someone he wasn't, and I don't mean how he was turned into what you are as a being." The man said.

Michael nodded, understanding his meaning.

"I understand completely. And don't worry, I've been trying to help him find his place, but with everything he's gone through, I can't blame him for acting the way he is."

"We can't either." Dan said. "But, thank you. And could you tell him that we're proud of him regardless? For we all know that Optimus, the Autobots, and Primus, no offense," He added, looking up at the large being before them, who nodded, understanding. "made him the way he is."

"He has shown to have a strong hatred for the 'Bots, especially Optimus, even though the ones in my world are nothing like the ones he knew." Michael replied.

"He's hurting inside, and we know that you can help him." The woman said.

Michael smiled, confident.

"I'll do my best to help him."

The family smiled, thankful.

Michael then turned to his own family.

"So, if I may ask, how's the afterlife?"

"It's pretty peaceful, and it really isn't all that different from living in the real world." Michael's dad replied.

"We have TV, and when we watch it, there's a channel that lets us see what's going on in the real world. We even have a channel that lets us watch you, and we've been watching you go through your adventures." His mother added.

Michael could only smile, glad to know that he wasn't alone.

"So, about your alien boyfriend." Michael's dad said with a knowing grin, as Michael groaned.

"What's he like?" Dan asked. Michael smiled.

"He's... amazing." He replied. "Caring, sweet, brave, extremely cute and adorable. He's everything I could've ever asked for, and more. He's perfect."

"We're glad to hear it." Michael's mom said, smiling.

"You're not gonna tell him about when you accidentally caught him on TV having sex with him that one time?" Daniel asked, making Michael look right at him with wide eyes as he went a very deep shade of red, then he looked at his mother.


"It was an accident!"

"Could be worse." Michael's dad chuckled.


"I think it's kinda hot." Daniel admitted with a sly smirk.

"DAN!" Michael cried, surprised.

"Yes?" Both Daniel and Dan asked together.

"Ugh! My Dan." Michael groaned as buried his head in his hands to hide his extremely red face, but then he started to laugh, for even he couldn't help but find it funny.

He missed this.

"To be honest, I think turning into a being like you and dating an alien is pretty cool." Daniel admitted, as Michael calmed down from his laughing fit.

"There's still time." He replied. "I can still save you. All six of you." He added, looking over at his counterpart's family.

"Thank you, Michael, but we're happy here." Michael's dad admitted. "Though we're glad we got to see you again."

"We agree." His counterpart added. "And please, tell our son that we miss him, and that we'll always be with him."

Michael smiled.

"I understand, and I will."

Primus then spoke up.

"It is time for you to wake up, Michael, but do not forget that we are all with you in spirit."

Michael smiled, and after hugging his family one final time, he closed his eyes, and felt his consciousness slip away...

Michael awoke, finding himself in his and Bumblebee's room in his Cybertronian form again, still covered in transfluid, which had dried, though he didn't care.

Then he felt something in his servo that hadn't been there when he fell into recharge.

Looking at the weight, he found two small objects in his servo, which he recognized instantly.


Unlike the ones he knew of that existed, these ones were different, for they seemed to reflect him and another. They were both in the shape of stars, as the ones he remembered were, and looked nearly identical to those ones. But unlike those ones, One of the ones he had was red and blue, the same shades of red and blue as his optics, while the other was orange and purple.

The symbols in the middle were also ones that reflected the two the Wayfinders belonged to. The red and blue one adorned the insignia Michael had Ratchet give him in the same shades of red and purple as his actual one, while the orange and purple one had the same, except that instead of the colors being swapped, the entire insignia was red, as if it was trying to give some kind of sign.

One of them belonged to him, while the other belonged to his counterpart.

Michael remembered when he didn't have a way to convince his counterpart to change, but now he did.

Michael felt movement next to him as he put the Wayfinders on the shelf, and looked to see two baby blue optics looking at him.

"<:Mike? You okay?:>" Bumblebee asked, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a dream... or... maybe it wasn't a dream..." He replied, and told him about what he had seen. The scout was surprised, but pleased to know that Michael had finally got to see his family again.

"I miss them so much..." Michael whispered, his voice wavering, as coolant welled up in his optics.

Bumblebee pulled his sparkmate in close as he began to cry, the scout whispering and beeping comfortingly to him as he did. After a while, he was able to calm down, and the two fell into recharge again.

As Michael slipped into unconsciousness once more, he couldn't help but feel relieved and happy.

He had finally found his closure.


A/N: Spark's Vow: Part 3 is now done. Yay! Michael finally found closure to his family's demise, and was able to meet his counterpart's family in the process. Spark's Vow may be done, but the arc itself isn't, for there's one more chapter to write before the arc officially ends. Also, I know I said I wasn't going to write any more heated scenes in this book in the Author's Note back in Chapter 37, but I decided to change my mind, but it will not be a constant thing since it's far from the main focus in this story. I will possibly be adding one at the end of this book, but I'm not sure yet. Anyway, what do you guys think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments!

Next Chapter: As the hunt for the Omega Keys continue, more parties become involved in the search, and Michael regains something he thought he had lost forever. Meanwhile, Smokescreen and Arcee start to get on each other's nerves more and more as the search goes on, and eventually come to blows. At the same time, a secret about one of the Keys comes to light, but not soon enough for the Autobots.

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