Twists And Turns (A streamer...

By AnonAuthor87

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MALE READER ----Twitter Post---- Y/N is one of the biggest up and coming streaming stars and organisations ar... More

One year


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By AnonAuthor87

I have returned. Merry Christmas x


POKI: "What do you want Y/N?"

Y/N: "I want..." You pause for a minute to think. What do you want? Do you even really know?

Y/N: "Imane I don't know what I wa-" Before you could finish your sentence you were interrupted by Imane kissing you. It was this exact moment that you knew what you wanted. The events of the night had sobered you up a bit so your head was clearer.

Y/N: "Imane." You say as you pull away from the kiss.

POKI: "I'm sorry." She says as she looks at you with guilt in her eyes.

Y/N: "It's okay but I don't think this is right. We've been drinking and it was all a mistake"

POKI: "We can at least try again" She says pleading to you.

Y/N: "I'm happy to be your friend but I just don't think I want to date anyone at the moment. I don't want to get hurt again."

POKI: "I won't hurt you Y/N. I swear to you"

Y/N: "I'm sorry Imane" You say as she looks back at you with tears forming in her eyes.

As you were having the tough talk with Imane someone comes into the hotel room.

ARIA: "Hey Y/N where did you go?" She asks into the room not looking up from her phone.

ARIA: "Oh Imane hi, sorry am I interrupting something here?" Aria asks as she realises what she's walked into.

POKI: "No it's okay I was just leaving" Imane says as she gets up and leaves in a hurry.

Y/N: "Imane, wait" You call after her as she leaves but to no avail as she leaves anyway.

ARIA: "So... You wanna explain what that was all about?"

Y/N: "Just when I thought I was about to have some normalcy in my life it's all messed up again."

ARIA: "Something happened at the party didn't it?"

Y/N: "Yeah we kissed and it was a dumb mistake and now I don't know what to do"

ARIA: 'So thats what she was here for and I'm guessing you told her you didn't want anything"

Y/N: "Yep, how are we meant to do stuff together this weekend after all of this?"

ARIA: "It will be rocky for a bit for sure but I think you'll both be fine. You were ready to be friends after much worse had happened, this is just a bump in the road" Aria says as she sits across from you on her bed.

Y/N: "It wasn't anything against her I just don't think there's anyone right for me at the moment you know"

ARIA: "You never know, maybe they've been right in front of you the whole time" She says still sitting directly opposite you but before you can address the strange comment she made your phone started to ring.

Y/N: "Hello?" You ask confused as the number wasn't one that you had saved.

???: "Hei"

Y/N: "Is this who I think it is?"

???: "Hey my lover boy"

Y/N: "It is! Astrid hey"

ASTRID: "Amy gave me your number and I just wanted to say hi. I didn't know if you'd be awake though"

Y/N: "Yeah we had a party tonight so it's a late one. How are you?"

ASTRID: "I'm good, busy with work but I watched your stream when you returned"

Y/N: "Oh really? Well I hope you enjoyed it"

ASTRID: "I did and Amy told me what happened with you and some of the women, I'm sorry you don't deserve that"

Y/N: "Its all in the past now it's okay"

ASTRID: "They're lucky I wasn't around nobody hurts my lover boy" She says trying to sound intimidating.

Y/N: "You're never going to stop calling me your lover boy are you?"

ASTRID: "Nope, anyway I have to go now"

Y/N: "Okay well I'll talk to you soon"

ASTRID: "You better. See ya"

Y/N: "Bye"

You hung up the phone and saw Aria looking at you confused.

ARIA: "Who was that?"

Y/N: "Just my friend Astrid from uni"

ARIA: "And she calls you her lover boy?" She asks with an expression you couldn't write decipher.

Y/N: "Yeah it's just a joke from uni. I used to have a massive crush on her"

ARIA: "Oh. I see."

Y/N: "Well I'm gonna clean myself up and get some sleep"

ARIA: "Okay"

You left for the bathroom to get cleaned up and ready to sleep. Once you left you saw Aria passed out hanging out of the duvet so on your way to bed you fix her duvet, put her head on the pillow, get her hair out of her face and then go to sleep.

The next morning you wake up with dread knowing the day ahead was going to be awkward and long. As you turn over you see Aria still sleeping which gives you a great idea.

Y/N: "ARIA WAKE UP!!" You shout as you shake the bed around.

ARIA: "What the fuck?!" She shouts as she jolts awake startled.

Y/N: "We have to go soon. Its nice being able to do this instead of being on the receiving end"

ARIA: "Yeah I'm sure it is"

You both left for the venue to start the day. It was only a short drive away so you arrived before you knew it and reluctantly you walked into the building where you were immediately met by fans asking for pictures and for you to sign things for them.

ARIA: "Someones popular today" She teased as you finally escaped the group of fans.

Y/N: "Oh yeah cause nobody was there for pictures with you were they?" You sarcastically snapped back.

ARIA: "Yeah yeah whatever, let's just get you to where you need to be shall we?"

Y/N: "Yes mother"

ARIA: "How many times do I have to tell you?!"

Y/N: "I'm sorry but even you have to realise it at this point"

ARIA: "You're annoying today"

Y/N: "Honestly I just want to get this day done with, I'm not looking forward to today at all"

ARIA: "Don't think about it too much I'm sure it will all be okay"

Y/N: "I hope so I really just want to move forward you know"

ARIA: "You're already moving forward but we both knew it was never going plain sailing."

Y/N: "You're right, you're right. What would I do without you ey?" You say as you pull her into a side hug before getting to where you needed to be.

Y/N: "I'll see you later then yeah" You say as you let her go.

ARIA: "Yeah we can get something to eat later if you want?"

Y/N: "Sounds good let me know when you want to go"

ARIA: "Okay cool see ya" She said before leaving to her area for the day.

You found the room with the whole OTV crew in getting ready for another panel. You weren't expecting many questions from this one considering the sheer amount you got asked during the panel before.

TOAST: "Hey man you left early last night, it's not like you to be one of the first people to leave a party"

Y/N: "Oh yeah I kind of had to leave. It was good while I was there though" You say with a small laugh.

TOAST: "Everything okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah it's all good" You say hoping he can't see through the lie.

TOAST: "Okay if you say so" He says with some scepticism.

SYD: "Hey Y/N, how you doing?"

Y/N: "I'm good but I didn't get much sleep last night."

SYD: "Ohhh so is that why you left early?" She ask smirking

Y/N: "I know what you're implying and I wish but no it was something else. It's all good though"

SYD: "Oh I see. Well it's time for the panel so let's go."

The panel went quite well and you didn't get asked nearly as many questions as before but as you headed back for your own personal meet and greet you were stopped by Imane.

POKI: "Hey can we talk?"

Y/N: "I do really want to but I have a meet and greet in literally ten minutes."

POKI: "Please it will be really quick"

Y/N: "Okay yeah sure"

POKI: "So I've been thinking about what happened last night and I think you were right to do what you did"

Y/N: "Really? You do?" You ask almost taken aback by what she's saying.

POKI: "I do. I think I was just swept up in the moment and had a few drinks so I wasn't thinking right. I would be really happy to be your friend."

Y/N: "Really? I'd love that Imane."

POKI: "Good"

Y/N: "Okay now I've really got to go" you say as you give her a hug before rushing off to your meet and greet.

Your meet and greet which was scheduled to be an hour long ended up running longer than that so you could meet everyone who came out to see you and thank them for their support in your journey. Aria ended up joining you right at the end as she was done for the day and you had a lot to discuss with her.

ARIA: "God that was a long meet and greet what the hell."

Y/N: "Yeah but I can't just say no to people after they've gone out of their way to come and see me. Let's be real I'd be homeless without these guys" You joke.

ARIA: "Yeah like you weren't at a good uni studying computer science before this. You'd definitely be homeless."

Y/N: "I over exaggerated but you get the point goodness me Aria."

ARIA: "Whatever, you want to get something to eat?"

Y/N: "Yeah sure. I've got some stuff to tell you about"

ARIA: "Well consider my interest peaked."

The two of you got an uber to a nearby restaurant to finally get some good food and after ordering Aria jumped straight into what you had to tell her.

ARIA: "Sooo what do you have to tell me?"

Y/N: "A couple things actually. First thing is me and Imane had a talk earlier today which went really well."

ARIA: "Really? What did she say?"

Y/N: "She basically just said that she thought I was right to say no to what she was saying that night and she's good with being friends again."

ARIA: "See what did I tell you, I knew it would all be fine"

Y/N: "Indeed you were right. I'll have to start listening to you more"

ARIA: "I mean you should've been doing that already but okay. What else do you have for me?"

Y/N: "Right well once we're done moving in properly I'm actually going back to London for a little bit."

ARIA: "Why? For how long?"

Y/N: "Honestly I'm not sure how long I'll be there for and as for why well I just miss it. It's difficult moving half way around the world you know"

ARIA: "So you're just going to leave me all alone in the house?"

Y/N: "Aww is Aria afraid of being alone?" You tease.

ARIA: "Fuck off."

Y/N: "I'm joking no need to throw a tantrum"

ARIA: "You know what just go to London now I'm sick of you."

Y/N: "That's a lie you loooove me"

ARIA: "Not anymore!"

Y/N: "Well now I'm hurt."

ARIA: "Good"

The waiter comes with your food saving you from the somewhat annoyed Aria for a moment.

Y/N: "You literally get the whole house to yourself you're not thinking about this the right way."

ARIA: "I don't want it all to myself I want you in it"

Y/N: "Aww well that was actually really sweet. I didn't know you could be kind."

ARIA: "..."

Y/N: "I won't be gone for too long don't worry." You say trying to reassure her.

ARIA: "Promise?"

Y/N: "I promise."

The two continue talking and just having a good time not realising the time flying by until you get a call from your mother.

Y/N: "Hey mum what's up?"

MOM: "Your father and I wanted to know if you've booked your flights and when you're coming"

Y/N: "Yeah I'm gonna book my flight when I get back home. I'll probably fly out in the next few days."

MOM: "Oh okay. I don't like to pry but are you bringing any women back this time?

Y/N: "No I'm going to be coming alone this time. Thanks for bringing that up."

MOM: "Sorry sorry. Anyway I'll let you get back you to whatever you were doing we were just curious."

Y/N: "Okay mom I'll see you soon bye"

ARIA: "A few days?"

Y/N: "Yes a few days, I'm having a little reunion with all of my friends from uni"

ARIA: "Right I'm sure that will end well"

Y/N: "We are going to have a great time don't you worry. I'll do some irl streams as well."

ARIA: "At least you'll be streaming I guess"

Y/N: "See, always a silver lining"

ARIA: "Yeah yeah, we should get back it's getting late."

Y/N: "Hell yeah I am one tired boy"

The next day you had finished your schedule for TwitchCon as had Aria so it was time to head home with Aria driving once again. You were definitely going to get your American driving licence soon and you felt ready to buy your dream car. Once back home you started unpacking your stuff pretty much immediately so that you could get back to London as soon as possible.

ARIA: "What the fuck you've basically unpacked all of your stuff" She says walking into your room.

Y/N: "Please come in there's no need to knock" You quip

ARIA: "You really want to go back home huh. Are we that bad here?" She jokingly asks.

Y/N: "Yeah you guys are awful over here."

ARIA: "Rude!"

Y/N: "No I'm joking but that's home you know"

ARIA: "Yeah I get you"

Y/N: "So yeah I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, which I know is pretty soon but it really isn't going to take very long to move in here."

ARIA: "Okay well I'm going to miss you."

Y/N: "I know" You say not looking up from the box you were unpacking.

ARIA: "Eh- Thats where you're meant to see that you'll miss me too!" She shouts throwing your bed pillows at you.

Y/N: "You know I'll miss you don't be silly"

ARIA: "So who are you gonna see while you're there?"

Y/N: "Well most of my mates from my university and you know Amy and you've heard of Astrid."

ARIA: "So you'll be with a girl you used to be with and a girl you used to have a massive crush on?"

Hearing this from Aria piques your interest and pulls you from the box you were unpacking.

Y/N: "Oh my god. Is Aria getting jealous?" You say teasing her.

ARIA: "Absolutely not"

Y/N: "Oh yeah? Then what was that tone all about huh?"

ARIA: "I'm simply worried you'll do something dumb and then suffer afterwards"

Y/N: "Yeahhh I'm sure thats what it's all about" You say as you continue to tease her.

ARIA: "Okay I'm leaving now asshole."

Y/N: "Love you too!" You shout as she leaves your room.


'Hey guys I'm back from TwitchCon but no streams for a couple days because moving house and then I'm going to London for a while. Irl streams in London which means we'll get sniped into oblivion plus many guest appearances from university friends. See you soon x :)'

----------------------------------------In London-------------------------------------------------------

You stepped out of Heathrow Airport to the cold London air as a car pulls up blaring its horn.

Y/N: "Well, well, well look who it is" You say as you walk up to the car.

AMY: "My guy is back home finally." She says as you two meet in a warm embrace.

Y/N: "I forgot how much colder it is here" You say as you let go of each other.

You load your luggage into the car and jump in.

Y/N: "Nice car I didn't think you'd be able to pass your test."

AMY: "First of all thank you it's my mums old car, secondly fuck you"

Y/N: "To your house?"

AMY: "To my house! There's a surprise waiting for you there."

Y/N: "Well let's go then!"

As you drive through the streets you used to walk down everyday the good memories come flooding back.

Y/N: "Man i've missed this place, for all it's flaws it's still home"

AMY: "Do you think you'll move back anytime soon?"

Y/N: "Honestly Amy I don't know maybe in the future but the U.S is where I have to be you know what I mean?"

AMY: "Yeah I get you. Anyway no time for serious conversations we're almost there"

Y/N: "I wonder what the surprise could be"

AMY: "You already know don't you?"

Y/N: "What? That Astrid is gonna be at your house? No I didn't know"

AMY: "How did you know?"

Y/N: "She told me" You say laughing at Amy's reaction to her surprise being ruined.

AMY: "Of course she did. Never could keep a secret could she?"

Y/N: "Absolutely not"

You pulled up to Amy's house and hauled your luggage inside to see Astrid sitting on the couch in the living room.

ASTRID: "Loverboy!!" She yelled to you as she jumped up from the couch and ran to you.

Y/N: "Hey Astrid!" You say as you catch her in your embrace.

AMY: "I can't believe you told him you were here Astrid for fucks sake"

ASTRID: "Sorry but you know how I am"

Y/N: "So what's the plan for this little reunion?" You ask the two women.

AMY: "This is the plan" She says as she goes into the kitchen and comes out holding two bottles of vodka.

Y/N: "Oh absolutely. Between just us I've missed having a proper sesh"

ASTRID: "Honestly me too I've been working too much."

AMY: "Well then it's time to let loose" She says as she opens the two bottles and pours some drinks.

After a few drinks you decided to go clubbing so you got changed into some more appropriate clothing.

ASTRID: "Ooo someone looks good"

AMY: "Thanks" She says shamelessly taking a compliment that wasn't meant for her.

ASTRID: "Not you!"

Y/N: "As do you, Amy you're alright I guess"

AMY: "Dickhead"

Y/N & ASTRID: "Hey!"

AMY: "Okay really are we still like this? You two just gang up on me like old times?"

ASTRID: "Of course he's my loverboy"

AMY: "You make me ill"

ASTRID & Y/N: "Hey!"

AMY: "Oh fuck off" she says fighting to hold back her own laughter.

Y/N: "More drinks we are not even half ready to go clubbing!"

AMY: "Good to see the U.S hasn't softened you up"

Y/N: "I tried to introduce them to the culture but it didn't quite work the way I wanted it to.

AMY: "I'm not surprised."

ASTRID: "So Y/n what's it like being rich and famous?" You and Amy were both taken back by her question but for different reasons.

Y/N: "Wow you actually said my name"

AMY: "You can't ask something like that!"

Y/N: "No it's fine don't worry. To answer your question its good and bad. You know it gets a bit annoying to be recognised so much when you're walking down the street but at the same time I've somehow gotten myself into a very privileged position where I can make good money doing what I love. Also I'm sure you're earning a more than decent amount at your job."

ASTRID: "I get by" She says trying to be modest about her earnings.

ASTRID: "Streaming looks really fun though when I learned about what you were doing I looked into it and now I watch a lot of streams."

Y/N: "Oh really? Who do you like?"

ASTRID: "I really like Quaterjade and Masayoshi. They're very cute"

Y/N: "I didn't expect you to say that but yeah they're both great. If you'll excuse me I have to use the toilet" You say as you needed a reason to leave the room.


'Hey I just found out my friend is a big fan of yours, is it cool if we FaceTime quickly so she can say hi? and can we act like I didn't ask you to do this?'


'Of course dude I'll call you now'

You walk back to the living room from the bathroom and sit next to Astrid when your phone starts to ring.

Y/N: "Oh that's me. Astrid you're not going to believe this"

ASTRID: "What?"

You answer the FaceTime call and put it on speaker phone.

JODI: "Heyy Y/N, just wanted to see you got there okay"

Y/N: "Hey Jodi yeah I'm all good. Actually my friend here is a big fan of yours can she talk to you for a bit?" Yous say as you look over to a visibly excited Astrid.

JODI: "Of course dude pass her the phone"

ASTRID: "Oh my god hey. I love your streams, you and John are so cute"

JODI: "Oh thank you that means a lot."

The two continued speaking briefly as you sat with Amy.

AMY: "You asked her to call you didn't you?" She whispered to you.

Y/N: "Yeah but I thought it would be a better surprise this way" You replied.

AMY: "Yeah it's cute but just remember you're going back the U.S and she's going back to Norway"

Y/N: "What are you talking about?"

AMY: "Oh please even you the most clueless guy in the world has to feel the tension between you two right now"

Y/N: "You sound crazy right now you know"

AMY: "Okay but let's see what happens when you've had a few more drinks and are in the club."

Now that you think about it the two of you had been flirting somewhat and Astrid had managed to get even more beautiful than before which you didn't think was possible. Maybe Amy didn't sound as crazy as you thought she did at first.

You were all reasonably drunk enough for clubbing to be fun so you ordered the uber and jumped in. Astrid didn't bring a jacket out with her so in the line she was getting very cold so she took it upon herself to huddle up next to you and basically nest in your chest. Seeing all of this Amy shot you a look that said 'I told you so' you disregarded it and gave her the middle finger in response.

In the club Astrid got a lot more lively and bough shots for the three of you to which you happy accepted. You'd never turn down a free drink. After getting the shots down you Astrid dragged you both to the dance floor which was pretty packed so you were all tight to each with Amy behind you and you behind Astrid. As the music played and time went on you and Astrid were now facing each other. She grabbed your hands putting them on her waist and moving even closer to you and without thinking you were locked in a kiss with her. The girl you had a massive crush on in the past was now kissing you.

The rest of the night followed the earlier events. Once you were all worn out from the club you decided to call it a night but not before getting some sort of food from a kebab shop. As you were walking there Amy whispered into your ear.

AMY: "I told you"

Y/N: "Please just let me enjoy this."

AMY: "Hey man you do you but just know you're playing with fire by doing this."

Y/N: "It will be fine"

Now back at Amy's house you were in one of the guest rooms thinking about how nice it is to be back in London and hanging out with your friends. You love your friends in America but these guys are different to them, we somewhat grew up together. 'This is home' you thought to yourself when your phone started to suddenly blow up with notifications on twitter. You looked at what was going and saw that someone had recognised you in the club and took a picture of you and Astrid kissing.

"Fuck" You said out loud as you got more notifications on your phone and when you looked at what the notifications were it got even worse.




"Fuck me"



Short-ish chapter which is pretty tame but we're building the story back up. Trust the process x

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