In Front Of A Camera

By harrrysgrapejuice

18.4K 918 3.3K

Harry Styles. An up and coming model, on the fast track to becoming a fashion icon. Louis Tomlinson. A photog... More

• chapter one •
• chapter two •
• chapter three •
• chapter four •
• chapter five •
• chapter six •
• chaper seven •
• chapter eight •
• chapter nine •
• chapter ten •
• chapter eleven •
• chapter twelve •
• chapter thirteen •
• chapter fourteen •
• chapter fifteen •
• chapter sixteen •
• chapter seventeen •
• chapter eighteen •
• chapter nineteen •
• chapter twenty •
• chapter twenty one •
• chapter twenty two •
• chapter twenty three •
• chapter twenty four •
• chapter twenty five •
• chapter twenty six •
• chapter twenty seven •
• chapter twenty eight •
• chapter twenty nine •
• chapter thirty •
• chapter thirty two •
• chapter thirty three •
• chapter thirty four •
• chapter thirty five •
• chapter thirty six •
• chapter thirty seven •
• chapter thirty eight •
• chapter thirty nine •
• epilogue •

• chapter thirty one •

373 20 175
By harrrysgrapejuice

//Tw: Domestic Abuse

Everleigh and Harry clung onto Louis for the rest of the evening, needing love and attention. They were understandably traumatized and needed some extra comfort for sure.

And of course, Louis was more than willing to give that to them.

That night, they were just cuddled in their bed, with the tv on and Everleigh sleeping in Harry's arms. "So what's your plan for tomorrow?" Louis asked softly, worried about what was to come.

"Well," Harry sighed, looking down at the sweet baby in his arms, "ideally I'm just gonna go get my stuff and hopefully Liam doesn't make too much of a fuss and signs the papers. But realistically I have no idea what's going to happen."

Louis nodded, "Well you're not going by yourself," he said, "I'm going to talk to Mitch and the two of us will come with you."

"Louis... you don't need to. He's gonna hurt you again, I know it." Harry said sadly, of course he wanted Louis and Mitch there, but he didn't want to put them through that.

"I don't care. He can do whatever the hell he wants to me as long as he doesn't lay a finger on you." Louis said, his voice determined although still calm.

"But Lou-"

"Nope. That's my final answer Harry, I'm coming," Louis' phone vibrated and he grabbed it, looking at a text, "And it looks like Mitch is too."

Harry sighed, and nodded. "Thank you..." he whispered. "I feel a lot safer knowing you'll be there."

Louis smiled sadly, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "You're welcome darling, I love you. So much."

Harry sniffled, trying not to cry. His emotions were all over the place, "and I love you more Lou."

"Harry... Haz... love..."

Harry whimpered, and gasped when he felt a hand on his arm. "Liam don't touch me!" He screamed.

"Haz... hey hey hey, it's me," Louis' warm honey voice spoke, "You're alright... just a nightmare babydoll. Shhhh...."

Harry took in a sharp, shaky breath and looked around at his surroundings, and then at Louis who had turned on the bedside lamp.

Moments later, when Harry was fully awake and registered what was going on, tears of relief flooded from his eyes. Hiccuping, he shifted himself onto Louis' lap as they were both sitting up now.

"Sorry..." Harry said quietly. "I didn't mean to wake you."

Louis reached his arm over to the nightstand, his hand fumbling around for a moment before grabbing a bottle of Tylenol and his glass of water he had there. "Hey," Louis said popping a couple pills and then setting them aside. He rubbed up and down Harry's arms. "Don't you dare be sorry okay? Nothing to be sorry for."

Harry nodded feebly and looked down, "It felt so real..." he spoke quietly, almost as if he was scared someone was listening.

Louis gently helped Harry lift his sweat drenched tee shirt off, and tossing it aside. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Harry bit his lip, looking deep in thought for a moment, before shaking his head. "No... just hold me please." He said quietly, pressing his face into him.

"Okay lovely," Louis said gently, cradling him close. "If you change your mind, just know I'm always here to listen."

"I know... thanks babe." Harry said softly, getting all situated as they laid down, still tightly held in Louis' arms.

He didn't sleep much the rest of the night, all he could think about was Liam. He'd dreamt that he'd broken in and taken him and Everleigh away, and it was just awful. He'd taken them so far, and Harry hadn't known where they were or how to get away.

The worst part of his dream though, was how realistic the possibility of it all was. Harry didn't dare close his eyes for fear of Liam walking in. He knew the house was locked and everything, but when it came to Liam, not much could ease his worry.

"You ready?" Louis asked, squeezing Harry's hand as they pulled into Liam's driveway.

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess." Harry said quietly, squeezing Louis' hand back, before getting out of the car, along with Mitch.

He felt safer than he ever had in that home with Mitch and Louis beside him. "You've got this." Mitch told him, as Harry knocked on the door nervously.

"What are you doing here?" Liam muttered the second he opened the door, giving Harry a cold stare.

"I'm here for my things, and to sort out the Everleigh situation. I told you this last night."  Harry said flatly.

Liam rolled his bloodshot eyes, but opened the door a bit more for him to walk in. "You two stay out of the way. I'm talking to Harry alone. " Liam snapped.

Louis raised his eyebrows suspiciously, looking at Harry who nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Could you guys maybe start grabbing some stuff and take it to the car for me?"

They both nodded warily, and went to do that while Harry followed Liam to the kitchen table. He had the adoption papers clutched tightly in his shaking hands, as he sat down. "So... I want to adopt Everleigh. I know we talked about that yesterday, but I'm serious. I have the papers right here for you to sign."

"Hell no." Liam snapped, "She's my daughter. Not yours! I'm not just gonna give her to you."

Harry knew this reaction was coming, and he was prepared. "Well, like I said yesterday. I can take you to court and if they deem you unfit to parent, which I guarantee they will, then I'll be able to adopt her that way."

Liam stared at him, his expression unreadable. He took a gulp of his beer, and scratched his chin, contemplating. "Fuckin hell Harry... you're serious aren't you?"

"Never been more serious in my life." Harry responded, slapping the papers down on the table and crossing his arms.

Liam ran his hand down his face with a groan. "Well, she's not worth the hassle of going to court," he finally muttered, grabbing the papers and scribbling his signature onto all the designated lines, not reading a word.

"Happy?" He snapped when he finished, shoving the papers at Harry's chest.

Harry saw Louis and Mitch out of the corner of his eye, moving some things and he felt so loved.

"Honestly? Actually I am. I really am." Harry said in reply, a smile on his face and warmth in his heart.

Hey guys! Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out! It felt a little choppy but yeah anyway, I hope you enjoyed :)

💛 -stella

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