Death is not always the end

By SirenFn

2.1K 70 5

A short Dottore x Reader story Clones can be a good thing, but when you believe them to be the original pers... More

1. His Death
2. The Beginging of the End
3. A Complication
5. Two Dead, One Still Standing
6. Him

4. The Assaisain

212 10 0
By SirenFn

The boy who was descended from the Gods, those same Gods my heretic lover and I sought to destroy.

He held his sword in front of him, that sword had sent Kings of old tumbling from their thrones, that same sword that sealed Rosalyne's fate, that same sword he used against his own flesh and blood.

Some say immortality is a blessing, as it means the Gods favour you, but for Aether, it must have been a curse.

"I don't care for hypocrites Aether," my tone was cold as my hand danced across the pistol I had concealed on my hip.

"Nor do I, Y/n. How is it you work for a God, but seek to overthrow others?" His words were laced with venom.

I practically burst with laughter, he was questioning Her Majesty! Whilst stood on Her land, trying to kill Her most trusted researchers. He really had a death wish.

"Your Gods are tyrants, untrustworthy fools who leave their people suffering, whilst Her Majesty is benevolent. No matter how frozen the the land She rules over is, her heart is far from cold."

My words must have made him blind with rage as he charged for me, swinging his sword in precise movements. Truly a warrior at heart.

He was much to slow.

I was ten steps ahead of him.

I untied my lover as quickly as I could, helping him to his feet.

I didn't even get a chance to say anything to him before a loud noise echoed throughout the warehouse.

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