Shinobu x Giyuu, Ubuyashiki A...

By unknownandannoyed

975 12 25

College AU except the end of the semester is in less than two weeks and will be meeting at college and at the... More

The First Call
The Dining Hall
Another Call
The Bowling Alley Surprise
Train Ride
House Party
Drinking Games
Movie Time

Bowling Alley, Cont.

77 1 0
By unknownandannoyed

They had all played through one game, Giyuu, Mitsuri, Kanae and Akaza all won the first game, over all loser had to buy the next round of drinks. They all gathered around a table, "All right, who's biggest loser?" Shinobu asked, "I got 97." She said sheepishly, Sanemi spoke up next, "99", then Obanai, "...102", Shinobu looked at Rengoku expectantly, "Please be lower than mine." Rengoku laughed, "Unfortunately, my dear, I scored a 98." She feigned hurt, "Oh how terrible." She held her hand to her forehead, "I don't think I can take it." Everyone laughed, "GYOMEI!" she called out, "Yes?" He turned his head in her direction, "I need a doctor, I'm going to die of embarrassment!" He laughed heartily. "Wrong kind of doctor, kid."

"I'll help you carry everything." Giyuu offered, "Thanks." They made their way over to the bar after asking everyone what they wanted. "So, I thought you said you were going to 'take me down'" He teased. "How was I supposed to know you'd be so good?" She held her hands up. "I'm good at a lot of things that I have to use my hands for." She squinted her eyes at him, "You still talking about bowling?" He looked up and shrugged, "I don't know, maybe." They got to the bar and she listed out everything they needed to the bar tender. "Thank you." She turned to Giyuu while they waited, "So what else are you surprisingly good at?" She hopped up on a bar stool, he stepped closer, standing between her knees, but keeping his hands in his pockets. "Lot's of stuff," He leaned over so he was talking to only her, she could feel his hot breath against her ear, it sent chills down her spine. "I could show you some of my skills later." He stood back up-right, "If you want." He looked down at her with a hint of hunger in his eyes.

She reached over and gripped his shirt, two could play this game, pulling him so his face was even with hers. He could smell her perfume. "Don't think I won't put you in your place. I've got plenty of skills of my own." She slid her hand down his chest and stomach to his belt, hooking a finger in it, he took in a sharp breath, "Yes, ma'am." He smirked down at her. Unbeknownst to both of them their entire party was watching them. Kanae giving Gyomei a play by play of what they could see, none of them could hear their conversation though. She released his belt as the bartender started setting drinks down on a tray with handles. "Here ya go, that'll be 9000 yen." Shinobu reached into her purse to pull out her wallet. Giyuu was already handing the man his card. She noted it was a black metal card.

{I'm just going to add here that Giyuu is rich rich because he is also the heir to a MAJOR Japanese biotech company, I only added this now because I've thought of a few sequels to this story. Also note that he doesn't use his inheritance money often, he regularly uses his aquarium paychecks for his needs, he just puts all his money in one account, hence the metal card.}

The rest of the group quickly turned away from the scene, except Gyomei, not like he saw anything anyways. Giyuu grabbed the tray and turned back to the group, he noticed Gyomei was facing their direction, his ears turned red, "I think they were all watching that." Shinobu looked at him then and the group, "Gyomei is blind, Giyuu." Giyuu looked down at her, "I already know that, but he wasn't facing this was when we walked off." Shinobu looked back at them and caught her sisters gaze, "Oh, yeah they were." Her whole face lit up, "How embarrassing." Giyuu smiled, "What? Don't want your friends to know you're freaky?" She smacked his arm, "Don't be an ass." Giyuu laughed, "Watch it, I won't buy these again if you make me spill them." She rolled her eyes, "Okay rich boy." He frowned, "My parents are, I didn't ask for it." Shinobu realized how insensitive her comment was, "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Giyuu set the tray down, "The refreshments have arrived." Sanemi grabbed his beer, "Finally, I was expecting you two to ..." Kanae stomped on his foot, "OUCH! Babe?" He looked at her with betrayal in his eyes. "You two to take multiple trips, lots of drinks." Kanae tried to cover for the group. Suddenly the door flew open, "I HAVE COME TO CONQUER THE KING OF LANES!" Inosuke came charging in, the other younger students trailing behind him, Aoi smacked the back of his head, "Would you stop yelling!?" Giyuu held up his hand and Tanjiro spotted them, "Come on guys they're over there." He waved back.

Tanjiro dragged Inosuke by the back of the shirt to the table, "Hey, everyone! I'm Tanjiro, this is Inosuke and Aoi," he gestured at the loud boy and the girl that had reprimanded him, "Zenetsu and my sister Nezuko, and Genya." motioning to the others, "Kanao should be here soon." Inosuke turned to the group and pointed at Gyomei, "Fight me!" Gyomei, of course, couldn't see him and laughed, "It's not funny mountain man! FIGHT ME!" both Giyuu and Tanjiro smacked him this time. "You idiot, you're gonna get your ass beat." Sanemi spoke up, he had only just met Gyomei but he was sure that dude had seen some shit, metaphorically.

Zenetsu was moping, something about there being too many hot women. They split up to the lanes again, Zenetsu had hurt his wrist at work so he wasn't going to bowl. He ended up wandering back and forth to each lane criticizing everyone's skills. He walked up as Giyuus turn started, Giyuu bowled with a curve, "What are you a professional? No wonder you've got the second hottest girl in the building over here." Zenetsu wandered back over to Nezuko. Giyu laughed and looked at Shinobu, "He's not wrong." He winked at Shinobu; she rolled her eyes. Shinobu walked over to the conveyor, "How can it curve like that?" Giyuu walked up behind her, reaching around her and leaning against her, "I could show you a better curve later."

Shinobus cheeks flushed and she looked down at his hand, it was very muscular. Her eyes trailed up his forearm, now remembering that picture he sent, she saw his whole arm in the mirror. That's right, this man is built, she turned around still between his body and the rack, "I'll think about it, for now, just show me how to handle these balls." she lifted her knee in between his thighs. He stiffened, "Sure thing sweetheart." He picked up her ball and handed it to her, "It's all in the wrist movements."

Meanwhile right behind Shinobu in the lane next to them was Akaza and Rengoku, the former over heard the first sentence come out of Giyuus mouth and immediately gagged. "Could you two be any more gross?" Giyuu flipped Akaza off, "You're just mad cause you're too scared to make the first move. Anyone can see the way you look at Mr. Sunshine over there!" Rengoku turned in place, he had been talking to Gyomei, "Someone say my name?" Akazas face lit up like a Christmas tree, "NO! Kyo, no one said you're name, but it is your turn."

"So, it's in the wrist?" Giyuu nodded, "Slow, steady movements." He stood behind her with his hand on the back of hers so he could guide her hand correctly, "Like this..." he pulled her arm backward, "...and then you just twist, then let go." she did as he guided and the ball curved slightly but was too close to the gutter. "Damn." Giyuu turned her around, both hands on her shoulders. "You'll get it next time." She picked up her ball to bowled again, this time the ball just rolled all the way down the edge and clipped the side of the right most pin, knocking it over. She groaned, "I'll never get it!" Giyuu laughed, Shinobu loved hearing his laugh, he had such a nice voice.

After a little more time passed, they had all finished their second round. "Okay, bring me your cards!" Gyomei said, everyone looked around, "No, I won't be tallying them, just give them here." Everyone walked over, "Okay, so I'm going to mix these up, then have one of you choose one, whosever card I pull has to buy this round of drinks." Nobody objected, "I had a feeling you guys would be okay with this especially considering this was going to get expensive for the people who are bad at bowling. Face them down in front of me, I trust no one will cheat and lie about whose card is pulled?" He waited for a verbal response, "Guys?" Everyone laughed, "Yeah, sorry we all nodded." Sanemi said. He had Akaza pull, he picked him and Rengokus card. "Alright, off you go." Gyomei said, shooing the two men off to the bar.

Tanjiro had walked out of the building, apparently Kanao was here. "Oi, Gen!" Sanemi called his brother over, "You sure he doesn't like that girl?" Genya shrugged, "I don't know Nemi, they hangout a lot, I don't even know if he is gay". Giyuu walked over, so did Shinobu, which also meant Mitsuri joined the conversation, "What? Did you tell them Nemi?" Genya whined, "No, you're just too obvious." Mitsuri blushed, "Genyaaaa! It's so cute that you have a crush! You should just tell him how you feel!" Genya nodded, "Yeah, he already knows I'm bi, so what's the worst that could happen." He stood up a little straighter. They devised a little scheme to get Tanjiro and Genya away from the group later.

"You know what I just realized, Mitsu?" Shinobu looked at her roommate, "Tengen and those three already left." Giyuu suddenly remembered what Shinobu told him, "What? Did you wanna reject him tonight?" Shinobu raised an eyebrow, "No, his girl-friends?" She shrugged, "seemed really sweet. I wanted to talk to them more." Giyuu was still looking at her, "What...what?" She asked him, "You want me to reject him before this weekend don't you!" Giyuu looked away, ears red, "For someone who has been so bold you're easy to tease." She said pointedly, "Oh by the way, Giyuu says he'll get us into the aquarium for free this weekend." She said to Mitsuri and Obanai. They both nodded, Mitsuri thanked him adding, "Those tickets are expensive, you won't get in trouble, will you?" He shook his head, "Kagaya doesn't mind, we get big donations from the university and ... other companies so it balances out."

Shinobu excused herself to the bathroom, "Mitsuri, come with me?" Shinobu and Mitsuri made their way to the bathrooms, "Soooo..." Mitsuri started, Shinobu turned around, walking backwards, "I'm telling you right now if we DONT go home together I'll be left .... unsatisfied." Mitsuri squealed, "Girl he's sooo hot, you really lucked out, he's protective, strong and smart. Not to mention he's taller than you!" Shinobu deadpanned, "Well that last part certainly isn't difficult, M, I'm 151 cm" (4'11) She smiled again, "Anyways," they opened the bathroom door, it was empty. "He's been hardcore flirting this whole time, was not expecting it at all. Like he has been dropping all kinds of innuendos. Gods he's so hot." They both laughed.

Back at the table Giyuu and Sanemi were having a similar conversation, "Okay, lover boy, you picking out baby names yet?" Giyuu shoved him, "No jackass," Sanemi straightened up, "Oh, so you choose a ring?" He was howling at his own jokes, "Shut up. She's certainly the girl I want to be with though. Gods she's gorgeous and she so fucking smart." Giyuu drank the rest of his drink, the two men were leaning against the table, "You make any moves on Kanae yet?" Sanemi glanced over to his new girlfriend, "Yeah, actually. When you let me use her phone the other day, we actually talked about being serious." Giyu recalled Sanemis worry when she hadn't messaged him, "Oh so have YOU picked out a ring already?" Sanemi shoved Giyuu hard enough for him to stumble into the waitress who was cleaning tables, "Oh, I'm sorry, are you alright? This jackass shoved me." He jutted a thumb back at Sanemi, the woman rolled her eyes. Giyuu turned back around and made a face that said 'yeesh, tough crowd' they both busted out laughing again.

They all had at least three rounds of drinks in them and were walking to a bar down the street, the 'not of legal age' crowd had already headed home, along with Gyomei, whose wife came and picked him up from the bowling alley. "Off, to V2!" Sanemi linked arms with Kanae. She hushed him, you're going to get us arrested, shush." Giyuu looked down at Shinobu, "You tired yet?" She shook her head, "Not even close." She grabbed his hand, and raised it to her face, "For warmth, or whatever." She looked over at Mitsuri who was now wearing Obanais jacket, it was pretty chilly out. Giyuu squeezed her hand, "I like your hair thingy by the way, I noticed it earlier." She raised her free hand to it, "Oh, the butterfly, yeah, they're my favorite insect." She smiled softly, "My mom's too."

{alright next chapter they'll be at a bar, remember kids never drink and drive!}

See you next chapter, thanks for the read and likes! 

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