The Prince of Egypt: A Pharao...


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Izidora. A beautiful Hebrew, who gets visions in her dreams, is given the chance work in the Pharaoh's palace... More

Authors note :)
Chapter one: "Deliver Us to the Promise Land"
Chapter Two : "A Royal Meeting"
Chapter Three: "A New Bond of Friendship"
Chapter Four: "Weak Link"
Chapter Five: "Banquet"
Chapter Six: "A Rude Awakening"
Chapter Seven: "All I Ever Wanted"
Chapter Eight: "A dream For Moses"
Chapter Nine: "The Man I Once Called Father"
Chapter Ten: " Rameses Prayers"
Chapter Eleven: "Joseph's Dungeon"
Chapter Twelve : " He Made It To Heaven"
Chapter Thirteen: "A Dream For Izidora"
Chapter Fourteen: "Anger"
Chapter Fifteen: "Odd Cats"
Chapter Sixteen: "An Extraordinary Woman"
Chapter Seventeen: "Allani's Seduction"
Chapter Eighteen: "Love's Downfall"
Chapter Nineteen: "Whatever Goes Up, Must Come Down"
Chapter Twenty: "Facing A Heart Break"
Chapter Twenty-One: "Moses Makes It To Median"
Chapter Twenty-Two: "Through Heaven's Eyes"
Chapter Twenty-Three: "I Shall Be With You Moses"
Chapter Twenty-Four: "home sweet home"
Chapter Twenty-Five: "When Feelings Come Back"
Chapter Twenty Six: "I love you"
Chapter Twenty Seven: "Playing With The Big Boys Now"
Chapter Twenty Eight: "This Is Just The Beginning"
Chapter Twenty Nine: "The Plagues!"
Chapter thirty One - "when You Believe."

Chapter Thirty: "leaving everything behind"

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Rameses had managed to get Amun back to sleep. He quietly closed the door as he then looked for izidora, surprisingly she was no where in the palace, not her safe haven, the swan lake, nowhere. He decided to rush out of the palace. Breathing heavily he ran after her and something told him to go to the entrance gates of Egypt, the last place he had seen Moses before he ran away.

There's no way Izidora would leave him, right? Right? He didn't mean what he said, he didn't mean that he would do what he threatened to do. He just want to shut Moses up, right? Rameses couldn't even confirm it with himself if it was true or not that he would
Do it.

He got out if his train of thought when hw saw izidora running down the tunnel of hieroglyphics that led to the exit of egypt. "IziDora!" He shouted. This was to familiar. He easily caught up with her, grabbing her wrist behind her and turning her around
Towards him. Before he couldn't even speak she was crying, breathing heavy, while beating weakly on his chest.

"You're a liar! You lied! You don't care for them! You never cared!" Izidora cried as Rameses brought her into a hug and let her weakishly beat on his back while in the hug as she slowly stopped hitting him. "You never-" she couldn't even finish her sentence as she cocked on her tears.

Rameses didn't even speak. By this time izidora had slid down onto the ground as Rameses followed, pulling her in tighter. Seeing her cry like this, made him shed some tears. He never seen her break down like this. He never meant what he said. "I was just angry. I could never bring myself to do it, because I'm with you." Rameses explained. "Why did you become so mean and angry once Moses showed up?" Izidora asked wiping her tears.

Rameses was silent. "I can't explain. Something inside me just begins to want
To cause him pain like he's caused me pain. I feel... betrayed." He explained. "I know taking it out on your people won't help me either." He spoke. As much as Izidora was disappointed in Rameses, she was disappointed in her self. How could she love a man that hurts her people and relies on their hard labor that they do not consent for.

Slaves. She was born a slave and yet took the opportunity to change and save her fellow people for granted and got to comfortable. Hypocrite. She praised her God all mighty but could not bring herself to spread his word to the people who needed to hear it the most. The Egyptians. The truth was that izidora did care and love Rameses but she fell in love with the man she once new.

The man she grew up with, shared stories and bonded with. She knew deep down inside that the Rameses she once knew was gone. That night Rameses had convinced izidora to come back to the palace and to bed. That same night would be the final straw for Rameses and the final plague. Somehow Rameses and izidora was able to fall asleep, cuddling each other.

It was early morning and two guards bursted into Rameses and izidora room. The couple woke up ina frignt. Izidora looked outside the window to find it was still dark outside. "What is it?" Rameses asked the guards. They had a look of sadness and shame. It was written all over their face. "What is it!?" Rameses asked again. One guard spoke up. "We are sorry your majesty.... It's your son Amun... he ..."

In that moment Izidora's eyes widened in shock and the voices over the guards left her hearing as everything went dizzy. She cried. Her son....dead? But how? Was this punishment from god? Rameses rushed out of the bed and so did Izidora. Once they opened
The doors to the children's room. All Rameses could hear was Izidora's wailing and crying and along with her tears cried the rest of the Egyptian women as they too found their first born children to be killed.

The only cried Rameses could hear was Izidora. And even through pain and sorrow her cries felt like a song being played. Moses was in the Hebrew town and before the plague had hit. He told every Hebrew to put the blood of a lamb on their door, so that the plague won't get them.

When the plague came, you could only get the description from an Egyptian who was looking at the sky at the time. They'd tell you. They saw a white bright light of something In peculiar that looked along the lines of a Smokey light shining wind. No one could tell it was an angel. There were no wings, no head, no eyes, nothing. Just a motion of bright light that moved in the forms of wind. It came out of the sky like a vortex portal. It scared the Egyptian guards half to death.

Moses could hear the cries of the Egyptian and felt bad deep inside. Not only did he feel bad for the Egyptians he felt bad for izidora.

Somehow he could hear her cries more than anyone else's. After a while he went to the palace again. He did not want to this time as he knew what would await him. In the middle of the sanctuary on the palace, stood Rameses and izidora with their first child Amun... Rameses had carded his body and placed on a tomb stand for the next day. He covered the little boys body with a white sheet as he stood there and cried silently, aswell did izidora.

Izidora looked up and saw Moses. He stopped as their eyes met. Her eyeliner and mascara... smudged from her tears. "You... and your people... have my permission.. to go.." Rameses spoke up in sadness and anger. Izidora looked at Rameses. Was he talking to her or
Moses? Moses tried to comfort Rameses as he placed his hand on his shoulder but Rameses ushered him away, quickly moving to the side and saying " leave me!"

Pain shot through Moses. He didn't want it to be this way. Moses looked at Izidora, hoping for her to come with him. She looked at him in dispair and looked back at rameses. He had his forehead against his son's forehead. Still lifeless and pale. He gentle laid his son back down and looked up in Moses's direction and glared with eyes that shot like daggers as Moses left.

Izidora held her hand that had her wedding ring on it. She twisted the ring with a tear falling from her cheek onto the ring. It was time do what she should have done a long time ago. She took off the ring and placed it on the podium next to Amun's lifeless body. Rameses looked up with angered eyes. His fists clenched as he felt more betrayed. She looked back at Rameses, tears rolling down her face.

Rameses did not want to see her tears, so he looked away. She gently grabbed his face. Turning his gaze towards her. She kissed him one last time with a shaky breath. Signaling this would be there last time seeing each other. Rameses heart sank and cracked. Izidora quickly wiped her tears and began to walk away when she was stopped by Rameses holding her wrist tightly. She looked back at him.

His cheeks saturated with tears. "Please..." he softly said but this time izidora would not listen. She shook her head slightly as Rameses slightly gasped and loosened his grip. Izidora pulled her hand away and left the room. Izidora walked back to the children's room and grabbed her second child... Rameses B. She left the palace hearing the Egyptians cries. She dropped to the floor holding her second born. Crying.

She cried for the other children. She cried for Rameses heart. She cried so much. Moses walked up to her. He dropped down to her and held her tightly. They cried together as they realized they were about to leave everything behind.

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