
By Romanogersroyalty

16.1K 839 539

(warning: signs of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, abuse, bullying and harassment) Natasha Romanoff is... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40

Part 31

287 18 4
By Romanogersroyalty

"I want to start trying." He breathed out

Natasha stared at her husband in shock for a moment. She tried to comprehend what he had just said to her, surely he couldn't be serious. They had just gotten together a few months ago and they hadn't said I love you to one another until a week ago.

"What?" She questioned after a moment letting out a shakey breath

Steve swallowed hard and took her hand in his holding it gently "I said that I, uh, I want to start trying."

Natasha shook her head lightly getting up from the bed and bitting her thumbnail anxiously. Steve watched as she paced around the bedroom shaking her head. She turned to the blond for a moment, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Steve, we-" she began

Steve got up from the bed walking over to her slowly. He took her hands into his and smiled at her lovingly. He knew that it was soon, sooner than either of them talked about, but he wants this. He wants it with her. He wants to watch Natasha become a mom and watch their baby grow.

"I know it's soon." He pulled her hands up to his chest holding them against it "but I want to start trying. I want to see you pregnant and I want to see our child crawling around." He smiled

Natasha closed her eyes tightly shaking her head "why the sudden change? When we talked a few days ago we agreed that we are to young."

"I know, but when I saw you with Cooper-" he shrugged "something changed. It was like a lightbulb went off or something. I-I can't explain it. But I saw you with him and I just knew that I want this Nat."

Natasha pried her hands out of his grasp and wrapped her arms around his neck. Pulling his head down she slammed her lips against his in a hard kiss. Steve's tongue ran over the seam of her lips and she parted them giving him access. Their tongues danced together in a synchronized dance.

Jumping up she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bed with his hands under her ass. He laid her down on the soft mattress, her hair cascading on the white sheets around her.

"Does this mean we're trying?" He asked incaseing her in his arms

Natasha licked her lips and shook her head "no. It means that I'll quit taking the pill and if I get pregnant-" she shrugged "I get pregnant."

Steve smiled cheekily and pressed his lips against hers in a hard kiss. Their tongues began to play together once again and Natasha wrapped her legs around his waist, her dress riding up revealing the black lace thong she wore underneath. Steve's hands reached behind her and squeezed her ass erupting a moan from the blonde. His lips traveled down to the small amount of cleavage that wasn't covered by her nightie.

Natasha bit her bottom lip in pleasure as he sucked on the soft skin of her neck. Reaching for the hem of her nightie she pulled it off and threw it to the floor revealing her bare breast. Steve groaned internally, he cupped one of her breast in his big hand and squeezed it gently erupting a moan from her as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Taking her other breast into his mouth he ran his tongue over her stiff nub.

Natasha arched her back into him, her hands traveling to his hair and tugging on his short blond locks lightly.

"Steve." She breathed out in a breathy moan, his lips traveling to her jaw

"I love you." He murmured close to her ear, his hands prying off her thong and throwing it to the floor as he nipped at her earlobe

Natasha smiled "I love you-" her breath caught in her throat as he parted her thighs and his tongue made contact with her clit "Steve." She moaned as his tongue moved inside of her

Steve looked up at her, their eyes making contact. He smirked slightly kissing her intimate part before kissing down her inner thighs.

"So perfect." He murmured against her skin rubbing her outer thigh

"Steve, now." She whined

He smirked grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling it off. Natasha bit her bottom lip, her hands traveling to his abs and running over them.

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing your abs." She said looking up into his blue irises full of desire

Steve smirked pulling her hand off his chest and up to his lips placing a gentle kiss to her palm. His hands traveled back to her breast cupping them in his hands and he squeezed them gently.

"And I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing these." He smirked

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully and pulling his face down she pressed her lips against his. Her hands traveled to the hem of his boxers pulling them down. Steve positioned himself between her legs and inserted himself into her. Natasha moaned in pleasure as his cock entered her and filled her up completely.

This was turning into a night they'd never forget.


Natasha panted heavily, her head laying on Steve's chest and his arms wrapped securely around her bare waist. Her hands ran over his muscular chest, playing with the hairs on his chest.

"How long does it take for your birth control to wear off?" He asked after a moment

"A few weeks." She replied "but we're not trying, remember? We're just going to see what happens." She looked up at him

Steve nodded "yeah. I was just curious."

Natasha turned on to her stomach and propped herself up on her elbows placing a kiss to his lips. Steve smiled into the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers as they parted.

"I love you, I really do." She said

Steve smiled "I know, and I love you more than you'll ever know." He pecked her lips gently and reached his hand over turning off his lamp, the room going dark


The next morning Steve woke up with a frown lacing his lips. The bed was cold and Natasha was no longer in bed beside him. Sitting up in bed he rubbed his eyes tiredly with a groan. He stayed in bed for a few more moments, waiting to see if Natasha would come out of the bathroom and when she didn't he went downstairs.

Steve smiled as he walked into the kitchen finding his wife wearing his tee-shirt and dancing around the kitchen as she cooked. He leaned against the kitchen archway and just admired her. Her hips moved along to the beat of 'Taki Taki' by Dj Snake ft. Selena Gomez, Cardi B and Ozuna.

Steve always loved to watch Natasha when she danced. The way her hips moved and her feet slid against the floor was hypnotic.

"I know your there." She said with a slight smirk lacing her lips, she didn't take her eyes off the food in front of her

Steve smiled "then how come you didn't greet me sooner." He stepped away from the archway and walked towards her wrapping his arms around her waist from behind

"I was waiting for you to." She replied with a shrug

Steve hummed moving her hair away from her neck and pressing his lips against the crook. He sucked on the soft skin gently erupting a low moan from the red head. Natasha leaned into his touch closing her eyes in pleasure and content.

"Good morning." He greeted softly against the skin before moving his face away from her neck and placing a peck to her cheek

Natasha smirked "it's a little late for that, don't you think?"

Steve shook his head "I missed you when I woke up."

"Well, I wanted to make my husband breakfast." She grabbed the plate off the counter and put a omelet on it handing it to the blond with a smile

Steve took the plate with a smile and walked to the kitchen island taking a seat on the barstool. Natasha turned walking towards the counter, she braced herself on her hands putting them on the counter top.

"Your not going to eat?" He questioned taking a bite of his omelet

Natasha sighed "I, uh, I have a photoshoot in a few hours, figured I'd grab a granola bar on my way out." She shrugged

Steve let out a huff shaking his head "you have to eat Nat." He pushed his plate towards her and handed her his fork

Natasha shook her head "no. I made that for you." She pushed the plate towards him

"Damnit, Nat, you have to eat!" He practically shouted

The blonde flinched slightly and Steve closed his eyes tightly shaking his head.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout." He spoke gently walking around the counter "you need to eat sweetheart." He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his lips against her cheek

"Look, Steve, I have to go." She told him wiggling out of his embrace and grabbing her purse off the counter

"When do you think you'll be home?" He questioned

Natasha sighed "around lunch time, maybe later." She shrugged

Steve hummed with a nod "can I have a kiss before you go?" He puckered his lips

Natasha smiled and walking towards the blond she pecked his lips gently "I love you. I'll see you in a few hours." She murmured against his lips

"You better." He smiled

Natasha rolled her eyes playfully and grabbing her keys off the counter she turned to leave. Steve slapped her ass as she turned causing the blonde to snap towards him with a raised eyebrow.

Steve smirked "I had to, I couldn't resist."

Natasha chuckled amusedly shaking her head "bye."


Natasha walked into the modeling agency, with a smile gracing her lips. She greeted the doorman with a friendly smile before stepping into the building and handing the security guard a cup of coffee.

Walking to the elevator she got inside and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. The doors opened soon after and she stepped out walking to a big red door, opening the door she walked in and smiled at the camera man, stylist and makeup artist.

Walking over to May she took off her coat and hung it on the back of her chair before taking a seat. May quickly started to go over the red heads schedule whilst the team got to work. Within a hour and a half Natasha was ready for her first session.

"A little bit to the left." The camera man instructed

Natasha did as instructed and put a hand in her hair, the other on her hip as she looked directly into the camera.

"A little more to the left." He instructed

Natasha moved again and the camera man shook his head "to much, to the right."

Natasha let out a small huff as she moved again trying to keep her hands in the same placement. They had been doing this for the past three hours, if she didn't get home soon Steve was going to worry.

"How much longer?" She questioned

"We just need a few more photos, then we'll decide which one will go on next months cover of vogue." May replied looking up from her cell for a moment before looking back at the small device and continuing with her work

Natasha gave a tight lipped smile and continued with her photoshoot. The camera snapped and the lights flashed with every move she made. Camera men are like paparazzi in a way the only difference is their pictures are actually good and they get paid far more without there having to be a scandal involved.

"You look stressed." A feminine voice spoke over the loud noise of cameras flashing and stylist arguing with one another

Natasha turned at the sound of Maria's voice and smiled in relief "look who the cat dragged in." She joked

Maria chuckled shaking her head and taking a seat next to the blonde who was currently taking a break and sitting in a small black chair.

"Sam and I just got back." Maria told her

"How was the trip?" She asked leaning back in her chair

Maria smiled "well, um, let's just say I left with a little something." She smirked

Natasha raised a eyebrow and Maria lifted her left hand showing off the stunning diamond ring that adorned her ring finger. The blonde's mouth gaped in shock and her eyes widened.

"He didn't?!"

"He did." Maria confirmed with a nod and a smile

Natasha took the brunette's hand and examined the stunning four carrot rose gold pear shaped ring "wow. Someone really knows how to pick 'em."

Maria nodded in agreement "I think it's a little big, but who am I to complain?"

Natasha chuckled letting go of her friends hand and setting her own on her lap. She glanced over at the camera man who was currently going over the pictures taken today, she sighed.

"So... how are things with you and your hubby?" Maria asked after a moment with a teasing smirk

"He knows." She replied

Maria raised a eyebrow "about your parents?" She questioned and Natasha nodded in confirmation

Maria let out a sigh "what did he say?"

"That he doesn't want me anywhere near my father and that he wouldn't leave me." She replied "he also said that he loves me and that he wants to start trying for a baby." She smiled lightly looking down at her hands that where folded on her lap

Maria's eyes widened slightly "wow. okay, that's a lot of information and a lot of progress. In so little time!"

Natasha nodded with a smile "I know, and here I thought this marriage was going to end in disaster."

"So are you two trying?" Maria asked after a moment

Natasha inhaled deeply "we're not not trying." She replied with a unsure look on her face and a shrug of her shoulders

Maria raised a questioning eyebrow

Natasha let out a small huff "starting today I'm off the pill. If I get pregnant I get pregnant." She explained with a shrug

Maria nodded in understanding "so, I assume since you two are trying that you've done it already." She smirked

Natasha blushed madly, almost turning the color of her natural hair "yeah."

"How was it?" She asked with a smirk taking a sip of water

"Beyond incredible." She replied "he made me feel loved. Like I was the only girl he'd ever loved." She smiled "it was something that I've never felt before, with anyone I've been with in the past."

Maria hummed "that's good, because all the guys you've dated in the past were complete assholes."


Maria shrugged "what? They were!"

The two friends chuckled. Soon after Natasha got the okay to go home for the day but she was to be back tomorrow for a fitting. The blonde let out a long breath as she exited the building and walked on to the sidewalk.

She loves what she does, she really does, but sometimes it could be such a pain in the ass. She remembered when she first started modeling, agency's told her that her hair color was to vibrant and if she dyed it she would get more castings. At the time she had rolled her eyes and told them to go to hell but now she didn't seem to care as much about her hair.

Still, she couldn't help but think she could be doing something else, something she's passionate about. Just like how Steve's passionate about his company and baseball, just like she is with dance.

Natasha eyes widened slightly and a huge smile appeared on her lips, because with that thought in mind an idea was born.

A idea that could possibly change her life forever.

Was supposed to post this last Friday, but some things came up. Anyway, like I said, I have no idea when I'll be able to post or how often. I'll try to post at least once or twice a month and I'll try to give regular updates so y'all know.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, please vote and comment if you wish. I always enjoy hearing your guys input.

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