stay by my side | min yoongi

By joongie1117

236 21 195

"๐˜ฅ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ'๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ด๐˜ด ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ถ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ, ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ๐˜ข๐˜บ?" "๐˜ช ๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ข๐˜บ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ... More

goodbye for now.
hello new life.
we're a family.
good luck.
let's support each other.
together now.
special chapter; min jiyun
special chapter; park eunsoo

what a surprise.

21 2 16
By joongie1117

"wait... you have a crush on jungkook!?" i ask her in shock.

"yeah, is that so shocking though?" she says sincerely.

we've gotten so close due to our deep conversations and the time we spent together over the course of a day.

from early sunday to this afternoon. today is monday and it's a holiday so we get to stay home. we pulled an all nighter last night, blasting music and putting up stuff around the dorm.

"honestly no, so many girls liked jungkook in school, it was crazy" i say as i take a sip of my coffee.

"unfortunately, i'm one of them" she sighs and also takes a sip of her coke.

"but what did he do to make your heart beat faster?" i ask her curiously.

"there was this one day, i stayed behind at school and he did too. i stayed behind because i needed to ask the teacher some questions about our lesson that day, turns out jungkook stayed behind for the same reason and we ended up having a conversation about the class as we waited for the teacher. it sounds so dumb but he was so sweet and the conversation felt so genuine that it just swept me off my feet" she says sounding disappointed in herself.

"aw don't worry, i realized my feelings for the guy i like AFTER i joined my section... what's worse is that he's been my best friend since we were born basically, can you believe that?" i say facepalming and laughing at myself.

"what, really?" she says joining in my laughter.

for some reason, it feels like we're drunk. we're probably just really happy that we clicked with each other. a euphoria rush of some sort.

"wait a second... your best friend, yoongi??" she asks just realizing who i meant.

"yeah..." i purse my lips.

"wow, i mean i saw it coming to be honest"


"yep, you guys were together like 24/7" she says jokingly.

"i can't believe we went to the same school, you like one of my friends, and you never decided to approach us!" i throw my hands in the air.

"i'm just not good with people" she pouts.

"well at least we met here"

"yess" she gives me a content smile. i smile back at her.

after our fun hangout, i decided to introduce her to the other guys downstairs.

i see them sat down at our usual spot so i drag her there.

once we stand behind them, everyone looks at us and some look shocked.

"jaehyun?" "eunsoo?" both jaehyun and eunsoo stare at each other in recognition.

"you know each other?"

"yeah, he's my friend from school"

"oh wow" i say now putting a face to her friend.

what a small world.

"we've also seen her around at school because of jaehyun but we never really talked to each other before" johnny lets us know. i nod my head acknowledging the fact.

"how's sunghoon?" jaehyun asks eunsoo.

eunsoo takes a seat beside jaehyun and i know she just wants to catch up with him as badly as i want to catch up with yoongi so i let her be and conversate with hoseok who's beside me.


and that's how we stayed as one group, from one connection to another it led us to become closer friends. eunsoo and i also got really close.

just like that five months go by quickly and we get to see jimin come into the section. we greet him and introduced him to the rest of the group.

some days later i had a sleepover with hoseok and jimin and showed my abilities to jimin just like i did to hoseok previously. he was impressed and i was satisfied.

after that, i had been able to improve my techniques. i've been researching about air mimicry and what are all the things i should be able to do.

apparently, i can change the weather in a certain area to a foggy-like weather. i can travel as a cloud of fog myself too. the advanced part of it is being able to choose the gas type i want to become and be able to split up as any gas form.

i'd say my abilities are pretty cool and that i can definitely reach the most advanced form of it. i can't wait to show the rest of the guys and my family as well.

we're in the middle of november now, and i'm getting my dorm ready to have a sleepover with hoseok and jimin for the second time now.

eunsoo left to go hangout with jaehyun so we had all night to laugh around and be loud.

i hear a knock on the door right as i finish setting up some snacks on the kitchen counter. i hurry to the door and see my two friends. i greet them with a hug and let them in.

"help yourselves with some of the snacks i prepared" i tell them pointing at the kitchen counter.

"you got our favorites too!" hoseok says excitedly as he rushes over to the kitchen. jimin stays by my side though.

"you haven't been texting much in the groupchat" jimin tells me.

ever since i came here, i had forgotten i had a phone most of the time. i got so used to training everyday and not looking at my phone because i had been so tired that i just left it aside and started using my alarm clock to wake me up in the mornings.

"now that i have more time on my hands, i should use it again... sorry" i apologize to jimin.

"it's okay, i was just telling you because the other guys miss you and they haven't heard much from you, they've also sent a lot of messages" jimin informs me.

"i'll check it later tonight" i make a promise to myself.

"sounds good, maybe we can all laugh together with all the stuff they sent, it's only jin and taehyung outside the sections now so they're pretty lonely" he chuckles and heads towards hoseok with the snacks.

we pretty much just catch up some more and jimin tells hoseok and i what all happened when we joined our section.

after we get pretty comfortable in the living room, taking up the whole couch i decide i should tell them about my feelings for yoongi. i feel like i can trust these two with my secret.

"i have an announcement to make" i say changing the subject.

"should we be scared?" hoseok asks me.

"no, there's nothing to be scared of" i laugh.

"you're such a scaredy cat" jimin laughs along too.

"then spit it out already! my anxiety is rising as we speak" hoseok starts biting his nails.

"just chill, it's really nothing to worry about. it just might surprise you, that's all" i tell them.

"soo..." jimin starts.

"ihaveacrushonyoongi" i say really fast.

"what?" hoseok didn't understand a word i said.

"really?" jimin asks in shock. i nod.

seems like jimin is faster as catching things than hoseok.

"wait, what did you say?" hoseok asks sounding very confused.

"she has a crush on yoongi" jimin tells him. i cover my face because i am a little embarrassed and started blushing.

"dang it! now i owe namjoon $10..." hoseok sighs and looks upset.

"for what?" i look up questioning him.

"he bet that you had a thing for yoongi but i bet that you had a thing for taehyung" he says shaking his head, disappointed in himself.

"when did you do that?" jimin asks as he starts laughing.

"i can't believe you guys were betting on my love life, it just makes me wonder what other stuff you've done behind my back" i glare at him playfully. i'm obviously not mad but i wonder why he thought i had a thing for taehyung.

"i hope he doesn't remember that" hoseok mumbles to himself.

"that was all?" jimin asks me as he faces me.

"you guys aren't as shocked as i thought you would be"

"i mean, it's not a bad thing and we totally support it so" jimin says.

"yeah what he said, i guess it's time to board another ship..." he says with a sad tone.

"did you really think i had a thing for taehyung?" i ask hoseok.

"well you guys were really touchy at school-"

"correction. HE was very touchy with me, i mean, i didn't mind it but he always initiated it" i correct him.

"okay my bad, then he must be the one who's into you?" he asks himself while rubbing his chin.

"actually yeah" i respond to him.

"WHAT!?" they both turn to me with a shocked face.

"wait, taehyung didn't tell y'all?" i ask them a little surprised as well.

"no! did he confess or something?" hoseok exclaims.

"yeah, the day i got sent here he confessed to me after school. but uh- don't tell him i told you guys, he might've not wanted-"

"oops" hoseok is frozen in place holding his phone with his eyes widened. jimin and i facepalmed.

"give me that!" jimin snatches the phone from him. "why would you ask taehyung about it if we heard it from y/n and not him??" jimin scolds him. hoseok pouts and lowers his head.

"looks like he didn't see the text, i'm going to delete it" jimin says sternly.

after a minute, jimin returns his phone and scolds him one more time. hoseok apologizes to us and we continue on to another subject for the night.

we stayed up all night.

and i also forgot to check my phone... oh well.

the next day, i was woken up by someone entering the dorm.

"wow you guys, it's 1 in the afternoon. get up!" eunsoo throws herself on us. the three of us were sleeping like burritos on the floor in front of the couch.

"i can't breathe!" hoseok shouts.

"i think i'm going to throw up..." jimin grumbles.

"if you don't sit up in 5 seconds, i'm going to start rolling on top" as soon as she said that, the three of us stood up quickly.

"okay now that you're up, i have news for all of us!" eunsoo says excitedly.

i rub my eyes to look at her properly and see the guys doing the same.

"we made it to the advanced team!" she exclaims as she jumps and claps her hands.

"you're joking!!" i exclaim wide awake now. she shakes her head.

i start screaming and jumping with eunsoo. it seems like the guys are still processing the information.

after we settled down and cleaned up our mess, we got together one last time for breakfast in the dorm. that's where eunsoo shows us a picture of a list of the people who made it in for proof.

"that means we're going to the training camps right?" hoseok asks as he takes a bite of his food.

"yeah and we also get to see people from the other sections and train with them" eunsoo chimes in.

"i hope we have fun" i say and they all agree with me.

a month and some days go by and it's finally the new year. we all get assigned to a base camp site as well as a leader. apparently, training camp lasts a week. we were given vague schedules on what we would be doing everyday. all the paper said was that we would basically be training with our leaders for the first two days and then for the rest of the week, we would switch leaders and train with the other trainees. and that, at the end of the week we're going to have a group activity, i suppose it's all the groups in the same base camp that come together.

on another paper, it tells us that there are four base camps, each located in one section. every base has four groups staying in it. and in each group, there are four leaders who will each have one trainee assigned to them.

once everyone had received their confirmation papers with the base camp number, group number, and leader, we all got together in the cafeteria to see who would be together. everyone in our friend group had been able to make it to the advanced team. word is spreading around that this is the year with the most advanced trainees.

unfortunately, i was not at the same base camp as eunsoo, hoseok, or jimin. but, johnny and taeil were so it wasn't that bad.

the week finally came were we had to get on the train to go to our base camp which is located in the water section.

johnny, taeil and i said our goodbyes to the rest of our friends and went to our respective stations.

once we arrived, we noticed the train station at the water section didn't look much different. this made us feel less lost but as we got out it was like a whole different world. it looks like the water section's uniforms/training clothes has navy blue integrated into them. i think it suits them.

johnny had somehow found a guidance form online and so taeil and i followed him. we ended up finding a board right outside the train station and followed those instructions instead.

we were told to go to their training building and go to a certain meeting room and from there all 34 of the people that are supposed to be there will board a bus to the base camp.

inside the meeting room, there was already a few people sat there waiting. we introduced ourselves and kept a conversation going as we waited together. it eventually got to the time we were supposed to get on the bus when the last and final person had arrived in a hurry. our two leaders took roll once we were inside the bus and made we had everything before we took off. everything was good so the bus closed its doors and we were finally on our way.

in the bus, taeil and johnny sat by each other and i sat in front of them by myself. we were all still talking though. the leaders went through each group in the bus and made small talk to get to know us.

an hour later, we arrived at the base camp. there was five cabins, four noticeable bigger than the one that seemed to be sitting in the middle. that cabin must be for the leaders since the other cabins would be holding eight people each.

the leaders got us to form a line and stood in front of all us to tell us our assigned cabin. after that was done and i had gone inside the cabin to set my stuff down, i noticed the cabins had eight small rooms and four bathrooms. that wasn't bad because at least we get our privacy and it's probably due to some leaders being girls that have a boy trainee and vice versa.

the first day we didn't have any training, we just had an activity to do with our leaders so we could get comfortable with each other. the next two days we had training with our leaders around the base camp area, which was beautiful. the scenery held a large lake and some mountains behind it. the cabins were located on a flat part of the land, just perfect for training, right in front of the lake.

the rest of the week we got to train with other leaders as well as other trainees. we got to do duels and mini group competitions. i'd say everyone somehow able to get better with their techniques.

finally, on our last day, our group activity was held. in the morning we all had breakfast together. then, they let us hang out by the lake. our leaders surprised us with a picnic right after. at last, we had a bonfire and played games since we were all sat in a circle.

overall, it was a really nice experience and i'm confident that we're all gonna walk away having learned something during training. i met new people like i was hoping to do and they were all so nice.

the next morning after the bonfire, we all gathered our stuff and put it in the bus so we could head back home.

it was the same as when we came, an hour to the training center and then we walked to our respective stations to head to our sections if we had to. those from the water section were lucky they stayed in the section because they got to rest sooner than the others could.

taeil, johnny and i decided to go to the cafeteria to grab a snack and wait for the rest of the group to arrive. everybody had made it in about like an hour and we talked about our experiences. everybody said that they enjoyed their time there and would to do it again.

a few weeks later, everybody kept working hard in training. for this reason we barely see each other nowadays.

it's around the end of february when our dorm phone rang and thankfully i was in the living room to answer it. i was told over the phone that i am now able to visit my home on the weekends. i guess my hard work paid off in the end, i wonder if i'll see the other guys, besides hoseok and jimin, back at home.


just like how my mom and jihyo had said, time went by quickly.

it's been four years since i was a trainee and now i am about to become a leader to a trainee. a lot of things happened these past few years.

when i went back to visit home from time to time, i only saw yoongi once and he didn't even approach me. i am still hurt even though it was last year. maybe something happened to him in his section and i just wouldn't have known. he barely texts in the groupchat but i'm the worst because i don't even text in there anymore, all i see is the messages and make sure my friends are doing alright.

i remember finally checking my phone three years ago for the first time since joining the air section. i had 70+ missed calls from taehyung, lots of texts from my parents and the groupchat and only one missed call from yoongi. i thought i should be worried but last time i saw yoongi, he seemed normal except for the fact that he ignored me.

i had messages from taehyung too. it was like he sent me what happened in his everyday life. i guess he got lonely at some point. i feel bad for not responding but it just didn't feel right if i did it so late.

this year, jiyun and sunoo joined their respective sections. sunoo joined the water section and jiyun the earth section. apparently, eunsoo's little brother will be joining soon as well, i think she said his name was sunghoon? and if i remember correctly, jungkook has a step brother and he's probably already joined his section. i'm not sure if sunghoon's or jungkook's brother's section but i'm sure they'll stand out. jaehyun also has a brother who might be around their same age. hopefully they get to be our trainees this upcoming year.

right now, it is september and i'm 20 years old. eunsoo and i applied to become leaders for the training camp next year. we're almost 100% sure that we'll get in since we are in tier 2 of the air section advanced group. everyone in our lunch group except for taeil decided to join the air section advanced group, he told us that he doesn't think it's his thing and we all respected his decision. the year after we all came back from our training camps four years ago, one of taeil, johnny, and jaehyun's friend joined the air section. his name is haechan and he didn't make the advanced team last year so he also won't be joining us.

on the other hand, becoming a leader lets you choose the base camp you want to reside in with your trainee. the whole friend group applied for the same one and we hope to have applied first because they told us it's first come first serve.

the month of october came and we got told that we got the base camp we wanted which was in the earth section. it was eunsoo, jimin, hoseok, jaehyun, johnny, me and some dude named jeonghan that are leaders for the base camp from the air section. that means the rest of the 9 leaders would be from the other sections. i hope the other guys also applied for the same base camp like they had agreed.

us leaders got told to meet up a few days of the week to come up with ideas on what to do at the camp. it was totally up to us what we decided to do as long as it fell under the training rules and group activity regulations.

soon, the month of november came by and we got to see the rest of the leaders who would be with us and which trainees we get assigned to.

on the list of leaders, i saw namjoon, jin, jungkook, and yoongi had made it in. i frowned upon not seeing taehyung's name but decided to keep it to myself as to not bother jimin and hoseok about it. i also saw the names chaewon, lisa, mingyu, yugyeom and seungcheol. i hope they're nice people. it also looks like not many girls applied to be leaders in the earth section base camp. maybe the rest applied for the others.

the base camp also had their own hosts, which would be chanyeol as our head leader and baekhyun as the sub leader. i have no idea who they are but i hope they're just as nice as my hosts when i was a trainee.

as i kept looking through the packet we were given, i went straight to the list of trainees and i saw i had been assigned someone named taehyun. i look through once again to see if sunoo made it and he did, and he's going to be yoongi's trainee. i keep looking through the list and see that eunsoo had gotten jiyun. it's like when two world's collide, both of their name look weird together. the group including jeonghan started talking about the trainees and apparently eunsoo's brother, sunghoon has made it and was jaehyun's trainee. how ironic. jaehyun also pointed out that his brother had made it and that he was going to be jimin's trainee.

i take a look at the list once again and see that jaehyun's brother is jake. johnny said he also had gotten someone he knew. someone by the name of jisung who had just joined our section.

i can already tell this training camp will be unforgettable. i hope the guys and i get to catch up and make new memories together. especially since our siblings are going to be there too.

after a few meetings, the training camps were decided to be held at the beginning of january next year. that means we're only two weeks away from it and we're ready for it. all of the leaders submitted their final ideas for the camp last week, so we should be getting the finalized plan back soon.

the days go by fast and it's already the day before we get on the train to depart the air section and travel to the earth section. i make sure i have everything i need packed the night before, except for some essentials i'll need in the morning when i wake up. i have a separate bag for those things to be put up right after so that we won't be late.

i make sure to agree on a time to head out with eunsoo and told the rest of the guys what we would be doing. everyone agreed and now we all just waited for the next day to arrive.

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