The Spiral

By _usairs_

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1st Book of Series Steve lives a peaceful and happy life as a principle, yet he also years for something grea... More

Chapter 1: Monkey
Chapter 2: The Rabbit
Chapter 3: Rooster
Chapter 4: Ox
Chapter 5: Dog
Chapter 6: Lamb
Chapter 7: Snake
Chapter 9: Pig
Chapter 10: Horse
Chapter 11: Tiger
Chapter 12: Rat

Chapter 8: Dragon

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By _usairs_

"...and my-"

"What do I have to do!", I yelled interrupting him.

He stared at me laughing, "Such fire.

Well first you will need a new leg, and some teeth," he said chuckling at what remained of my teeth.

"Excuse me?", I said gritting my last two teeth against one another.

He ignored me, "Della please fix him", and just like that he left.

Della entered soon, carrying a wheelchair.

"Can you get on this?", she asked tentatively...

"I can try...", I attempted to pull myself onto it . It took more force than I expected, and my body tensed up. The moment I attempted my last pull I collapsed with a pained grunt and fell onto the floor

"Damn", she put her hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?",

I was breathing heavy trying to catch my breath


"Well, let's try again", she said as she went to pull me onto the chair

"Nope, can't be done," I groaned,

She laughed, "Let me help you this time."

I tried again, but this time with her help I was able to get onto the chair, "Oh geez...", I groaned, in pain.

"Well, let's get you fixed up" she said as she began to wheel me out the door, "Bye cell", I whispered.

"That's really fucking weird", she said looking at me.

I reddened, "Talk to me after you've spent days in there.'

She looked away, I have, you know...we all have...", she said trailing off.

"Wait... what does that mean?", I asked

"N- Nothing, its nothing," she said, as she turned into a familiar room.

"Welcome back to the medbay". I looked around, the room was like I remembered it. Then I saw a young boy hunched over some metal parts.

"Who's that", I asked Della pointing to the kid.

She rolled her eyes, "That's my new protege... He's alright", she said still glaring at him, "A little slow though...HURRY UP JEREMY!"

Hi", I said to him, his back turned to me. "Is that leg for me?"

He turned to me, a darkness in his eyes, before he nodded to me.

"What's his deal...", I asked her

"He can't talk", she said.

I frowned, "He can't talk?"

She just looked away.

"His tongue was cut out."

I stared at him in pity, I thought I had it bad..., "Can't you make him a metal one? "

"It's not up to me", she said.

I looked away, I was about to ask another questioned when she interrupted me, "Alright... get on the med table". Before I could ask she called, "Bruce, some help please."

I seethed in anger as a familiar brute walked into the room. "You!", my eyes narrowed at him

"Hey kiddo", he said looking at me with a smirk, "You can't stand up...that's pretty weak".

I frowned, "Get out of my face", I said annoyed.

"Just let him help you," Della pleaded with me.

"Fine", I muttered. Bruce lifted me and threw me onto the med table,"

"WHAT the HELL! Why did you do that?!"

Bruce laughed as he left the room, ignoring me.

"Thank Bruceeee", Della said, waving goodbye.

"I'm going to kill him", I said under my breath.

"Alright?" Della asked, "Ready?"

"What would you do if I wasn't? " I asked

"Well... I don't know, I thought you'd be excited to get more mechanical bits", she said with a smile

"MORE! What else are you chopping off???", I shouted

"I'm not chopping anything, and it because you had some shoddy dentist work", she said talking about my teeth.

"Fuc-h, well let's get this over with."

"Perfect... JEREMY BRING THE PARTS!" she yelled as Jeremy stumbled over holding a new metal leg and teeth.

"Let's do the teeth first", She grabbed the teeth and began to insert them into my mouth. "OW!" I screamed, the metal bit into my gums and sliced the inside.

"Keep calm, they will hurt at first", She said as she continued inserting the teeth, but I flinched and threw my head back causing my head to slam against the table. "OUCH! FUCK!", I screamed as it felt like I was being burned with acid.

"Stay still!", She said., "Jeremy...JEREMY! HOLD HIM DOWN"

Jeremy rushed over and attempted to hold me down, as Della put in the last set of teeth into my mouth,

"I think that's the last one", She said

I panted heavily, "I'm ok", I said sounding surprised. I felt the sudden jolt of pain on the other side of my face, and I felt it go numb. "Am I gonna be alright?" I asked

"You'll be a little numb at first, but it'll feel like normal soon enough. The pain will subside for a bit, and you'll be alright", She said, as she handed me a mirror. "What do you think?"

"I looked in the mirror, barely recognizable." My new teeth were all silver and looked razor sharp, except the two I hadn't lost. There was a long scar that ran down from my eye and across my nose, courtesy of Summer, and to top it all off my hair was matted and greasy. "Not sure if I like it", I said.

"Don't worry, we'll get you a makeover,"She said as prepared to attach my leg. "You remember the leg attaching process right?"

"Not really..."

"Well then this will be a refresher course," she said as she jammed the leg into my body, I screamed in pain as my skin was pinched and tugged around. It felt like the leg was getting stretched and torn with each connection. Then the heat began to build up,

"God Dammit!" I screamed as my leg began to burn, it hurt even more than before.

"Hold still...JEREMY!", Della shouted as Jeremy came to hold me down.

"Stop hurting me!", I yelled

Della laughed, "Are you 5?,"

"Just hold still, it'll be over soon," She said as the metal pins dug deeper into my flesh ., "We don't want them coming off again.

"I HATE THIS FUCKING DAY," I screamed. It hurt so much, I could no longer feel my legs and I could feel the hot metal burning my skin.

"Just a few more seconds..", She said

"FUCK!", I yelled as a foot of metal went in, "ARE YOU A DUMB BITCH OR WHAT?"

"Just a sec", She said as she pushed the foot of metal deeper into my flesh.

"PLEASE!" I screamed.

"Just a sec."

"FUCK!", I yelled.

"Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Just a sec..," she said,


"Actually, a second on Saturn would be shorter than one on Earth, you should've said Venus or Mercury..."

"Who gives a SHIT!", I yelled interrupting her.

"Asshole, anyway it's done."

"HOLY SHIT!", I screamed, "How was that worse than the first time!," I yelled

"Trust me, you'll get used to it," She said, as she made some adjustments to the leg. "There we go, try walking".

I took one shaky step... and fell onto my face.

Della laughed as Jeremy seem amused.

"You know Jeremy, fuck you.", I laughed

"Hey, don't be mean to Jeremy, that's my job, now... GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE JEREMY!"

Della said as she helped me up. Jeremy ran out the room, slamming the door.

"He's weird", I said, smiling.

"I know," She said as she stared at me, her dark eyes looked so sad. "But in a weird, hot way."


"Nothing, shut up, do not tell him I said that,"

"Mmmmm, or what?,"

"Or, I won't give you these...", she said waving some painkillers in front of me.

"WHY DIDNT YOU GIVE ME THOSE BEFORE!," I said grabbing them, I took a few and swallowed them.

"Well, cause I like seeing tough guys cry, and Zaclowski ordered me not too, but... let's get you that makeover now", she said, smiling with a small dimple in her cheek.

"Alright, you are a woman of many talents...",

She giggled, "Oh you though I was giving you a makeover?, Oh this is going to be so funny..."

"Wait you aren't??'

"Of course not...I'm a doctor remember?"

"Yes, but, but, please tell me it isn't Bruce..."

", that'd would've been hilarious though."

"Then who?"

"You'll see soon enough...", as she called for someone on her radio.

I moved my new leg, it was beginning to feel normal. I tried rotating it when a voice rang out...


My face turned to the sound of... Summer. Of course she would be giving me the makeover, how had I not guessed that. She ran in and wrapped me up in a hug, my tears soaking her top.

"There, there, we are in the fun part now, this will make everything better.", she said stroking my hair.

I pulled away, "So, you're gonna give me my makeover?"

She burst out laughing, "Wha- god no, unless you want to look like a clown...T is going to do it for you.", Summer said as T walked in holding a cosmetic bag.

"Where's pretty boy", she smirked.

"No, no, no, you're joking... right... please Summer?"

"Nope...she's the best, have fun!", Summer said as she hugged me and ran out of the room.

"So, you ready?" T asked as she had me sit on a chair, and put on a pink apron. Della laughed as she sat down to watch.

"Does she have to be here", I asked T, getting annoyed

"Nope, I'd ask her to leave, but since she annoys you, she can stay", She said grinning as I let out a deep sigh.

"Alright, let's get this over with."

T grabbed some scissors and went to work on my hair, she parted my hair into 3 sections. She carefully started to cut each section off, the hair being dragged on the floor. She pulled my head up from where my hair was hanging and tied it back in a ponytail. I felt embarrassed as Della was laughing, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!"

"This is a transformation, also this hair suits you!", She yelled as she finished cutting my hair off.

"I can't look like a freak!", I said, starting to tear up.

"Oh pipe down, you look fine", T said as she took out a cloth to clean my face. I flinched as she hit my scar. "Geez, Summer did a number on you, I'm impressed. I'm glad she didn't cut your face off...cuz, yeah. that would be pretty hard to makeover", She laughed as she wiped my face.

"Shut up, and hurry up!"

Della looked at me in disgust. "Stop being so rude, she's actually making you look kind of hot." I rolled my eyes,"Whatever".

"Alright we're done with your face... now strip down", T said as she took out a sleek black jumpsuit. I stripped off my top and shorts as Della giggled, looking at my sneakily chiseled abs. I wasn't the most built guy but I was fit. She helped me into the jumpsuit, it being form fitting, it was scary as shit, T had really done some shopping, it fit like it was made for me.

"Alright, we are almost done", T said as she grabbed a spray bottle of white liquid, I looked at her, confused, "What the hell is that?", I asked

"A little peroxide, It will help to bleach your hair", She replied.

"W- wait... whiten my hair?", I asked

"Yes, get rid of all the dark hair you have on your body", She said smirking, "Oh yea, you're just gonna have the hair on your head white." I cringed as she sprayed me with the liquid, I screamed as I almost fainted. I slowly came back to my senses, as my hair was totally white.

I looked into the giant mirror,

"Wow, I- I look weird" I said, staring myself. My hair was white and tied back almost like a Samurai, and the outfit was so tight you could see my body in the mirror. I looked hot and a bit scruffy. "But I like it...T... thank you, you're the best!"

"It's not over yet, we have one more thing to do", T said to me as she threw me a mask. I raised my eyebrows at her, "What's with the mask?". She smirked at me, "Your new teeth are frightening".

"Fuck you...", I looked at the mask, it was metallic black and had a sleek design that would go over my mouth. I stared at it for a moment and then began to cry.

"I- is this supposed to help me?", I asked.

"It is supposed to help you become even more of a freak", T laughed. I looked at her, and put on the mask, it fit very snugly, and I looked intimidating.

"Well!", a deep voice rang out from the mask.

"WHAT THE HELL!", the voice said again.

Della and T both laughed..., "Oh yeah the mask has a voice amplifier, so get used to your new voice", T said as she walked out of the room.

"I fell back onto the bed holding my head in my hands...,"How do I look",I asked Della. She shrugged,

"You look.. different...but good, you're hot now."

I glared at her,"Thanks? Now what?"

"Zaclowski wants to see you", she said coldly.

"Yeah, alright"

I walked out of the room, getting used to my new look.

I was led down the hall in front of a door with a plaque that read, "Dr.D. Zaclowski."

"They can't be serious...", I thought to myself. Hunch and Holm got me in a car and we were on our way to the station.

"Have you heard about the VT-16 Cruisers?" Hunch said.

Holm scoffed, "Yeah, it's gonna make this baby obsolete", he said banging his hands on the steering wheel.

"I guess so...", Hunch said. "I have a hunch though..."

Holm laughed, "Hunch has a hunch?"

"Shut up man, I don't think this guy did it," Hunch replied.

"What do you mean by that", Holm asked.

"Think about it", Hunch said. "I read about this guy...principle who lost his student? Why would attacking himself help, and further more what kind of sick man breaks his jaw to the point he can't talk"

"Could be an act", Holm countered.

"Can't be, coroner confirmed it."

"Well, I don't care, we need a suspect and he's the best lead we got", Holm said

"You can't be serious...the great detective Holm devolved into a slimeball", Hunch scoffed.

Holm turned his face red...," don't know what you're talking about", he said with emphasis on each word.

Hunch shrugged, "Sorry Holm, but you know I'm right.", he said nodding.


"Orders? So you just follow them blindly? You might as well be a stormtrooper...", Hunch said.

I was shocked at the dynamic between the two cops. From what I had seen Hunch had been like a 2nd in command to Holm, but here he was standing up to him, something I was sure Hunch wasn't used to doing.

"Okay Hunch, if you're so damn honorable , what do you suggest we do huh? "We show up with no suspect? What do you think happens then? Not to mention, we still don't know for sure that he didn't do it."

"Dude, I'm just asking you to consider what might be possible."

Holm squinted his eyes and looked at Hunch, "Call me sir".

Hunch, squinted back,"We are equals! lost your rank a long time ago."

"Why you little-"

Holm no longer had his hands on the wheel at this point and the car was about to go into a ditch. I waved as I tried to get their attention, but it was no use, Holm launched a punch at Hunch, catching him off guard. Hunch held his jaw, he staggered and then realized what was going on. His eyes widen in realization as the car crashed into the ditch.

"HOLM! WATCH THE ROAD-", Hunch shouted, but it was too late as the car plummeted into the ditch, before eventually coming to a complete stop in front of a white picket fence.

Hunch got out of the car and knelt by the door before puking, "HOLM! YOU FUCKING MORON!" Hunch muttered in between heaves.

Holm sat there dazed as he wiped his face, the patrol car was completely totaled.

Holm got out of the car, stumbling as he walked towards Hunch. "Whats your problem man?", Holm asked still a little dazed, "We used to be such a good team, why did you have to become such an asshole!?"

"Don't even start...", Hunch snapped back, "I'm not the one who is an asshole, you changed man. I guess you're the kind of guy who has to have everything his way, huh?".

"Okay, now you really are an asshole.", Holm replied.

"You might have lost your rank man, but that doesn't mean you lose your soul. You know, cops help people...we help them solve crimes, we catch bad guys...and that's something we can do again."

"THATS WHAT IM DOING", Holm screamed looking for me, "Where is he?"

My head was spinning at this point as I tried to make sense of everything. The two police officers had gone insane and were arguing outside like an old couple. The car had skidded to a stop by the white picket fence, now Holm was looking for me.

"WHERE IS HE?", he screamed again.

I could barely move but I managed to kick the door open before tumbling out landing on my hands.

I groaned as I tried to get back up. Holm ran up to me grabbing me by the collar, " back in the car!".

I tried to say something, but I still couldn't speak. I looked up, there was a path leading down towards the farm.

A blonde haired girl, who looked to be about 12 years old was coming up towards us. She was wearing a dragon mask, "Huh, look a friend!", she said pointing to Holm.

"Why don't you go back to that house young lady, and stay there, that guy is the enemy," said Holm.

"NO! I WON"T!" the girl shouted, pointing to Holm and Hunch. "You guys are making such a loud noise! That man is the only quiet one here! I'm not listening to you."

I looked to Holm who exchanged a look with Hunch,

"Listen you bitch kid!" yelled Holm.

Hunch pushed him back...,"Woah man, that's a fucking kid, compose yourself man!" Hunch said.

"COMPOSE MYSELF? DO I LOOK LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING BEETHOVEN OR RACHMANINOFF,I HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE", Holm had completely lost it and drew his gun and cocked it before turning to face the girl.

I stared in shock, and Hunch yelled, "What the fuck are you doing man? She's a kid!"

"I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME SIR! AND I CAN'T TAKE THIS NOISE ANYMORE", Holm said waving his gun around.

Hunch slowly walked up to Holm, trying to calm him down, "Alright alright, we're not gonna shoot her are we?", he asked.

"Please mister", the girl pleaded, "please...", she looked at the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Holm ignored her pleading, he started walking down the path, getting closer to the girl, as Hunch stood in shock, pointing his gun at him.

"Hey man, we don't have to do this!", yelled Hunch, pointing his gun at Holm.

Holm laughed, "You would draw your gun on me Hunch?".

"Uh... yeah when you draw it on a little girl you psycho", Hunch looked shocked.

Holm laughed again. "Funny isn't it? The power a gun wields. A gun in the face will reveal everyone's true intentions .", Holm turned and faced the girl.

She was crying, she was shaking. I watched as the girl's face crumpled. Her body began to shake, as if she were being set on fire. Holm took a step closer to her and pulled the trigger.

The silence was a deafening thing to hear. The world came to a halt, as we all stared at each other in horror. I could hear Hunch drop his gun behind me, he began to cry.

"Wha- what have you done man!?", he said.

Holm's smile soon turned to a grimace of pain, his whole face contorted as he fell to the ground, and I could hear him scream.

"That's not a girl partner!" said Holm.

"You sicko!" yelled Hunch, "YOU KILLED HER", Hunch grabbed his gun off the floor and aimed it at Holm.

"My, my, the balls on YOU Hunch!", hollered Holm, "Pulling your gun on your superior officer".

Hunch took aim at him again, "DONT YOU FUCKING MOVE!", hollered Holm.

Holm's arm twitched, and Hunch fired, hitting Holm in the leg. He fell to the ground, grabbing his leg.


I looked to the girl, she was rising, blood pouring from her mouth, and she was about to come back to life.

"I-uh- what the fuck is going on", Hunch said stuttering.

"She's not fucking HUMAN HUNCH! SHE IS DEMONIC! FUCKING KILL HER!" screamed Holm, he raised his gun once again.

I sprinted over to the girl, she looked at me, tears streaming down her face.

Holm and Hunch opened fire on the girl again, the bullets struck her and fell to the ground.

"What is she?", Hunch whispered

"God damnit, she's... gonna kill us", Holm looked at Hunch, then to me, "It's been a honor serving with you Hunch, and Steve if you are innocent, I'm sorry, but if you're not, you are a piece of shit and should have been killed long ago", he said, pulling another gun from his belt and throwing to me.

My eyes widened as I stared at it. It as an old Colt Commando , nearly worn down, but in good condition. The girl began to twitch as she became engulfed in flames, I stared at the gun, I couldn't shoot her now.


I looked at the girl again, still dancing with the flames, she stood on two legs, her hands glowing with the fire. She looked so much like Summer, I couldn't, I fell to the ground dropping the gun.

"STEVE! YOU FUCKING PUSSY!", screamed Holm. The girl stuck her hand out at him, sending a blast of fire that scorched his other leg as he barely managed to roll away.

Hunch stood up, firing shots at the girl, hitting her several times.

"Why are you doing this! We didn't do anything to you", Hunch said, taking a knee and covering Holm.

The girl looked at him. Her eyes were a glowing blue, she growled at him, and looked at Hunch, taking a swipe at him with her glowing fingers. Hunch quickly dodged, and threw several of his bullets at the girl, missing by mere feet.

"You are literally shooting me, but ok whatever,chile.", said the girl, flexing her arm, then her fingers. She said something in a strange language, and a beam of light shot from her fingertips.

Hunch tried to push Holm out of the way, but it struck Hunch in the chest, stunning him as he fell to the ground frozen.

"HUNCHHHHHHH!", Holm cried in pain. He rolled onto his back, clutching his chest.

The girl looked at Holm, the fire in her hands growing stronger as she approached him, before she shot him with a bright light completely evaporating him.

I stared in shock, what was this girl.

She looked at me, a sadistic smirk on her face. She looked at Hunch, and smiled, before evaporating him also, before turning to me.

"You must pay for everything you have done", the girl said as she began to shoot rays of light at me. The rays hit me, as I tried to dodge, but failed. I fell to my knees, shaking and sweating.

I looked at her in shock, "What did I do?",I thought. The girl looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, then began laughing. She began laughing so hard, tears began streaming down her cheeks.

"Look at you", she said, "You're like a cute little puppy that tried to take the food bowl." I panted as my throat closed up in fear.

She looked at me, before laughing harder. I began crying, and shaking, "Aw it'll be over soon", she said, as she pointed her finger at me and I my mind felt like it was being supercharged, before I passed out.

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