Risen From The Depths

By WesBlackman

996 4 1

Life is trying things to see if they work. -Ray Bradbury So it must make perfect sense to send the Commander... More

Risen from the depths. (Rewritten.)
Clash Of Beliefs
Sakuran Deceptions
The Verdict
Rebuilding Zumwalt part 1
A quick training session
A "Diplomatic" Invasion
Zumwalt's Appearance
Zumwalt's weapons so far
Changing Tides
Author's note
Settling in Assassin style
Iron Blood Attacks
Author's note

Rebuilding Zumwalt part 2

32 0 0
By WesBlackman


With Zumwalt heavily injured from...Something. He is now being taken to Vestal's clinic for emergency repairs...And a few upgrades. With his life and future completely at the mercy of the Eagle Union will the verdict of Fleet Admiral Anderson be carried out? Or will it be changed thanks to Zumwalt's new capabilities?


Hey, everyone author here once again. If you read all the chapters in this fic then you should have seen Rebuilding Zumwalt Part 1 I stated there were gonna be 3-4 parts in it this is the continuation of it however I might shorten it to just these 2 chapters figured I should let you all know. Now back to the story!

Belfast was running as fast as she could while maintaining or attempting to maintain elegance as she stops in front of Vestal's clinic as she soothes out any wrinkles in her uniform before knocking on the clinic door.

Footsteps were heard on the other side of the metal door as it swings open revealing Vestal in her normal attire of a black dress with a white high-collared bib, puffy shoulder, slit sleeves tied by blue ribbon laces, and ruffled tailings with clover-leaf motifs, white thigh-high socks with garters, black slips shoes and a white nurse cap with black ruffles, clover-leaf logos, and white lop ear-like garters.

"Yes, what is it Belfast?" Vestal inquires as she tilts her head a little bit as Belfast responds "There's an emergency one of our Kansen is severely injured and needs medical attention now but bringing them in now would cause too much attention and rumors to start flying about. Can you bring a gurney and a repair kit and follow me?" Vestal seems taken aback by all this information but nods her head "Yeah just give me a second!" She says as she retreats into her clinic for a few moments before coming out with a black bag in her hands and what seemed to be a backpack with the words "Portable Emergency Gurney." In bold white letters as Belfast sets off at a brisk pace towards Ormond beach.


Enterprise and Hornet were still at the beach with Zumwalt's head laying on Enterprise's thighs unconscious as the rustling of bushes draws their attention behind them as Belfast appears with Vestal as she looks at Zumwalt an audible gasp is heard as she rushes towards him "Enterprise what happened here?!" "We don't know he just showed up with this mangled leg after that he passed out." Vestal nods before a grin takes over her face.

"And so there was nowhere else to place him aside from in your lap Enterprise?" Enterprise stares at Vestal in confusion before the gears in her head finally start to rotate and a massive blush overtakes her face as she responds "W-Well it was just...The um...The sand was hot when he fell unconscious and so I just put him on my lap since it was a bit cooler nothing else!"

Vestal simply lets out a sly grin as it is immediately replaced by a startled expression as Belfast places a hand on her shoulder making Vestal jump as Belfast speaks "While I also love to tease dear Enterprise I believe there is a wounded kansen that requires medical attention immediately" Belfast removes her hand as Vestal puts the black bag on the sand as she slings off her backpack next to Enterprise and Hornet.

"Ok girls here's how this is gonna work. Hornet assemble the Gurney. Enterprise cut away some of his pants on his wounded leg there should be a knife in my bag hold on lemme take a look." Vestal unzips her bag and fishes around in it as she let's out an "Ah-Hah! Here it is!" She says as she throws a knife toward Enterprise which she catches and she promptly gets to work same with Hornet as she starts to unzip the backpack. "And last but not least Belfast I'll need your help stabilizing Zumwalt's injury when Enterprise is done cutting away the pants I need you to help me apply a tourniquet on his leg I'll take care of everything else after that"

Belfast nods her head as Vestal hands her a blue tourniquet as Enterprise finally finishes cutting the pants on Zumwalt's leg Belfast immediately walks forwards and applies the tourniquet using the knife to twist the tourniquet as it needs to be tight in order to stop blood flow as Hornet finishes setting up the Gurney as Vestal approaches with some cognitive chips as she looks up at Belfast Enterprise and Hornet.

"I'm just going to give you all a quick warning if he wakes up from the pain of these going into his leg I'd recommend covering your ears." and without another word, she puts the cognitive chips on Zumwalt's leg as they sink into the now semi-necrotic red flesh as it glows a bright blue as Zumwalt's snap open immediately as everyone covers their ears Zumwalt let's out a blood-curdling scream of pain.


Zumwalt continues to scream in pain for the better half of a minute while his leg starts to dim as the blue light slowly dies out revealing a semi-healed leg no longer bleeding but the holes in his flesh were still there although thanks to the tourniquet no blood is flowing out of them as Hornet speaks up. "Uhh guys I know I'm not the brightest person at this base but I think that scream might bring a whole lot of unwanted attention." "You're right Hornet," Belfast replies as everyone starts thinking of ways to hide you from the kansen that would undoubtedly be curious as to what the origin of the scream was as a loud voice rings through the air.

"This is Commander Adrien Kingston and this is an Emergency Message to all the Kansen. Report to the Academies courtyard immediately you will be told why you were summoned once everyone arrives!"

The voice stops as Enterprise speaks. "Well it seems like the Commander has given us ample time to move Zumwalt to your clinic, Vestal, no one should see us moving Zumwalt we just have to be quick about it!" Vestal nods her head as she looks at Belfast. "Belfast if you'd please put Zumwalt on the gurney." Belfast nods her head as she was about to pick Zumwalt up his hand launches up and grips Belfast's wrist as he slowly pulls himself up to his feet.

"I can...Walk by...Myself Vestal" Zumwalt rasps out as the sand on his clothing falls off as a small breeze makes his coat flutter in the wind a bit as he staggers toward the gurney before collapsing on it his eyes shutting immediately as all 4 kansen look at him with an astonished look on their faces before they all shake their heads as Hornet and Enterprise both grab the gurney and lifts it.

"Come on we need to be quick we don't want anyone getting confused about why we aren't at the academy," Hornet says


Time: 2:32 PM

Location: Eagle Union Azur Lane base FL

Fleet Admiral Anderson and Commander of Azur Lane Adrien Kingston were watching Vestal repair Zumwalt as she adds the finishing touches to the gauze wrap wrapped around Zumwalt's left leg as she leaves Zumwalt's side as she approaches both Anderson and Kingston as the Fleet Admirals starts to speak. "What's his condition?" Vestal glances behind her looking at Zumwalt before responding. "So far so good in a few days he should make a full recovery if not then...I might have to amputate and replace his leg with a prosthetic until we get a new prototype wisdom cube to replace his old one so he can get his leg back." The Admiral nodded his head as he turns to Adrien. "And what about you do you think it's worth healing an...Enemy?"

Adrien seemed to gather his thoughts for a few moments before he responds. "Even though he attacked us on more than 1 occasion he stopped the Attack on Pearl Harbor from lasting longer than a few minutes not only that he also saved a few locals from the Sakura Empire and I believe he was blinded by his sense of right and wrong but when the attack started he started to doubt himself which led to him stopping the attack his AA sonar and radar were repaired by the Sakura Empire while he was with them. However, he's still missing some of his armaments mainly Tomahawk cruise missiles. Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) though this is still in the testing phase for VLS cells, and the VL-ASROC, which is an anti-submarine missile that delivers an Mk-54 torpedo to the standoff location of a submarine and 30mm bushmaster cannons instead for low-intensity surface threats. If we add these to his riggings he will be a force to be reckoned with more so than he already is and he'll most likely be able to destroy whatever injured him this severely."

Adrien finished speaking as Samuel nodded his head as he looks at Vestal. "Can you add all those to his riggings while keeping him in good condition until he's fully recovered?"

Vestal nods her head as she replies "Oh most definitely I had to take care of Enterprise for months and at times her riggings would be destroyed so healing a leg and adding more weapons to Zumwalt will be like child's play for me!"

Samuel nodded his head before looking at Adrien. "Well, then Adrien, by the way, your supporting Zumwalt I'll repeal his jail sentence, however. for the next 3 months, he will be monitored at all times aside from when he's changing and using the restroom. If he shows any intention of leaving us again he'll immediately have his riggings removed and incarcerated for 5 months under constant surveillance do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!" Adrien replied hands behind his back clasped together as Samuel saluted Adrien as he leaves the clinic as Vestal's face pales a bit. "What's wrong Vestal?" Adrien asks as she looks up at him as she responds "Even with my skill that'll take at least 2 weeks for me to add all that to his riggings!" Adrien just looks at Vestal before laughing out loud "Pfffft HAHAHAHA! Oh man, Vestal I sure do feel bad for you want me to send Belfast over every day with some coffee for you?" Adrien teases Vestal as she gains an annoyed look before a thought enters her mind as she smiles and looks up at Adrien and speaks. "Commander if you keep mocking me...I won't be afraid to castrate you~" She says with a sadistic smile while making scissor motions with her fingers as Adrien's face pales.

"OK OK, I GET IT!" He yells frantically as he turns around and runs out the door as Vestal lets out a sigh before turning her head to look at Zumwalt as she gets a plasma cutter with a grin on her face.

"Now Zumwalt let's~open~you~up!" As she turns on the plasma cutter with a sadistic grin on her face as buzzing is heard echoing throughout the clinic.

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