The Child of Immortals

By Wolf_Demon_Serte

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The locals were in awe of the otherworldly beauty that Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji possessed. Their attention d... More

Chapter 1: Intertwined Fates Reconnect Past and Present
Chapter 2: Back When They First Met Wen Ruyu
Chapter 3:Their History With Wen Ruyu
Chapter 4: Forgotten Immortals Return to the Mortal World With Ancient Charms
Chapter 5: Songs That Retell Tales of Old and Reveal Tragic Love
Chapter 6: An Otherworldly Spar Hidden Amidst Clueless and Frightened Mortals
Chapter 7: An Unsolved Mystery Manifested From Past Reminders
Chapter 8: When Immortal and Mortal Chaos Clash
Chapter 9: Choose Between Good Mood, Bad Mood, and Immortal Mood
Chapter 10: Immortal Secrets Begin Unravelling
Chapter 11: Pain-filled Burdens Which Mortals and Immortals Carry
Chapter 12: Reconciled Immortal Family and Mortal Child
Chapter 13: Immortal Stories and the Teasing of Mortals
Chapter 14: One Way to Calm the Enraged Immortal
Chapter 15: Delving Deeper Into the Past Only Brings Pain
Chapter 16: The Immortal Couple Reunites With the Kids
Chapter 17: The Present Cannot Erase the Past
Chapter 18: Tragic Immortals are Difficult to Comfort
Chapter 19: Losing an Immortal to a Drunken Haze
Chapter 20: Mortal Weakness Does Not Immortally Remain a Weakness
Chapter 21: Restrained or Not, Immortals are Powerful

Extra Story 1: Dancing Together is the Only Option for Them

522 26 2
By Wolf_Demon_Serte

Wen Kexing watched as his parents fought against a monster that had appeared within the mortal world, a place he had long separated from with Zhou Zishu by his side. Their interchanging movements of attacking and defending, with how smooth each transition was with the two of them, it made the fight seem more like a dance than something which could end with the death of the other party.

"Is this really how they fight?" Zhou Zishu asked as he sat on a gigantic rock, lounging around while paying close attention to his surroundings for any planned ambushes towards him and his idiot.

Wen Kexing nodded. "As far as I know, yes." he answered with a nod, shifting closer to his now definitely official lover, even if until now they still hadn't decided on who was top and who was bottom. "Ever since the time I met them, back when I still lived with my parents, they were rarely away from the other. I would always see them together, and there was never a time when I saw mother or father all alone. Well, there were times, but they were never really that far apart. Nor were they ever separated for so long."

"You explained how close they are to the other, but that does not explain why they fight in such a manner." Zhou Zishu returned with a sigh. "I really should not be asking you, Lao-Wen. How about we go look for someone who has been with them longer than you have? For example, that Uncle Jiang of yours."

"But I don't know where he is..." Wen Kexing said with a pout, saddened that he had disappointed his lover. "Did Uncle Jiang even come along on this task that was assigned to mother and father?"

The sound of someone clearing their throat from behind them caught their attention, making them stiffen and turn to search for who had gotten close enough to the both of them without either noticing. But upon seeing out who it was, they relaxed with a relieved sigh, their shoulders lumping as they tried their best to calm their frightened hearts.

"You and everyone else should really stop sneaking up on us." Zhou Zishu said with a slight growl tainting his tone, his brows furrowing as he tossed a glare towards Jin Rulan. "It is starting to become an annoying farce."

Jin Rulan laughed as he approached the two of them. "My bad." he said with a tone that clearly said he was more amused than apologetic. "But with the both of you becoming more comfortable with us, along with revealing more of your emotions to everyone around you, surprising you newly ascended couples are an entertaining little game to ease our passing boredom."

"Nice to know that." Zhou Zishu said in an unamused tone, with his expression becoming the blandest it had ever been.

"Oh, don't be so bitter over this, Zishu. It will pass with time." Jin Rulan huffed while waving his hand in a nonchalant manner before he came to stand before the two, leaning against the gigantic rock that Zhou Zishu was sitting on with his arms crossed, his eyes focused on the immortal couple whose fight was coming to an end. "So, I heard you were looking for uncle?"

Zhou Zishu scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "As if time is a problem for you guys."

Wen Kexing nodded, ignoring the bitter statement of his irate lover. "A-Xu is curious as to why mother and father fight like that."

"Ah." Jin Rulan breathed, his gaze turning towards the two as his expression saddened. "That."

"I do suppose that their closeness even during battle would be a source of curiosity for most." he said in a soft tone as he returned to look at the immortal couple, smiling softly when he saw the two had finished their fight and were now kissing each other, and then he sighed. "But unfortunately, that is not my story to tell. Yes, I have heard of the reason why they rarely part from the other, but I think it would be best if you ask them yourselves."

Wen Kexing frowned. "Why do you seem so sad? Is this a difficult topic to approach?"

Jin Rulan shook his head as he straightened from his leaning position. "It's not difficult... Rather, if I were to try and explain it, then perhaps it would be more fitting to explain it as being a rather sensitive matter. Especially since the story of Uncle Wei and Uncle Lan is interconnected with the story of the oldest immortals living within this mountain. So hearing their story would be equivalent with hearing the story of every immortal within the family."

"A sensitive matter." Wen Kexing said in a low tone. "Then, if it is such, shouldn't A-Xu and I avoid asking about it?"

"Ask as you wish. There is no need to fear, because while it is still a sore spot for them, it is also the story that they carry with them no matter where they may go." Jin Rulan explained with a small smile as he uncrossed his arms. "I know, because a part of my story is interconnected with theirs. And while it still pains me to be reminded of that time, I also find joy at the fact that those hardships we struggled through when we were still mortals were what brought us all together, eventually forming into one gigantic chaos-filled immortal family."

Zhou Zishu pursed his lips. "A part of your story is interconnected with theirs... Then wouldn't telling your part give us the answer we seek?"

"No." Jin Rulan said as he once again shook his head. "Because my part of the story starts at a much later time than theirs. I am their nephew, Zishu. It means that I was born far too late to know of how theirs began, and the little I know of their experience is based on the rumors that circulated throughout the cultivation world of the time, along with the biased history that is retold by storytellers."

He smiled. "I am willing to tell you my part of the story, but to find the answer you seek, you must ask them of their story. Because while all our stories are interconnected, it does not mean that everyone's personal experiences will be included within our retellings. And that is especially true with the juniors, in which I am included in that category, when it comes to the matter of the older generation."

"So do not hesitate to ask them." he continued as he waved his hand towards the couple. "Because if you do not reveal to them your curiosities, then no matter who you may ask, then you will never be able to find the answer you seek."

Wen Kexing turned towards the direction in which Jin Rulan motioned towards with his hand and his expression became one of guilt and shame. "Mother. Father."

"A-Xing." Wei Wuxian called in a soft tone as he smiled at his youngest. "Is something wrong? Why is your expression as such?"

"...Nothing." Wen Kexing replied with much hesitation as he averted his gaze.

Zhou Zishu spared a glance towards the couple before he returned to look at Jin Rulan who silently urged him to do as he had suggested earlier, and then nodding with an unsure expression before he turned his attention towards the parents of his other half. "We were curious about something."

Wei Wuxian hummed as he looked at the soulmate of his youngest. "Curious? About what?"

"A-Xu..." Wen Kexing said as he shook his head, the motion barely noticeable due to how miniscule the motion was.

"I'm curious, Lao-Wen. And your cousin told us not to hesitate to ask." Zhou Zishu returned with a deadpanned expression. "Stop retreating. You were once the frightening Ghost Chief of the Ghost Valley."

Wen Kexing huffed in an indignant manner. "Once. I am no longer that vengeful soul, A-Xu."

"A good thing." Wei Wuxian said with a satisfied smile as he nodded. "Now then, as for this matter you were curious about?"

"Why are you even asking, Uncle Wei?" Jin Rulan questioned with an eyebrow raised, walking past the newly ascended immortal couple to stand in front of his uncles. "I am certain you hard our conversation earlier. Or rather you can hear more than what should be heard even without trying. Same for you, Uncle Lan."

Wei Wuxian huffed in an amused manner. "Just because I can do such an action, does not mean that I should disregard the efforts of others to express themselves in front of me. And you yourself know that hearing more than needed is far from being intentional, therefore to avoid any more rudeness, the act of ignorance is a must."

"Then all the times I lowered my voice to whisper... Thinking that you wouldn't be able to hear everything I said to A-Xu...?" Wen Kexing questioned in a hesitant tone as a horrified expression came to life. "Don't tell me you heard it all."

Wei Wuxian stared at his youngest, then smiled while faking an air of innocence.

Wen Kexing's mouth fell agape. "No way. You heard it..."

"There was no confirmation." Lan Wangji said in a firm tone, as if wanting to prove that he heard nothing alongside the man he loves.

"...Do you truly believe that we will fall into those lies of yours?" Zhou Zishu asked with an eyebrow raised.

Wei Wuxian shrugged. "If only the master was as gullible as his student."

"Gullible?" Wen Kewing scoffed. "That little brat? More like stupid."

Zhou Zishu looked at Wen Kexing with a deadpanned expression. "And you aren't?"

With parted lips and eyes that screamed of betrayal from his lover, he jogged over to his mother and faked a wail as he slumped into Wei Wuxian's awaiting arms. "Mother, I have been betrayed by my beloved A-Xu. Whatever shall I do now?"

Wei Wuxian laughed at his youngest. "Should this mother of yours carry you off to a faraway land where your beloved won't be able to reach you?"

"Mother..." Wen Kexing whined as he raised his head to look at Wei Wuxian with tear-filled eyes. "I love you, but I can't possibly part from A-Xu."

"Then, shouldn't you know what you have to do?" Wei Wuxian asked with a smile as he poked his youngest's nose before he motioned towards where Zhou Zishu stood. "Go on and take back what's yours. He's waiting."

Wen Kexing grinned and ran over to his lover, trapping the former assassin in a loving hug. "I have you now, A-Xu! You can never leave my side to run over to those idiotic cultivators!"

"Lao-Wen!" Zhou Zishu exclaimed, attempting to escape from the grasp of his other half. "Enough with your childish games and release me!"

"No way!" Wen Kexing huffed as he took this chance to turn his lover around and kiss him, though he had to move away a second later when Zhou Zishu tried to bite his tongue. "Cute." And thus began another battle of dominance over who would be top and who would be bottom between the two.

Though, from what Wei Wuxian could observe, it wouldn't be odd if his youngest was the one who dominated over the fierce Zhou Zishu. Not basing merely on experience, but also on technique and overall lust. Also from the fact that he could somehow tell that if his youngest managed to pin his lover down, that Zhou Zishu would lose the will to fight back, thus allowing Wen Kexing to become the top.

Well, nothing sexual has happened between the two yet, so it would seem that Wei Wuxian would have to wait for several more decades before the result would be set in stone.

Wei Wuxian clapped his hands to stop the sexual quarrel of the newly ascended immortal couple. "Now, now, leave that little battle for dominion for another time. Since Lan Zhan and I have finished our task, how about we search for a nearby inn so that we could have something to munch on during the awaited story time." he said with a smile as he scanned the expressions of those who were there with him. "Sound good?"

Zhou Zishu spared his other half another hostile glance before he released a sigh and nodded. "Having to something to eat while listening to a tale sounds like a wonderful idea. Do you have a place in mind, senior?"

Wei Wuxian huffed as he crossed his arms. "Still calling me senior, huh..."

"Uh, um..." Zhou Zishu said in an uncertain tone as he stiffened.

"No need to worry about my wishes, Zishu." Wei Wuxian said with a smile as he waved his hand in a placating manner. "But I do wish you would come to call me mother-in-law soon. Or at least refer to me by name. Because hearing you continue to refer to me as senior makes it seem as if we have not become close even after several years had already passed."

Zhou Zishu pursed his lips. "...I will try harder."

Wei Wuxian smiled as he approached the other half of his youngest, and then ruffling his hair in a gentle manner, his eyes softening towards the child that had experienced far too much difficulties in his life. "Take your time, child. You have gone through much, so I can understand how difficult my request is. But I do hope, that when you are ready, you will allow me to hear you call me mother-in-law."

"Alright." Zhou Zishu said with a small smile. "When the time comes."

Wei Wuxian grinned, and then he turned to stare at his youngest with an unamused expression. "Look at how sweet Zishu is, A-Xing. You should have been like this when you were younger. Such a fierce little monster you were back then."

Wen Kexing's entire being reddened due to the embarrassment at being reminded of being that rabid child back when he first reunited with the immortal couple after the death of his biological parents. "Mother!"

"Little monster." Zhou Zishu said, amused. "How befitting."

"Not you too, A-Xu!" Wen Kexing whined.


Wei Wuxian hummed as he sat down on the seat, leaning against his beloved, and while the entirety of the group waited for their orders to arrive. "Now where should I start the story?"

"You could continue it from the little you revealed during A-Xiang's wedding." Wen Kexing suggested. "I believe, while you were under the influence of the Drunk Like a Dream, you raged about how father should mind his own business and to just continue to hate you like he had done the whole time. And that reconciliation was impossible because the bonds of the past had been broken."

"...Are you certain you want me to continue from there?" Wei Wuxian questioned with a worried expression. "That time might not be the best to begin with."

Wen Kexing frowned. "But if not there, then where would be the best time to begin with? It seemed to be the time that would have the most influence as to why the two of you fight in such a manner."

Zhou Zishu slapped Wen Kexing's arm, his eyes narrowed into a warning glare. "He does not want to begin there, do not force him. It was obvious enough during the incident that the time they mentioned is a memory that has far too much complications. Let him begin where he wishes to begin."

"But..." Wen Kexing said with a small pout, but stopped his pitiful pleading when his lover narrowed his eyes even further. "Alright. If you say so, A-Xu."

Wei Wuxian pursed his lips and turned to look at his beloved. "What do you think, Lan Zhan? Should I begin the story during that time? Or should I begin somewhere further?"

"The choice is yours, Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said with a small smile as he caressed the cheek of the man he loves. "But that time might truly be the best, because while I would love to recollect the days we spent studying together, we had yet to realize what we felt for the other during those times. And so, it might not be proper, especially if we are to speak about how our unique fighting style came to be."

Wei Wuxian sucked in a deep breath after he listened to the explanation that was given to him by his beloved, then nodded in a hesitant manner. "I suppose so, but that time..."

Lan Wangji kissed the forehead of the man he loves. "Do not force yourself, Wei Ying. I can tell them the story in your stead if you are uncomfortable."

"Thank you, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian said with a loving smile to his beloved. "But while I would love to pass onto you the responsibility of retelling our story to the kids, you my dear, are not one for storytelling."

When Lan Wangji lowered his head with a barely visible pout, Wei Wuxian chuckled and pecked the lips of his beloved in an attempt to appease the sour mood of the other. "Do not pout, Lan Zhan. It is quite an adorable act, but it just makes me want to kiss you."

At his words, Lan Wangji froze for a second before his barely visible pout deepened into one that the newly ascended couple could see, making the two of them stare in complete disbelief. A shame that Jin Rulan had to return because he had official matters to be bothered by, something that he could no longer disregard, which resulted in his very hesitant farewell earlier.

"Wow." Wen Kexing whispered as his expression of disbelief turned into one of smugness. "I have been blessed. And this blessing should be bragged about to my cousin who was unfortunate enough not to witness this sight."

Zhou Zishu furrowed his brows as he turned to look at Wen Kexing. "Exactly how petty of a man are you, Lao-Wen?"

"Very." Wen Kexing replied with a deadpanned expression. "Especially if you are my cousin."

"...Fair enough." Zhou Zishu said with a defeated sigh, and then he turned to look at the couple who were locked in a heated kiss. "Seniors, while I do enjoy witnessing your continued closeness, I also do wish to hear of the story soon."

Wei Wuxian placed one last smooch on the lips of his beloved before he looked at Zhou Zishu with a sheepish smile. "Apologies, Zishu." he said, then he cleared his throat. "Now then, as what had been revealed during the incident, the time I am about to retell is among the several years I spent in deep conflict with Lan Zhan. The reason as to why... Well, it is because I chose to take the path less travelled. And thus received the ire of many."

"Far too many laid their greedy interests on my power..." Wei Wuxian continued with his head lowered and fists clenched. "How foolish I was back then. To believe that I would be able to keep them far from me, when in truth, such hope was impossible."

Lan Wangji frowned, placing his hand on Wei Wuxian's as a pillar and source of comfort, he then rested his head on the shoulder of the man he loves. "You were far from foolish, Wei Ying."

Wei Wuxian shook his head. "Do not lie, Lan Zhan. I was by far the most foolish amongst us all, but I continued on with pride that I should never have carried with me. And look at how it all came to an end."

"I apologize, seniors." Zhou Zishu said in a low tone, waiting for a second before continuing when the immortal couple looked at him. "But this power you speak of. Is it the darkness that you used to control the dead during the marriage of Cao Weining and Gu Xiang?"

"Darkness, might not be the best word to describe the power I had attained through unspeakable means." Wei Wuxian said with a bitter smile. "Demonic. It was and is called Demonic Cultivation. An evil that only I had been able to wield without dire consequences. A tool that has far too much will to be fully controlled, but tame enough to become a companion."

Zhou Zishu raised an eyebrow. "Companion? You sought companionship with the dead?"

"I once did." Wei Wuxian replied with a sad smile. "And I even found comfort in their cold presence. Loved the peace they brought to the point that I preferred them over those who were living."

"But why?" Zhou Zishu questioned, while Wen Kexing frowned at the new information he learned about his mother.

Wei Wuxian merely smiled. "Because there was no one I could trust. Back then, I kept everyone away for their safety, which led to several heated fights with Lan Zhan. And our eventual separation that was brought about by the scheming of the Jins of that time. I was alone, and it was fine, as long as it kept others safe."

"You used to fight with father?" Wen Kexing questioned with furrowed brows.

Wei Wuxian nodded. "An argument would flare whenever we met. And then we'd part after exchanging life-threatening blows. It was a time when neither of us could reach a compromise."

"We were both far too stubborn to listen." Lan Wangji said with a sigh as he closed his eyes. "There were multitude of misunderstandings. All of which we refused to resolve because what we thought was the right path differed."

Wei Wuxian pursed his lips as he turned his hand and intertwined his fingers with his beloved's. "And then came the faithful battle between the two of us after the war. With the two of us always pointing our weapons at the other, fighting until one side had fallen. We had always been equal in strength, but with the insanity that came from overusing my power, I couldn't see beyond all the blood that was being spilled. Lan Zhan fell then."

"I was fine." Lan Wangji protested as he opened his eyes and moved his head away from the shoulder of the man he loves.

"You were not." Wei Wuxian returned in a firm tone. "If you were fine, as you said you were, then I would have seen you at the siege."

Lan Wangji pursed his lips. "I chose not to join. Because I did not wish to witness your death."

"Do not lie to me." Wei Wuxian returned as he narrowed his eyes at his beloved. "You were injured. Badly. Not by my hand, but by your uncle's, and with the approval of your clan elders. Along with the silent acceptance of Xichen who closed his eyes and blocked his ears to avoid bearing witness to your pain."

"Brother is not at fault." Lan Wangji said with a shake of his head.

Wei Wuxian bit the inside of his cheek. "Yes, he is not. But he also did nothing to help you. And while it is wholly my fault you had to suffer through such an ordeal, thus my inability to utter my anger towards him when I learned of this, with only disbelief that you had to go through unreasonable injustice because of me— I now can't stop myself for holding anger towards his lack of action."

"Brother had no power against the elders. He is not at fault." Lan Wangji said in a firm tone. "Do not blame him. I was at fault."

"You—!" Wei Wuxian raged before he stopped himself and sucked in a deep breath. "Alright, I will not blame him. But do not tell me to hold my anger, Lan Zhan, because you were not at fault for what had happened then. It was mine. I am the only one who should be blamed for the punishment that befell you."

Lan Wangji shook his head. "Wei Ying is not—"

"Lan Wangji, if you utter another word about your punishment being your own fault, I will return home right now and punch Xichen." Wei Wuxian threatened with a scowl as he crossed his arms. "Yes, with the circumstances, he was powerless but that does not mean that I should not hold any sort of anger towards him. And no matter how many times you say that it is not my fault, remember that I was the one truly at fault for every misfortune that had happened in the past."

Lan Wangji once again shook his head. "Wei Ying is not at fau—"

"Just blame me!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed, with his sudden raise of voice catching the attention of those who were within the inn, making him release a heavy sigh before he uttered a quick apology for having disturbed their peace. And then his shoulders slumped as he lowered his gaze towards the ground, with his fists clenched. "Please, just pin it all on me, Lan Zhan. I know Xichen did nothing wrong, but a part of me just needs someone to blame, or else I would not know what to do with the guilt pooling within me."

"...I cannot." Lan Wangji said in a low tone as he reached over to caress the cheek of the man he loves, coaxing the trembling man to turn his dark grey eyes towards him. "I could never blame Wei Ying for whatever misfortune befell me in the past. And I am certain Jiang Wanyin and Jin Ling feel the same. So please, stop blaming yourself because of what happened. I cannot bear to watch you hurt yourself again. Please, Wei Ying, forgive yourself."

Wei Wuxian gritted his teeth as tears flowed down his cheeks. "That is impossible... You know that, Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji pulled the man he loves into a warm hug, allowing Wei Wuxian to hide his face from view while he cried into his beloved's chest. "...Everything started crumbling when the Wens of that time raged war against the four great clans." he said after a moment, with his eyes focused on Wei Wuxian, continuing the story that could no longer be retold by the crying man in his arms. "The clans lost many, but the worst came after. Because once the war had ended with the help of Wei Ying, their greed heightened with every passing day, wishing nothing more than to take hold of the weapon Wei Ying had created."

When neither continued the story, Wen Kexing leaned forward. "Did they succeed...?"

Lan Wangji flinched before he raised his gaze to look at his youngest. "Almost." Then he paused when the waiter arrived to place the dishes they ordered onto the table, but by this time, none of them were interested in the freshly made food that had been lowered in front of them.

"Please enjoy your meal, sirs."

Once the waiter left their side, his back far from them as he served another table, Lan Wangji sighed. "Wei Ying knew how powerful the weapon he had created was." he continued as he ran his fingers through the smooth black locks of Wei Wuxian. "And so he destroyed it at the cost of his own life."

Zhou Zishu's eyes widened. "What...?"

"At the cost of his own life?" Wen Kexing questioned as he too was unable to comprehend the sudden truth that was revealed to them. "Then how... How is mother here...?"

A sharp intake of breath was heard before Wei Wuxian pulled away from the comforting arms of his beloved. "My... revival was thanks to a forbidden array that I created. Something that I never thought would be used to bring me back to life. But it was because of that second chance that I reunited with my beloved Lan Zhan and my sweet A-Yuan."

"Then the body that I had become acquainted with when I was younger... Until the wedding... was someone else's body?" Wen Kexing questioned with his eyes widening in realization.

Wei Wuxian nodded. "My current body is one that is closest to what I looked like originally. It was odd, still is, that after reconstruction—that my appearance would be a mixture of the two."

"The reason why you fight together is because the two of you had been separated continuously during your first life..." Zhou Zishu said as he laid out his thoughts in the open. "You no longer wish to part from each other."

"I already lost Wei Ying once. And almost lost him again several other times after his revival." Lan Wangji said in a low voice as he pursed his trembling lips. "I do not want to continue if Wei Ying is no longer by my side..."

Wei Wuxian shook his head with a sad smile. "Even if I die again, you must live on for our children, Lan Zhan."

"I never want to lose you again." Lan Wangji said as a tear left his eye. "Wei Ying, if you die this time, I am following you in death."


Lan Wangji raised his gaze and stared into Wei Wuxian's eyes with unwavering determination. "I will go with you."

"I—" Wei Wuxian tried, but then sighed with a fond smile as he leaned his head against his beloved's chest. "You foolish, foolish man. Oh, how much I love you, Lan Zhan."

"I love you too, Wei Ying." Lan Wangji said in the sweetest tone of voice that the two had ever heard from the man. "Love Wei Ying so very much."

Zhou Zishu clenched his fists. "You both had a difficult life. I am glad that the two of you have found peace in each other."

Wei Wuxian smiled. "I hope that the two of you could find peace in each other as well." he said as he turned his head to look at the newly ascended couple, all the while continuing to lean his head against Lan Wangji's chest. "And I wish, with all my heart, that the two of you will not experience the hardship we had gone through. Zishu and A-Xing, please, always be there for your other half."

"I will, mother." Wen Kexing announced with a determined nod.

Zhou Zishu turned to look at his idiotic other half and smiled. "I doubt Lao-Wen would ever leave me alone, so there is no need to worry."

Wei Wuxian smiled, then he raised his head to kiss the drying tear track of his beloved as he wrapped his arms around Lan Wangji. "It is either together or never at all."

Lan Wangji smiled. "Together or never at all."

A/N: Shameless promotion instead of the usual youtube links to the songs.

Hi, Ardiel Serte here! 

I created my own blog a while back, a few months after I graduated from college, and I just thought that I'd try my luck with hopes of getting my blog a bit more known than it currently is. There are poems, essays, and short stories in it (with most of the essays being those that I had written as academic requirements). But fair warning, a lot of what I had written are not filled with sunshine and rainbows. Not to worry though, I made sure to place trigger warnings on those that I thought could be far too much.

I'll leave the link here if anyone's interested:

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