A silent surprise (Under the...

By eatyyurveggies

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Characters do not belong to me please go give some love to suji kim!!!!! I've read many fanfics of this wonde... More

Part 1 morning thoughts
Part 2 pastrie baskets
Part 3 : thoughts of curiosity
Part 4 : Radish-bush brew
Hebarons pov Part 5 ;) +The chase
Part 6 <3 a window pane
Part 7 Life Changes
Part 8 morherly comforts
Part 10 legends of the red lady
Part 11 Arrival
Part 12 two little birds
Part 13 The thoughts of a worried husband
Part 14 :Leaping from thought to thought
Part 15:instincts
Part 16 :Rest and Remembrance
Part 17:waking up
Part 18 :Breakfast
Part 19: preparing
Part 20: spreading cheer
Part 21: along the hillside

Part 9 joyous news

1.5K 23 1
By eatyyurveggies

As maxi was walking toward the infirmary,trying to keep her self from shouting to all the land

" I Am With child! You hear that duke of croix  ?! I am with child ! I am NOT unfruitful ,Riftan and I shall  love the little one till the ends of eternity!".

She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings once again,for she was focusing on her slowly growing baby bump ,and wondering
"how far along am I ?". Now that she had noticed it she couldn't stop thinking about it.

That thought quickly melted away when she almost walked into the door ,but all of a sudden it opened quickly,it was Ruth .
"Hello milady your awfully late ,please come inside" she only nodded in return stepping into the infirmary.

"So what is the news?!" Ruth said with a weirdly exited look on his face.
She looked around,making sure no one was around and to be extra careful she said
"Is there anyone else inside the infirmary besides us and Cedric as of right now?" She looked around again.

Ruth replied with a "No milady,but they are doing rather brutal training as of right now so you better tell me the news before someone steps in here and hears it before Riftan does" which was said in his most dramatically voice,as he held his hands to his face.

she could see the curiosity in his eyes gleaming ,almost as if he was a small child.

"Why do you want to know so bad Ruth? Usually you wouldn't care for such matters or at least you don't act like it". She stared at him waiting for a response ,he looked at the ground holding the back of his neck.

" Well if I am being honest milady,other than it being a health concern for you, I have always been fond of children,they are so full of life and are a joy to be around,and they brighten up most peoples lives".

"and besides you are my friend so you should just tell me anyways" he said sarcastically.Maxi could tell he was genuine about the friend part .
"Fine I shall tell you".
Curiosity roamed through Ruth's usually dull eyes .
" I am with child if you must know" she said with a giddy smile spreading across her face .
"A junior calypse is soon to be born" Ruth said with joy spread across his face.he jumped around happily .
"Hm I guess even a grumpy wizard can be happy at the thought of a baby"
She said smugly,with sarcasm in her voice.

He crossed his arms and leaned to the side "grumpy eh?"
"Oh you know what I mean Ruth ,Tho I must get to work for now ,I must finish these studies before someone comes in with a concussion from a blow to the head".

"Have you told the lord about It yet?"

"No I have only told you and Ludis my ladies maid"
"I see"
As maxi was searching through the human anatomy book she finally flipped to the chapter of trimesters and when to expect.
She was taking notes about her symptoms of the last 2 1/2 months and she looked through the information and it confirmed she was in the first stage of her second trimester almost halfway through it.

" I heard about the little trick you pulled on the lord today milady" Ruth said smugly .

Maximilian froze,and her face turned red,she hadn't thought about the people who could have possibly seen her The lady of Anatole
Jump outside the window.
" I knew you were one to be rash in thinking ,but I never thought you would jump outside a window pane to escape from your husbands reach"
" I don't know what came over me all I know is that I had to start and complete the test ,Ruth"
He stared at her for a moment before sarcastically saying
"Still milady ,jumping outside the window?"
" I suppose it was a result if rather rash thinking ,but it's in the past so I suggest we stop talking about it for now .ok ?"

"Ok milady,if you say so I'll be taking my leave for now,don't jump out of any windows while I'm gone okay ?"he said with a overly smug smile before closing the door after him .
Just as maxi was about to turn back to her studies she heard the door slam open.

"Milady!" A familiar voice called ,it was  Yulyseon who had been a full member of the rem-dragon knights for nearly 5 years .
She turned around quickly and stood up ,to quickly perhaps because she felt dizzy."Y-es Yulyseon? What is the matter ?" She said with a worried tone shaking in her voice worrying something terrible had happened she instinctively held her stomach as to protect her unborn child .

"Milady! There has been a werewolf pack spotted near the walls  please ,do not worry! The lord has ordered me ,Sir Nirta  ,and Garrow  to protect you!"
Maxi shuddered at the mention of werewolves at this time of year they were especially common tho the number of packs had diminished since the war ,they still found places to avoid death by blade.
"W-werewolves ?"

"Yes werewolves ,but don't worry Milady! we will protect you from those pesky creatures no matter what" Yulyseon said with determination in his voice. She smiled at his thoughtful words .

Sir Nirta walked through the door with Garrow following after him ,He rolled  his eyes at the young knight who was determined to protect the "Red lady" as the people called her from "pesky" werewolves .
" I would say there more of a deadly nuisance than pesky Sir Lovar,good afternoon milady we are here to escort you to were over you ask to go," he lightly bowed towards her,waiting for a response  Garrow bowed as well .
" alright,just let me collect my medicines,and supplies  ,in case people get injured,also I will need to let Cedric know of the werewolves so he can prepare as well".
"Alright milady,I guess that means we're heading to the tents of the injured" after he said that ,something caught his eye as glanced over at her book which she had been reading ,it says something  "pregnancy trimesters?".he eyed her as she walked into the room ,he had a smug smile on his face.

Sir Nirta decided that it was ok to ask Maximillian "Milady what are you reading about ,it says something about Pregnancy?".He looked at her with another smug smile awaiting for an answer,Garrow and Yulyseon were shocked at Sir Nirta's question even if they were all like family ,close friends even,that was not something to ask The lady about.

Maxmillian froze in her tracks just as she was returning  from giving Cedric the news.
She was lucky she had already put her supplies onto her desk,or it would've dropped and shattered everywhere.

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