You [Book 1] | lipsoul

By SoulHyunYverse

2.7K 106 43

I love you Simple yet complicated Protecting the person you love might be easy inside your head but it is als... More

6 (2Jin Pt.1)
7 (2Jin Pt.2)


207 10 1
By SoulHyunYverse

Another long ass boring chapter I swear short chapters are coming 😭

Jinsoul looked around the girl's house and it was honestly very comfortable and warm. Family frames hanging on the wall, awards and trophies proudly displayed in a glassed cabinet making her smile, she stopped in front of a family photo and examined it, Jungeun has a sister but she does looked familiar somehow. "I made some soup if you're hungry." She turned around and saw Jungeun struggling to hold onto the tray, "You should've called me, your body is still aching. Here let me help you." She took over the tray and placed it down on the table.

Both sat on the chair and ate quietly.

Jinsoul looked at her, "Where's your boyfriend?" Jungeun paused and placed down her chopsticks, "He's..he's working right now. We're a little bit complicated right now. It's hard to balance work, school and relationships. He's currently in his 1st year in college and school works has been stressing him out and keeping his family business. He sometimes have another job that requires travelling and so on but I have no idea what kind of job it is, he never told me anything about it." She replied before she continue to eat,

Jinsoul nodded and did the same. The door opened as both turned their heads towards the door making Jinsoul surprise, "Minju?"


"So this is the girl huh?" Jinsoul looked at the girl in amusement as the other girl looked down shyly. "The girl has a name unnie, Chaewon. Kim Chaewon."

"Yea yea. Anyways how come you never bring her to our house." Minju rolled her eyes, "Yea let you guys interview her and make her feel uncomfortable. You know how dad can be. He's probably going to make her his daughter instead of his daughter-in-law." Upon hearing this Chaewon blushed madly making Jinsoul scoff, "Who says I want her to be part of our family?" Jungeun paused from eating and glared at Jinsoul, Minju was speechless and Chaewon frown but remained silent.

"I'm kidding." Jinsoul rolled her eyes and sigh, "You know sister Sica will be slightly against it right?"

"I know I know. School first before dating. Same shit everyday." Minju waved her hands around making Chaewon giggle,

"So. Chaewon. What are you planning on taking in college?"

"Unnie! We're still in elementary!"

"Graduating elementary! Supposedly in high school by the way if you just passed your finals And plus high school is when you start to take things that would lead to your specific classes and degree for college." She retorted back making Minju sigh in frustration. "What if I want to be an actress??"

"Then go ahead! Soojung unnie is an actress, it's not like dad would want you to be a doctor or something." She shrugged her shoulders making the younger girl roll her eyes again, "Anyways dad wants another family meeting tonight."

"What for?"

"Uh the company? Sica unnie is going to be handling our fashion company and no one is going to handle our main company." Jinsoul placed down her chopsticks and crossed her arms, "What's the point of having a meeting when we all know I'm the one who'll end up handling it? Soojung or should I say Krystal unnie is too busy being an actress and she's already handling one of our entertainment main branch, Hyunjin is way too far to be wanting to handle a company and you, I don't know? You said you wanted to be an actress. And Tzuyu is already handling our company in Taiwan And all that's left is me so what's the point of the meeting?" Minju chuckled, "Looks like you have no choice."

"When was there a choice. I'm basically the bread and butter of the family." Jinsoul replied proudly with a smug look on her face earning a groan form Minju, "You and your ego."

Jungeun and Chaewon looked at each other and remained silent. Watching the two girl talk and bicker back and fort was enough for an entertainment.

Jinsoul roamed her eyes around Jungeun's room, it was neatly decorated. There was not much in the room only picture frames, Polaroids, a mini bookshelf filled with books. A computer desk, a wardrobe, her bed and Jungeun.

"Thank you for today." Jungeun sat on the bed and smiled at Jinsoul who sat on the floor making Jungeun confuse. "I'm used to sitting down on the floor let alone eating on the floor." Jungeun eyed her before nodding her head,

"Whatever you say."

Silence then again appeared as both avoided each other's eye contact for a reason. "D-Don't you have work today?" Jungeun looked at her, "How do you know I work?"

"Uh..Jiwoo? I overheard." Jinsoul mentally slapped herself, she was totally not stalking the girl before. "I'm supposed to go to Jiwoo's house tonight for a movie but Woo texted me earlier saying that he has work today from his other job so he really can't come. So I don't know if I should go you know I'm going to be a third whee—"

"I'll go with you! I mean I..if you want, I mean I might be busy tonight but I can make time. I just..but Jiwoo didn't invite me's okay..but you kn—"

"I can ask Jiwoo." Jinsoul took a deep breath before sighing quietly she totally didn't lost her cool there. Jungeun giggled at the girl. "I'll text her." Jungeun then pulled out her phone and texted Jiwoo.

Preventing herself from being embarrassed more, Jinsoul stood up and dusted off her pants. "I-I should probably head home now..I..just let me know what she's totally okay if yo—"

"It's fine, of course I would love for you to come. Just calm down okay?" Jungeun stood up and patted the girl's shoulder, "I'll lead you out."

"Thank you for today." Jinsoul scratched her head and grinned cheekily, Jungeun was taken aback from how the older girl is acting today but she can't complain she likes this side of Jinsoul. "I should be the one who has to thank you and...H-Haseul unnie..for saving me earlier."

"Ah.." Jinsoul felt guilt about earlier..she should've not acted that way but the main point is it wasn't really her business anyway..who was even Jungeun to her? They weren't friends..are they?

"She's always like that..I—I should go now." She waved her goodbye before leaving.

She definitely feels bad.

Jinsoul entered the house to be greeted by her sister Krystal who was with the girl name Amber. Her girlfriend. "Sup love birds." She greeted the two and dropped her bag beside the couch before flopping down on her personal couch, "You skipped your last two classes again. What's up with that?" Krystal asked with a motherly tone earning a roll with the eyes from Jinsoul, "Relax I took a friend to the infirmary and home."

"The whole afternoon??" Jinsoul sigh and ignored the older girl. "Yah! Just because you're in our school doesn't mean you slack off!"

"Geez woman my grades are perfectly fine, classes are boring anyways. Plus I'm genius." She made a me motion earning a groan from the girl, "Don't make Sica unnie get mad at you."

"Yea yea." She waved the girl off before scrolling down through her phone, the front door opened revealing a tired Hyunjin  followed by, "Wait what is she doing here?" Jinsoul placed down her phone when she saw Heejin walking behind Hyunjin. "Too tired to explain." She grabbed Heejin's uninjured hand and dragged her upstairs leaving the two confuse sisters. "Who is she?" Krystal asked Jinsoul who shrugged her shoulders.

"A schoolmate. Commoner." Krystal raised a brow and looked at Amber who shrugged her shoulders before continuing her game, "You guys are bringing commoners now at home? You know if dad is going to have business meetings here at home it's not going to be good." She reminded and shakes her head,

Jinsoul stood up and hummed, "It's not dad's fault his daughters are hanging out with a bunch of commoners. Let them judge, dad doesn't tolerate that kind of attitude anyways." She then headed towards the kitchen and opened the fridge to find a bottle of whiskey. She looked behind her and sneakily took it out and sneaked her way upstairs.

She closed the door behind her and locked it, her phone dinged as she looked at her phone to find a unfamiliar phone number,

Jiwoo said you can come.

She smiled unknowingly and cheered silently before typing,

Great, am I picking you up?

She walked around the room nervously, Her phone ding as she quickly checked her phone,

Sure :) 7pm?

She grinned widely,

Sure. I'll see you tonight...

See you :)

Jinsoul quickly undressed herself before excitingly went to take a shower. After showering she quickly went to her massive wardrobe and looked around for an outfit to wear. She paused after before realizing to why she's doing these. Why was she excited for? She scratched her head in confusion. Oh well.

She decided to go with a tight black jeans and a black shirt before she tucked it in under her pants. She dried her hair after before tying it to a lazy hair tie. She looked at herself on the mirror and decided to do a basic make up. Why was she getting excited for this? She frown and groan in frustration. She decided to take three shots to try and get her mind off of her worries.

She's not planning to get drunk tonight though...

She got out from her car and accidentally tripped on air, she cursed and slapped her face, fuck okay she was drunk.

She shook it off and tried to walk normally as much as she could. She stood at the gate and knocked, she waited for a few seconds before the gate opened revealing Jungeun. Jinsoul blinked when she saw the girl wearing a short black skirt, a white blouse neatly tucked in and her hair was tied into a clean high ponytail. This made Jinsoul's breath hitch, she was cute but gorgeous. Indeed a beauty. "Did I overwear it?" Jungeun asked in embarrassed seeing Jinsoul gawking at her,

" shall we..?" She lagged and almost tripped back but she managed to get her balance back and abruptly opened the door for Jungeun who giggled at the girl's antics before shyly entering the car. After closing the passenger door Jinsoul cleared her throat and shakes her head trying to get sober. She quickly run to the driver's side and entered the car. Her eyes landed on her flask on her left side and slowly but sneakily took a sip on it. "You know drinking and driving is really not allowed right?" She stop midway of her gulping the alcohol before completely gulping it all and grinned at the girl cheekily, well so much for trying to stay sober.

"I uh.."

"Let me drive." Jungeun gave her a demanding look, there wasn't any option to ask, her eyes says it all. She sigh before leaving the car again.

After switching seats Jungeun adjusted everything on her side, Jinsoul looked at her then to the front. "It's manual..."

"Just stay quiet." Her voice was firm, Jinsoul could tell the girl was annoyed so she obliged and sat there like a good kid before Jungeun started driving. She was surprised the girl can drive manual.

"I don't even get why you're drinking. You're not even at the right age and drinking is bad." Okay now she's getting scolded, she sigh and lowered down her head before muttering an apology.

"And you driving drunk is way worst, what if we get into an accident? Wait no, what if YOU get into an accident? God Jung Jinsoul can you be more at least careful?" Jinsoul frown, she has never been scolded like this before it sounded like it was her mom getting mad at her for doing things that are not good. Jungeun noticed this and sigh,

"I'm sorry..I'm just worried about know?" Jinsoul looked at her and nodded her head, "Appreciate it.." she mumbled before looking out the window,

The ride was quiet after. They have finally arrived at Jiwoo's as the two got out of the car, Jungeun wasn't impressed. She watched the girl taking hella sips from her flask but she didn't say anything. Now she's going to probably ignore the girl the whole night. Jinsoul groggily stared at the door waiting for it to open, she unconsciously grabbed Jungeun's hand surprising the girl, Jinsoul pouted and suddenly she was now crying, her face crunched up together and pouted even more, "I'm sorry...please don't be mad at me..." she held both of Jungeun hands and kneeled down crying,

The younger girl was speechless, Jinsoul just suddenly started crying like a baby,

"U-Unnie! What are you doing??" She whispered aggressively and force the girl to stand up before wiping her tears, "Why are you crying?? Stop it people are watching." She looked around and saw some staff looking at them wondering what's happening to them. Jinsoul cutely sniffled but still pouting. "I-I'm sorry."



"Aish." She then pulled the girl into a hug and patted her back. "There there don't cry now. I'm not mad okay? I'm just disappointed, next time drink at a right occasion." Then the door opened surprising Jungeun and Jiwoo who opened the door.


Jinsoul was pulled away by Sooyoung to the kitchen leaving Jungeun and Jiwoo in the living room sitting silently on the couch. "So she was crying?" Jiwoo tried to hold her laugh but it was too funny for her making Jungeun roll her eyes. "Don't even ask me why. She just started bawling her eyes out and started apologizing, I didn't know what to do so I hugged her." She shakes her head and glanced at the kitchen,

Jinsoul sat on the chair as Sooyoung poured another shot in her glass, "Jiwoo will definitely kill you if she caught you giving me more drink." Jinsoul mumbled earning a chuckle from Sooyoung,

"Who says you're the only one drinking?" Sooyoung poured one for her before they cheers and took a shot, "So why you drinking?" She asked the younger girl who shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know I felt a little overwhelmed earlier, I was thinking way too much about things and I needed to cool down and so I drank. It was only supposed to be a little.."

"Well Jung your little will always be too much." Sooyoung replied and rolled her eyes. She took another shot before motioning the girl to follow her to the backyard, "We'll just hoop around." Sooyoung yelled earning an okay from Jiwoo,

"Aight let's shake those drunkness off of you." She placed down the bottle and their glasses before picking up a ball. "Best of 21?"

"Bet." Jinsoul shakes her head and her whole body before sighing out loud, "Oh we're going competitive now." Sooyoung smirked before passing the ball to Jinsoul,

"As always Ms. Jung starts the game." Jinsoul didn't say anything as she dribbled the ball and quickly made a crossed over and bounced the ball behind her before dashing to her left catching Sooyoung off guard. She then made a jump shot 13 ft away from the basket as it swiftly went in, "Awe come on! can you stop doing that?" Sooyoung groan making Jinsoul smirk, "You said competitive and there you have it." Both went on without noticing the two other girls watching inside the house,

"I didn't know they play basketball." Jiwoo said and clicked her tongue, "I mean as always she looks really hot even though she's losing." She giggled and is deeply thirsting over Sooyoung earning a disgust look from Jungeun, Jiwoo noticed her reaction and rolled her eyes,

"Come on as if you don't find Jinsoul unnie attractive somehow." The older girl looked at her in disbelief,

"Kim Jiwoo I have a boyfriend."

"Yea the one who always bails out from hanging out with us."

"He's busy at work."

"Yea work that is so mysterious for you to know."

Jungeun didn't say anything as they kept watching the two girls play.

"Okay fine you win."

"Soo it's only 18-7." Jinsoul spins the ball and shakes her head, "Yea yea you win anyways, what's the point of trying."

They slowly walked to the table and went for another shots. Both sat on the chair and rested, "Drunk still?"

"Hell fucking yeah the game just juggled more alcohol in my system." She sigh and took another shot, "Are we even watching a movie or what?" Sooyoung nodded her head, "Food should be ready so we'll eat first and then we can go watch a movie after." She stood up and carried the bottle and the shot glasses with her, followed by Jinsoul who was wobbling while walking, they then went inside the house then straight to the kitchen, "And you're drinking more." Jiwoo crossed her arms and gave them a grim look making Sooyoung nervous,

"It's just for today."

"Soo you're literally going to have a party tomorrow why not just wait tomorrow?"

Jinsoul looked at Sooyoung in confusion. "Wait you're having a party??"

Sooyoung looked at her in disbelief, "Bitch I literally told you yesterday! You weren't even fucking listening." She smacked the younger girl on the head making her groan, "My bad my bad."

One of the maid entered the kitchen and bow to them, "The dinner is ready Ms. Kim." Jiwoo nodded and smiled, "Thank you Mrs. Lee! You guys should eat now too! Go!" She motioned the woman to go despite the refusals but no one can stop Jiwoo in this house.

Soon they were now eating and talking about silly things, mostly embarrassing Jinsoul, "And you know she tried to jump on a fence one time and she was really drunk! And guess what? Her middle got caught and ooh boyyyy it looked really painful!"

"Aish Yah!" Jinsoul threatened her with a fork but the older girl wasn't budging at all, "As if you have one." Jinsoul and Sooyoung looked at each other in silence before the older girl cleared her throat awkwardly, "Any—"

"Does she??" Jiwoo again asked making Jinsoul cough on her food, "N-No she doesn't! What are you even talking about!" Sooyoung laugh nervously but Jiwoo wasn't dumb enough. She leaned forward to Jinsoul with curiosity in her eyes, "Do you?"

Jinsoul's phone rang saving her ass. She picked up the phone and answered,


"New side job. 10pm sharp."

"I...I can't tonight."

"1million is on the line."

"Sorry Hei unnie but not tonight maybe next time."

She heard the older girl sigh on the other line, "Fine. We have another biz on Saturday better show up. It's a ton of money on the line."

"Aight see you then."

She ended the call and placed her phone back down and continue eating, "Who was that?"

Sooyoung asked, "It's only Kahei unnie." The older girl nodded and didn't question any further to avoid curiosity. "So Jinsoul unnie what else do you do beside basketball?"

Jinsoul looked at her, "I produce songs and sing for fun." She replied earning a gasp from Jiwoo. "Oh my God!"

This time it's Sooyoung's phone that rang. She cursed and picked up the phone, "Hello??"

"What?" Her head snapped towards Jinsoul's direction who was slowly dozing off, she was too drunk. "Yah, Jung Jinsoul." She slapped the girl's face repeatedly earning a groan from the girl,

"Yah! Jung Jinsoul wake up!" Jinsoul sat up abruptly and looked around. "W-What??"

"Remember you have to go see Jessica unnie??" Jinsoul looked at her confusingly before smiling. "What the hell are you even saying?"

The door opened revealing Chaewon and Minju, Jinsoul squinted her eyes to get a better view, she stood up but she slipped making the others gasp except for Minju and Sooyoung. They gasp even louder when they saw Jinsoul holding herself up in a handstand,

She flopped down on the floor and sigh in content slowly closing her eyes but she was suddenly dragged up to stand by Sooyoung who was cursing at her, "It's a fucking emergency get your shit straight." She whispered to the girl before dragging her out, "We'll be back!" Sooyoung yelled and stopped beside Minju, "Tell Hyunjin and Hyeju to come to the warehouse. Code red."

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