changing mr. styles | styles

By theharianadimples

520K 9K 1.9K

"I can't change." he said as she smiled. "Then don't." Sometimes you can't truly change a person. No... More

Changing Mr. Styles
- 1 -
- 2 -
- 3 -
- 4 -
- 5 -
- 6 -
- 7 -
- 8 -
- 9 -
- 10 -
- 11 -
- 12 -
- 13 -
- 14 -
My Little Cookie
Oh Henry!
You Have Harry
She's My Everything
Ice Cream and Duvets?
i'm in Love
Decisions, Decisions
Who is Air?
No More Secrets
'A'nother Problem
Lies, Lies and ooh More Lies
Let's Just Say I Like You. A Lot.
What is This Feeling?
Never Give Up.
Niall the Sailor
Don't Wake Them Up
That's My Harry
My World Now
Over Again
We Need to Talk
Call Me Dead
The Ship That Sails Itself
I'm Yours
The Bad Man Said So
Hold Me
So Good Baby
Angelic Creatures
Little Things
No One.
The Taste That Your Lips Allow
Valentine's Day Escapades
Let's Get Physical, Physical
Two Swallows
True Love Will Triumph in The End
She is Love
Forever Isn't Enough
Disapear Forever.
What's New Scooby Doo? .II
Promise Me
The Worst Chapter
Never Give Up
Forbidden Love
Augustus Frost
Okay? Okay.
She's the One
The Moon's Out
Don't Let Me Go
Hope Is Restored
I Think I Just Came
The Journal
It's a Cruel World
Insanity .I
Insanity .II
The Alpha Male
Marry Me
Aria vs. Victoria
No Regrets
You Are the Reason .II
You Are the Reason: II.
You Are the Reason .III
Kitten Love
I'll Always Love You
Our Future
Bad Boys Get Punished .I
My Happy Ending
Baby I
Green Eyed Devil .I
Green Eyed Devil .II
My Little Bird
I Have Genital Herpes
Love is Happiness
The Problem
A Stupid Kind of Love
Home Sweet Home
The Calm After The Storm
Say Hello
This World is Ours

Praise Jesus

4.4K 70 17
By theharianadimples


"I've missed you love." Niall smiled softly as he pulled Sienna into a hug. Sienna smiled into his neck as she hugged him back. "I missed you too Niall. A lot."

Silence filled the room as everyone watched our little Nialler work his Irish charms on sienna. Then Aria and I being the spontaneous special couple we are decided to yell the most appropriate thing at this moment.


I was tackled to the floor by Niall and so did Aria but sienna was straddling her. "NIALL AND SIENNA SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! FIRST COME LOOOVE THEN COMES MARRIAGE! THEN COME S ABABY IN A POLKA DOT CARRAGE!" Aria and I sung at the top of our lungs, laughing as the two blushed furiously while trying to stop us.


We all stopped and looked at the door that was flung open by none other than...


Harry's POV

"Um... I can explain...." Liam trailed off as he approached Uncle Simon slowly who was fuming. "Oh it's not you who needs to explain anything." Simon shook his head before looking down at me and Aria. "You two. Hallway. Now." He sternly stared at us for a few more seconds before he retreated into the hallway.

"Good luck." Sienna whispered as she and Niall got up, letting me and Aria go. "What did you two do now?" Zayn asked quietly as we both shrugged. "I have no idea." I told him. "Wait did you ever call Simon like you said you would about yours and Aria's relationship?" Liam asked and I shut my eyes. "Shit." I muttered as I opened them again.

"Come on." Aria pulled on my sleeves and I nodded, following her out into the hallway before shutting the door behind us. Simon was stood cross armed with a disappointed smile on his face. "Um... Not that we don't want to see you uncle Si but why are you here?" I asked him slowly.

"I'm here to deal with a few rumours that were brought up back in the mother land. I was going to do this over phone but I figured since I'm going to be in New York for a few nights to deal with some other clients, I decided to approach you both in person." Simon explained as Aria and I nodded. "First of all, love the hair change Aria." Simon smile at Aria who smiled back. "Thanks."

"Now, first rumour is whether Aria is single or not." Simon turned to Aria who answered shyly. "Not single."

"Okay and now there's a rumour that popped up about Aria being in a relationship with you. Is this true?" Simon asked me. "Yes, we are in a relationship." I answered confidently as Simon nodded. "We might need to sort out some interviews so you can come out as an official couple but we'll deal with that later." Simon reassured us as I sighed in relief. I guess he approves then.

"Last rumour is asking where Sierra is now." Simon grimaced at the mention of Sierra. Don't blame him at all. "Yes where did she go Harry?" Aria asked as she furrowed her eyebrows looking confused. Shit. Wank. Fuck. I still haven't told anyone except Niall and Sienna about what happened between Sierra and I that made her leave.

And I am definitely not telling Aria any time soon. "We fought over the whole fake dating thing and she said she wanted out so she left." I shrugged. Simon nodded. "That explains why she seemed a bit mad when she came to me about it. Thank you for answering these rumours. We'll be able to release a general statement once you two are official." Simon said as he held out his hand for Aria and I to shake.

"Anytime Uncle Simon. Be sure to ring me up when you're free and we can have a cuppa." Aria casually grinned up at Simon who nodded. "I'll see to it that arrangements in my schedule are made." He joked as she squealed and hugged him. Simon was taken aback for a moment but hugged her back nonetheless.

It was no secret that Simon had a soft spot for Aria. Simon's a solo kind of guy; his job making it nearly impossible to settle down and get married and have children. But you can see how much he cares about Aria- like she was his own. Simon rarely ever got along with the girls I was seen with, probably because they were loud and irritating. Aria's the first girl he's ever given full approval of without any remorse.

"Alright, alright, I have a meeting with another client to go to and I can't be late. Stay out of trouble you two." Simon pointed a finger at both of us as we nodded obediently. "Yes sir!" Aria saluted Simon who chuckled. "See you two soon." he said and with that Simon retreated down the hallway, as Aria and I let out a sigh of relief. "Whoo! I thought he was generally mad or something." I told Aria who nodded. "I thought I was going to die!" She breathed out as I curled my arm around her shoulders and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. "If you died I don't think I would cope." I sid as she looked up at me. "And why's that?"

"Cause my life would suck without you!" I sang as she giggled and shook her head at me. "Well played Harry, well played." I grinned as I led her back into the hotel room. Everyone suddenly rushed to different areas of the room, occupying themselves with different objects until they 'realized' we were standing there. "Oh hey guys, Simon done talking to you two?" Louis asked casually as he dropped Kevin onto his bed then walked up to us.

"Yes..." Aria narrowed her eyes at Louis and crossed her arms. Louis gulped and walked away slowly. "He said Harry and I have to break up." Aria frowned as her lip quivered a little. "Uh no he said you two are going to come out official at an interview and- shit." Niall hid his face as everyone turned to hit him in the arm. "Busted." I smirked as I sat down on my bed.

"Oh shut up. Anyways... let's make this awkward." Zayn smiled deviously as he looked up at Niall who was blankly staring at sienna. "Hey Sienna, guess what I caught Niall doing a few nights ago." Zayn turned to Sienna as Niall rushed towards him and tackled him onto the bed. "H-HE WAS- HE WAS MOAN-MOANING YOUR-" Zayn was quieted by Niall who sat on his face, threatening to fart. "I was moaning about how much I missed you and your cooking." Niall smiled at Sienna who blushed.

"Yeah Sienna, he was really thirsty before you got here." Aria winked at Sienna who blushed even more and glared at Aria who was giggling into the palm of her hand. "Still don't understand the meaning behind being thirsty!" I spoke out as Aria and Sienna shared a look. "Don't worry babe." Aria smiled at me. "When I'm thirsty, I'll tell you."

"Is it dirty?" I asked her. "Maybe, maybe not." she shrugged before winking at me. I gasped. "Speaking of dirty, ARIA HOPE WE NEED TO HAVE A VERY DETAILED CONVERSATION REGARDING YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS BUGGER!" Sienna pulled Aria away from me and out the door. "Hey be gentle with her! She's the only one I've got!" I yelled to sienna who waved her other hand dismissively at me. "Yeah yeah whatever Styles."

The door slammed shut and immediately I turned my head to the boys who had the same look on their faces. "Let's listen in on their conversation." Liam spoke all our thoughts out loud as we snuck out into the hallway. I began to approach her door slowly. "Do the creep... yeah do the creep yeah.... do the creep yeah... do the cree-" I was cut off by Zayn who pulled me to a stop. "Mate what,s wrong with you?" He asked. "Nothing." I looked at him confused. "Then there must be something going on up in Aria's head if she's in love with a dork like you." Zayn joked as I held my chest. "Hurtful!"

"SHHH! I can't hear them with your babbling!" Niall shout-whispered as he brought a finger to his lips. All at once we pressed our ears to their door and tried to listen in.

"Yeah he's been an absolute angel to me Sienna. I really love him."

Aria's sweet voice filled my mind as I smiled to myself and looked down at the floor. It's crazy how much she's done for me despite my rude attitude.

"What about that Jay guy?"

Sienna asked Aria and I grunted. The sound of his name left a bitter taste in my mouth even if I hadn't spoken it. The little fucker thinks he can parade around Aria and flirt with her? HAH fuck no.

"Nothing's going on between me and Jay. We're just friends. "

Aria sighed dramatically. Well I don't blame her, I've bothered her about him plenty of times.

"I know, but you can't deny the boy's a looker."

Sienna said, causing Niall to frown.

"Sorry I can't hear you over my boyfriend's abs! Anyways why are you so interested in Jay all of a sudden? What happened to being hopelessly in love with Niall?"

Aria asked Sienna. I looked towards Niall who was -however many times he tried to hide it- had a smile gracing his face by what Sienna felt towards him. I myself felt pretty content by what Aria had said. Remind me to be shirtless around her more often.

"I'm just messin with you Aria. Well I'm not hopelessly in love with Niall... I just really like him."

"Then why don't you tell him?! PLEASE!"

"He obviously doesn't like me back. He's Niall Horan Aria, he can have any one he wants."

"Sienna. Sienna babe. Trust me on this one. The boy practically worships the land you walk on. Just please tell him, it's the least you can do."

Aria sounded like she was practically begging Sienna. I smiled proudly as Niall crossed his fingers.

"If he likes me as much as you say he does, why doesn't he tell me himself?"

"I ask myself that every day. Niall's a special one Sienna. Guys like him don't waltz into your life all the time so you should take a chance on him. I did and look at us now. Harry's my best friend and my boyfriend. I don't think anyone I'll ever be with will compare to him."

"That's adorable. I always knew you two would end up together."

"How?" Aria asked Sienna.

"Well... there was just this connection you two have. His reserved rude personality helped boost up your confidence and your serene caring personality kept him grounded from doing anything too bad. I can't even explain it fully because it's just mind blowing how perfect you two are for each other. It makes me want to cry."

"Jesus Sienna, you're gonna make me cry if you don't end up with Niall. I can't even express it enough how amazing he is for you. I call being your bridesmaid at your wedding." Aria yelled as Sienna laughed.

"Yeah sure as long as I'm your bridesmaid at yours and Harry's wedding."


Louis' face contorted into one of pain as he wobbled on his left foot. "Shit my left foot is asleep!" He yelled quietly as he struggled to stay up. "Oh, here we go." He fell forward, sending us with him to crash through the door. We landed in a pile in front of their hotel room and groaned in pain as we slowly got up. "Good job Lou." I sarcastically said as I helped him up.

"What were you all doing behind the door?" Aria asked as she walked over to us. "Nothing." I said quickly. She continued to stare at me. Her lips were curled up in thought as she cocked her head to the side. "I swear!" I protested as Aria bit her lip thoughtfully. "Hmm whatever you say Mr. Styles." She smirked, knowing the effect her name calling had on me. And I fucking can't.

"Baby please." I begged her quietly as I inched closer to her. "I-"


"Hold that thought!" aria held her finger up at me as she answered her phone. "Hello?" She asked happily but her tone faltered as she looked away from me. "What do you want?... Tonight, are you kidding me?... I seriously forgot... I'm sorry okay!... whatever I'll be there... bye." She hung up then looked at the time. "Guys I'm sorry but you all have to go. I have somewhere to be at and I'm late." She began to push us out into the hallway but I stayed. "Harry you too."

"Why me? I want to know where my girlfriend is going at eight at night." I stiffly said as she sighed. "I'm going out with Eliza tonight." She said and I raised an eyebrow at her. "Out as in staying in or out as in going out?"

"Going out now please Harry. I'm going to be late!" She whined and I held her down with m hands. "Calm down baby I'm just wondering. Can I at least stay here until you leave?" I asked her with a small pout as she sighed. "Fine. Only because I love you."

I leant down and pecked her sweetly. "Love you too babe."


"How do I look?" Aria asked as she finally- after what felt like hours- stepped out of her bathroom wearing and Lord Jesus help me now. The dress fit her perfectly, accenting the little ridges and curves in her sides and bust before flowing outwards over her legs that looked brilliant in those heels.

"You look beautiful." I told her. "A little too beautiful. Where are you two going again?" I asked her, wondering why she would wear something so dressy if her and Eliza were just going out. Unless... "Are you two going clubbing?"

"No. We're just going out for dinner." Aria sighed as I nodded. "Okay I believe you. Just please be careful." Said as she smiled, taking out a small can from her bag. "Got this a few weeks ago." She said, giving me the bottle to look at. "Pepper Spray." I read out as I laughed and handed it back to her. Good luck to whoever she uses this on. Hurts like a bitch I tell you.

When she was all set, I walked her to the door and opened it for her. She slipped on her coat, struggling a bit before she finally got it on. "I'll be back before twelve." She said and I nodded, resting my hands on her hips before pulling her into a hug. "I love you princess, be safe." I sighed into her neck as she hugged me tightly before pulling herself from me to kiss me long and hard. Her tiny hands found my curls and my hands cradled her small frame as I absorbed every inch of emotion she was giving me. "Love you too baby. See you later." She smiled shyly, pecking me once more before leaving.

I sighed contently and shut the door, locking it before making my way to her bed. I sighed and crashed onto her pillows, smelling her intoxicating scent that was a mixture of my own since I've spent a lot of time in bed with her lately. We're such a lazy couple- just staying in and watching a film or just lying in bed having a chat, but that's what I love about Aria. How aside from the sexual attraction there's an emotional attraction too. I never felt it before now and I do have to say it beats reaching a climax during sex.

Because love keeps moving through you whenever you're with that special someone. My special someone is Aria. When I'm with her I feel at home and home is where the heart is. Love beats a 3 minute climax any day.

Aria's POV

Loud music filled the club as young people danced to the beat of the music, bodies grinding against one another with their hands up in the air- one holding booze. The adrenaline pumped through everyone's veins and with I was sure the police might have had to come here if the music went any higher, but for some reason the only thing on my mind was what the boys would say if they found out I worked here.

It was hard enough lying to them once and now I have to lie to them again. To be honest I missed the club scene. I grew so accustomed to avoiding one at all cost that now actually being part of the crowd has brought back a lost feeling. Security. A club is where you just let go and get shit faced so you don't have to deal with your problems. Clubs are also perfect for hooking up, like that couple in the washroom hallways.

I swayed along to the beat of Diamonds by Rhianna as I waited behind the bar. Finally a man, about the age of forty came up to me. He was swaying in his step but unlike me he was clutching onto a beer bottle and his speech was slurred as he ordered another one. "Hit me with another baby doll." He murmured as he downed every last drop of the beer he had in his hand.

I grimaced at his nick name for me, but according to my name tag- Baby Doll was my name. This club was no ordinary club you see. Employees here wore costumes and wigs had had different personas according to their name. If you didn't guess already, I was wearing a short light pink and white lace dress that barely passed my bum with a blonde wig tied into two high pig tails on either side of my head with little bows holding them in place. My makeup was childish, simple eye shadow but bright red lipstick.

I handed him his bear and took his money from him, sighing as I turned to put it in the register. "Long night?" Alyssa, my assigned partner for the bar smiled briefly as she took out twelve shot glasses. "You're telling me. I hate this job." I said quietly, making sure Brian- our uptight boss- didn't hear. "You're telling me. I'm only working here because they pay good money." She said as she filled the shot glasses with vodka.

"Baby Doll!" I groaned and looked at Alyssa apologetically. "I'm sorry." I said as she nodded understandingly. I turned to the next customer and froze. "Oh my God Aria is that you?" she gawked at me in shock as she clung onto the man beside her.

"Sierra? W-What are you doing here?" I asked her awkwardly as she looked at me oddly. "I should be asking you that... my uncle owns this club." She explained as she took a sip form her drink. "Finally living up to what you are?" She joked horribly and I frowned. "No?"

"You know, I don't even know why Harry chose you over me." She slyly smiled as she played with the tips of her hair. "You two were never together Sierra." I rolled my eyes as she scoffed. "Uh yeah we were. We made out whenever we were alone and this one night he was really stressed because of you and we ended up drinking and getting drunk. Smoked a bit of weed too. He took my virginity that night and wow it was the best sex I've ever had." Sierra groaned as my heart fell. "Unfortunately he was a total prick afterwards about it so I left."

"You're l-lying." I stumbled over my words, still a bit shocked by what she'd told me. "Ask him yourself hon. Darling Harry would never lie to his precious little girlfriend." Sierra smirked before sipping her drink again. "Wait he never told you? And you're with him?" Sierra looked stunned as I nodded slowly. "Wow... well better that you heard it from me now than later." Sierra shrugged. "Good luck." She said before entering the crowd again with her drinks. She disappeared amongst the large group and now I wished I could disappear too.

Harry lied to me? He told me nothing happened... he told me she didn't want to be his fake girlfriend anymore... this was why? Did he have sex with her then kick her out afterwards? He was drunk? He was smoking again? I don't know whether to cry because he and her were together secretly or be angry because he lied to me.

Tears filled my eyes when the feeling really hit me. I felt betrayed. He's been lying about it the whole time! It may seem like something small that I shouldn't worry about considering I slipped in these last few months but it's the principal of it! He broke a promise. Add on the simple fact he and sierra got together and had sex behind everyone's backs. All those times I felt proud to say I was helping Harry stay clean for a while and he'd stare at the floor blankly... was it guilt in his eyes that I saw? Is this why he's so hung up about the fact I love him?

"I need a drink." I muttered to myself as I walked towards the machines. But I stopped, remembering the promise I made to myself not to drink. When I'm drunk I'm a completely different person. Everything good within me is drowned in the alcohol and all that remains is the cold bitter remorse and anger. "Aria are you okay?" Alyssa walked over to me and held me by my arm. I felt faint, like I was about to pass out but I knew I was just overwhelmed by what I was just told.

"No... I think I'm going to head home for the night." I bit my lip, hoping my tears wouldn't fall in front of Alyssa so she wouldn't have to question me any further. "Okay I'll let Brian know. Tell him you're sick or something." Alyssa said as I thanked her. "You're a life saver." I said, hugging her quickly before heading to the back room to change into what I was wearing when i got here.

After changing I left the club through the back doors which lead into a well lit alley way. The streets of New York were quiet, almost barren as the only sounds you could hear were the honking of cars and music flowing through store windows.

I shiver promptly the minute the chilly wind brushed against my pink cheeks were my makeup was scrubbed off furiously. I hated it when I looked fake; makeup just wasn't meant for me unfortunately. I sighed and began to walk down the street, just mindlessly walking along with no intention of reaching a certain destination. I wanted to think things through and nothing a good walk can't help.

"Hey watch where you're going!" A man suddenly yelled, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. "Sorry." I muttered, walking past him as quickly as I could. Note to self, walk but keep your eyes forward so you don't crash into anyone again.

For some reason his immediate response to me bumping into me brought back memories from Harry and I's first date. How he'd gotten mad at some guy who'd bumped into me and how he opted to carrying me there so I wouldn't get hurt. Then the soft pads of his thumbs rubbing my thighs gently to keep me calm... the smallest gestures from harry always lit my face with a smile.

"He got drunk. Smoked some weed too." Her words rang in my mind and I struggled to push it away. I imagined him storming away from me then going home to her with a bottle of vodka in his hand. Did he feel any remorse at all before he drank from the bottle or did he not care at all? I told him what happened to Jake... how I didn't want Harry to end up that way too... and he still goes for it?

"I don't want to ever see you drunk. It's scary and it's not you." His worried voice filled my mind again and I chuckled, remembering how I woke up to Harry quickly treating my migraine with a glass of water and pain killers and a worried face. I felt touched that he cared. This was when his little tough guy facade started to slip away and the Harry I know now began to show. Harry was one of few who really generally cared about me. Sure Niall's been there for me but I know the only person who could ever understand how I felt was Harry.

"He took my virginity that night and wow it was the best sex I've ever had. Unfortunately he was a prick afterwards so I left." Hurt? Yes. It wasn't the fact that he had sex with her- I honestly couldn't care less because at the time we were both single and uninterested in each other. It was the fact he didn't have the courage to tell me or the others. He chose to protect his pride rather than tell the truth. And that hurt more than anything he could ever have done. I know he told me he'd never cheat on me if we were away from each other but... what if he does. Let's say he does cheat on me? Intentionally or unintentionally will he tell me? Or will he choose to protect his pride?

"I love you Princess." His face- his smile, his eyes, his dimples, everything that grows a little bigger whenever he says those words- they help me believe. Harry made mistakes in his past yes, but he's changed. I can see it. I see it whenever he's with fans, when he's with his family, when he's with the boys and when he's with me. He's getting better and he's still learning. God didn't create us in one day. But nothing warms my heart more than his face when I say it back to him. He looks generally surprised every time then extremely happy with himself which I find odd because there are so many better people out there for him but he chose me. I feel really lucky. To know that I mean so much to him and that just me saying I love you back to him would make his whole day is really what I really want to hear.

To know that I'm still wanted and that I'm not alone. But of course like other couples, Harry and I weren't exactly perfect. We argued a lot -something I regret mostly because looking back now it wasn't worth it. We live in two different worlds; what was to happen if they found me? I hurt Harry when I showed interest in Edward. He told me so himself. He told me how odd he felt at first but then later realized he only felt odd because he was jealous and hurting. He didn't like the idea of me with another man.

He hurt me as well. He broke a promise. He pushed me around because he knew I wouldn't be able to leave him. He called me names when we fought. But of course our fights never really lasted because one of us would end up feeling remorseful enough to apologize to the other person. The fights hurt us both, to the point that all we want to do is just fix things so we can go back to being happy. But when you are in love and you get hurt, it's like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar.

You see Harry isn't the perfect guy to most people and I'm definitely not the most perfect girl out there. Despite our imperfections, we found love in each other nonetheless because true love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

And to me Harry is perfect just the way he is. I love him and nothing will change that.

I sighed when I realized I was standing in front of the hotel. I coughed and sniffled, wiping away the small tears in my eyes from the wind and walked inside. I was greeted with warmth and hellos from the door man who I politely waved back at. I hopped into the elevator and clicked the floor number before hugging myself. Is it just me or is it freezing in this elevator?

The bell went and the elevator doors opened. I stepped out and quickly made my way to my hotel room, eager to sleep off today's events so I could deal with them tomorrow. I unlocked my door and turned on the lights. I sighed in relief as I kicked off my heels; groaning in pleasure as they met cold air and the flat surface of the floor. Praise Jesus. Sleepiness hit me like a bus and I felt drowsy as I took off my coat and hung it on the coat rack along with my bag.

"You're home early." A voice spoke out and I jumped, my elbow hitting the edge of the coat rack causing me to wince in pain. "Ahhh funny bone!" I groaned and rubbed my poor elbow. "Sorry baby. Think of it as payback for earlier today." Harry smirked as he emerged from the shadows, shirtless in just his boxers. I frowned and walked passed him towards my closet, digging through my clothes to find something to wear to sleep.

I found an oversize t-shirt and some shorts and threw them onto the bed. "Can you help me?" I turned to Harry who had slowly approached me. "Can't reach the zipper..." I whispered as i held my hair up. Harry nodded and held onto my waist with his left hand as his right hand found the zipper along my back. He tugged it down gently, the heat from his fingers tickling my spine as he breathed along my neck.

"Done." He muttered and I let my hair down before pushing the dress down, leaving it in a pile at my feet. Harry gasped and began to turn away but I stopped him. "I really don't care. I just wanna sleep." I told him as I put on the t-shirt and shorts then tied my hair up in a messy bun. Harry nodded shyly and the two of us got into bed, him first then me.

He must have noticed something was wrong because he moved his hand underneath my chin so I'd look up at him. "What?" I asked him sadly as he pursed his lips. They touched mine gently and when I made no move to kiss him back he frowned. "Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly and I sighed. "Just please hold me." Harry understood that I probably didn't want to talk about it and he obliged.

Harry laid down on the bed then lowered me down so my head rested against his chest and wrapped his arms around me like I'd asked. I hugged his chest gently and sighed contently as he shut off the lamp, bringing darkness into the bedroom. My breathing evened as I shut my eyes. Harry's heart was beating erratically and so I drew the alphabet into his chest with my fingers but felt myself drift off before I even reached 'E'.

This is where I belong

Harry's POV

I looked down at my beautiful girl and smiled blissfully. Nothing compared to the feeling of having her in my arms. It just felt right, like this is where I belong.

I lean over slightly and kiss her full pink lips longingly, smiling into them when I felt her kiss back with the tiniest smile on her face. It was adorable really. I leaned back against the pillows and brought the duvet up higher so they covered most of her cold body. Her arms wrapped around me tighter as she let out a sigh before light snores filled the room. Her perfect little snores.

I can't imagine sleeping without hearing them before I got to bed.

I want to sleep knowing she's here with me and wake up knowing she stayed.

I just feel so lucky to have her.

I don't know what I'd do if I lost her.


Yay CMS is back up and running! If you didn't know what happened, basically this story was plagiarized so I had to put it on hold to save it from being plagiarized even further but no worries the problem has been resolved and CMS IS BACK BITCHES! AND WITH A NEW COVER :D What do you think of the new cover? sexy innit?

To give a brief summary of what happened is basically Aria is at work right. She works at this crazy shit house club where the waitresses and stuff dress up in these weird costumes. (btw Baby Doll Aria is not based on Baby Doll from sucker punch <3)

while she's there, Sierra shows up :O and tells Aria about her and Harry D: Aria is obviously hurt so she leaves work early and takes a depressing yet thoughtful walk back to the hotel. Basically she's thinking of the pros and cons about her and Harry's relationship and basing what she's going to do about the Sierra thing on it. She decided she loves Harry no matter what but she still needs to talk to him.

now in the hotel room she just wants to sleep so she changes and heads to bed with Harry. They fall asleep in each other's arms and Harry kisses her and is all sentimental and shit and it's ironic how hes like 'i dont know what id do if I lost her' well hahahahaha... HAH good luck :)


thank you for reading and dont forget to holla at me here @abigailtommo or :D love you! .x

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Note that in this fanfic both Harry and Ariana are famous, Harry Styles is in One Direction however Ariana Grande is a famous actress/comedian NOT a...
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When a young girl who works for a company she can't get away from meets a popstar that have two totally different worlds meet save her from her dark...
32.1K 658 37
As humans, we are all so oblivious to all of the cruelty and horror simultaneously occurring in the world. We’re all so wrapped up in leading our own...