DECEPTION. ("Soap" MacTavish...

By expiredreading

213K 8.3K 7.9K


chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one.
chapter twenty-two.
chapter twenty-three.
chapter twenty-five.
chapter twenty-six.
chapter twenty-seven.
chapter twenty-eight.
chapter twenty-nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty-one.
christmas special!
chapter thirty-two.
chapter thirty-three.
chapter thirty-four.
chapter thirty-five.
chapter thirty-six.
chapter thirty-seven.
chapter thirty-eight.
chapter thirty-nine.
chapter forty.
chapter forty-one.

chapter twenty-four.

4.3K 202 355
By expiredreading

Y/n watched as Ghost vanished around the corner to the Lounge Room, deciding to give him the gap of space he intimidated her for. Veil's heart felt very slow in her chest, finding herself staring off. This was like some high school drama.

She sighed and then began heading to the same room, knowing it was a bit full anyway so if he got bothered she had to be in there too then that's his problem and she wouldn't mind talking to him about it in front of an audience. What was his deal? Delayed anger started to sway in her stomach as she replayed the scenario, the noise of multiple conversations erupting once she opened the door. She'll just sit on the couch- if there was space.

As her eyes scanned for an open spot, she noticed Soap, and he recognized her at the same time. His face lit up as he straightened his posture with a smile, patting the spot next to him. A very warm feeling washed over Veil, and she almost forgot why she was mad.

She began to head over, but a supposedly occupied Kiley sat down near the spot he patted. It wasn't directly where he was encouraging Y/n to sit, but it was just close enough to where another person couldn't fit. She just scrolled through her phone, but Y/n didn't miss the part where she glanced up at her for a split second.

MacTavish watched Target sit and narrowed his eyebrows, shaking his head in disbelief as he sat up. He gave up his comfortable spot to walk over to Y/n, his soft eyes scanning her face. "Are you ok? I noticed you and Ghost kind of arrived at the same time- did something happen?" Honestly, his stomach swirled with an uneasy feeling due to having some irrational thoughts, but he pushed past them.

Should she tell him what Simon did? Ghost and Soap were close, so telling MacTavish would most likely make him uncomfortable. Still caught up in the mixed emotions of hurt and anger, Y/n chose to inform John, but only partially. Ghost did this to himself, anyway.

"He told me I have no purpose here. I really don't think he likes me, do you?" That was a rhetorical question, her eyes dancing to find said person. She spotted him, and he was already glaring at her, the antagonizer being the first to break eye contact.

Soap's skin prickled, glancing over his shoulder toward Ghost as well, but noticed he was minding his own business. "What? Really? Do you need me to talk to him?" He looked at her with a defensive glint in his eyes, prepared to protect Y/n's feelings if she needed it.

"No, I'm good. He's just trying to be a bully and it's more sad than effective." It was so sweet how fast Soap was to help her, even to his own friend he's known longer. "I do have a question though," Even though she loved his need to help, she wanted to know why. After he nodded his acknowledgment, she asked, "Why are you so nice to me?"

Soap blinked, never really spotting that his acts of consideration toward her were that noticeable... other than the bed situation... and things he has done privately were just between him and his guilt, so she wouldn't know that part at least.

"I feel like it's an appropriate thing to do when I watched you get tortured in front of me back at the Cartel. I don't even know what happened before we arrived that day, so I just want you to feel safe. You have me if you ever need anything- Gaz and Price too. Sorry about Ghost, though." He left Target out accidentally, that alone proving he doesn't see her as part of the group yet. "That bruise up on your face is healing well." He felt extremely vulnerable, so he switched the conversation fast so she couldn't respond to his little confession.

Y/n grinned and reached toward her cheek as she opened her mouth, but Target decided now was a good time to interrupt.

"Veil! How are you feeling? Heard you got sick last night." She pouted her lips for a second, her voice sounding genuine, not snotty, but that's what concerned Y/n. She couldn't tell if this woman was after her or not. Then again, why would she be.

"I was sick. How'd you know?"

Something flickered in Target's eyes. "Soap assumed we had gotten into a little tussle- isn't that funny!"

Y/n looked at Soap with an eyebrow raised, the man having an intense staring contest with a wall. He definitely knew he should've kept quiet about her uneasiness last night. He glanced down at Y/n, trying his best to be serious but her angry face made him smile.

"Ah, keep the heid, Veil. I was just a bit curious is all." He commented. Target must have ADHD or something though because she always changed the topics fast if she didn't feel included.

"I love your necklace, mate! Where'd you get it from?!" She leaned her head in toward Soaps bubble as she grabbed the dog tag, examining it.

Soap quickly swatted her away, taking a step back as he did so. "Hells bells, lady! Don't you know anything about personal space? And don't touch my dog tag!"

Y/n watched the banter, finding satisfaction in Targets embarrassed expression.

It then hit her.

Target and Soap were going to be alone on a mission for however long it takes for them to finish it. Not to include Ghost, apparently her biggest fan, was going with them as well. She just hoped Soap didn't get as comfortable with Target as he did with her considering he will be spending more time with Kiley.


A November day in Canada was a very cold day for the Task Force as they had just moved from South to North real quick. The plane ride was fast and easy, and Y/n was seated in the aisle seat due to her current disability. Thankfully it was a first-class flight, so there was plenty of room for her to stretch out. Price just played little word puzzle games for the majority of the flight, each area having two seats only. Soap was across the little walking space, lightly snoring. There was a point Ghost had to wrap a scarf around the sleeping man's mouth so he could go the rest of the ride without the noise.

"It blood freezing here," Gaz commented as everyone exited the fancy plane, walking on a landing strip to a nice base. As he talked Y/n noticed his breath was visible.

Target walked by Gaz's side, glancing around, "It's got some beautiful scenery, though. Wouldn't mind being here. I like it more than Mexico, at least." She just didn't stop talking, did she? How overly happy she was made Y/n cringe as well, wondering if this was her true colors or if she was just trying to be likable.

MacTavish subconsciously walked by Y/n's side, looking around at the pretty snowfall and coated trees surrounding the area. Veil grinned at his innocent face, feeling herself shiver from lack of preparation. She wore a hoodie and thought that'd be enough, but when they landed, the pilot announced the 12-degree weather with some pity.

Veil listened to everyone give their input on the place, Target glancing back at Veil and Soap. She slowed down, walking on the opposite side of Y/n. Veil almost thought she would walk next to Soap, but apparently not.

"What do you think, Veil? You like it here so far?" She questioned, holding a hand out to catch some falling snowflakes as she asked.

Y/n simply nodded, letting out a stuttering exhale. "I like it, just need to get used to it."

"Are you cold?" Soap questioned Y/n.

Veil nodded once more, hearing some rustling. He gently placed his warm jacket around her shoulders, sacrificing his own warmth for her to have some. Shocked, Y/n glanced over to him but he was already looking forward. She had to mentally tell herself to not glance down at his arms, the black long-sleeve he wore suiting his figure well.


"Oi, I'm cold too!" Target exclaimed, her hands motioned out in a 'seriously' gesture. "Nothing for me?!"

Soap didn't even look over toward the blonde, feeling a smirk creep up on his lips. "Sorry. I have a soft spot for Veil. Maybe go ask Ghost."

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