Found Family- Sequel

By lesbianheartbreaker

197 4 0

Hi! This is the sequel to my last story, Found Family. Read that first if you haven't read this one! This is... More

2 years after Found Family Ended
ch 3
ch 4

ch 2

44 0 0
By lesbianheartbreaker

20 weeks
"Okay, I will make mommy buy you icecream if you move." Emily said to her bump. "Just a small kick bug, mama just wants to feel you move, eh hey JJ."

JJ smiled. "Bribing baby girl already? I don't think she can hear you yet." JJ stated kissing emily's forehead.

"She needs a name so we can call her something other than bug, baby girl, and baby sister." Emily suggested.

"Don't look at me." JJ said. "You named the last one." And emily laughed.

"Okay we'll think on it." Emily sighed.

"What's up?" JJ asked sitting next to emily on the arm of her chair and lightly rubbing her hand across emily's rounded stomach.

"I want her to move." Emily said with a quiet laugh. "Like we know she's there we can see her. And I should be feeling her by now I feel like... I don't, just all the parenting books and websites and,"

"And, this is your first time experiencing this. She'll start moving when she's ready and you'll feel her soon enough. I'm not trying to push you down or anything, just saying that while your feelings are valid this is new to you, to me, and to her." JJ said with a small tap on emily's stomach.

"I know I know." Emily smiled. "Alright let's talk about something else. What do we think she'll look like?! And act like?"

"Well donor daddy he," JJ started

"Donor daddy?! Jayje," emily began laughing. "I don't think I've heard donor daddy as a term for a sperm donor."

"Anyways, as I was saying... donor daddy," JJ stated as emily laughed. "Has dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, like her mama, and i have blonde hair and blue eyes so like genetically"

"Okay, so she'll be fucking adorable." Emily said smiling.

They both decided they wanted another child and we're trying to figure out a way to go about it. They finally decided that JJ's egg and a sperm donor whose profile at the agency seemed to align with emily's would work and then emily would carry the child. Emily wasn't sure she wanted to be pregnant first, but knew she wanted to experience and help bring a life into the world and that she wasn't getting any younger.

"Yes she will, and she'll have Dottie as a big sister to help her with everything." JJ smiled. "I cannot wait to see Dottie in big sister mode. You know Ellie said that she talks about being a big sister all of the time!"

Ellie was the nanny that JJ and emily finally (after an insane background check and what felt like millions of options) hired to nanny Dottie. She was available pretty much every day that they worked, and was available for overnights. She'd been with the family for a year and a couple of months. She was also excited about the new baby coming along.

"She's going to make the best big sister. I think Dottie will," emily was beginning to say when JJ realized her face changed.

"Em...?" JJ asked.
"Jen, " emily gasped "Jenny I think she moved!" Emily said with tears welling in her eyes. "Keep talking about Dottie!"

"Uhh, Dottie loves her baby sister and Ellie should be back with her any minute... emily can she even hear us? Or does she just like when you're excited? Cus like your heart beats faster or something?" JJ asked.

"I don't know but it was working. She stopped now I think." Emily said with a smile.

"I can't wait until I can feel you sweet girl." JJ said kissing emily's bump.

"Mommy!" Dottie squealed running through the door and up to JJ practically jumping into arms.

"Hi Dee!" JJ said as she kissed her cheek. "How was your day with Ellie?" JJ smiled across the room at Ellie who was hanging up Dottie's coat.

"Fun! We saw uncle Spence at target and and Ellie's face got all red it was so silly." Dottie explained.

JJ looked over at Ellie who had her palm on her forehead.

"Oh really?" Emily said as she couldn't contain her laugh. "I think uncle Spence is single..."

"Great, okay. So uh. She ate a good lunch and then we got a treat from Starbucks and she took a good nap. So yeah I'll leave you guys to it, see you tomorrow at 8:30." Ellie said and with that she was out the door.

"Well who knew our nanny would have a thing for skinny smart boys." Emily laughed. "I definitely thought bad boys."

"Emily you're gay." JJ said.

"Mommy what's gay?" Dottie asked as she played with her stuffed animals on the floor.

"It means that you have romantic feelings for someone who is the same gender as you. So mama is a lesbian, which means she only has romantic feelings for girls. And I'm bisexual, which means i have romantic feelings for girls and boys. But mama and I are married so we love each other." JJ explained in the best way she could for a three year old.

"What's that word mean?" Dottie asked.

"Which word baby?" Emily asked from the couch as she moved to the floor to sit next to Dottie.

"Ramantict." Dottie explained crawling into emily's lap.

"Oh romantic, it means that your really like someone and would want to marry them." JJ said. "You can love whomever you want too!"

"Okay." Dottie said hugging emily and patting her belly. "I'mma marry Jack."

"Who's jack?" JJ asked.

"Jack with hair like mommy's. With Hotch and ms Hailey!" Dottie said.

"Oh my." JJ said.

"Him is my boyfriend." Dottie explained with a big smile.

"Oh no 'him' is not." Emily said.

"Yes him is!" Dottie said standing up with her hand on her hip. JJ's jaw practically hit the floor, but had a big smile she was trying to hide.

"Does Jack know he's your boyfriend?" JJ asked.

"Uh huh! Him held my hand last time we played." Dottie said.

"I'm gonna kill him." Emily said quickly getting up to go search for her phone.

She assumed Dottie had it last. They don't let her have a lot of screen time, but after she gets home with Ellie she can play on JJ or emily's phone or watch tv until dinner, so she has about 2 hours per day watching shows. Most of the time it's educational or Bluey, which emily told herself it was educational but really she just liked the show.

"Em he's 4." JJ laughed.

"I'm calling Hotch." Emily said as she pressed his name on her phone.

"Agent Hotchner." He answered not looking at who was calling.

"Hello agent Hotchner, it's your sons mother in law." Emily stated.

"Emily?" He said.

"Yeah, did you know your son held my daughters hand? And that they're planning on getting married?" Emily questioned as Dottie sat on JJ's lap with a big smile.

"Uh no i did not. I take it that you are not happy about that. Prentiss, he's 4 and Dottie is 3 and a half. They're 10 months apart." Hotch stated.

"My daughter has her first boyfriend at 3 and a half. This is big." Emily said.

"Right. And why was I called about this?" Hotch asked.

"What are your sons intentions with my daughter?" Emily asks.

"To have a friend? I don't know Prentiss I'll talk with Haley and have her call you. See you in the office." Hotch said as he hung up.

"mama is going crazy Dee." JJ said to Dottie kissing her forehead. "How bout Mac n cheese for dinner?"

"Yeah! Is aunt penny coming?" Dottie asked.

"Not tonight, just us." Emily said plopping down on the couch next to her girls.

Christmas- 23 weeks

"It's Christmas." JJ whispered as she and her wife spent a moment before their toddler would be running in.

"I know." Emily said. "She's fluttering again." JJ smiled big.

"I can't wait to feel you move!" JJ said.

"I hear little feet." Emily said and laughed. "Put some pants on jayje. Come on, bust ass babe." Emily said with a louder laughed.

"Mommy! Mama! It's Christmas!" Dottie said.

"I know sweet girl!" JJ said after putting pajamas on. "Should we go see what Santa brought and want gifts you got from us?!"

"Yeahhhh!" Dottie said grabbing JJ's hand. "Mama you come too! Come on!"

"I'm coming." Emily said. Emily had on a black tank top and dark red and green plaid pajama pants on. JJ had a white long sleeve shirt on and black pajama shorts on. Dottie was in her Christmas pajamas with reindeer and trees on them.
They sat and watched as Dottie tore through gifts and said thank you for each one.

"You're so polite D." JJ said.

"Thank you!" Dottie said smiling and holding her new stuffed cow. "Mommy did baby sister get anything?"

"Not really, she will when she's here." JJ said, knowing they planned emily's baby shower the day after Christmas, staging it as the small family going to eat leftovers at Rossi's.

"When she gonna be hereeee?" Dottie whined. "Im ready to see her!"

"Me and you both kid." Emily groaned on the couch. "She's very excited to meet you though DJ." She smiled. "She moves a lot when we talk about you. And guess what!"

"What?!" Dottie asked.

"When she gets here, she'll know your voice cus you and mommy talk to my belly sometimes. And she can hear you." Emily said.

"Baby sister!" Dottie squealed holding onto emily's bump. "I so exited to meet you! Does her have a name yet?" Dottie asked looking up at emily with big grey eyes.

"No we haven't decided on one yet." JJ said.

"What do you wanna name her Jay?" Emily asked.

"You came up with Dottie's name, I really got nothing." JJ said with a smile.

"No, no no. You have something you smirked!" Emily stated.

"I smirked?" JJ awkwardly laughed. "No I didn't."

"Yes you did." Emily said. "Spill Jareau."

"Charlotte. I like Charlotte." JJ said.

"Sss hharlite?" Dottie asked. 

"Close." JJ smiled.

"I can't say dat." Dottie frowned.

"Well we could call her Charly?"

"Charlotte." Emily said. "Charly?" She smiled.

"That's cute. Baby C." Emily said.

"What about her middle name?" JJ asked

"Amelia." Emily stated messing around with Dottie's new car.

"Charlotte Amelia." JJ repeated. "I love it."
"How did mama come up with my name?" Dottie asked with wide eyes as she played with emily's hair.

"Well, your real name is Dorothea after my grandma. She was so great D." Emily smiled. "She loved me for who I was. And then your middle name, Roslyn, is after mommy's sister." She explained and looked at JJ to takeover.

"Ros, woulda loved you baby." JJ said.

"Why she not here?" Dottie asked.

"She had to go to heaven,"

"Like the lady who gave me to you?" Dottie asked.

"Yes sweet girl. But she was my sister and she loved me and was the best human being i had ever known. I loved her so much." JJ smiled. "You remind me of her sometimes, when you smile and your eyes squint."

"You have a picture of her?" Dottie asked.

"I do yeah," JJ said with watery eyes. "The big green book in the office has some photos if you wanna go grab it." Dottie shook her head yes.

"You okay love?" Emily asked JJ.

"Yeah, I just wish Ros coulda met her. I know it's silly she's been gone for a while,"
"No it's not silly." Emily said taking JJ's hand and placing her hand on her round stomach.

"I want her to know Ros. She was a great big sister, i know Dottie will be too." JJ said smiling.

"Mommy this heavy!" Dottie said from the office. crash "uh oh."

"Shit." Emily cringed.

"My fault for letting our three year old grab a scrap book." JJ said patting emily's knee and jogging to the office.

"I sorry mommy." Dottie said with tears in her eyes and JJ looked on the floor and saw some books fell.

"Oh baby, it's okay. Nothing broke. Are you okay though? Did anything hit you?" She asked.

"No." Dottie said. "I okay. I sorry i not mean too."

"It's alright! Let's go see mama and see pictures of me when I was little." JJ smiled as she held her daughter on her hip.

"Cocos?" Dottie asked.

"Yeah we can have hot coco. I think mama would like that." JJ stated.

"With mellows?!" Dottie said.

"Yes with mellows." JJ said as she tickled her belly.

"Mama! Want coco with mellows?" Dottie asked.

"Always. Come snuggle with me while mommy makes us coco," emily began

"With mellows." Dottie stated.
"Yes." Emily laughed.

"I'll go make coco. We gotta be ready by 2:00 though, Rossi's Christmas dinner party starts at 2:45." JJ smiled and walked out of the room.


"Penny!!!" Dottie squealed running on the concrete towards her aunt.

"Oh, baby be careful!" JJ yelled rolling her eyes.


"Shit." Emily cringed placing the bag she was carrying on the floor. JJ was carrying everything insisting that emily shouldn't be carrying anything! They had 3 bags because everyone was staying the night at Rossi's but had to be out at 10:00 am, for everyone to set up emily's baby shower which she didn't know about.

"Mommy!" Dottie started crying but stood up and tried to stop herself from crying.

"Hey, okay let mama see." Emily said. Dottie turned around and had a bloody lip and a bump already forming on her forehead. "Ouch. I'm so sorry baby. Want me to hold you while mommy cleans up your face?" Dottie was still crying but nodded.

"I'll go get ice." Penelope said.

"No penny no leave!" Dottie said trying to turn her head. "Hold my hand."

Penelope thought she could cry on the spot when her 3 year old niece said that. "Okay, I won't leave. Derek, ice."

"On it baby girl." He said.

"I no cry." Dottie said as tears streamed down her little face. "Im strong but i crying."

"Dottie, crying is okay." Emily stated. "You gotta have emotions, and all emotions are okay! There's no bad emotions. And we all know you're strong! Accidents happen and you tripped, but you're still brave baby."

"Dee, this is gonna sting but mommy needs to get the dirt outta your cut." JJ said.

After everything with Dottie was cleaned up and she was still attached to emily's hip clutching her shirt, it was just about dinner time.

"So princess," Derek began. "How does it feel for this to be the last chirstmas for you guys as a family of 3? Next year your little, well littlest, will be joining the fun?"

"I love our little family." Emily stated placing her head on top of Dottie's that was lying on her shoulder. "But, I'm excited for baby C to greet us with her presence. Not now but in a couple of months." Emily said looking down at her slightly rounded abdomen.

"Ah! We got a letter. Baby C! What does that stand for Dottie?" Penelope asked the littlest party goer.

"It's a surprise! Not a secret, secrets are bad." Dottie said as she put her head back on emily's shoulder.

"So smart punkin!" Penelope said. "I was just,"

"Dinners ready!" Rossi yelled from the kitchen. Just then the door knocked and Derek went to go answer it.

"Boss man and family." He smiled, as Hotch, Haley, and Jack walked in the door.

"Jack!" Dottie said, but staying on emily's lap.

"Your boyfriends here." Emily said as she rolled her eyes and continued rubbing Dottie's back.

"He not my boyfriend anymore. Hims got a girlfriend at school. He's my friend now mama." Dottie said as she smiled.

"You okay?" JJ asked.

"Yep." Dottie said.

"Em, you okay?" JJ asked with a laugh.

"Uh huh." She said through gritted teeth. "I'm glad he didn't break my daughters heart or I would break his fathers, hey Hotch!" She said. And nodded towards Haley saying her name.

"So my son broke up with your daughter?" Haley said with a small smile.

"Yeah," JJ said as she ran a hand lightly through Dottie's hair. "She said they're just friends now."

"Glad to hear it." Haley chuckled.

"Dottie what happened to you head?" Jack asked her.

"I fell." She said.

"She was so brave about it though. She's the strongest person I know." Emily said as she felt Dottie put her head further into emily's shoulder.

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