By JillianThomas1

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Every BTS Ship I can think of. I have never been good at English or writing so if it's rubbish I am sorry. Co... More

Story 1 - Namjin Part 1
Story 2 - Namjin Part 2
Story 3 - Taekook Part 1
Story 4 - Taekook Part 2
Story 5 - Yoonminseok Part 1
Story 6 - Yoonminseok Part 2
Story 7 - Yoonminseok Part 3
Story 9 - Jihope Part 2
Story 10 - Sugamon Part 1
Story 11 - Sugamon Part 2
Story 12 - Jikook Part 1
Story 13 - Jikook Part 2
Story 14 - Jikook Part 3
Story 15 - Taejin Part 1
Story 16 - Taejin Part 2
Story 17 - Taejin Part 3
Story 18 - Kookiemon Part 1
Story 19 - Kookiemon Part 2
Story 20 - Kookiemon Part 3
Story 21 - Sope Part 1
Story 22 - Sope Part 2
Story 23 - Sope Part 3
Story 24 - Jinmin Part 1
Story 25 - Jinmin Part 2
Story 26 - Vmon Part 1
Story 27 - Vmon Part 2
Story 28 - Hopekook Part 1
Story 29 - Hopekook Part 2
Story 30 - Yoonjin Part 1
Story 31 - Yoonjin Part 2
Story 32 - Minjoon Part 1
Story 33 - Minjoon Part 2
Story 34 - Vhope Part 1
Story 35 - Vhope Part 2
Story 36 - Vhope Part 3
Story 37 - Yoonkook Part 1
Story 38 - Yoonkook Part 2
Story 39 - 2Seok Part 1
Story 40 - 2Seok Part 2
Story 41 - VMin Part 1
Story 42 - VMin Part 2
Story 43 - VMin Part 3
Story 44 - Jinkook Part 1
Story 45 - Jinkook Part 2
Story 46 - Taegi Part 1
Story 47 - Taegi Part 2

Story 8 - Jihope Part 1

450 7 0
By JillianThomas1

Top - Jhope
Bottom - Jimin

Jimin Point Of View

Being in BTS is amazing. I spend all day doing what i love. On stage and off stage by practising, meeting fans, hearing stories of how the fans found out about us and their favourite songs and moments. All of that and I'm able to do it all with my best friends/brothers. Best friends. Brothers. That's great but it's a downfall. I'm in love with Jhope. I have been for years. He is close to me but is closer to Jin and Yoongi. I have a strong feeling he likes Yoongi. We have moments when we practise one on one which I love. I live for it.

I've really not been myself. Others are noticing and I'm constantly getting into trouble. I'm good at dancing but I am getting mixed up, doing wrong moves whatever I'm doing is wrong.

After practice which went horribly wrong for me. I wanted to leave before anyone saw me but it didn't happen. All of them looked at me.

Taehyung and Jungkook know how I feel about Jhope. They have helped me so much like the time I've told them both about my feelings. The times I've been down about it and cried. They always comforted me. It was also the first time I told someone I am gay and I loved someone.

They looked worried and I knew what was coming. The others knew Taehyung and Jungkook are together but don't know about me.

'I think it's time you tell them Jimin.' Jungkook said.

'Tell us what?' Namjoon asked.

Taehyung was about to say something but I cut him off.

'Don't. Please.' I whispered, starting to feel tears in my eyes.

'Jimin. Why are you crying?' Jin asked with worry.

'Nothing. Absolutely fine.' I said.

'Liar.' Jungkook replied immediately after.

'Don't Jungkook. I swear.' I said, trying to sound harsh but I sounded pathetic.

'Why Jimin? You know the others were fine with Taehyung and me. They will be for you too.' Jungkook said and I started to feel like I was breaking.

'Thank you very much Jungkook. Also thank you for making me regret trusting you by telling you my feelings. Also telling you my sexuality.' I said crying. I grabbed my stuff and left.

'Don't follow me. I now have realised I can't trust anyone and need to be alone. Like always.' I said before leaving.

I went into another dance room. I threw my bag next to the sofa and slid down the wall. I love someone who I don't even know if he's gay and if he is he probably doesn't feel the same as I do.

I cried silently which I'm good at now. All the pain of hiding that I was gay and also liked someone in the group will be out in the open. The pain of loving someone who doesn't love you and probably is straight will be out and I can cry.

After like 30 minutes which felt a lot longer I turned on the music full blast and I will practise, practise and I will practise more. I didn't notice anyone coming in because I wasn't paying attention to the door but also I was too focused on learning the parts I messed up and completing them. I will not leave until all the mistakes I made are gone and I can do the full dance without mistakes.

I only realised someone was in the room when the music turned off. At first I thought I went deaf but I looked in the mirror and saw Jhope standing holding his bag. He looked like he was crying.

Jhope Point Of View

For a while I have noticed Jimin's behaviour. At first he was messing up some of the dances. He was really tired a lot so I thought he was pushing himself too far again and was messing up and being tired because of that but I was wrong. After what happened just now I wanted to run to Jimin and hug him.

I have a crush more like love him as in more than my brother. Jin and Yoongi have been helping me or trying to by seeing what he does around me to see if its different. How I could approach him with it. I don't even know if he is gay. I could be doing this all for nothing and wasting my time but I'm hopeful. Especially after just now.

I was getting my things to go after him but got stopped.

'Where are you going?' Tae asked.

'To Jimin. I want to make sure he's okay. He hasn't been himself for months and it's time for that to change.' I replied.

'I don't know if it's a good idea.' Jungkook said.

'Why not. He's hurt and you want me to not do anything.... I love him.' I said just when the music from another dance studio turned on really loudly. Jimin.

'What did you say?' Namjoon asked.

'I Love Jimin. I love him more than a brother. I want him.' I said yelling because of the music.

'Are you serious? You're telling me Jimin has been hurting for nothing?' Tae said.

'What do you mean?' I asked puzzled.

'He loves you Jhope. Has for a while, maybe even years.' Tae said.

'When we noticed something was wrong he told us and we have been trying to help him. No one knows he's gay apart from us until now. He didn't want to get hurt but in doing so he was hurting himself more.' Jungkook added.

'All this time Jimin has loved me like I love him and no one told us how the other felt?' I replied.

'2 of you guys knew about Jimin and 2 of you guys knew about me. Both of us have been suffering because you guys are such great friends that promised not to tell but in doing so we suffered a lot more if it didn't happen. I'm happy but also sad.' I said.

'If what you said is true, then go after him. He loves you so much Jhope.' Jungkook said.

'I know he will be so happy that you feel the same. He will be in heaven. He's loved you for a long time. By your reaction I'm guessing you feel the exact same way.' Taehyung continued.

'Can I go to him now?' I asked and everyone nodded and I was hearing excited squealing the closer I got to the door.

I went to the room Jimin was in. He looked so tired and his eyes were red. I'm sure he cried his heart out. He didn't notice so I turned off the music. I was in tears.

He finally looked up into the mirror and saw me. I dropped my bag beside his.

'Jhope what happened why are there tears in your eyes?' Jimin said in a sweet loving voice.

'I'm okay. I got the best news I could ask for. My crush. The love of my life loves me back.' I said and I saw Jimin's face drop. I was going to tell him but I wanted to know his reaction.

'Oh nice. Umm congrats on that.' He said really sadly but trying to be happy. Oh so cute.

'You don't want to know who he is?' I asked and I saw him even more sad.

'I didn't know you were gay. Anyway I don't need to know. If you love him like you say and he does back it's good. As long as you're happy and he treats you right. That is all I care about.' Jimin replied and I felt like crying again.

'You are so sweet... Baby.' I said.

'Why did you call me that? The person you're talking about won't be happy you said that to someone... especially... who's your... brother.' Jimin said the last part slowly. I saw he was trying not to break in front of me.

'I'm talking about you baby. You're the love of my life that loves me back in the same way I love you.' I replied softly.

Jimin had his head down not looking at me before I said what I said. I moved to him. I placed one hand on his waist and the other on his check and he immediately leaned into my touch.

'Baby. Look at me please.' I said softly. I heard a sniff and he slowly looked up. I didn't give him a chance to say anything and I smashed my lips onto his.

His lips are soft and perfectly fit mine.

...To Be Continued...

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