A story of a girl, who never...

By 1kemmaxkurro1

28.2K 767 86

This is a story I started to make on google docs about a few months ago so I wanted to put this up on wattpad... More

character info๐Ÿ•บ (updated version)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7 ๐Ÿ˜
chapter 8
chapter 9
character info 2 ๐Ÿ•บ
character info 2 (part 2 )
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12 ๐Ÿ˜
Chapter 14 ๐Ÿ˜
chapter 15
a/n (authors note)
Christmas special! pt 1๐Ÿ˜
Christmas special! pt 2 ๐Ÿ˜
chapter 16
character info 3
A/N again-
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Christmas special pt 1
Christmas special pt 2 ๐Ÿ˜
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23 ๐Ÿ˜
chapter 24
chapter 25 ๐Ÿ˜
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31

chapter 13 ๐Ÿ˜

905 24 2
By 1kemmaxkurro1

                                                                          POV: Iona 

(I had just decided to change this whole chapter since its pretty confusing to me at least, since I had forgot some things here and there, but don't worry the smut will be here this time ( ̄3 ̄)

I grumble as I have a boner, see I have this stupid thing because I was thinking about Egypt, in a more adult kind of way.

 But other from that I'm currently in my office, pretty annoyed by the fact that Hector, my father keeps calling me about some stupid stuff I could careless for, see I'm here on a mission to kill this criminal in the prison as a undercover cop but we still have yet to find out what we should get him in prison for, we could put illegal weapons on him, drugs, and much more, but we also need to find out how he gets caught, because every time I even list one of my ideas my father finds it stupid which is very annoying. 

I groan as my father calls me for the 10th time I grumble before picking up phone.

 (Bold Hector)  

          "Finally, you decided to pick up the damn phone."

I roll my eyes and say, "yes I did now don't make me regret it.

"Yes, yes, whatever I could careless, now did you ever do anything I had told you to do? like looking into it?

I sigh before opening my laptop I turn into the persons criminal files I raise a brow, a college student? odd. 

"Did you hear me?!" my father's stupid voice yells into the phone making me take it off my ear and rub my temple. 

"Yes, I did, a college student but I can't seem to find which one, it seems they were smart enough to put up some kind of firewall so people can't see this information.

I say, "Alright go ask one of those stupid workers of yours to look more into it.

I roll my eyes before saying, "Sure, I'll do it right away."

I hear him let out a sound of approval before hanging up the phone, not even a bye or a I love you, before hanging up the phone. 

I just rub my closed eyes tiredly before turning off my phone I then close my laptop before sitting up and leaving my room running into Goldy I pet his head before walking away from him I then walk over to my kitchen before eating some grapes I got from the fridge.

I hop on my counter continuing to eat my grapes. 


After a few hours I finally decide to go visit Egypt I had gotten some things done also in the meantime, like giving off the information to my father's people, trying to see if they could crack the firewall, I was unable to do. 

I then walked over back to my room since I was in my living room playing with Goldy, once inside my room I grabbed my phone and called Egypt, 

(bold Egypt) 

"Hey Iona!" 

Egypt's chirpy voice said as she answered the phone, I smile before saying "Hello lovely, how are you doing?

"Good! what about you?" 

I smile, "I'm doing very good love." 

I hear Egypt squeal in delight I laugh a bit and ask, "What are you squealing for lovely?"

"Just some funny videos Angel sent me."

I roll my eyes unamused, I've heard of this Angel before by Egypt many times they seem to be friend or even best friends, though I don't like it I can't control Egypt's life no matter how much I want to sexually touch her and tease her all day as punishment to be talking about Angel even once, yes, its controlling but at least I'm honest.

I clear my throat before saying, "that's fun lovely, anyways getting off that terrible topic let's get to talking about some other stuff, like me fucking you per say?

I chuckle hearing Egypt gulp she then nervously says, "Maybe another topic?" 

I laugh before saying amused, "Maybe not?

Egypt grumbles out, "How about yes?" 

I then say back not losing at this little battle, "Hm, I think no

Egypt sighs before giving it, it isn't she was uncomfortable I could tell from her voice; it was more of a little playful battle. I smile before saying, "How about I come over and we can speak more on the topic then?

Egypt giggles before saying, "Sure I'll tell my mama you're coming over." 

I chuckle and nod, "See you there lovely." 

I then hang up the phone and turn it off, I then put my phone down and walk out my room I grab my black combat boots before petting Goldy and walking out my house, after grabbing my keys and apple watch and phone. 

I might ask how I know where Egypt lives well, she not only shares her live location with me, but I also have a friend who lives in this neighborhood.

I then walk over to my car soon getting into the black BMW, I then turn on the engine and drive off to Egypt's house, after about a few hours I make it there it was a kind of long trip but it's fine I'll do whatever I need to do to get to Egypt, even if it is stupid. 

I then text Egypt telling her I'm here, I park my car across the street once out my car I look over across the street to see Egypt with a big smile and waving at me, such Innocent acts when I'm about to basically fuck her. 

I laugh at my own thoughts before walking across the street after looking both ways, once by Egypt I kiss her temple and say, "Hello lovely." 

Egypt smiles brightly, "Hi! I'll take you to my room!"

I nod and follow after her up the stairs after greeting her mother, she was a nice woman, long curly hair, like Egypt's, brown eyes, like Egypt's as well, they shared most features but, some were different.

Egypt takes my hand as we both walk into her room, I close her door and lock it, I then take a moment to look around her room, band posters up, a lesbian hanging above her bed, her computer and desk by her bed, a black office chair there, and on the other side of the room a tv hanging on the wall, and LED lights around her whole room.

Her room was simple but nice, it had a nice comforting feeling, but I could see she had some stuff packed up in her half-closed closet, I then turn to a nervous Egypt who must have watched my eyes looking around her room. 

I then kiss her nose making a red tint paint her face, I smile before saying "your room is very pretty lovely.

Egypt laughs and smiles, "thanks! I have yet to see your room." she says teasingly, I smile once more and kiss her nose again, "soon lovely soon.

I say before sitting down beside her on the bed, I then take her small hands into my slender ones I then kiss the side of her face before saying, "you're so pretty love." I say before pinning her down on the bed. 

"And so fuckable

I say before kissing and sucking on her neck gently, soon nibbling softly. 

Egypt's warm hands tangle in my hair letting out soft moans, she then squirms slightly, impatient and eager. 

"Patience lovely" I say softly before going back to what I was doing. 

Egypt whines and squirms more in protest, I laugh before saying softly, "Again patience lovely."

I then take off her top, then kiss her shoulders and breast after taking off her binder, "mmm..." 

A small moan came out of Egypt's mouth, I smile before continuing. 

"Not so loud love." I remind her remembering her mother being here, Egypt nods slowly before saying, "please..." Egypt says softly, I smirk. 

"Please what? use your manners lovely." Egypt whines loudly clutching onto my black shirt before saying. 

"Please touch me..." her soft voice whispers, I nod before taking off her pants.

being met with her SpongeBob boxers I chuckle, "don't tease! SpongeBob is the best show ever!" she says defensively crossing her arms. 

I laugh before saying, "Okay, okay, I'll let this pass, but don't think I won't tease you about it later." 

I say with a smile, Egypt huffs before giggling herself she then props herself on her arms before kissing me I smile and kiss her back soon the kiss becoming heated as I rub her boner, making her let out soft moans in the kiss. 

I remember to be gentle this is the first time were having sex in real life that is, we've only had phone sex once, "Are you comfortable love?

I ask, Egypt nods and soon says, "just touch me please.

she basically begs, I smile before nodding I then take her member out of her boxers, I stare at it a bit before kissing the tip of it and sucking softly, soon taking the inches into my mouth as I deep throat her, making Egypt of course lay her head down on her pillow and moan in her hand, the moans being muffled. 

Her member continuously hitting the back of my throat, Made Egypt let out more moans, them soon turning into whimpers as I felt her member twitch, I gag slightly feeling her seed go down my throat. 

I then sit up and kiss Egypt she moans as she tastes her own seed in her mouth. 

I then break the kiss before saying, "how would you rate that?" I say teasingly. 

Egypt smiles before saying, "hmmmmm 5/10!" 

I raise a brow, "oh really now?" 

Egypt giggles mischievously, "mhm

I then smirk seeing her tease me, I then suckle on her nipples before saying, "how about we make that 5 into a 10 hm?

Egypt has a big blush on her face before nodding, "S-Sure." 

she stutters nervously, I then kiss her tip before licking my lips I then say, "let's get down to business then, shall we?" 

Egypt blinks and nods. 

(Updated version of chapter 13 complete! I think I might rewrite the other chapters too as I update them since I found rewriting this chapter fun, but as always hope you all have a good day/night!)  

(I forgot to put the word count 😓) 

||Word count: 17332||

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